Chapter 18: Locating the Other Four Masters
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When Eddie woke up the next day, he found Carter still asleep beside him. Even though it was morning, he did not want to wake up the sleeping hero. The man went through a very tough battle, and he might still be recovering, that was what he thought. When he got up, he took a shower and got changed, before going downstairs.

When he reached the kitchen, he found Joe and Cecile preparing breakfast. It was still early, so they had not left for work yet. As they were having their breakfast, Joe broke the silence. “You two were awfully quiet last night. Did nothing happen?” When Joe asked Eddie this question, Eddie was still chewing his food, when almost choked hearing Joe’s question. Cecile and Joe looked at each other before looking back at the blushing Eddie.

“Don’t be silly, there’s nothing going on between us”. Eddie could only retort. He did not know how he feels towards Carter. He did not even know if the guy will reciprocate his feelings. Joe and Cecile spent the entire morning hounding Eddie about his relationship with Carter. By the end of it all, his face was completely red.

When he came back upstairs, he found that Carter had already woken up and was once again the blond knight. When Eddie asked for the new servant's name that Carter was imprinting, Carter just told him that, “It is Saber”. He told Carter that Joe and Cecile had prepared some breakfast in the kitchen and they left it for him. As Carter was about to go to the kitchen he said “After breakfast, let’s go to S.T.A.R. Labs, we can check on Cisco and the progress of the device.”

When they got to S.T.A.R. Labs, Eddie and Carter ask Cisco about his progress. Cisco told them that it would be another day. Cisco then asks Carter, “So this summoning of servants thing, how does it work exactly?” Carter told him that he did not want to summon any servants until all or most of the masters had gathered because if two servants were to meet, a battle would immediately start and a lot of destruction would ensue. Seeing as how Carter did not want to reveal anything about the summoning process, Cisco let the matter drop.

Carter asks Cisco whether they had a place to train. Cisco sent him to one of the training rooms. When Carter and Eddie went to the training room, Barry and Ralph came over. The three of them observed the training room through the monitors to make sure nothing goes wrong. They saw that Carter was covered in light inside the training room before someone else appeared in his place. They just kept observing the monitor while Cisco went to work on the master locator. Ralph and Barry observed that there was now a blond knight in the room with Eddie. Eddie was just looking at the knight while he trained with his sword.

After a while of observation, Eddie asks Carter about pointers in combat. "So, you should be pretty good in a fight since you got all of the servants' skills on top of their powers. I can still remember the bruises. How about you give me a few pointers?" Seeing as how Eddie was eager to learn his techniques, Carter changed back into his actual appearance before he began Eddie's tutoring lesson. He first thought Eddie the basics for Bajiquan, since that is the martial arts he is most well-versed in. After that session ended, he taught Eddie Pankration.

When they finished their training session, they saw Barry, and Ralph admiring Carter’s martial arts prowess. The both of them sat down in front of the two heroes. Eddie told them that he wanted to learn Bajiquan and Pankration was because he lacked actual combat ability. The first and second time they fought, Carter put him in the emergency room. It took him at least a week to recover. As he was telling his story, Carter interrupted him “And I said I was sorry. I didn’t know it was you at the time. How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?” After Carter said that, he looked away pouting.

Eddie could only giggle seeing Carter pouting. Ralph looked at the two of them “Alright you two stop flirting.” He regretted saying it because Eddie and Carter were now staring daggers at him. The rest of the day progress normally. The next day, Cisco told them that he had finished modifying the locator, and that he was ready to activate it.

Everyone was at S.T.A.R. Labs, waiting in anticipation. When Cisco turned on the device, the monitor showed Earth-Prime. It showed that there are four energy signatures corresponding to masters. Afterward, the screen moved around going across many Earths before it stopped. The number revealed the Earth as Earth-212, and it showed that there are two energy signatures. Afterward, it pulled back and started searching again. The search then stopped. It returned to Earth-Prime but the screen changed the date. It showed that the time kept fluctuating between past, present, and future. It also showed that the signature is not on Earth-Prime but outside it.

Looking at the screen, Carter told everyone of the rough location of the seventh master. “It’s in space. To be more accurate, it’s in-between time and space. It is as if it were floating in space.” When Barry and Cisco heard this, the only thing that came to mind “The Legends”. Barry explains, “The Legends live on a time ship called the Waverider, and they spend most of their time between time and space.”

Cisco used the device to magnify the location of the master on Earth-Prime. He managed to magnify the location and pinpoint the general location of the fourth master. “The fourth master can be found in National City. Hey Barry, maybe we should get Kara to help.” Cisco showed everyone where the reading came from.

When they saw this, Carter told everyone that they need to split up. “Eddie and I will go to Earth-212 and look for the fifth and sixth masters there. Barry, you should go to National City and get help from Supergirl to locate the fourth master. When we get back, we will find a way to contact The Legends and find out which Legend became a master.”