Chapter 2: Stranger Than Fate
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Chapter 2: Stranger Than Fate

"What are you?" An voice ask me, when i open my eyes i saw that i was in a white room and the woman who ask was standing right infront of me.

Beautiful and full of elegance, with long purple hair reaching her waist, paired with crystal clear violet eyes.

I wss confused by the question she asked "what am i?" I repeat it out loud.

"Yes, you arn't from this world are you?" How did she know?

"How did you know?" I ask "was i too loose with my actions?"

She chuckled "no that isn't the problem, it obviously to me you weren't invited into this world" this world? I look around, this doesn't seem to be Sif or Earth. "Not this private space, i dragged you here to talk to you on this matter so you don't need to be worried about being invited here"

If it's not this world than "Sif?"

She nodded "yes, may you tell me who you are?" She ask politely.

She already knows iam not supposed to be here so why not "Carnell Sky, i died while hiking a mountain and was reincarnated into Silver" the last part was unnecessary as she probably already known long before even me.

"May i know what your planning to do?"

My plan? "I want to explore Sif, back in my old world, it's the thing i loved doing" it's will be sad to leave every to explore but that's what i want to do, a Wounder is what my wife used to call me.

Still, their is a part of me that wants something, a sick part that wants the impossible, but i just can't understand it.

I wounder where she is now, well we ever meet again and can she ever forgive me for leaving so early? If only i could, i'll give anything to return to them.

"Hm, your not the man i thought you were" she said crouching down to me "but you are interesting, in the future i want to hear some story's of your tails than" with a smile she sent me off, i began to dissipate into small light. "Well that is all, pardon me for my rudeness in dragging you here and shooting you away so abruptly" It didn't hurt in anyway, it just left wierd like when you drink some coke and that tangling feeling comes.

"No matters" i reassure her "it nice to let go of some of these secrets sometimes" i feel like i should be the one thanking you.

Before i completely disappear she told me one more thing, "as an apology, i'll give you a gift that will help you in the near future" confused by the sudden gift i hadn't got the chance to think or thank her before i return to my room.

Outside it was still midnight with the stars and moon shined brightly though the window. On my right hand under the thin blanket something glowed, so i lifted it up to see what it was, an symbol was present like an tattoo, silver in color and shaped like a clock it was simple but escalating.

Staring at it woundering what it was, the long minute hand ticked, was it a lateral clock? I waited another minute and the hand moved again.

Her gift was a clock? Well it will be useful if i knew time here, but this was the same 24 hour system on Earth, will it work on Sif?

From the clock it was 12 AM about to turn PM.

Is it permanently on me? As i ask that question, as if to show me, clock fated away into my skin.

What? Can i bring it back? The answer was yes, it seem a simple thought can bring it back and make it disappear again.

That's really interesting.

Well i did't feel like sleeping anymore, maybe i should exercise my new right of leaving the house?

Sneaking out of the house was a bit easy as Mother and Father were making a ruckus in there room, Aqua was a deep sleeper so i was pretty much free.

Outside the cold prematures the air, over the years here my body has adapted to this type of weather, as long as it wasn't snowing, just an simple coat will be fine.

Walking to the beach i took in the view, the stary night and beautiful sea, both have yet to be tanted by pollution and are able to truly be admired.

As i was admiring the view my ears picked up something, somebody was here, looking over to where it came from, i see 4 people laying on a blanket huddled in two groups. Couples?

I've seen them around, their were 2 man and 2 woman, from the two male it was Shin and Darwin, and the two woman were their wife, Sakara and Martha.

Very Easter name Shin and Sakara have, even their hair match the black color most asians have, when i first saw them pass our house i mistaken them as Asians but after hearing their fluent speaking i drop the idea.

I shouldn't disturb them, i told myself before turning around and walking back to the house.

As i do, an pair of hand grabbed my waist and lifted me up.

What?! Iam being kidnapped?!

Looking down at who did it, it was a Beastkin, a blue Catkin know as Martha.

Beastkin was just the universal term for someone with animal like appearance in Sif. Born with much more strength than human and animal like senses, they are fit for more direct conflict.

