The Gray Volk (chapter 2)
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- Chris how do you like your new body?

Christian was in the spherical room of the underground complex of the VAN Group, in front of him was a “mirror” created from the three-dimensional holographic projection of a completely reflective image of Christian. Christian looked at his naked body and said: "Not bad, but why do I need a dick when I died 10 years ago?". Ivan grinned and said, “You will not believe it, but it is necessary for your soul generator. Emotions are a strong “fuel” for the soul to release more energy. That is the way Koloboks works. ”

“And in order for me to “recharge ”myself, I have to find the first whore to come and ... well, you know.. - smiled Christian.

Ivan approached Christian and put his hand on his shoulder and said, “Oh, we have not only foreseen this. Mentally say the command “Soul shift” and then follow the tutorial.”

Christian turned to his inner world and mentally uttered “Soul shift”. Suddenly the whole world slowed down around him to such an extent that it seemed he had completely stopped. However, he still saw Ivan moving his lips very slowly without uttering a sound. Later, he heard a message in Russian, which he had previously recalled in the Skazka.

- Welcome Christian to the PriSkazka offline training system.

- I'm glad to hear you again Vasilisa

- Mutually Christian. Unfortunately, you can be in “Soul shift” mode for about 10 minutes. After you require recharging for this mode. I will show you your characteristics now.

Then Christian saw his body and the technical description of each ability he possessed. In the picture, he saw a tall guy 1.85 in height, his hair was dyed with gray hair and black roots, part of his head was shaved, creating an image of punk for him. His eyes were gray and symmetrically set, his face was typically German, but he also had features characteristic of his mother Irina Krupskaya. He also had broad shoulders and narrow hips. His manly "dignity" was now a little more than before, but this did not bother him anymore.

Then Christian began to read the features of his body structure, which simply delighted him. According to the description, Christian seemed to be able to be like the Spider-man and perfectly cling on smooth walls with his hands, since at his fingertips there was a microtechnology that recreates the sucker of geckos and octopuses. In addition, he could become completely invisible due to light camouflage, hide the thermal signatures of his body, smell and taste without fear of being poisoned. He could also fire a special harpoon from his hands for additional mounting on a sheer surface. His eyes had the function of "Night Vision", "Thermal Vision", "Ultrasonic Vision", and also showed him the interface and were connected to the system of Vasilisa the Wise.

His body was created from the latest nanocarbon composite materials and could withstand up to three tank shots closely, provided that they were built before the war. His special leather allowed him to feel changes in the environment and airflow with his skin, while his skin was much more sensitive than it was before his death. In order to protect his mind from a huge range of emotions, Christian had a special emotional filter that could make him completely insensitive if necessary.

Christian's most protected place was the soul generator, as well as the so-called soul fabricator, which allows creating materials out of nothing at the expense of part of the energy. Thanks to the fabricator, the nanorobots that were in the body of Christian could restore his muscles, skeleton, skin, as well as internal damage, if any was dealed to him. Thanks to his body, Christian could, with one blow, pierce a tank, lift 500 kilograms of weight with one hand, jump three meters into the air. But one function caused him great confusion. When he got acquainted with all the functions, he left “Soul shift” and turned to Ivan.

- I finally understand that my charging slot for the soul generator and the operating unit is near the neck, but tell me my dear friend Ivan, why do I need an extra slot for recharging in my ass?

- Hahahahaha - Ivan began to laugh at Christian ignoring his embarrassment - Ten years! Ten years I have been waiting for this moment!

- You didn’t forgive me for the case when I lost Valentine in a dispute and I had to change clothes and in secret from you to go with you on a date in a woman’s dress.

- Hahaha revenge is sweet Сhristian! Now you can always enjoy the "recharge" so to say "directly"

- Very funny

- Okay, don't worry, anyway, except for members of the Sebastianov clan, no one can use this function.

- Even better - Christian sighed heavily with sad face

- Now that you know about “Soul shift”, what do you think about the body?

- Ten out of ten if you exclude this extra slot in my ass. And you could not stop staring at me?

- Okay, calm down, I'm not interested in you Christian, I love women, you know.

- I know, give me the clothes and let's start the conversation about the case. I do not like to waste time.

- Good. Vasilisa prepare my friend his gear.

- Yes mr. Sebastianov.

Ivan left the room, and Christian began to change into equipment, which Vasilisa provided to him. A special box was pulled out of the wall of the room, in which Christian saw his vestments, on which was written “Volk”. Christian grinned realizing that this is actually the Russian name of the wolf written in English letters, but he liked it. The suit repeated the features of Christian's body and provided him with additional protection. In addition, he had a built-in energy quenching function when falling from a height of 400 meters and above. Now Christian was not afraid to become a mess as before. Next to the costume was a double-edged vibrosword resembling a Chinese Jiang sword or a Tai Chi sword. With this sword, Christian could cut through the enemy technique like frozen butter with a hot knife. In addition, he was given the latest model of the “Kogot” series submachine gun. This weapon had built-in protection and no one except Christian could use it. The weapon had a built-in soul fabricator directly connected to the Christian's soul generator. Thus, the weapon could create the necessary ammunition for Christian right from the air, as long as he had the necessary energy for production.

His equipment also included special grenades, an appointment which he could change depending on the situations. He could use smoke, light-noise and EMP grenades without fear for himself. The latest fragmentation and thermal grenades were a threat to him. Despite his defense, being in a high-temperature location did not guarantee him safety as well as lightning strikes in the absence of electrical resistance.

When he left the room, Ivan nodded to him silently and together they took the elevator to the roof of the VAN Group building. There they transferred to a private helicopter and set off for Bastion corp. where Ivan's father, Mikhail Sebastianov, was waiting for them.

- I never would have thought you kept me all this time in Minsk - said Christian looking around the neighborhood

- Yes, Minsk has changed a lot. It's amazing how all this time Minsk managed to be far away from the events of the Third World War, despite the Scarlet movement. But thanks to Russia, Minsk has become a prosperous city for our business as well. Smuggling flows here are just crazy.

- What happened Ivan? Why did I have to keep in Minsk?

- The father does not trust several members of the clan. And raised the level of internal protection to the orange level.

- Another level and will be military actions?

- Yes, only to fight is not clear with whom.

- But what about Afron corp. ?

- My instinct tells me that they are only pawns in someone's hands. Okay, we will learn the details from the father when we fly to Moscow.

- How is Olga?

- Sends you greetings. Lisa too. She really wants to see you live.

- She is a sly fox.

- Hahaha I'll tell it to her later

- How old is she already?

- 14 will be this year.

- Beautiful probably.

- Not probably, but for sure! Redhead, all in the mother went. She is so clever, I am so happy!

- I envy you! But nevertheless, I am deeply grateful to you, Ivan, for having pulled me out of the otherworld. I really saw there-

- I know what you saw Chris. I don’t need to tell about it myself. THEY also watch us.

- Yes .. you are right Ivan.

After 3 hours, they flew up to the headquarters of the company. They were met by Mikhail Sebastianov’s personal maid, redhead Lida Mayakovskaya.

- mr. Sebastianov and mr. Schwartz, please go to the hall with me. Soon your brothers will coming up mr. Sebastianov and then the meeting will begin.

- Hello Lida. You are beautiful as always.

- I appreciate your compliment mr. Schwartz, just do not let go of your hands like you did with Karina Mayakovskaya.

- Another fox

- The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

- Shut up Ivan!