Chapter 27 – New Goals
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Chapter 27 - New Goals




I felt like I was wrapped in a blanket, sleeping on a rainy day. This feels so comfortable; I don’t want to wake up and open my eyes.

Wait, no. I need to help my mom and Bella. Wake up! 

Forcing myself to wake up, I struggled against my eyes to open it. Slowly, everything became much clearer. It was green; it was sunny. It was a forest.



“Where am I?”

[The world of Tercendo, in the continent of Isglack, and the Kingdom of Belleiope]

The Belliope Kingdom is a small country with a monopoly over spice trades. The Kingdom is pretty well known as a merchant hub, with merchant all over the continent visiting it every year. But that shouldn't be possible...

“Impossible; didn’t you say the world collapsed?”

[This is an alternate Tercendo from your old one. The current date is 556 on the continental Isglack calendar.]

“That should be… 2 years before I entered the academy. I should be 4 years old now, living peacefully in my orphanage before the bandit attack.”

[You know what to do; this is your chance to gain the power to fight Altrunia. There are monsters to kill, and dragon veins to absorb. You are on top of a dragon vein right now, so absorb as much mana as possible.]

“It would take some time; I need something to eat and drink so I can survive.”

[Your mana circulation skill has evolved into advance mana circulation. Your loan debt has increased to 2 million dollars with 0% interest as a sign of goodwill.]

“Whatever. Hey system, aren’t you a little bit different than normal?”

[I absorbed some mana from the dragon vein.]

“I see, I should start absorbing some as well, and head out for a town later.”


After absorbing as much mana as I could for an hour; I exited the forest and found a town in the distance. I quickly headed towards the town.

My clothes would certainly be considered fancy, so I can just pretend to be a noble. I have control over the FBI, so it’s not necessarily wrong, right? Anyways, having a noble peerage, even if it’s foreign, should help me in the future.

There may be a few pests that will bug me about my country of origin, but I have a plan for that. I wonder if I can return to my old world?

[It is certainly possible to obtain a certain skill that may help you with that.]

I see. Thank you system.

As I approached the town, a short line of travellers and merchants were waiting at the gates. I should properly line up as well.

“Hey, I’m Chrisko, nice to meet you.”

A random merchant looking guy in front of me suddenly introduced himself. I should introduce myself as well, copying all of those noble girls I saw in my previous life, or should it be my previous previous life? The latter is too confusing, so I’ll stick with the former. 

“It is a pleasure to meet you too, sir. My name is Charlotte, heir to the Irlandi family.”

I’m surprised I still remember most of the basic continental language, especially since I haven't used it once for 9 years. 

Anyways, I didn't lie when I said I was the heir. I'm the only child in my family, and I'm the eldest child, so I naturally inherit the family name.

“I see, and where are your parents?”

“I’m alone here.”

The merchant looked surprised, which is normal, since no sane parent would let their 9-year-old child go out alone, much less a noble child. 

Making a connection with a merchant might be useful in the future, so I should get to know him. I have nothing better to do in the line anyways.

“So, what are you going to do when you arrive in town?”

Chrisko starts up another conversation after recovering from his shock.

“I might check out the adventurer’s guild.”

“I see.”

Nobles typically hate adventurers, so it’s rare to see a noble that actually associates with adventurers. 

“Well, I hope to see you later in the future. Goodbye.”

“Likewise, and goodbye.”

The Chrisko merchant went ahead and touched a globe, before entering the town. I was up next. I touched the globed, which glowed green, and I was allowed in. 

I headed towards what looked like the adventurer’s guild, near the gate. 

The adventurer’s guild is a third party association for freelancing, primarily for monster subjugation and so forth. The Guild is famous across the continent, and its power surpasses some kingdoms. 

Anyways, I need to register myself and meet my past self as well. There’s so much to do here. I need to crush that Altrunia guy for ruining everything.