Chapter 25 – Kidnapping Of Charlotte 2
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This is multi POV so it should be side chapter, but I decided to make it normal chapter instead

Chapter 25 - Kidnapping Of Charlotte 2


POV - Charlotte’s Mom

I just heard something unbelievable from Bella.

“Why… No- how!?”

I wanted to vent my feelings on something, but I couldn't.

“I knew it! I should’ve never allowed my daughter to fall under your protection!”

“Please calm down! We will be rescuing her immediately! The young miss has a GPS attached to her! We will send out the special forces!”

“Give me a gun.”


“I said, give me a gun!”

Sitting around and crying will do nothing; it’s better for me to go and vent my anger on the source. I had a firm tone; there was nothing anyone can do to prevent me from saving my daughter.

“I’m sorry, but you’ll be in the way.”

“My skills are not good enough, huh? Fine, I’ll go in alone. Give me the location of my daughter.”

“Haaa. We will let you come along, but you’ll be staying outside with the ASIO and FBI. We’ll be moving at 1800.”


It was the closest thing I have for now. Just wait for me, Lotte. I’ll be there for you!


POV - Bella

Currently, I’m the person in command of the operation for saving someone called Charlotte. The operation would start in about 30 minutes, with 3 teams. Team one would infiltrate and rescue Charlotte, Team two would secure the area, and team three would block any escape attempts.

I’m currently on team three, with Charlotte’s mom. Charlotte’s mom is a very stubborn woman, with surprisingly good marksmanship. Charlotte on the other hand was… not normal.

A world-class hacker, and genius rocket scientist at the age of 9. When I was 9 years old, I was eating sand cakes at the park’s playground. Charlotte was an innocent and curious girl behind everything, despite holding enough power to threaten the FBI. The vast contrast between her actions and personality made me think that there were two Charlottes.

Either way, team one will be infiltrating the premise soon. I hope she’s fine; Charlotte is probably solving some calculus questions whilst being held, hostage.


I chuckled a little bit when thinking about her. Everything should be in place now.

I took a look at the massive bunker’s door, with special forces units from team 1 preparing to enter. There were a few clashes in this forest between agents and IAA forces, but to think there was a bunker here. It was surprising that nobody noticed it.

Stay safe, Charlotte.


“It’s way past the time you said they would finish now! Just let me in!”

I felt sorry; Charlotte’s mom was pleading in front of me, trying to enter the bunker. The estimated time for the operation was 1 hour, but 4 hours have passed with no communication from inside the bunker.

A lot of high ranked officers are debating on whether or not to send someone into the bunker. I felt that, as Charlotte’s personal bodyguard, I have the responsibility to go in. I volunteered myself along with several others to go in.

There was a limited amount of gear left, so only 8 people were allowed to enter, including me. Reinforcement should arrive and help us in 20 minutes, but I didn’t want to wait.


Entering the bunker, there was only one way, down a thin corridor and some stairs. The width was barely enough to fit one person, but it eventually grew larger as we descended down the stairs.

After a while, we reached the bottom where the width was around 4m, and continued forth, preparing to shoot at any moment. The walls were concrete, with some cracks on it. It was pure darkness, but thankfully we had some night vision gear on.

Proceeding forward for a little longer, we soon found a light source. We moved a little quicker towards the light source, with great caution.

Cells begin to appear on the sides of the walls; there was no one in the cells on the sides, but upon reaching the end, there was a cell with a little girl, with brown hair, looking down on the ground.


The girl raised her head up towards us; we took our night vision gear off and turned our torches on. There were some doors on the side as well, so we quickly pointed our guns at them, anticipating for anyone.

Something was off about Charlotte. Her ruby red eyes were filled with fear, something I’ve rarely seen. I quickly turned around, but there was nothing there. Why does she look so scared?

“Run! While you can, run away!”

Suddenly, the doors exploded open, with multiple gunshots clearing the smoke. I quickly took cover along with some others, but some couldn’t escape in time.

“Hahahahahaha! More toys to play with!”

“It is truly exciting, Alztriuch.”

Two men appeared from the smoke, with some sort of military uniform. One of the agents opened fire at them, but the two men didn’t even flinch. There was some invisible force stopping it. Is this perhaps related to the terrorist-witch incident at the mall? Nevermind that, I need to focus.

“Try to shoot us all you want, but I can stop the bullets easily.”

“As expected of Gjaruian.”

Apparently, the fatter one of the two was called Alztriuch, and the taller one of the two was called Gjaruian; this is quite a difficult situation. I’ve never dealt with any supernatural people before.

“Let’s kill them first. I don’t like to get my hand dirty on sinners like them. Lest us cleanse them!”

The Alztriuch guy seems to be a religious fanatic. I should take note of that; it may help us in the case with the IAA.

“Altrunia Le Feste! Shan Arghiruan, La Constiamio Inhiontime A Adiu Khan!”

The Gjaruian guy said some foreign words, causing gushes of wind and a black tentacle looking thing appeared from the ground, illuminating some sort of purple light. Magic is real, huh?

“Run! Bella! Run!”

“Be silent, little girl. I’ll play with you later.”

I had a bad feeling about this. I fired a few shots at the fat guy, but the tentacles blocked it. We were forced to move back, down the hallway of cells. There was no cover for us, and we couldn’t do anything. It was over.


A familiar voice suddenly echoed from behind. Don’t tell me…

“Mommy’s here to pick you up!”