Chapter 3- Knights and Hunters
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 Vespelius: ves-peel-ee-us     Mallor: mal-or (the "al" in Mallor is said similar to Alvin)

“Myrna, can you lay him down on your bed?” I ask, as I fly over to the bedroom door. I look back, seeing Myrna place him on the living room floor.

“What’re you doing!?” I exclaim, flying back over to her, now hovering above the man who was laying on the floor. I glance from Myrna to the man and back again.

“I don’t want him to use my bed. Besides, you should be happy that I’m even letting him inside my house,” Myrna scoffs in response. She walks over to her chair and sits down.

Really. You don’t even want this guy in the house? “Fine, then at least help me remove his clothes," I groan aloud, "And grab a blanket so we can cover him.” I fly down to begin undoing the clasps on his belt.

“You want me to do what!? Not happening,” Myrna yells back, a tinge of anger detectable in her voice.

Why are you acting like this? “Then what was the point of bringing him back!?" I shout back at her, raising my voice, "We need to check to make sure he doesn’t have any injuries!”

“Besides, if I could do it myself I would, so please…” I mumble to myself, looking down as my face starts to feel hot.

“I can’t hear you,” Myrna snaps back.

Ugh… “Please help me… I can’t do it on my own,” I sob back, tears rolling down my face again as I try to hold them in. I hate this.

Myrna sighs loudly then responds, “Fine, I just can’t say no when you’re crying like that, can I?” Myrna stands up, walks over to me, and places a finger on my head to console me.

Stupid elf. This whole mess could’ve been avoided if you had just agreed from the start. God, these tears won’t stop coming. I raise my hands and begin wiping the tears from my eyes.

“I’ll remove his clothes, but I’m not going to be the one checking him for injuries, you can do that on your own," Myrna says, as she begins taking off his clothes, "I’ll grab some medicine for his wounds. Once you’re done checking him, come get me and I’ll cover him up.”

“Thanks,” I murmur quietly.

Myrna finishes removing all of his clothes and leaves the room, taking the clothes and his weapons with her. I begin checking him for any injuries.There are no major wounds anywhere on his body.

The man has an extremely toned body. His muscles are well-defined with light tan colored skin. I rub an herbal mixture that Myrna prepared over cuts as I find them. Starting from his back, I cover any scratches and cuts I find. With his backside finished, I ask Myrna to flip him over, so I can check his front as well.

Thankfully, his torso does not seem as bad as his backside, with only a couple of minor scratches on his arms and legs. Starting from his feet and working up his legs to his midsection, I cannot help but glance at his “apples”. He is not that big, even taking my size into account. While attending to the cuts on his arms, I find a tattoo of a dog howling upward on the back of his left hand. With the rest of his body plastered in the medicine, I begin to work on his face.

The man has a sharp jawline, while his sleeping face makes him look like he is always mad. He has no fresh wounds on his face, but has a deep scar going horizontally across his forehead. I give the man another quick look to make sure I did not miss anything, then I call out to Myrna to tell her that she can cover him up.

It was already dark when we brought him home, and now it is well into the night. Now finished attending to the man, Myrna and I eat before heading off to bed. 

The next morning, I awake and start my day by checking on the man. He is still asleep, so Myrna and I begin our day like any other, until Myrna gets tired of him just lying in the middle of the house.

“Myrna, what are you doing?” I ask, flying over in front of her.

Myrna motions her hand to get me out of her face. I fly off to the side to avoid getting hit.

“We took him someplace safe. You covered his wounds with my medicine. I even patched up his clothes. One night is plenty. I told you I don’t want him here,” Myrna bellows, removing the blanket, she then grabs the man by the arm, “He’s fine, so if he doesn’t wake up today, it’s his problem. We’ve done enough for him.” She begins to drag him behind her, the man sliding on the floor.

What the hell. I get you don’t want him here, but that’s just harsh.

“Even then, couldn’t we just let him stay until he wakes up?” I reply, trying to get her to stop.

“No, not this time,” Myrna responds.

“But-” I begin to protest.

Myrna interrupts, “Enough Evetta! He is not staying here any longer! I can’t stand being around him. It reminds me of…” Myrna continues, her words trailing off at the end of her sentence.

Ah. So that’s what it’s about. “Okay. I understand,” I say, letting Myrna do as she will.

