Ash Not Ashamed, part 2 of 2
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Her royal majesty, Crown Princess Artemis Griffen the 2nd was extremely bored. And worse than that, she felt an edge of anger. She was seated near the back of the hall next to her father and mother. Countless men and women spun past her dressed in flashy colors, all trying to outdo each other in glamour and pizzaz. She’d turned down dozens of invitations to dance, but she had no desire or intention to dance with anyone man. 


Across the hall, she saw Seffy and Elise dancing with each other. Elise was beautiful in her pale-pink gown, and her androgynous partner looked equally as dashing in the green tunic they wore. Temi was glad that they’d fallen in love with each other, it gave her so much joy to see them happy with one another. 


She rubbed her face and groaned. This night had been such a disappointment to her. She’d really been hoping that the girl from the woods would appear, but that seemed less and less likely with every minute that dragged on. The princess scolded herself. She had been so stupid back in forest. She’d pressed too hard. That girl probably hated her now. By pure chance, Temi had met the most impressive, beautiful girl that she’d ever seen, and now she was never going to see her again. 


“Hello, m’lady,” a voice called for her attention.


The princess looked up from her bout of self-pity to see a man standing in front of her. It was clear that he’d tried to dress up for the ball, but his ill-fitting outfit told her quite a lot about him. His hair was a greasy mess, he hadn’t bothered to shave, and she saw more than few fresh, wine-colored stains on his tunic.


He smiled at her in what she assumed was supposed to be a disarming and charming smile, but it just looked like a very smug sneer. Temi decided that she did not like this man. 


“If I may be so forward as to introduce myself, your majesty.” He bowed deeply. Almost too deeply. “My name is Clovus, and I saw that all the fair maidens in this ball had suitable partners except for yourself. Would you honor me with a dance?” He extended his hand, once again flashing that ugly expression. 


Artemis leaned back in her chair. “No.” 


Clovus blinked several times, looking like all the world that he’d just been slapped. “No…?” 


“That is what I said, yes. You are not to my tastes.” 


“Not to your tastes?! The man’s voice was beginning to rise, and his face was turning a worrying shade of red. She gave a subtle nod to one of the guards who silently approached behind the man. “Not to your tastes? I am the best man here, the consummate image of masculinity.” 


The princess raised an eyebrow at that, and let a small smile tug the edges of her mouth up. “Perhaps, Sir Clovus. That is why you are not to my tastes.” 


“But that-” the man was almost spitting in anger at that point. “That makes no sense. A woman does not belong with a woman. A woman belongs to a man!” 


The princess nodded to the guard, and he stepped forward, putting a heavy hand on the man’s shoulder. “I believe her majesty has said her piece, dear man. If it pleases you, go enjoy the festivities. Be merry.” His words were kind, his tone jovial, but he gripped Clovus’ shoulder like a vise, leaving an unspoken ‘or else’ at the end of his words. Clovus seemed to get the message and scampered away to the man and woman he’d arrived with. 


“Artemis, my dear. You really could have given him a chance,” her father said. “He seemed like a nice boy. And at this point I almost imagine you’ve denied half the men here. Live a little, child.” 


“Father, you know I cannot stand men, at least in that manner.” 


“I know, I know. It is simply that I worry for you. I know your affection for women, Artemis, but I doubt we’d find anyone with a similar predilection out here in such a quaint area.”


Temi rolled her eyes and returned to sulking, and feeling very bored. The sound of the dancing music seemed to turn into an endless drone as her mind turned to the girl she’d met in the woods. She had never fancied someone quite like her before. And once again, she felt sad that the huntress had not appeared. 


A hiccup in the music pulled her out of her slump, as she looked up at what was the matter. The doors to the hall had been pushed open and a newcomer stepped through. This person was very late indeed, and the princess stood up to get a better view of this strange intruder into her ball. For a moment, she wondered if it was the girl from the forest, but she couldn’t say for sure. 


The new woman was wearing a beautiful flowing purple gown. It hung off her like a perpetual flow of wine, frozen in time, but still in constant motion. Her face was covered by a thin veil, and her blond hair was styled immaculately. She moved with more grace than great cat, and more pride than a songbird. A far cry from the pretty, scared girl from the woods. Artemis shook her head. It couldn’t be the same woman. It was most likely a noblewoman who’d wanted to make a grand entrance to show up her dress. 


