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Should i end this novel now or should i continue for this a bit more? Hmn... Maybe....


Finally! I gotten an approval from the emperor to build my own shop at the capital.

While it took a week for his approval, it was mainly because i was looking for land near the restaurant and there was this shop which was losing profits that by the end of the week, i was able to buy the shop and get the emperor's approval by the end as i still have problems(related from the last incident) and couldn't properly register until now. 

Finally, the branch shop was finally open and i was about to start recruiting more staff....

Here comes more beauties falling from the skies like its raining beautiful women or something. Is there something about women and shops that attracts them to my shop?

While i do have problems with planning on recuiting women, i finally have some men recruited to help me with my shop(be it on the host shop kind of thing). Since we basically have a collection of women such as lolies and older women per say. We finally at least have some men(handsome to balance the beauties) and i finally have more time to spend with Xin Fei...

After 3 months had passed since there are troubles pertaining young masters and my people attracting problems.

Seriously? Are these people i hired come from infamous clans or something? Is there a word for me to know of them?

I mean com'on guys. At least help me solve your problems instead of me getting beaten up. I have the strength of an average man for christ sake and ya'all are fcking cultivators. Is there a rule to not solve your own problems and had someone get beaten up for your sake?! 

I mean seriously. 

Thot#5 who was basically a beauty had attracted some powerful guy and you not only pranked his ass, you sent him here to get me run for my life. I was even trying to ask Xin Fei out for christ sake! 

Why you cursing me like i'm some kind of playboy when the only girl i'm trying to court is too busy at her job?! 

I mean, even the author is shocked that he doesn't even know how this story will end. 

Author: Uhh... Maybe i can get you killed and end this story right here.

..........Listen here you little sh.... 

At least give this novel a proper ending before you shank my ass up.

I mean is there a lot of readers who like this novel?

Author: 700+ give or take.

Bruh, are you even trying rn? I mean you are the guy who can stop a person to continue living instead of abandoning him to his death.

Author: Bro, do you have any idea how that it narrows down? Plus, given how unpopular i am, its not like this novel's gonna reach 1k before i drop this.

Thats true. You never even the type of guy who has any friends, your siblings are pretty much sadistic and your friend is basically just a shadow who will even abandon you.

Author: Why you gonna do me like that?

Alright! Just end this chapter and find a proper way to end this novel.

Author: Sure...