Myrna opens the door, dragging him by the arm as she makes her way toward the stone formation. She drops him outside of the area she designated as her property. Coming back to the house, she walks inside, grabbing his clothes and other gear. Myrna walks back out to him, then throws his items over him.

“There, whatever happens to him has nothing to do with us anymore,” Myrna declares, as she looks my way. “We have no relation to that man anymore, okay?” Myrna asks, trying to get me to agree.

“Yea,” I say, not wanting to stress Myrna out any further. Sorry mister. I tried.

Myrna follows me back inside, closing the door behind us. She walks over to sit down at her chair. I fly over to the table and sit down on it, my legs dangling from the edge.

She hasn’t said anything for a while now…What an uncomfortable atmosphere. Maybe I should apologize to her. “I’m sorry Myrna. I didn’t know,” I say softly.

Myrna rubs the scar on her shoulder. “It’s okay, I’m sorry too. I want to help him, but…” Myrna trails off, growing silent.

“Hey Myrna, if you don’t like being around others, then why’d you help me?” I ask curiously.

Myrna sits silently in the chair for a few moments. Did she not hear me?

“Myrna?” I call out to her to get a response.

“I heard you,” Myrna replies, letting out a deep breath.

“It’s because you’re a fairy,” Myrna mutters.

A fairy? What does me being a fairy have to do with her helping me? Maybe she just doesn’t like humans? Or maybe it’s guys? She seemed pretty tense around him. Whatever it was, she definitely doesn’t like him because of it.

“When I was little, my parents used to talk about fairies,” Myrna laughs lightly, “They were happy times.”

“They would tell me stories of how fairies would keep us safe from the beasts and fae that would otherwise terrorize us,” Myrna continues, a small smile appearing on her face, “My dad, especially, would say that if I ever met a fairy, to treat it better than anyone.”

Oh, this is new. I wasn’t expecting to hear about her parents. And fairies keep elves safe from beasts and fae? What does that mean, and aren’t elves fae?... I hope she’s not expecting me to fight anything. After all, I almost died picking apples yesterday.

“You see, in my village, we worshipped fairies as divine guardians that watch over us all. Above all the others, the white fairies are the most important. That’s why, when I found you, I couldn’t leave you. I do see you as a…” Myrna explains, cutting off the end of her sentence.

A white fairy? My skin, my hair, maybe my wings? Argh, I don’t know enough about fairies. Dammit Vestele, I need to talk with you again

“I just.. don’t want you to think that I’ve been helping you out of a sense of duty. I do see you as a f-friend, sorry for not telling you sooner,” Myrna states, her lips trembling.

“Pfft, really, that’s what you’re worried about?” I ask, laughing at Myrna. Her face turns red.

“It’s not funny. Stop laughing,” Myrna pleads.

“Oh, yes, it is. So, I’m some kind of divine fairy… and you avoided telling me because… you thought that it would make me act differently around you?” I ask in between laughs. “Honestly, if you didn’t take me in, who knows what would’ve happened to me. Thank you for that, but you’re worrying over nothing. Even if I’m some divine fairy, I can’t do much,”  I say looking up to her, “I’m weak and clueless about so many things. If anything, you’ve been a guardian to me. Thank you, Myrna.”

Myrna sits there, tears rolling down her cheeks. Don’t cry, you’re going to make me cry too, silly elf. My eyes start to water, and my vision starts to blur.

Suddenly, a knock comes from the door.

“Hello. Is anyone in there?” asks a rough sounding voice from the other side.

Hang on, that wasn’t Annic. That was…

Myrna and I both stare at the door as we wipe the tears from our faces.

“I’m coming in,” the voice says, as the door starts to open. The man from earlier enters, dressed in his clothes. The man scans the room and sees Myrna. “Ah, apologies for just coming in. I didn’t hear any response so I figured-” the man says, ending his sentence midway. “I-Is that…a fairy?” he asks.

He’s not speaking Annic, but I can understand him. What the hell? He’s speaking Parazic?

“Mah…ohme,” Myrna mutters in Parazic as she stands up, struggling to accurately pronounce the words.

“Huh?” the man asks in response to Myrna’s butchered words.

“Ah, sorry. This is her home. She can speak Annic, but she struggles with Parazic,” I explain in Myrna’s place as I stand up on the table, “And yes, I am a fairy.” Not sure what else I would be...

The man walks over to the table, which causes Myrna to tense up. The man then gets on one knee and bows his head to me.

