Chapter 18- Dan Sensei
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Friday Morning, Nine am 
Ko awoke in the safe apartment groggy and disoriented. As he sat up on the bed he rubbed his eyes trying to fight off the powerful painkillers Dr. Ola gave him. Although his arm hurt his mood proved surprisingly upbeat. 
“Damn, these drugs are something,” He muttered checking his phone. Two text messages, one from Gun Kae, and the other one from, "Dan?" 
Gun Kae’s message read: Sat on club location, did not see Jun-Seo, but I’ll call you soon. 
“Ok,” Ko muttered, he’d deal with that later. The second message from Dan read: Hi Ko, give me a call when you wake up. Kayla asked about you. He immediately pressed ‘call’ on his screen. 
Dan’s phone rang twice before he picked up. “Hello, Ko? How are you man? I heard you had a rough night and had to see Dr. Ola.” 
“Yeah, I’m better now. How do you know Dr. Ola?” Ko asked, surprised. 
“Uhh, we met once,” said Dan, “But anyway Kayla wanted to see you so I was gonna say, if you're feeling up to it, we’re going to the indoor park in Chelsea Piers-” 
Ko snapped awake. “Of course, I’ll be there, just tell me what time!” Swollen arm and all, he meant it. 
Two Hours Later 
When Ko arrived at Chelsea Piers the size of the indoor facility shocked him. The multi acre gymnasium contained basketball courts, an ice hockey rink, rock climbing walls, and most important, a track for kids to ride their bicycles. 
“Ko!” Kayla screamed, racing her pink and white bike as he entered the gym. 
“Kayla!” He hugged her. “Hello little one, I see you can ride your bike now!” 
“Almost, I still need the training wheels. But Ko, Dan said you were in a car accident!” she yelped. 
“Oh, don’t worry little one, it was just a fender bender. Nothing serious. Now where’s Dan?” 
“He’s getting us pizza.” 
“Pizza?” Ko frowned, spotting Dan waving at him from a take out line. “How American,” he grumbled. 
Papa Dan 
After joining Dan at the food court the three sat down for pizza. But Kayla shuffled her feet, “Dan, can I ride my bike on the track?” 
“Oh?” Dan looked over at all of the children riding around. “Sure honey, but stay on this side so we can see you, don’t go all the way around.” 
Kayla frowned, “I don’t think I can make it all the way around.” 
“Yes you can!” Dan tussled her hair, “That’s why Ko and I don’t want you to go too far, so we can watch you!” 
Kayla glanced at Ko and blushed. “Ko! Watch me!” 
“I will little one!” He smiled. 
Kayla hopped on her bike and took off straight from their table to the track. And when she got going she leaned on each training wheel from left to right. Dan and Ko chuckled. 
“Heh heh, almost there,” said Ko. 
“Yeah, don’t worry. A few more days and she’ll be racing the Tour de France,” Dan joked. “Hey Ko, I don’t mean to pry or anything, but what’s your relation to Kayla?” 
“Hm?” The random question threw Ko off. 
“Well, as you must have guessed by now, I’m fully aware of Reyna and Rica’s occupations. And I know you work in that same field,” said Dan. 
Ko wasn’t sure where the conversation was going but Dan didn’t seem the judgemental type. “What’s your question, Dan?” he asked. 
Dan fidgeted but kept a smile. “Usually in your world, everything is business. So my question is what’s your angle here, Ko? I mean, it’s obvious you’ve developed an attachment to Kayla-” 
“-I don’t have an angle, Dan. But she’s an orphan now, and I-” Ko stopped talking, refusing to say more than he should. 
Dan nodded, glancing at Kayla riding her bike with two other children on the track. “Well the reason I ask is because Reyna and I know that Kayla is an awesome little girl who deserves to not be caught in a gang struggle with people who won’t love her, and who may hurt her.” 
“Ah.” Ko caught Dan’s intention. “Dan?” 
“Are you saying you and Reyna want to adopt Kayla, and raise her as your own?” he asked. 
“Mmm.” Dan lowered his eyes. His expression sought deliberate words. “Ko, Reyna and I would very much like if you could be a part of this, because Kayla loves you. She talks about you so much you’d think you were her blood brother.” 
“Oh.” Ko blushed, “I feel like I am.” 
“Yeah? How long have you known Kayla?” Dan asked. 
“A little over a month.” Ko paused, unsure if he should continue. But no, after all Dan and Reyna have done for him he owed an explanation. “Kayla’s late father was my boss, and he adored her and took her everywhere. Even to places where children shouldn’t be, around killers.” 
“What about her mother?” 
“She died. Her father never said the cause.” 
“Oh, that’s rough.” 
“Yes it is, but Kayla liked talking to me. I guess because I was the youngest person she knew. And I won’t lie, she reminded me of myself when I was her age. But the only difference was..” He paused. “The difference was I had nowhere to go when my mom was killed. And now I don’t want that same fate for Kayla.” Ko spoke in a sad whisper. But to his own surprise, he felt no apprehension confessing to Dan. 
“Ko, I hear you. And I guess that’s why I’m asking if Kayla could stay with us. I mean, unless she has other family-” 
“No!” Ko barked. “Kayla has no other legitimate family who loves her.” He fumed at the prospect of Jun-Seo trying to take her. “And anyone who claims otherwise-” He trailed off. Not wanting to say to Dan that he would murder Jun-Seo Kim if he ever saw him again. 
“Well, I guess you’re not against the idea of her staying with us?” Dan asked. 