Their was only one book about them in the storage so i have almost no knowledge on them beside the types of Kin's listed.

But right now iam being kidnapped by Martha who was shouted "Look what i caught!" And running back to the group.

"Wait!" I shouted to no avail, i couldn't do much because she was manhandling me above her head and had a nice grip on my waist.

She dropped me infront of the three more matured adults before grabbing me again to use as a hugging pillow. Iam not a fucking toy damn cat!

I try to escape but i was far to weak to match her unbelievable strength, "Darwin isn't he cute?!" She ask her other half.

"Um Martha, can you let go of him?" Darwin, the blond haired and blue eyed man ask, a bit confused by the situation, and so was i.

"But i like him! I want to keep him!"

"I have my own family to return too!" I can't be an pet of another family!

"Martha he doesn't seem to like being held by you, here give him to me" Sakara got the first half but I can't agree to the last.

"No, no!" Like a toy i was passed to Sakara "let me go! I need to get home and sleep!"

Rubbing my hair she said "Now now dear, will let you go after you tell us who you are"

"Name's Silver, Father's Corl, Mother's Anny and sister is Aqua, now will you let me go?"

They all froze but luckily Shin coughed and spoke to clear the silence "your one impatient kid, why were you doing out here?"

"The same as you four, stargazing"

"Why didn't you do that from the house?"

"You think the atmosphere of indoor and outdoor are the same?" To get the full experience, you have to be there youself, not behind a window or house.

"You have one high vocabulary for a 5 year old" Darwin said.

"I've read books"

"Kid your not fooling us, atmosphere isn't a common use world and i doubt Corl and Anny have anybooks on astronomy"

Maybe i can still play it off "they do though"

"Let not beat around the bush okay Silver? We are all in the same boat as you, well expect Martha"

Same boat? Does that mean "you guys were brought here from Earth?" Shin, Darwin and Sakara nodded.

Sakara explains in more detail, "guess your from Earth too! Lucky! What year did you die in?"

"2000, why?" Was it coincident that i died at such a year?

"You don't know this but time on earth doesn't matter when you come to Sif, a person from the 2000's could be born on the same day as some in the 1800's when they cross over"

What? "Your saying coming here is a paradox?"

"There you go, your losing that act" Darwin said with an smile, "that is correct, ah right we haven't introduce ourself, iam Darwin! Reincarnator from The Roman Empire!"

"Roman? Your from that far back?"

"From your perspective, but to me, you guys are the real time travelers!" Getting reincarnated is much more complicated than i thought.

If someone from so far back can be brought here, than can't someone from the far future also be brought? That's a thought to ponder on about.

"I see" On the topic of reincarnation. "Why do Shin and Sakara seems more, earthly in appearance?" When coming here shouldn't they inherit features more akin to Sif's heritage? Right now they are more Asian than anything.

"Oh so you know our names" Shin pointed out, "well that's because their is more than one way to get to Sif" more than one?

"May you elaborate?"

Darwin nodded "have you ever heard of an portal or what these two call an wormhole?"

"Yes" i ain't to familiar but i know a bit from my years of devouring books. Wormhole connects two places, defying time and space and allowing someone to travel a space normally impossible in an instany, but it seem it doesn't just connect place to place but worlds to worlds.

"Good, these portal's are called Gate's here, they connect to other worlds, not just Earth, trust me" that's interesting to think about. "And those that come here using these Gates are called Travellers"

"Is that so? What incredible phenomenon, may i ask if these Gates stay open and is it possible to travel back?"

The three looked at each other before slowly nodding, "yes their is many still open Gates Silver" Sakara answers with heart broken voice "but it isn't as simple as you may believe, Gates mostly come in shapes that are considered microscopic, that humans could never move through them let alone a single cell, but their are few Gates that are big enough for us to fit through, but i advise you not to try, you can't peer pass the darkness that shrouds the Gate so you may never know where you may end up, in the end, the risk of you being stranded in another world is high, but even if you try your luck, you won't make it the moment you go in, since Gates defies the order of the world, order would naturally use all it's power to stop anything that involves defying it"

I was astonished, from how they talk about Gates they seem to know alot about it, but what does she mean by prevent? Will the world rip you apart?