Uh…What’s he doing?

“My apologies for not introducing myself miss fairy. My name is Glendale Farley. I am a knight of the kingdom of Odelle. Do I have you and the elf here to thank for saving me?” Glendale asks, his rough voice and tattered clothes not fitting his position.

“Yes, um, Glendale? What are you doing?” I ask, confused, “Also, could you take a few steps back, you’re scaring Myrna,” I continue, trying to ease Myrna’s anxiety.

“Of course, miss fairy,” Glendale responds while standing up. He takes several steps back and returns to a kneeling position. He continues by answering my previous question, “I am a follower of the church of the fairy queens. I am kneeling before a white fairy, the most prominent among all fairies. I apologize if I have offended you in any way.”

“Miss fairy” huh. That’s weird to hear. Well, he doesn’t look hurt, and he seems like a pretty good guy, even if he’s a little rough around the edges.

I look over to Myrna and whisper into her ear in Annic, “He says he’s a knight from a kingdom, and he’s thanking us for rescuing him. See, I told you it was fine.”

Myrna relaxes a bit after hearing my words. “Can you ask him to leave?” Myrna whispers back to me.

I look back at the knight; his head is still down. I open my mouth to speak, but he interrupts, “Excuse me, this may be disrespectful, but could I ask for your name miss fairy?”

“Ah, sorry. My name is Evetta…Um, Glendale. We are glad to see that you’re okay. Sorry, but could I ask you to leave now? Myrna doesn’t like strangers,” I ask in an attempt to get the knight to leave.

“Miss Evetta. If I may ask, are you and the elf currently living here in the middle of this forest?” Glendale questions. Now I’m Miss Evetta…

“We are,” I reply, “and you don’t need to refer to me as Miss Evetta, just Evetta is fine.”

“Then, I suggest that you both leave this forest as soon as possible. The danger within this forest is continuing to grow,” Glendale explains, “I believe it is not safe here any longer. I can escort you out of the forest if you would like.”

Leaving the forest huh. That might actually be a good idea. I would like to talk with Vestele again before leaving, but if it’s really not safe here anymore…there was the beast from yesterday, and the loud roar too…

Myrna looks over at me and asks, “What did he say?”

Ah, right, I almost forgot. I have to translate for Myrna. I mutter to her, “He said that we should leave with him since the forest is not safe anymore.”

“What makes him say that? I’ve been here for a long time, so why now?” Myrna remarks.

“I don’t know, let me ask.” I respond.

I definitely need to teach her Parazic. I don’t want to translate.

“Glendale, we have been living here for a long time, so what makes you say that we should leave the forest suddenly?” I ask curiously.

“Of course. I am part of an investigation squad with my fellow knights. We were inspecting the threat level of the beasts within this forest. During our investigation, we were attacked by a horde of cugarin. I have been a knight for over a decade now and I have never seen so many cugarin at once,” Glendale explains, “We had to scatter, I barely managed to escape. While I was trying to regroup with my allies I fell from the treetops. I’m assuming you found me and brought me here after that.”

Cugarin? What’re those? And he was running on the treetops? Doesn’t sound like a normal knight squad to me.

“Glendale, what is a cugarin?” I ask, “I don’t know the names of the beasts here in the forest.”

“Ah, a cugarin is a large black furred beast,” he explains, “It runs on all four legs and normally stalks its prey, before attacking so it’s not common to see one until it’s too late. They usually act independently from one another, but the other day, I lost part of my team to a pack of those things.” Glendale says sorrowfully.

“Miss Evetta, may I raise my head?” Glendale asks, still kneeling, facing down.

“Yes, go ahead,” I answer, trying to maintain a respectful yet commanding tone.

Trying to act like this is so stifling. It would be nice if he didn’t act like this. Wait, will I have to act like this around other people too. I hope not…

Glendale raises his head, scans the interior of the house, then speaks, “I believe a full grown cugarin would not fit inside this house. It would probably be much larger.”

So the beast I saw yesterday was a cugarin. And he said that there were more of them…

Myrna taps the table to get my attention and asks, “What did he say?”

“Something about a bunch of beasts appearing. More than he has ever seen at once,” I reply, “Honestly, yesterday was my first time seeing anything I would consider a threat to people, but if what he says is true, then it might be better for us to leave. What do you think?”

