Ch26. Figure
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POV shift———————————————

       As I waited for the section leader to show up I observed the room for potential threats. There was, of course, the gentleman I was currently serving which is likely the biggest threat in the room, but next would have to be Jack who was seated with the Baron of blood, Strix. Though there was little information on Jack, he is suspected of being a high-level member. As I was in my pondering the final guests arrived.

     Many arrived in groups and soon the room was filled, but I noticed something was wrong, there was one guest too many. I was given the guest list just like the other head servants, most of the names on it were pseudonyms and titles but still, there should be an accurate amount due to the organization’s deep investigation on who’s invited. I chalked it up to an unlisted invite and didn’t dwell on it much.

     My thoughts were interrupted when Baron Strix stood up and gathered the room's attention. He revealed that before the main event the room will have some fun, and during his little speech I sent out a signal to that smug bastard. The servants lining the room quickly began to retrieve several tables filled with different games and events, and the room erupted with activity. I watched as small groups got up and cautiously began playing some games, but several individuals barely reacted, including the individual near me.

     Soon the room quieted back down as everyone got settled and invested in their respective games. My nerves and muscles were uncomfortably tensed as I waited for Buckferd to show so I decided to distract myself with the weird friendship forming between a beautiful white serpent and a mysterious horrifying figure. They were playing a game of cards but I couldn’t identify the type. I was entranced by the game but my meditative state was interrupted when a woman dressed in a golden gown suddenly interrupted the game and asked the hooded figure about the magical cards.

     I could feel a slight change of atmosphere when the lady interrupted the game and I could faintly tell that the figure was unamused and it was double so for the serpent. Despite the sudden change in atmosphere, the figure invited the woman to a game which she accepted. With an elegant flourish, she sat down and asked for a change of the game. I knew why the duo was angered now, the woman’s actions were blatant disrespect even by human standards.

     The hooded figure gathered the cards and pulled out a die which split into six pairs when dropped. The feat of magic was good evidence of the creature's threat, but the woman seemed unperturbed. The figure apparently decided to spice the game up by placing down the bone statue I saw it make a little bit earlier, but for some reason, the statue now gave me an intense feeling of danger and dread. After a small interruption, the game started and one win went to the woman and the rest to the figure. The woman stormed off after her conservative losses, and the figure and serpent exchanged a snicker before resuming the previous game of cards.

     Time flew by and soon the man event began. Baron Strix stood up and introduced the section leader, Buckferd. A stage appeared on the far end of the room and a figure appeared with a puff of smoke. Buckferd made the standard introduction and with his final words the moment I was waiting for appeared, the appearance of the portal. I jumped into action and threw the sphere that the elder gave me, it soared through the air but it was smacked away by Buckferd. It was still close enough to lock down the portal leading to the broken hand of god.

     I gave the signal to the waiting strike team and they soon came crashing through the wall behind me. Incense filled the room and three elders quickly targeted Buckferd while the others prepared to fight with the panicked guests. Buckferd was caught unprepared and the blessed incense quickly began to disrupt his magic and burn his skin. Despite this, he quickly righted himself and prepared a powerful attack but thankfully three team members quickly threw their javelins at the man causing him to lose focus.

     The elders began the sealing technique and tried to incapacitate the masked man, but something well out of our expectations happened. Buckferd suddenly gained an immense power and was able to break the sealing procedure. Buckferd gave a madman’s laugh and a taunt before opening three portals that let through horrid spider-like creatures. They rapidly flooded through the portals before we could react, and by the time we did, there was already a sizable amount attacking everything in sight.

     My pack members flew into action and tried to push the creatures back through the portal but were having trouble. Something happened within the chaos though, the mysterious figure finally took action. It appeared beside a spider-like figure and brutally stabbed it with its own legs before easily throwing it around like a rag doll. Soon it had killed six of the creatures that even the force could barely fight. I could sense that the creatures feared the figure as soon as it showed itself and once it started to rip apart their force they tried to escape from it, but before they could even get to the portals they suddenly and violently imploded knocking down half of the room's occupants, a terrifying feat of strength

-The figure dropped the creature he was using as a weapon and resumed to attack with terrifying claws. A creature tried to pounce on him but before it could even come close it was ripped in half and thrown at a neighboring creature. After the brutal act, the figure turned and threw an object at a group of creatures that were trying to run, causing them to burst into a sea of terrifying red flames. I sat and watched in horror as they quickly melted in-front of my eyes.

A/N- i have a discord if you want to join