Just as i made my guess Darwin shook his head "let me warn you Silver, never touch a Wormhole, even gods would dare touch one" gods? Were Gates that powerful? Well i got to admit Gates are as power as they are mysterious.

"I understand, but if Gates are so dangerous to cross, how did we get here?"

"Our souls are much sturdier than you think, they hold no mass or shape, allowing them to use much safer and smaller Wormhole"

"That doesn't explain Shin and Sakara, they kept their physical form when they arrive"

"Your an curious kid" Shin chuckles at my insatiable curiosity "well that because the Gate we came though was a bit special, unlike the naturally made ones that souls used to travel worlds, the Gate we came though was man made or artificial would fit more as it required the help of gods aswell as the spirit"

Sakara confirms what Shin was saying and add a bit more "in the end they summoned thousands from Earth, sadly their was a price to pay, after the ceremoning, their Mana and energy has died out and they started to fall, even the gods who performed had fallen, out of the 4 gods only 1 survived, the spirits had it much worse as all of them died right after, all in all it wasn't worth the sacrifice to summon us" ah they sound rather guilty of themselves, but i got to as, what was point of summoning them? Why go through all that effort.

"Was their a reason for them wanting to bring you here?"

They shook their head "a friend of my asked the same question, they told him it was just an experiment, but no one would believe that, but i have a theory" Shin explained "it might have something to do with the prophecy"


Hearing my question he quickly corrected himself "cough, i mean plan of theirs to create a new era, cough, you see they think by bring us here, we could help forward the world into a new age"

"I, see" but what was it about that prophecy? They seem rather unwilling to tell me about it. If so than lets just change the topic "do you guys know what this is?" I held by right hand up and reveal the glowing clock which was around 1 now, this was just a backdoor to a more pressing topic, the dream and the uninvitedness she told me around.

When they saw the clock appear Darwin spat out his drink and the other three looked flabbergasted. What's with that face? Does this symbol have a significant meaning? I look at it again see it truly was just an clock embed in my hand, magical but that was all.

"Silver how did you get that?" Shin ask almost in disbelief.

"Just a few hour ago i think, anyway i had a dream where i met an woman who said i was uninvited before asking me a few questions than gave me this"

"Dream?" Martha ask curiously poking my cheek "was it a Vision?"


Darwin nodded and inspected the clock while explaining what an Vision was "Visions are message from the gods" gods, their are said to be parietal of gods on Sif and they are more active than any god on Earth, walking around, giving prophecys and other things.

If their are gods on earth, they probably have a strict rule that doesn't permit them from interfering with mortal matters. Sif was the opposite were they might actually have rules that says that gods have to communicate with their followers once every year and make a public appearance sometime.

What an diverse ideology it is from Earth, where gods roam and the impossible can become the achievement for the greats. But i wonder.

"A out of the blue question, but is it theoretically possible to become a god?" That question boggled me ever since we were discussing about gods.

"Not really sure either but have you every heard of Isaac?" Darwin brought up a story i was familiar with.

"That is the reason i'am asking this question" in the house, their was a book that's called 'Tale's of Isaac' it telling of the life of Isaac, all the way from his birth, death and 'rebirth'. "Did he really ascend to the heavens?"

'Tale's of Isaac' tell of his many impressive feats more than 900 years ago, being recognized as the strongest human was a small step on his journey to fame. It all started with the invasion of the Demons from the East, they came with arms and the goal to enslave humankind.

From the chaos Isaac was born, a prodigy, said to be the savior of mankind. Back then, even before he was born, tales and prophets, tale of him.

The most famous was an oracle given by the goddess of light:

Fear not my children's,

For the world has blessed us,

A hero will raise from the ash of war,

Unparalleled in the art of the sword,

He shall cut the darkness with a sword befitting of the gods,

The shine of a million star reflects in his eyes,

As the mark of the wings illuminate all.

To summarize it up, Isaac, the hero will varnish the Demons and the oracle was right to the teeth.

From what i learn, Iscca's eyes were a rainbow of colors that shines even in the darkest of places and on his back was a pair of tattoo wings that growed with immense power.

