Chapter 21.5 – Views On The Attack
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Chapter 21.5 - Views On The Attack



POV - A Certain Cultist Terrorist In Australia


In the past few weeks, after multiple super successful attacks on major cities, we’ve lost a lot of key figures around the world. I don’t know how it’s happening so fast; there must be someone powerful involved, but who?

Anyways, today, I sent out some men that recently arrived from the main cult to wreak havoc in a major mall. They were capable of unlocking their mana circulatory system through rigorous training after 5 years. The amount of time needed to train and use magic was crazy.

Either way, they should be back by now, but they were nowhere to be found.

With nothing left to do but wait; I turned on the TV to watch a new episode of the power rangers. As I switched through the channels, I saw something familiar.


The news showed the faces of the men from the main cult, who were supposed to wreak havoc in the major mall from before. After watching the news for an hour, I turned off the TV and began sighing.

“How… A child in a witch costume, capable of using magic… I need to report this to the main cult.”


POV - Beth


Today, I was supposed to meet an online friend together with my college friends. When I arrived with my friends to the pre-designated meeting place, the first thing that caught my eyes was a cute little girl, around 6th grade at most.

That online friend was a little girl who had a bodyguard. The little girl’s name was Charlotte, and her bodyguard’s name was Bella. I was surprised to see such an elegant girl from the higher classes play shooter games. I guess you can't judge a book by its cover.

I had to restrain one of my friends because he was a self-proclaimed loli enthusiast. I was a little worried since Charlotte looked scared, but everything went smoothly afterwards. After having a chat with Charlotte, I found out that she was surprisingly innocent. This totally fits my fetish.

I love to read romance mangas with super innocent, pampered rich girls. I couldn’t hold myself in and be normal anymore; I had to dress her up. Charlotte was a pure, untouched doll.

Everything was all fun and going well until an explosion caused mass panic. I wanted to run as well, but I felt like it was safer to stay here. Several suspicious men in black came into the store and began talking with Bella. They were likely bodyguards as well.

Charlotte was hidden away under a counter whilst her bodyguards took out their guns, preparing to shoot anyone at any time. I was panicking at how fast everything was moving, but it was safe to stay here were several armed guards were staying at. I doubt they’ll protect me or anything over Charlotte, but it was still better than going outside and potentially getting shot.

After some time, there were gunshots. Charlotte’s bodyguards were frantically searching for her after she disappeared. I started praying as well; I hope she didn’t go downstairs.

A few more minutes passed, and Charlotte walked out of the dressing room. The bodyguards were relieved, before saying something about a chinook on the roof. How powerful is Charlotte’s family? I thought chinooks were limited to the military!

We were dropped off at an airforce base, before catching a taxi home. I checked the news as soon as I arrived home.

{The military rescues and evacuates a few civilians using a chinook during the terrorist attack today. The terrorists were killed by a little girl in a witch costume, who used what looked like sci-fi magic.}

“Wait… Isn’t that Charlotte?”

I decided to keep my mouth shut for now. Next time I meet Charlotte, I’m going to ask her about this.