Myrna stands there thinking about what to do. She is taking her time thinking about this. Not that I can blame her. She is picking between staying home in a dangerous area, or leaving and potentially dealing with her past…

“Is something wrong?” Glendale asks, looking confused about our silence.

“No, I am merely waiting to hear what Myrna thinks about the situation,” I explain.

“Then Miss Evetta is going to be coming with me?” Glendale asks, raising his voice slightly.

Again, with the “miss”. “Potentially, I still haven’t decided yet,” I reply.

Honestly, if it really is dangerous, leaving might be the best option, but I don’t want to leave Myrna behind either.

*Thud, thu-thud*

Several sounds come from outside, like something landing on the ground. What was that? I listen for a moment.

“Is this the place?” A voice says. Is that talking? People?

“Hey Vespelius, you in there?” One of the voices yells out, “Come on we need to go, now!”

“Shit, guess it’s time to go,” Glendale says rushing at Myrna and I. Glendale reaches out with his left hand, grabbing Myrna’s face, and forces her head into the wall. Her body goes limp, revealing a hole where her head hit. Meanwhile, Glendale uses his right hand to grab me.

Ow, what the hell. Myrna!  “Glendale, what- what are you doing!?” I yell, struggling to breathe.

“Sorry little fairy, playtime’s over. Don’t worry, as thanks for saving me, I didn’t kill her. Now that my debts been paid, it’s time to leave,” Glendale says grinning as he turns around, placing his index finger in my face, his tight grip trapping me. I can’t breathe. Dammit, I hate being so small, I can’t even speak like this. Glendale runs toward the door, opens it, and leaves Myrna’s house.

Outside are six people, with varying heights and builds all dressed in similar clothes as Glendale. It’s obvious some of them aren’t human. Three of them have tails, two of which have green skin. One has horns as well. There is one that is shorter than the rest, coming up to Glendale’s waist.

As for the other three, they appear to be humans or elves, two of them being women. Glendale and the other man standing in the middle appear to be the only human males.

The man in the middle is the weirdest looking of them all. He has no skin on his face, causing his eyes and teeth to be permanently visible, and is missing his nose.The muscles shift across his face whenever he moves his mouth. 

What’s up with this guy’s face?

“Vespelius, we need to go before those damn knights show up!” the faceless man shouts.

Vespelius? This guy’s name isn’t Glendale? Dammit, so he lied to us.

“Sorry for the wait Captain Mallor. I found a nice little present though,” Glendale greets them, holding his right hand out. I struggle to break free from Vespelius’ grasp.

“A white fairy!” Mallor exclaims as he runs over, placing his face next to Vespelius’ hand, “Hahaha, amazing Vespelius. You really have outdone yourself this time.”

What’s with this guy, he’s just looking at me. What’s with this weirdo.

“I haven’t removed her wings yet,” Vespelius claims.

What, remove my wings? Like literally removing them? I’ve got to get out of here somehow. These people are dangerous. I continue my struggle, shaking myself violently in Vespelius’ hand.

“Captain, we should leave,” One woman says, “The knights could arrive at any moment.”

Suddenly, an explosion hits one of the green-tailed men in the back, and he falls instantly.  Several more blasts follow, assaulting the people in the front yard. The blasts come from the right. They are a mixture of fireballs, long thick icicles, lightning bolts, and large metallic shards. The remaining six people, Vespelius included, dodge out of the way to avoid incoming attacks.

What the hell was that? What’s going on? I can’t see.  I wrestle to turn around, trying to see where the attacks are coming from.

“Surround them! We’ve come this far,” a man’s voice shouts from somewhere to my right, “Do not let these fairy hunters escape!”

Those must be the knights they were talking about. Wait, if this guy gets hit, I might die too. Come on, let me go!

“Dammit they’re here! Everyone retreat!” Mallor yells out to his group, as he turns and begins dashing toward the forest to my left. Vespelius and his other four allies follow.

An explosion of ice erupts in front of Mallor and his men as five people cut off their escape route. The knights are wearing dark brown clothes with a yellow trim and little to no armor. They stand imposingly, blocking Mallor and his fairy hunters from advancing. They all stop for a moment, glaring at each other, then Mallor yells, “Cover me and Vespelius!” The other four hunters respond by charging ahead to engage in melee combat with the knights.

As Mallor and Vespelius get ready to run past the knights, the ground starts to shake. What’s going on now?

During that moment, Vespelius’ grip loosens slightly. Now. I pull my head back enough to breathe, then lean forward and bite as hard as I can into Vespelius’ finger.