The wings signifies a bird and how free they are as well as achieveing the impossible, that was to soar above the sky.

Gods can be easily compared to the legacy of flight, only so few have successfully taken off and bass in the power of flight.

In the story, Isaac was in truthfully an illusive person, no one ever truly knew he existed until an another war broke out between the human and demons.

He was caught in the cross fire and forced to expose himself, in the end he showed his worth that day by leading an losing and demoralized army to victory along with completely winning a battle against Tri, the 3nd in command of the demon army.

He achieve a act that no one thought could be done, afterward proceed to unite the 4 race together and force the demon to retreat into the Forbidden Land.

Even with the goal of driving the demons out completed, he made one last choice that will forever engrave him in the history books, that was to hunt an Elder Dragon that had terrorized the dwarfs.

With a party of 5 including him, each coming from different races and the strongest and brightest their is of the races. With them he successfully slayed the Elder dragon and return trumpet.

It was said it was during the celebration in the capital that his rebirth happened.

It was recorded in great detail. It says while greeting the crowd and group of god revealed themselves from the crowds and made a striking proposal.

"Join us in divinity, where you rightfully belong"

Isaac didn't answer admittedly, he knew what it meant to join them, he would have to give up all his mortality and i would be the same. Will you give up being you, to become god?

But after a month, Issac made up his mind and accepted the deal and ascended to godhood, a feat never recorded in over a 1000 years.

It was said during his ascension, the wing on his back sprouted and filled the air with divine power before he took off along with the gods to heaven.

It was such an intriguing story, an man ascending to godhood, something that was thought to be impossible but time and time again Isaac shows how he could achieve the impossible.

"Who really knows?" Shin looks up to the stary skys and than ask me in return "do you believe in mercies Silver?"

Miracles hm? "Everything has a reason behind it, i believe miracles are just another word to describe the unknown, a word to just fill in the unknown"

"I see, than you think we were all brought here by fate?"

"Fate? Maybe, maybe" if you three are brought here by fate, what about me? I don't seem to belong here, even the goddess seem unclear about why iam here.

"Hey don't be so down! Fate and luck are already on your side!" Darwin slammed my hair and ruffled it around.

"Luck hm?" i was truly lucky, being able to live again. Was this my redo? Or something else? Do i live my life freely and abandon responsibility or focus on my redemption of my past life?

"Silver we are given a new start, a chance to wash away regret and create new one, no matter what you do with your life, you must do it without regrets" Dawin pointed to my chest "no matter how wrong or foolish it maybe, follow it, that is my advice to you"

Follow my heart? What is it that i truly seek? The wounders of the world? To live without regret? No it was something else, that's right, that boy, that kid i saw before i died, that moment was engraved in my mind, but as time pass it became covered in a thick fog.

I want to see him, to see my son and see what kind of man he becomes. "Would it be foolish and naive to wish to return to Earth?" Even if it was for a brief moment i want to just see if he was living his life to the fullest. Maybe if i get the chance, apologize to my family for leaving so soon. If i can achieve that, than my new life would never be a waste.

Darwin let out a booming laugh "go for it Silver! But if you ever succeed please tell us!"

"Are you going back?" Martha who was silently relaxing the whole time, ask.

"Ofcourse not! I have much to live for here! Like you!" Watching the two love birds hug and rub hair's, a long forgotten smile appeared.

Your right Darwin, i should shoot for the stars, because it would be a waste if i don't.


On the sandy beach of the village i stood ready with an wooden sword, infront of me was Scarlet wielding her very only wooden basturd sword wearing a smirk as usual. From the side line Aqua sat in silence waiting anxiously for the battle to commies, aside from her we were the only people at the beach.

After last night, i found a new purpose other than to just be an 2ed child, their was a dream i wish to achieve. A dream that requires my all and this is my first step, to best the opponent infront of me.

Stepping forwards i kicked the sand behind me and ran towards Scarlet. She was calm and unfazed by this, as iam sure she knew i would be the one to take the first step.

Readying my sword, i threw it out towards Scarlet's chest as my height prevented me from going any higher.

I was in the disadvantage i know, two year older and she has already been training long before me, even so i wouldn't just give up without a fight.

