Chapter 7- Dungeon Arc#5: Level-Up
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In the cavern, with no light, there was no measure of time.

Fireball! Fireball! Fireball! Fireball! Fireball! Fireball! Fireball! Fireball! Fireball! Fireball!

The 10 fireballs created enough force to penetrate through the passages and produce an entrance for the outside.

My hands fluttered, which showed 10 fireballs was my limit, 10 min was the peak time I could sustain the mana chains,

Extreme repetition of the spells for an extended period caused my [Fire Control] and [Condensed Mana Restriction] to level up twice. [Night Vision] had an unbelievable rate of level up, unlike my other spells. The view was now as clear as day inside the dungeon,

Although skills levels advanced, there was no variation in my actual level. Rather than charging recklessly, it was better to face off the beasts in this dungeon by surprise.

After resting for a while, I moved out of the cave in search of other monsters. Below the cave was a forest. Beneath the trees feeding on the leaves were slimes.

Although they were tending their own business and ignoring me. Poor things required to be slain. A small price for my levels.

But it was more problematic than I initially thought.

I used the spear made from snake bones to penetrate it, but it just passed through the slime.

The slime spread over my weapon,

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Shaking the sphere was ineffective; it was just glued into it. Its body spread around, and it reached near my hand.

‘Get off you sticky slime, ’


[You killed a Low-Slime]


I used [Fire Control] and set fire around my arm and the spear; it seems fire was effective against it

But the fire seems to have cracked the spear,

Phew! That was close.


Huh! I heard the rustling of leaves. Looking around, there were too many slimes. They composed a spherical blue layer, furnished with a liquid-like substance.

They were carefree monsters not caring about others, but now that I slew one of them, it seems they tend now,

Hordes of them got closer to each other, clambering over each other. The Individuals liquidated,



I took immediate actions to avoid letting them combine.

The spattered liquid came closer and closer and retook shape.


It did not work!

They only got splattered but did not die this time.

And as I fixated on the slimes in front, the slimes besides me had consolidated and increased their size.

At least 4 slimes were there taller than 6 feet. They squirmed around me. Their sticky fluid engulfed my body, more slimes gathered, A sphere bubble was being formed, and I was inside it. When the liquid touched my flesh, it felt as if my tissues were being apart...

But! I still had not Given up yet,

Since they had inundated me by just sticking around my body

I used [Fire Control] to envelop my frame, Heightened the intensity, and changed the way it flowed

Fire Control: Hurricane”

The flames swirled around my body, destroying the slimes.

Flame Control allowed me to control flame as I required, so I had to be inventive. But using flames in that manner consumed over 80% of my mana.


Breaking of branches, timbers, their sound rustled

4 Mid-Sized slimed had once surrounded me. 20-30 slimes had merged to form one Mid-Sized Slime, but in front was a monstrous one. It was so vast that it devoured 30-meter trees like it was nothing. How many slimes gathered to form that monster? 1000? 10,000?

Although slimes were small and weak, their numbers were no joke, and when they all fused, their power was no joke.

It kept on devouring its surrounding.

I was running. I did not fear death! But their fluid tore tissues down until they left nothing, Just being covered by 4 slimes was ample to cause me excruciating pain,

It had grown broader than 50m trees. The giant slime rolled. One roll was adequate to get me inside its fluid. Before I could even think of using fire, my body had already disintegrated.

New skill [Pressure Resistance level 1] learned.

New skill [Water Resistance level 1] learned.

New skill [Tissue Induration level 1] learned.

  • [You have died]
  • [One Soul Consumed: Remaining - 15976]
  • [Starting Resurrection]
  • [Resurrection Complete]

I woke up with a dizzy head.

Phew! It happened so fast. I did not feel any pain.

But! HA! HA! HA!

Pressure Resistance, Water Resistance, Tissue Induration level 1, HA! What Luck!

Who knew skills could be obtained this way?!

With that, I devised a perfect plan to burn those slimes.

I did the exact thing; I did like before, killed one slime, gave them enough time to merge, and then got devoured by the slime.

Shit! It hurt!

As I did not get dissolved by the slime, it tore me slowly. After around 3 sec, I was dead again.

Now the same process again, and again,

Skill Evolution: [Pressure Resistance level 3, Water Resistance level 3, Tissue Induration level 3]

After a while, my body could last for about 1 min. Now I used [Fire Control]

But under such liquid pressure, forming even a speck was tough but not impossible.

Every time I used [Fire Control], my control over it rose, which also leveled up.

So, I continued the process; it was an effective training method which rapidly caused by skills to improve, and I could feel my mana pool expanding each time it emptied and refilled

I must have died and endured the pain at least 50 times. Every time the duration of my body could survive increased so did the pain it caused

But after all that induration, finally,

Fire Control: Hurricane”

Inside the slimes body, fire brew, heating it from inside, it rolled here and there, The color inside slowly turned red,

The intensity of fire spread, the color of fire became redder, until


The colossal slime exploded from within

  • [You killed a High Monster Slime]
  • [You Leveled Up]*5

I landed down from midair,

fi.. fiv… fi... Five Levels??!!! Am I Level 10 now?

Never had I before gained such levels rapidly. To reach level 5 was a long process. One by one, I had to kill over 200 rats.

But killing this giant slime granted me 5 levels? Well, the slime comprised over 10,000 slimes. Also, slimes were more challenging to kill than rats, as I could kill rats using simple physical attacks. Still, physical attacks had no effects on the slimes. Only fire could damage them, and my use of mana was limited to physical attacks.

  • [Required Level Met]