The princess stood, catching the attention of a few nearby onlookers, and moved through the crowd to the stranger. She was glad that she’d chosen to wear more masculine dress, that night, as it was much easier to maneuver through the throngs of people when she didn’t have to manage overly-large skirts. She’d wanted to dress in the breeches and tunic she wore because she hoped to impress the girl from the woods. Fat lot of good that did her. 


The purple woman was already surrounded by a group of men, all asking, pleading, or demanding that she dance with them, but once Temi cleared her throat, the men parted like butter. She stepped forward and extended a gloved hand to the mysterious newcomer. 


“Would my lady be interested in sharing her first dance of the evening?” She said, using the polite, but strong tone that she’d practiced religiously. 


The woman pressed her hand against her chest in a gesture of surprise. “The royal princess herself would like to dance with me? It would be terribly improper for me to refuse one of the royal family.” She took the princess’ hand. “I accept.” 


Despite herself, Temi felt her heart sore. This woman had such a beautiful dress, and her voice sounded like a spring breeze given life. She was by far the most gorgeous woman at the ball, and she could feel the eyes of every person in the room watching with at least some hint of jealousy.


As a new dance began, the princess pulled the veiled woman in close and began to move with the music. “It is quite daring for someone to arrive so late to a ball thrown in someone else’s honor.” 


Her partner gave a tittering laugh, that sounded like a flock of birds greeting each other as the sun rose. “Am I not fashionably late, your majesty, or am I simply too late?” 


The pair danced with each other through song after song. Each moved in perfect rhythm with the other. The woman was perfect, Artemis realized, almost too perfect. But at least for the moment, she could not care. She’d never felt so close to another human being in all of her life. Every step she took was reciprocated in kind. Every flourish she made was matched. 


Until finally, what felt like hours later, they stopped, both out of breath. She still hadn’t seen the woman’s face through her veil, but she hoped the woman was smiling as broadly as herself. Taking the strange woman’s hand once more, Temi guided her to an empty table off to the side of the hall, and both girls plopped down thankfully on the well-cushioned chairs. A server quickly supplied both with mugs of some sweet brew, and they slacked their thirst before continuing. The princess was the first to find the courage to speak. “I can’t say I’ve ever met a woman like you before.” She ran her hand over her hair. It was a habit she always found herself doing when she was feeling nervous, but more than a few women had found it an attractive gesture. 


“Likewise, your majesty.”


“You must tell me where you learned to dance like that. I’ve had nothing but the best training my entire life, and more than once I found myself lagging behind you. Tell me. Was it Montgomery in Capford?” 


“You truly wish to know?” The woman responded. Through the veil, Artemis could see a playful sparkle in the woman’s eyes. “Would be believe me if I said magic.” 


Artemis gave a quiet laugh. “I’d believe it if you let me ask whether you are a human, or simply some spirit here for mischief.” 


The woman joined in with her laugh that the princess was beginning to find incredibly attractive. “I may be here for mischief, but I am just as human as you are, your highness. Unless you wish to tell me that you are not as human as you appear to be.” 


Artemis laughed again, more openly this time. “If I weren’t a human, I imagine I know several courtiers who would be much less in favor of my family’s rule.”


The women sat in companionable silence for several minutes, each looking at each other. Or at least in Temi’s case, looking at the veil that obscured this woman's face. As they sat, a thought began to root in her mind. The woman had mentioned magic. Perhaps…. Perhaps this woman was the girl from the woods after all. 


She took a timid breath as she formulated the most subtle way to sus that information out. “Tell me, my lady, have you ever been hunting.” 


The woman froze for a moment but quickly recovered. “Only once, and it was a dreadfully embarrassing affair for me.” 


The princess quietly sighed out of disappointment. No hunter as good as that girl could only have done it once. But, perhaps this woman was the world giving her a second chance, after her failure to court the huntress. “Tell me, my lady. Do you suffer from the same affliction that I do?” 


“I beg your pardon.” 


“I am afflicted with a preference towards the fairer sex, or more simply, I cannot imagine myself with men. Do you feel the same way?” 


The woman froze again, and through the veil she saw her eyes widen. Her voice broke somewhat as she spoke next, losing the beautiful edge that had lined it the entire evening. “I-I’m sorry, your princess-er, your majesty. That is a difficult question to answer. And I don’t know…” 


Her voice trailed off and her body stiffened. Artemis assumed she had simply not expected such a question. “If you don’t have the experience, I would be more than willing to show you. If you’d like you, you can remove your veil for a small kiss.” 