But Ko hesitated. He wanted to answer Dan with a thought out reasoned response. But his heart raced with raw emotion. In his gut Ko saw himself capable of raising Kayla to be an educated and respectful Korean lady. Even if it meant leaving the criminal life, and becoming a single parent. However, that scenario was illogical, selfish, and dangerous. Ko knew that. But still, he couldn’t answer Dan with anything more than: 
“I don’t know.” 
Dan nodded, “I understand. And I apologize. It wasn’t fair to spring that question on you like that. But Ko.” 
He looked at Dan, “Yes.” 
“Please believe me when I tell you, you can’t fight the world alone especially with a child. And I know there are bad elements that don’t want the best for you or Kayla. But imagine just for a second, that all those external gang problems get solved, by you and Rica. Then what?” Dan stared at Ko, “Then what do you do with a bright little girl who should be given the best opportunity for a life? Hmm? You can’t take her to Korea.” 
Ko hesitated to answer, “I-I’ll.” 
“What? You’ll think of something? Heh heh, yeah I’ve been there!” Dan chuckled, “So tell me, Ko. Have you thought of a way to tell her her father is dead yet? Or are you gonna keep putting it off?” 
Gut Punch. 
Ko winced as Dan pulled his card. He called Ko out for not having a plan, options, or even a clue on how he would take care of Kayla once the dust settled. Hell Ko didn’t even have the heart to tell the child the truth about her father’s death. 
“I’m a coward only good at killing people,” Ko whispered to Dan, and to himself. 
Dan tilted his head at Ko and laughed, “Haha! Aw man bro, you are no coward, and you have no idea how good your options are right now, do you?” 
Ko glanced at him with a blush. In Dan’s whole sentence he heard one thing, bro. “Dan, if Kayla stayed with you and Reyna-” 
Before Ko could finish Dan placed a hand on his shoulder and gazed at him with the oddest expression, “Don’t you worry none. For I will not allow Reyna and Rica to train Kayla to become a Rifle Girl!” 
“Eh?” Ko looked at Dan confused, “Why the heck not? Rifle Girls are cool!” 
“What?” Dan yelped, “No, no! Rifle Girls are not cool, they-” 
“I’m kidding, Dan,” Ko said with a straight poker face. 
“Eeep! You’re just like Reyna and Rica!” said Dan pointing at Ko. 
“Hmm,” Ko grinned evil, “You’re probably right about that part.” 
“Hunh? Why would you say that?” Dan asked with a confused look. 
“Because I was raised and trained by a Rifle Girl.” 
Dan’s draw dropped, “What? Are you shitting me?” 
“No.” Ko wasn’t lying. 
“Wait, that means, there are more girls like Reyna and Rica on the planet?” 
“Yes. And all of their names end with with the letter, A. 
“Really? So what was your teacher’s na-” 
“You mean Sensei. And her name is Shizuka the Hunter. Her sigil is, hawk 鹰.” 
Dan stared slack jawed at Ko. “Wow. I mean, how come Reyna never told me?” 
“Because Rifle Girls typically aren’t friendly with each other. Competition and all.” 
“Hunh!” Dan slumped in his chair, “And to think I had the world figured out. But that means Kayla with her name-” 
“Kayla’s name, age, intelligence, and latent beauty make her an ideal candidate for Rifle Girl training by Reyna. Just like Rica was,” said Ko. “And if you say to Reyna: The best Rifle Girls, start young. She’ll look at you as if you read her mind, heh heh!” Ko deadpanned chuckled. 
“No!” Dan shook his head, “That’s not gonna happen with Kayla. I don’t want that for her. Do you?” He looked at Ko. 
And Ko stared back at him with a cruel grin, before promptly changing the subject, “Speaking of strange things, Dan. How exactly did you tame Reyna?” 
“Tame Reyna?” Dan frowned, “I think you mean how did a square like me end up with a hot villain like her?” 
“Yes!” Ko looked him dead in his face, “How’d you do that?” 
“Pfft!” Dan burst out laughing, “Haha, aw man you’re funny. Well first thing is I didn’t tame her, she’s still wild as fuck! But I love her anyway for who she is. But let me tell you a secret Ko, a secret men don’t always know about women.” 
Ko was all ears, “Please enlighten me, Dan-sensei!” 
“That’s right!” Dan pointed his finger up at the compliment. “Now, ahem: Men require assurance as women require security,” said Dan. 
“Oh! How mystic,” said Ko, “But what does it mean?” 
“It means, young Jedi, that in a relationship men want to feel like they’re doing a good job, they want that assurance from their woman. Pats on the head and great sex. But women, they’re base is security. And little bro if you can’t provide for a girl, build a nest and prove you have a future, then that chick is gone!” 
“Oh! No money, no honey?” asked Ko. 
“Amen brother, you get it now!”   
“I see!” said Ko as he and Dan slapped five at the table, so lame. “So that means I should secure a future.” 
“Well I shouldn’t have to tell you that. Because Ko, I really don’t think your current occupation is sustainable. And I feel you should, you know, look a little further down the road.” 
“Hmm!” Ko nodded, agreeing with Dan. It’d been a long time since a real adult imparted good wisdom to him aside from the usual criminal element he dealt with. “Hey Dan?” 
“I think you’ll be a great father.” 
“Oh!” Dan looked out at the track. “Thanks Ko. And uh, I’d actually love to be one, someday. What about yourself?” 
“Me?” Ko’s eyes popped open, “Mm, well.” He also looked out at the track and spotted Kayla riding with a group of little kids, smiling and happy. “I guess so.” 