She easily parries my sword but i wasn't done, i spined the sword counterclockwise over my head catching her a bit off guard. Even with that, she simply just moved her sword to block it as before.

Next i tried the same move which just after seeing it two times, Scarlet had learned it like the back of her hand so she had an easy time blocking it. But to her surprise i swapped stance and curved my blade down and made an uppercut. She was unable to caugh it so she was force to jump back, though she had been pushed back, an smile was still plastered on her face showing how much fun this was all to her.

Even i myself seem to be enjoying this, i felt the thrill of clashing, the adrenaline rush i get with every hit. It was a bit intoxicating, like hicking or deep sea diving, the two felt very similar.

Just as i was about to launch another attack i felt it again, the moment before i was being attacked. Like when i was dueling with Father, it came and could always be trusted, but the problem was whether my body could keep up.

It was simple downward swing from above which was easiest to counter. Looking up i see the sword coming down, i moved to the left and let the sword sid down my blade until it was freed where i made my counter.

Making another slash up to Scarlet's neck i could only gazed her as a cloud of sand was kicked up from the ground and blinded my vision. Shi-

Before i could finish thinking, a sidward slash came from the left, no that was a faint. When the sword suddenly changed course spinning around to my right, i was ready and made a successful block, but the force behind it was heavy as hell.

Thankfully it wasn't like Father's where it would break the wood and send we flying back.

The collision this time only sent waves though my body, but i had no time to stop the motion as the sword spun again back to the original side.

At this point i knew Scarlet was using the move i used against her before, i didn't curse her for that or the spash of sand. Because everything is fair game and a litte foul play from a girl wasn't going to throw me into blind rage.

From blocking another incoming attack it had caused my body to tip a bit and Scarlet use this opportunity to not swing to the other side but make the hardest swing yet.

I couldn't take this, both my body and sword, if i do try and resist, the sword would snap and she would still land a solid hit.

With no choice i jump back out and watch as the sand fail revealing Scarlet's smile. She didn't seem like she would be attacking, instead she started talking about the fight "that was so fun right?!" Her eyes sparked at me which made me a bit uncomfortable.

I held down my sword and replied "yea, it was a bit fun"

"We should do it again! But this time we should use Aura!" Aura?

It peeked my curiosity, i've never seen Aura be use in combat, Father showed it off a few times to us but i could never fully understand. It's said their was two ways to gain an Aura, first, by awaking it and second, Marks.

Marks are a mysterious thing, it says that it is a gift from god to tell your fate. I wounder if the clock i got from the gods is considered a Mark.

But iam sure, i would not give up the opportunity to see it in action "sure, but i haven't learn to use Aura yet"

I ready my sword again causing Scarlet's eye to sparkle even more. "Than i shall show you Sil!" She shouted, from her right hand a grow of morning light sheps from her hand. Not only that, an armor of red light began to envelop around Scarlet's body as her hair started to seem weightless, floating in the air. "Than i shall go first!" She warned.

Kicking off the sand Scarlet had gain a huge boost in speed, almost as fast as Father before, but this time atless i could see her. In her wake she left an after image of red as well as an storm of dust.

Even with the burst of speed i could still predict her movement, and it says she would go for a stab right next to my neck. She wasn't going to actually attack my throat with such power, if she did i would of have been death.

Seeing i pretty much have no hope even if i pull out every trick i had so i just simply did nothing as the sword passed by next to my neck as seen before.

"Hm?! Why didn't you fight back?!" That's what you are complying about?

"Isn't it obvious? I have no chance to win against you, i would rather give up before any injuries than fight a hopeless battle"

"Than why did you say you wanted to fight?!"

"Because i wanted to see what your Aura look like" in truth i never would of expected Aura to give such an monuments increase in speed and power.

Scarlet dropped her sword and let down her Aura, but her right hand still glowed as bright as ever. Their was a strange mark on it that i never seen on her before, was it the result of using Aura?

"Scarlet can i see your right hand?" I ask.

"Sure? You curious about this Mark?" She held her hand up and showed the symbol on her hand, an bright scarlet star. So it is a Mark and it's way different from my gift which is a clock.