The strange woman abruptly stood up, nearly spilling her drink with the force of her action. One of her hands gripped her veil tightly. “I must say no, your highness. I fear you would not like what you see.” 


The woman’s behaviour confused the princess. At first she’d thought she’d finally met her match, but now, it was as if the strange had become an entirely different person. 


“Why not, I will not be offended, nor disgusted. You are the most wonderful woman I’ve met tonight.” 


The stranger backed away from Artemis. One step. Then two. “I do not believe you understand.” 


“Then may I at least have your name, my dear lady.” The woman continued to back away, but she froze as Temi said those words. Her body language softened again, and her voice recovered a small amount of the magicalness that it had before. 


“In the winter months, white as clouds. It flies upwards, yet covers the floor,” the strange woman said cryptically. Not a moment later and she dashed for the door. 


Artemis shouted after her. “Stop, my lady! Please, wait!” 


But she did not, and the princess was left feeling particularly alone staring at the empty doorway. 




Stupid! Extrordinarily stupid. Ash scolded herself as she rode home at a feverish pace. She had no clue where that last ounce of courage had appeared from. She had to disappear, she had to go back to her male disguise before anyone realized how terribly stupid she had been. She shouldn’t have stayed that long. She’d seen her step-family leave just after she’d stopped dancing with the princess. She shouldn’t have stayed any longer than that. 


But she also couldn’t have left early. Every touch of the princess felt electric. Every time she looked into her eyes, moths filled her heart. She wanted to stay for as long as she could. She should have stayed. Those quiet minutes at the table were the most relaxed she’d ever felt in her life. And then it’d all gone wrong. Something Princess Artemis had said had relit the anxiety and fear she’d felt earlier in the day. The fear that she was just a man trying to deceive a woman. And that’s why she was stupid for running. 


Her second wish had been to go to the ball as a woman, simply because she wanted to experience once again what it was like to be a woman. But as her body transformed for that second time, a realization struck her. She could be a woman. That was why she’d always been so miserable. Life as a boy was not for her. Those few hours she’d spent as a huntress had shown her what she’d been missing her entire life. And this second transformation proved it. She had felt calm. She’d felt whole. For the first time in her life, she felt like herself. 


But then the princess had said she could never imagine herself with a man, and the creeping sense that she was an imposter returned. Gods, she was so stupid. 


And now she’d run away. Somewhere in her heart she knew that as soon as she removed her dress, her male body would return, and the gown was far too ungainly to travel significantly in. 


All of her worries paled, however, as soon as she rode up to the manor. A carriage was parked out front, with several horses pawing at the snow in impatience. This was the vehicle her step-family had used. 


Ash pressed herself against a shed, hoping that no one had seen her ride up. There was only one safe option. She had to take off her gown, return to her male body, and hope that she could hide both the dress and herself before her step-mother found either. 


The girl quickly shed the garment, letting herself reminisce on the moment the princess had grabbed her hip. She shuddered as her hated male body reformed as the purple cloth was removed. It was terribly cold out at night, and she wished she’d had the forethought to wear something under her dress. She neatly folded it as well as she could with her shivering hands, before stealing towards a side door. 


Ash had barely made it two steps inside before she heard the angry lilt of her step-mother’s voice from around a corner. “Both of you! Both of you! Both of you failed tonight. Miserably. I bet even the whelp would have had a better chance. Especially since the princess appears to favor women, for some unfathomable reason. That harlot in purple. Who even was she?” 


The girl froze, with the folded dress pressed against her flat chest. She felt as though she was carrying horrific contraband. If she was caught with it, who’d know if she’d survive. 


“And Bertrand. Go find Sid. It looks like that boy refused to do even the most basic of tasks. And even after I let him get away with dallying all day in his room. That ingrate.”


“Sure, mom,” Bertrand said, swiftly followed by his footsteps moving away. 


Ash summoned a mental map of the house. There was no way for her to get to the attic without going through that room. As this was one of the servant rooms, she just hoped that no one would look in here, until she had a chance to sneak past them. 


“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” The girl didn’t want to look up. She already knew what she’d see. Her step-mother with that victorious look and fire in her eyes. “I was coming to check if you’d run away, but no, I found you here, Sid. What a surprise.” 