“Ow!” he cries out, removing his finger from my face.

Okay here goes. “Help!” I scream as loud as I can.

Vespelius’ grip tightens instantly. “Damn fairy. Shut the hell up!” he yells.

“They have a fairy! Focus on recovering it! That is our top priority!” the same voice from before yells out.

Ow…at least they heard me.

Mallor and Vespelius run past the fighters in front of them, their allies keeping the previous group of knights busy. They continue to run through the forest, everything a blur as we pass by.

How fast are these guys running? I can’t tell what’s going on.

Mallor and Vespelius stop momentarily as the same ear-bleedingly loud roar from yesterday resounds throughout the forest. Aaaaah. Not again. What the hell is that… Actually, I don’t really want to find out.

“Gaaaah!” Mallor and Vespelius cry out, covering their ears to the best of their abilities. Ugh, all this shaking is making me sick. Ah, the knights.

The knights, not too far away, are also covering their ears. Dammit. It’s too loud. They aren’t moving.

As the roar finally subsides, Mallor and Vespelius start to run again, but the shaking of the ground continues to grow. 


A thunderous sound spreads throughout the forest. What was that? Dammit, I can’t tell what’s going on again!

More sounds begin to ring through the forest. The rustle of leaves. Varying shrieks and roars of animals and beasts explode throughout the trees. Growing ever louder with each second that passes.


Again the thunderous sound resounds across the trees, permeating our ears as the ground tremors escalate. The frequency of the booms are obviously increasing.

“What the hell is that!?” Vespelius yells out, as he avoids another assault of attacks.

What the hell is what! I can’t see. Suddenly, a deer, the type of which Myrna had hunted a handful of times in the forest, runs by. A deer? More follow behind it. Not only deer, but an assortment of animals start to rush by. They include small grey boars, deer, and rabbits. Birds begin to fly out of the trees, screeching aloud.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” screams a voice from behind Vespelius.

“Vincent!” a woman’s voice yells out.


What’s going on! I fight against Vespelius’ hand, only causing him to tighten his grip around me. When I get out of here, I’m going to… Oh, what’s the use, it’s not like I’ll be able to do anything to him anyway.

“Vespelius! Do it!” Mallor yells out, glaring over at Vespelius as they continue to run.

Vespelius continues alongside Mallor, quiet for a moment before he says, “I understand.”

Vespelius brings his hands together and tightens his grip around my legs. “Let me go!” I shout now that my torso and face have been freed. He then takes his left hand and grabs my torso before releasing my legs. Ow. Vespelius, using his now free right hand, clamps his fingers down on my wings.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…

*BOOM* *Thud*

A brutal jolt travels across Vespelius, shaking his body. His hold on my torso and wings instantly disappears.

Yes! I begin to move my wings as fast as possible, flying upward away from Vespelius and Mallor as quick as I can. Gazing backward as I fly away, I see that Vespelius has a large icicle lodged in his left shoulder. The icicle turns a shade of red from the blood. Vespelius staggers for a moment, obviously wounded, but continues to follow Mallor.

“Dammit, Vespelius!” Mallor yells back as he runs on, trying to escape the pursuing knights.

They’re not chasing me? Realizing I got away, I turn to look ahead and focus on where I was flying.

Below me I see a group of knights chasing after Mallor and Vespelius, a massive horde of animals running behind them. Further back, there are several cugarin charging through the forest, rampaging over the wild animals and storming through the knights.


I stop. Holy shit. What is that!?

Not far from the animals, standing as tall as most of the trees, is an incredibly massive… Dinosaur?

The dinosaur stands on two legs, each thicker than the trees. Its long thick body towers over everything within the forest. It is dark green in color, making it blend in with the surrounding trees. A red glow outlines its scales, face, and chest. Spikes cover its lower jaw and its feet.

I hover in the air and watch it take a step. 


I now know what has been causing the thunderous sounds and tremors..

As the creatures scatter and flee from the massive dinosaur, it takes a step. Bending down with its gigantic head, it bites into a cugarin. 


The cugarin screeches out in pain as blood spurts from its body. The dinosaur lifts its head back up and bites into the cugarin once again, tearing the cugarin into pieces, leaving nothing but disfigured limbs. It’s mouth is still open, as if screaming, but no sound escapes. With the majority of the cugarin’s body now gone, its limbs and head fall to the ground in a mess of blood. The dinosaur, no longer interested in the cugarin, continues searching for more prey, crushing what is left of the cugarin beneath it’s massive claws.