"Wow!" Jumping over to the area Aqua look at the scarlet star with excitement "where can i get one?!" You can't just get one just because you want one Aqua.

"Just imagine something appearing on you right hand!" Scarlet advised.

Aqua nodded and look at her right hand, she close her eyes and tried her best to conjure up an Mark, it was almost pitiful on how much she's tying.

"Wait Scarlet is your right hand domaint?" Than something popping in my head causing me to ask Scarlet that.

"Domaint?" She looks confused for a bit before answering "if you mean if i use my right hand more often than yes!"

"I see" my idea to at less stop the pitiful Aqua was the logic that Marks appear on the domaint hand. Both me and Scarlet was right handed while Mother, Father and Aqua was left which was awkward being the only right in your family.

Funny thing, i can work just as fine with my left but i just prefer my right on a practical level, but if i had to work, draw and write with my left hand, i would be just as effective. "Aqua try your left hand" i told her.

Aqua turn to her left hand and tried the same thing, to my surprise and grow of aqua blue started to appear until it was fully solidified into a blue star.

"Sil thanks!" As she was celebrating her achievement, Father and Mother along with Tommy return with some equipment and a picnic set? Seeing them return Aqua quick ran up to them showing off her new Mark "dad, mom, Uncle Tommy! Loo-" as she was running with her hands up, she wasn't paying attention to her steps and fell into the sand.

I though she would be dejected but she got right back up, clean herself before she continue running being more careful this time.

"Aqua what got you so excited?" Mother put down the picnic equipment on top of the sand dune over looking the ocean.

Aqua showed her the blue star with an big smile "look, look!"

"Great job for getting your Mark!" Mother picked her up and gave her a huge hug in celebration. Why do they sound so calm about Marks? In the books it's said that Mark's are rare as Mages, maybe even rarer.

Wow these two are born with everything now that i think about it, magic, talent and a Mark, what's nexts they are going to be princesses?

"Don't feel down Silver" Father said to me.

"What is their to feel down about? It's just a Mark"

He pause for a moment and ask a question "Silver do you want a Mark?"

"What are they be given out like candy?" i let out a sigh and told Father "beside i seem to already have one" i held my right hand towards Father and made the clock appear.

"What?!" He gasps my hand out of shock, how are you reactioning like this to my's but not Aqua's? Were sibling expectations that distances? "Tommy look at this!"

Tommy had the same reaction when he saw the Mark, was something going on? Was it the Mark itself, was a Clock special? "Can you explain why you two are being so surprise in the fact i have one? Because it seems Marks are just as common as left handed people"

"T-this Brat doesn't know the value of an Mark!" I can say the same for you old man, how can you be so unenthusiastic about Aqua's but blown up like a volcano with i have one.

"What is this clock special? Aqua and Scarlet seem to also have Marks"

"You! Corl! Your son knows no bounds in his mind!" What?

I look at Father to get a clear answer but i only hear him sighing and saying "your full of surprises Silver"

"Shouldn't Aqua also be getting the credit?" She is the one with all the talents.

"You'll understand once you get older" Father told me.


I can't believe my eye's, my Son, Silver we beyond my imagination. Ever since he was born he shown intelligence fitting for scholars which i know wasn't just because he was an Reincarnated individual.

He may not know this but having an Reincarnated individual in a family is a high honor, because they will usually bring forth greatness in the future.

As for Silver's future, it was something i can never understand or comprehend. A soulless boy that defiles all common sense and grew up to become something i would never imagine he would be.

When he was born i expected him to be crippled by his lacking soul or die right after and i was ready for those moments where i found those fatal flaws, but that never happened.

He grew up normal, no, exceed all my expectations. He was born with both first class Mana and swordsmanship talent, which would of have made him a rare and powerful gem in the world.

If he chose to walk down either path he would able to come a first class warrior or a Elemental Master in the end which was enough to gain anyones recognition.

When ever i see him in the small room bored, i wish we were back home, where he can rid his boredom with the books in Father's library. It's a pity such a gem is here, surrounded by two suns and other gems, if he was out in the world he would understand, but the more we find out about him, the more this gem shines brighter.

