The Gray Volk (chapter 6)
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Despite the name " the teleportation launcher", the specified device installed on the platform did not carry out instantaneous movement from one point to another within the same space. Bastion corp.’s launcher created an invisible corridor that simultaneously existed in two worlds and allowed to move objects within the framework of physical laws that worked in another world. Thus, Igor's capsule appeared on the «Leshiy» Bastion corp.’s space station almost instantly.

 “Well, here I am in space, finally” - Igor thought. Igor as a child had long dreamed of going into space. See the world from a height that only twenty-first century people could reach. See the beauty of the home planet. So close and far at the same time. But now he had no time to admire the cosmos through the small window of his capsule. As soon as the capsule was docked with the station, it began to accelerate moving in an arc toward Africa. Soon the station was already above its territory.

- Hello Igor! Vasilisa the Wise speaks to you – I am the internal intellectual protection system of the clan Sebastianov. You have access to limited clan information. By the order of Mikhail Sebastianov, I dedicate you to additional details of the operation. Your opponent has psycho-unique abilities that an ordinary person does not possess. Try not to let him get too close to you, because the enemy has the ability to repair his wounds by absorbing someone else's blood, whether it be a beast or a person. The enemy has the ability for a short time in dark places to move to another world. If you find these areas try to illuminate them with a bright light, this will allow you to "smoke up" the enemy from his shelter. You can seriously hurt the enemy with conventional weapons, but you will not kill it completely. Being in an incapacitated state, the enemy goes into hibernation mode even if his brain and heart are destroyed. For the elimination it is necessary to use a strong freeze, a biological decomposing weapon, fire and a spiritual weapon. Your equipment includes several guns specifically designed to combat this type of enemy, namely a portable short-range flamethrower, thermal grenades, a machine gun with armor-piercing bullets and a grenade launcher, special chemical and thermal grenades, as well as a spiritualist weapon for Ivan Sebastianov and Christian Schwartz

Your task is to deliver these weapons for these purposes and provide them with cover during the retreat to our main forces, which will arrive at the gathering point in 30 minutes. If you do not reach the gathering point, the Allied forces will move in your direction, but in this case the mission will be considered a failure. Your capsule will be dropped over the target within a few minutes. This will be a one-way teleportation of the landing type, as soon as it is completed, proceed with the operation immediately. Good luck to you. I start the countdown to the operation!


Mansion Balvudov. 11.38 p.m.


Shadows loomed on Christian. The movements of the shadows were accurate and instantaneous with the sole intention of killing. Christian evaded the blows of the enemy, and fired a pistol in response. One of the enemies received several bullets in the chest and his stomach, than fell to the floor and after a while he got up again as if nothing was there. Realizing that the gun against these creatures is useless, Christian removed it and pulled out its vibro-sword. The enemy seemed to be waiting and bristling with his swords and blades. In total, Christian counted 8 opponents, not counting the mysterious blond and his ward, who were imprisoned Ivan. They were absolutely not afraid of bullets, because none of them reached the goal. They seem to have deviated from a given route by some field. Christian tried to even use the rebound, but even it did not help. Therefore, all that was left of him was the martial art of the clan Sebastianov, whom he studied at the Skazka.

And we must pay tribute to Christian, he is an excellent student of the clan. The enemy attacked from several sides, as if Christian, foreseeing their every movement, went in short movements, then left to right, in response to the attack, he made cutting blows, which chopped off enemy hands, and left cuts on the body to the more successful ones. Blood was everywhere. Christian managed to behead one opponent, but one opponent was able to create a short-lived illusion and attacked Christian from behind. Enemy grabbed his teeth in the neck of Christian, but that was his mistake. Christian activated the "Soul shift", an energy field formed around him, from the blow of which the attacker flew several meters away and hit the wall.

Still in the "Soul shift" mode, Christian delivered several cutting blows to the enemies, depriving all eight enemies of the head, arms and legs. When they first began to fall after being cut, Christian ran at the maximum available speed in the direction of Ivan. He hoped that he would have time to cut off the hand of the dark creature, but his expectations were in vain. A black haze appeared in front of his sword, which distorted the space because of which his sword was in the wall. Still holding the sword in his hand, Christian pulled him out of the space hole and tried to strike dark creature again, but to his dismay a new space hole appeared in front of him, which sent his sword to him. Christian just nearly killed himself.

Watching the whole scene, the mysterious man began to laugh gloomily, as if he had read a good joke in a local newspaper. Christian moved away from the man for some distance, waiting for further action.

 - Excellent combat potential! Amazing! Great vampire i can make of you  - the man clapped his hands. Even more opponents of melee weapons began to appear from the shadows. - Sorry but the resistance is useless.

 “Though you know, I’m half German.” But my other half is screaming at me. Russians, cyka blyat! Do not give up!

 - Bravely, but stupid. Kill him!

The hurricane of battle spun again. In the heat of battle, Christian lost his arm, but still continued to fight. Some creatures he threw with a strong blow, the other deprived of the head. The skill of his battle became better with every defeated opponent, but their number did not decrease. When Christian saw that the enemy began to rise, he threw a chemical grenade in his direction causing a sharp burst of flame. The bodies of vampires burned or turned into ashes. The house began to burn from the flame, but, the man seemed not to attach any importance to this, and the shadow that came out of nowhere extinguished the source of the flame almost instantly. Thanks to the flame around Christian formed a space that soon became full of vampires. This time they did not use weapons, they just pounced on him with the whole crowd without sparing their bodies. Christian cut all who could while being in the “Soul shift” mode. He had the last charge, but he could no longer spend it on killing vampires. When the flames from the new grenade again overtook the corpses of the vampires killed by Christian's blade in their place, strange turbulence accompanied by blue light radiation arose. The effect of turbulence turned into a shock energy wave, which threw all exept Christian, the mysterious man, Ivan and the vampire, who stood beside him.

From the epicenter of the explosion, a capsule appeared from which Igor came out with a weapon to transport. “Here we go” he said, and fired a flash of light into the room. The room was lit up with bright white light and the dark energy floating around it abruptly dissipated. Having not missed this moment, Christian quickly found himself in front of the bewildered vampires, waved his sword and cut off the vampire’s hand while was in "Soul shift" mode. Without losing time, he hit the blond with his foot, grabbed Ivan and ran along with Igor to the exit. So that they could not be pursued immediately, Igor took advantage of the flamethrower and set the house on fire.

To the place of the gathering point they ran together.