She was wrenched through the door by her step mother and into the well-lit central room of the house. And then, if only to make matters worse, her step mother tore the dress from her grasp and unfurled it before her. Ash felt the world churn to a stop as the look of surprise crossed the woman’s face. But it didn’t last.


The step-mother turned to Ash with pure hatred filling her face. “You.” The very word dripped with venom. “You were the harlot. You were the one who ruined my son’s chances! You!” With a vicious sound, the woman began to rip the dress in half. “I cannot believe that you would sully this family in such a way. I pay for you, your food, your home, and you go off pretending to be a woman. How dare you, boy.” 


Ash watched as her dress, the object she prized most in the world, was torn to shreds. Minute after agonizing minute, her step-mother slowly, methodically, evilly, turned the garment to nothing but a pile of threads at her feet. With her ugly gaze levelled at the girl, who was all but shaking in either fear or anger, she brushed the scraps into the embers, where they all quickly took flame. Within minutes, the dress was nothing but ash. 


And Ash was mortified. It felt like watching a part of herself die. She hadn’t even noticed when her step-brothers reentered the room, looks of confusion plastered on their faces. Slowly, and quaking with a growing rage, she met her step-mother’s eyes. The woman stared at her with an equal emotion. “You should have died with your father, boy. It would have saved me so much grief.”


In a flash she raised her hand to smack the girl, but all four people froze as a fierce banging from the front door filled the room. 


“Open up. In the name of the Royal Family, open up!” Ash instantly recognized the voice. It was Artemis, the princess. “If this door is not opened in the next instance, I will take an axe to it!” 


That seemed to get Clovus attention, and he stepped to open the doors. He’d barely cracked them, however, when they were pushed inward with such force that the man stumbled backwards, nearly falling on his ass. 


Rushing past him came the princess, still dressed from the ball, but with a thick royal cape, and a more pronounced tiara. Behind her were a dozen guards, and several other official looking people. 


“I am Artemis the 2nd, of the Royal Family Griffen, and I demand to know where she is?”


Ash felt a rush of joy at seeing the princess. She’d followed her here. That means that she could—


“I assure you, your majesty. There is no other woman here, save for myself.” Her step-mother had a small, self-assured smile at her face. 


“Yes, yes, I recognize you three from the ball. But you,” she said, pointing at Ash. “I don’t recognize you. Who are you?” 


“That is my son, Sid. He chose not to come as he does not have a social disposition. He stayed home this evening.” Her tone fell harshly as she looked at the girl. “He was cleaning.” Almost as an afterthought, she gestured at the fireplace with the ashes of the dress. 


Artemis looked between it, Ash, and her step-mother, a suspicious look dawning across her face. 


“If you please, your majesty. Why do you seek this woman, has she stolen something from you. Perhaps that is why she might be hiding on my property. She is a thief.” 


“No, ma’am,” Temi began, a fierce tone infecting her voice. “I’m looking for her because I love her.” 


Love? The princess loved her? How was that possible? It felt like she’d done everything wrong, but here was the princess saying she loved her. She couldn’t believe her ears, and she could feel her cheeks blushing very intensely. Artemis must have notice because she instantly locked eyes with with the girl. 


“You love her? Your majesty? It is inappropriate for a woman to be with another woman. If you seek love, my sons are much more befitting for—”


“Enough!” The princess roared. “The next time I hear your opinion, it will be because I have asked! Now, men. Search the house. Try to find the woman.” The guards who’d been waiting behind the princess streamed into the house, quickly spreading out to look through every room and closet. “And now, I would like to speak to your other child, while they search for the woman.” 


The step-mother rolled her eyes but made no response. Taking that as an tacit approval, Temi took Ash’s arm and dragged into a side room. 


As soon as the door closed to their private space, the princess broke into a massive grin. “That was clever. That was very clever. I thought to myself ‘the answer is obviously snow’, but snow’s not terribly known for being left on the floor, or for going upwards.” With a tender hold, she took the girl’s hand and raised it to her lips for a kiss. “I am very glad you were able to make it to the ball, Ash.” 


With a gasp and another blush, Ash pulled her hand away. “But...but—You’re highness—” She instantly shut up as the princess tenderly brushed her cheek


“It’s alright, Ash. It’s going to be alright.” Her voice was barely above a whisper. “What curse gave you this form?”