First his Precognition, a skill that allows him to predict the enemies next move. It's also an top notch Skill that any warrior would die to have, second, his Photographic Memory, he can perfectly recall anything he has seen which will make any Mage envious by being able to just take one glimpse at a book and learning it all in a matter of minutes.

Skills were like treasures, hard to get and sought after by many. When i saw his two Skills i was shocked beyond belief, was this really right? Was Silver really the one that is being over shined?

Next, the Mark, when i saw that clock appear in his hand i almost dropped to my knees and cried tears of joy, but iam his Father i shouldn't show such a side to him!

After the starfall 5 years ago, Marks were found to be common now, but Silver's case was odd.

During the shower we saw no comet enter him, this wasn't written in the books but Fate's Marks and God's Marks are two different things, Gods Marks are more commonly referred to as Blessings while the Marks that are the ones commonly referring to are Fate's Marks.

The only way he would of have gotten a Mark was though a god, but which god holds this Mark? Every god has an unique Blessing Mark, but i never heard of an clock like this. The closest it the god of time, and his symbol was an hour glass, not this shape, more odd was it ticked, i didn't notice it first until i saw it again after a few minutes pass.

What does this mean? An unknown Mark and mysterious powers. If he wasn't my son i would of have believed he was a demigod. Tommy and Anny had the same opinion as me, their was much more to Silver than we imagined, even now we are unsure if this is everything he has under his sleeves.


They are back at it again, since Ron has gone out of the village, Tommy and Corl has been bringing Anny as compassionate for their lost pal, but for the pass 2 days they have only been talking about a one topic.


Corl's and Anny's son, that mysterious boy. When he was dragged out into the night by Martha i was surprise. He acted like no normal boy i've seen and was rather smart when he isn't in a a pinch.

My first impresstion was he was going to be one of those rotten, normal, naughty boys but he was much more than that. An man longing for a meaning and reason behind his fate as Silver.

I was the same as him when i was younge, i died an peacefully death of old age, i was tried and wanted to have my eternal rest but by coincident i be reincarnated into Darwin. A boy born into a slave trader's house hold, not as a slave but as their owner.

I was confused, thought my life here was pointless to the point i almost killed myself, that was until i found a new purpose. Enter Martha, an CatKin that has been turned into a slave by her family.

I pity her and she showed me a new side of me, not my selfish self that does everything only for myself but for others.

When i was in Rome i loved cooking but never thought deeply about it, it was until i saw Martha's smile when i handed her my dish, than and there i knew it wasn't cooking that brought me joy, but cooking for other's.

It was than i decided to explore this new meaning of life. I convince my Father to give the slave store to my younger brothers and let me and Martha leave to start a new business.

Father even though he was an slave trader, didn't do it out of being sadistic, but out of necessity. He need money because he was in debt and found Slave trading as an answer, it was profitable and open to anyone as many didn't want to be associtated with being a slave trader.

When he heard this he gave me 4 years to create a stable business and using my knowledge of Earth i created Wild Treats, the name was chosen by Martha not me.

The business became stable just after 2 years, than i meet him, Shin, someone from the future that was transported to Sif.

They open up a small clothing store next to our and i admittedly knew they were from Earth, this was because people who came from Earth are sensitive to the unique air around other fellow Earthlings.

They were generous enough to tell me some food from the future and at that point, our relationship and business bloomed. In the end we both decided it would be nice to move out to this village because we couldn't deal with all those troublesome politics in the citys.

But never would i have imagine this village would be something much more than a nice vacation. It would be the brith of a legend and the center of attention in a few years.

Was i lucky or unlucky?

Letting out a sigh, Martha behind me massage my shoulder as i listen in on the 3's conversation about Silver.

"Never would i be so proud of my son!" After drinking a few beer and wine, Corl was crying face first into the table.

"You shouldn't be proud of that brat!" Tommy stated "his head is so loose at some point he will think north is south and south is north!"

"You know that will never happen" Anny told him "but i do worry about his common sense"

I couldn't help but join in, Silver was an interesting topic "common sense doesn't apply to those outside the norm, Anny"

"Darwin? Have you talk to Silver before?" Anny ask a bit surprised.