“The fairy escaped! Miss fairy, over here!” a man’s voice screams out, among the deafening sounds coming from the animals and beasts.

I don’t know if I can trust them, but it’s thanks to them that I escaped.

I fly down to the knight as the rest of the knights converge around us.

“Camille, make a wall to divert the beasts! Garrick, make a hole for us to take cover in!” the man orders.

One of the knights, Camille I assume, reaches out her hands, palms open, and a metallic wall appears between us and the incoming creatures. 

Another knight, likely Garrick, places both hands on the ground, and a moment later a hole appears. “Everyone in!” the man orders, and the knights dive in.

I fly into the hole as well. “Garrick, close it once Camille is in,” the man commands, directed at one of the knights.

They all managed to fit in here?

“Okay Camille, come down!” the man shouts up, a woman dives into the hole a moment later. The hole closes with her still airborne.

The rumbling of the ground continues. 

“Are we missing anyone?” the man asks.

He starts calling out names of the other knights, their names being: Garrick, Camille, Aiko, Lloyd, Turok, Noah, Skeezo, Kari, Oberon, Samina, Seth, and Simon. They each respond in turn when their names are called, with the exception of someone named Vincent.

“Captain Farley, everyone’s here except for Vincent. He unfortunately fell to a cugarin in the chaos,” a woman informs her captain.

“I see. Thank you Aiko,” Captain Farley quietly responds.

The noise above begins to die down. “Is it over?” I ask.

“Give it another minute just to make sure,” Captain Farley’s states, “Are you alright miss fairy?” Again with the miss…

“Yes, I’m fine,” I reply, “What was that back there and who were those guys?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll explain everything later. First let’s focus on getting out of here,” Captain Farley says, “We can escort you out of the forest if you would like.”

“No need,” I respond, “I am living here with…” Myrna! What happened to Myrna!? I go silent and start to panic.

 “Miss fairy?” Captain Farley asks, confused about my sudden silence.

“Let me out!” I plead, “Please, my friend is hurt. I need to leave.” 

Captain Farley nods, and listens for irregular sounds from above, “Alright, Garrick, let us out.”

The hole begins to open, and as soon as it is wide enough for me to fit through, I rush out. Finally! I fly as quickly as I can toward Myrna’s house. Come on. Please be okay Myrna. 

“Miss fairy, wait!” Captain Farley shouts from behind.

I race as fast as I can, flying through the green fog, past destroyed trees, no animals or beasts anywhere in sight.

Sorry, I’ll thank you later. Myrna, please be okay. I continue as fast as I can go, finally reaching Myrna’s house.

NO! I stop flying to get a good look at what lays before me.. 

Myrna’s house is nothing more than a pile of rubble on the ground. 

“Myrna!” I cry out, tears forming in my eyes.

I fly to the house. There is a large imprint of a foot stamped across most of the house. I look around in the rubble trying to find Myrna. “Myrna! Myrna, answer me!” I cry.

Flying into the collapsed remains of the house, I begin to search for her. Where are you? Dammit, I can’t move anything! Damn this tiny body!

“Miss fairy! Are you here?” Captain Farley’s voice sounds over the rubble.

Ah, they might be able to. As I fly out of the wreckage I cry out, pointing towards the ruined house, “Please, save my friend! She’s in there!”

“You heard her. Everyone, begin rescue operations!” Captain Farley orders.

They all begin to pull the debris out of the way. “I found a person!” a white haired man shouts.

Myrna! I fly over to the man, seeing Myrna covered in cuts. “Oh god, Myrna!” I cry out.

“She’s still breathing,” the man says as he pulls Myrna out of the rubble. The man lays Myrna down on the ground in front of her house.

I fly over to her as some of them begin patching up her wounds.

“Myrna, please be okay,” I plead as I land on her chest, hugging her as tight as I can. The knights all stand around me with forlorn expressions as I sob desperately into her bosom. As I lay there, my vision goes dark...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Do you like the interaction between Evetta and Myrna? Thoughts on Vespelius and his allies? Were you able to visualize the beasts, or should I have done better describing them? Would you trust this new set of knights? Any thoughts or feedback is appreciated. Thanks for reading. I hope to have chapter 4 out by Sunday. See you then.