The girl trembled under her touch. “There is no curse.” Every word felt like a fight to get out. “This is me. This is my body. I am not a woman, at least not a normal one like you.” Tears that had been threatening to spill began to fall from her eyes as she spoke. Artemis wiped one away with her thumb, then pulled Ash into a very tight hug. 


She felt safe in the princess’ arms. Warm. But she didn’t belong there. She wasn’t fit for the princess. “You were cursed, Ash.” She heard Temi say. “You were cursed before you were born. Cursed into a form that doesn’t fit you. You are a woman. Completely. And I’d like to make you mine.” 


The floodgates opened for Ash’s emotions, and wave after wave of tears poured down her face, ruining Artemis’ perfect cape. They held each other tightly. Seconds turned to minutes, but still they did not let go. In that moment, they became one. At least in soul. Ash was loved, and she loved Artemis. 


Finally the pair separated enough to at least look each other in the face. “I want to tell you a secret, Ash. Is that alright?” The girl looked at her, still sniffling and nodded. “I was cursed too.” Ash instantly froze and the princess’ admission. “I told my father that I was cursed when I turned six, and he gathered every magician in the land, until he found one who could cure my curse, and I’ve been myself ever since. I still know the man, I can get him to lift your curse too.” 


“No.” Ash’s voice was shaky. “You don’t need that. There’s another way.” Pulling away from her love, she stepped towards the door. “Follow me.” 


The pair rushed through the house, flying past the soldiers looking in vain for the woman that the princess had already found. Ash slammed the door to her room closed as soon as they had both slipped inside. On the mantle was the last hazelnut. The last wish. She took it and displayed it to Artemis. 


“This was that magic I mentioned.” 


“I can’t say I’ve heard of magic in a nut before.” the princess responded, smiling. 


With a small laugh, Ash broke the final shell. A whirlwind blew out of the crack, filling the small room with the smell of juniper and sage. For a second Ash thought she heard an impish laugh, but that though was whisked away as a wave of magic engulfed her body. 


The first thing she felt was her hair. It grew hand over hand until it hung down her back in illustrious waves. Next came her face. She felt bones shifting, and her face contorting, but the sensations quickly faded, leaving her with pillowy lips and eyes as green as the forest. 


The magic found its way to her chest next. Her shoulders pulled in with a crack and her bust began to swell. Her breasts grew and grew until they were a wonderful handful, and yet the magic kept going. Her bottom and hips grew together, as her legs slimmed. And a strange sensation between her legs informed her that her hated manhood was good. The final flourish of magic was to form a long white dress and lay it on Ash’s bed. 


By the time the magic had run its course, she was a hand shorter, and more beautiful than either of her previous transformations. Artemis found herself blushing brightly, and completely unable to form words as she watched this take place. Her lips tried to say something, to communicate anything that she was feeling, but all that could come out were nonsensical syllables. Until finally, she said the only thing her brain could manage. 




Ash blushed and laughed before looking at her own body for the first time. It was everything she’d wanted. 


“Um…. my love. Can I ask what you wished for?”


Ash smiled and tried no to look at Artemis. “I wished to be with you always.” 


The two girls both smiled wider than they ever had in their entire lives and hugged again, kissing deeply, passionately. They were both fires, finding fuel in the other’s passion. Each making the other burn brighter. 


It was the princess who spied the garment on the bed first. “Is… is that a wedding dress?”


Ash looked at it as well. “I… maybe?” 


Artemis got a wolfish grin and ran her hand over her hair. “Do you want it to be?” 


Ash froze and slowly turned to look at her lover. “Do you mean it?” 


The princess nodded once. 


In a mad scramble, the girl tried to pull the dress on, only to get stuck. Artemis laughed and helped her fully get into the dress. 


At long last, the princess swept her true love into her arms and carried her down to a waiting carriage. They walked past Ash’s step-family who glowered at her, and past the guards who had tired, but satisfied smiles, until finally they stepped through the door and into the rays of the morning sun. 


“You know, Ash, my Ashen-bride.” Artemis said, smiling at her wife-to-be. “I still owe you a feast. Would it be alright? If it was a wedding feast instead?” 


“I’d be overjoyed.”  


The princess sat Ash into the carriage, then sat beside her. They fell asleep in each other's arms almost instantly. The carriage pulled away from the manor, the only thing moving in that cold winter morning. 

That's all for today! If you don't want to wait for the rest of the stories to be posted, swing on by the itch bundle where you can get them all right away!