"Ofcourse, last night he snuck out of the house didn't you two notice?"

"W-we were asleep!" You sure Anny?

"Anyways, we had a little chat and i have to say, he's an special one indeed, maybe even more of a mystery than his sister" yes their were many odd thing about Silver, first his air, it wasn't the same as Earthlings, in fact it was so alien i almost thought he was from a different world if he didn't mention Earth.

Anny who seem most worry about Silver started asking some questions "did he say anything concerning?!"

"Not much for an reincarnator, have you heard of survivors guilt?"

"Is it common for Reincarnators?"

I nodded "yes like multiple personality disorder, it's very common, they think they had replaced the original and think they need to redeem themselves or pretend to be that person that never existed" i myself have had this problem.

"Is their anyway to help him!?" Anny shouted

"Their's two ways that i know of, first is one i don't recommend because for someone like Silver it will only increase the paranoia, that is to confront him, the other is to give them reason"


"Yes, as you know iam also an Traveller and i had a similar problem, how i over came it was by finding another propose this this new life" as i say that i cruise Martha's hair and look toward her with an smile "maybe you could pull off something similar, give him a reason to stay, i know this sound like manipulation, but it's better than what his goal is"

The three were startled """Goal?"""

"Yes, an almost unachievable one"

"To Ascend?!" Tommy eye's widen.

"If only"

"Than what is it?!" Corl demanded the answer.

"To travel back to Earth, even i think that's a ludicrous dream."


"That's insane!"

Anny and Tommy shot up from their seats, but Corl looked at them in confusion and ask "is that really harder than Ascension?"

"Corl!" Anny looked at her husband baffled "it's a family secret but did you know what it really cost for my grandfather to summon the 4 hero's?!"

"1000 mages still couldn't compare to a god"

"Pff, you dumbass!" Tommy stepped on the table and smashed a beer cup into Corl's head "you still haven't realized that was fake information?! I was there! I watch as 10000 Mages die along with the soul of three gods!"

What? Me and Corl had the same reaction. 10000 Mages? That was almost 30 percent of Mages in the country. Not only that, 3 god souls? How did they even get that?

Now Corl realizes how monumental it was to travel between worlds and what it really cost and he was hysterical "does he want to kill himself?!"

As the three's started bickering about what they should do i couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Martha life is just so strange isn't it?"

"Strange but loving deep down i think" hearing that i cracked a smile and look out towards the window, towards the nightly stars.

I pray you'll get a clue, Silver.


Vision- Usually comes in dreams but can also happen awake, but they are a chance to talk with a god. Still only few has had Visions on a regular basis because it involves great energy for the gods to do.

Wormhole- Mysterious holes in the world that is too small of any matter, atoms included, to see or pass through. They connect Worlds to Worlds and only a few hand full know the truth behind them.

Gate- Artificially made Wormholes that even the creators doesn't know how it works. [First created through a theory that had no backing, it somehow succeeded through sear, trial and error and force by the Dwarfs]

Reincarnated- Those that come from another world through a natural process by death.

Traveller- Those that come from another world, but has kept their body.

Tale's Of Isaac- A well known tale of an man that Ascended that is told throughout Sif.

God's Mark/Blessings- These Marks are still a rare type, they can only be grained by earning it from a god. The function and powers of Blessings are closely related to the power the god possesses, they allow the bearer to use a small portion of the gods power.

Fate's Mark- Before the Grand Ceremony, only one person had a this Mark, Isaac. Now these Marks are common in Sif and are commonly referred to as Role's. They work by allowing the user to tap into the power of their future self.

Side Notes About Travellers and Reincarnated individual- When passing through the worlds for the first time, many are bound to gain an Skill.


Bruh i almost forgot i told myself to try and post every Friday. To caught up in gacha and videos, well good thing i made it.

Another thing, yea, the chapters are getting longer each time. I thought this one was shorter than the first but i was wrong, but worst news for me, the next chapter is longer, yeah!

Well i hope my writing gets better and see you next Friday, or should i move the day? Tell me please.

Wait also if you catch any mistake or something that needs more context yell me out in the comment and i'll try my best to explain.

Bye for now.