Chapter 4 – The First Mission
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"Or you noobs. Today we will be going on a goblin extermination for your first mission. Some of you here, especially you E rankers, this will be accompanied by higher rankers. " a C ranked ranger named Nabil said. 

In the Heritage Mercenary Guild, due to the fact that the town was next to the dangerous DragonGrave forest, they generally gave training to their new E rankers. This was to guarantee a higher survival rate as the more surviving mercenaries they have, the better for the guild. 

"Make no mistake. Although goblins are small creatures, around a 1m tall each, they have the strength of an average man. They might not look scary, but they will eat your flesh, use your skin for clothes, and rape your women to reproduce, like orcs!" Nabil said

Bonar stood with a blank look on his face. He has been hunting goblins since he was 5 an got bored of killing them before he turned 6. To him, they were as harmless as rabbits. 

"I will be accompanying you in this mission, as will our priest Thomas, and as an extra precaution, we have our top ranker of the mercenary guild of Heritage herself, Ariana" he said, referring to the spectacled D ranked priest next to him as well as a beautiful blonde girl who was surprisingly an A ranked warrior. 

Bonar looked and ducked his head. The  blonde named Ariana was the girl he bumped off the horse yesterday! He hoped she didn't notice him, but in actuality, he was the first one she noticed, and actually scanned his body to see if what she thought she saw yesterday was real. 

Fortunately, he was "under control" today, and he looked normal, well as normal looking as you can be wearing a kilt, which was rare. 

She smirked, noting that he was an E Ranker. However, she still wondered, someone who was able to catch and wrestle a rampaging warhorse surely wasn't average. 

"Well, although we will be supervising you so that nobody dies, we will not be helping in the hunt unless you are in danger. The killing of the goblins will still be up to you" Nabil said, not only to Bonar, but about another 20 E rankers who had recently just registered. 

"Our goal is a total extermination of a goblin nest. As you are all grouped together, only a complete destruction of the village will be considered a success. So I hope you don't freeze up and give a good showing. Let's go!" he said, loading everyone onto wagons, while those who owned horses rode their own horses. 


They dismounted their horses and got off the wagons next to the road next to the forest. 

Nabil walked to the forest and looked on the ground

"A goblin attack killed a carriage full of women and children here yesterday. So we will track them back to their nest from here" he said as he led the group deeper into the forest. 

They followed him through the forest, spreading out so as not to be ambushed by any scouting goblins. 

While Nabil led from the front, Ariana glided through the air gracefully, moving with supernatural agility, hopping from tree to tree while only stopping on large branches. 

While keeping as silent as possible, Nabil pointed at a goblin who was dozing off while standing guard in front of a cave which was probably the nest, and allowed an E ranker to kill the goblin. 

The E ranker approached from behind, but the mercenary struggled with killing the goblin quietly, allowing it to holler a warning into the cave. 

"Shit. Amateur!" Nabil cursed as a dozen or so goblins ran out of the cave. 

"Well, what are you waiting for? Attack!" Ariana shouted as the 20 E rankers charged towards the ever increasing number of goblins. 

Ariana landed next to Nabil and folded her arms telling Thomas the priest to stand ready with healing spells.

Both sides clashed messily and a wide range of skills separated the E rankers. Some were pretty good, while others were pathetic, losing out in their skirmish with the goblins. 

Ariana looked at Bonar, hoping to see him use his unbelievable strength and speed. But to her surprise, he seemed to be walking towards the goblins without even drawing his sword. 

"Shit! He froze up!" Nabil said and drew his sword. 

"Wait. He doesn't look like he is panicking" Ariana answered, looking in anticipation what Bonar would do. 

Bonar looked past the goblin, looking bored out of his mind. 

As the goblin charged at him, he lifted his leg and suddenly he avoided the goblin's attack while stomping down directly on its head. 

The goblin's skull was shoved right down its spine becoming meat paste under his boot. 

Nabil and Thomas was shocked at the attack, having never seen anything like that before. 

Ariana was even more shocked as she had a glimpse under his kilt and noticed he wasn't wearing any underwear. She saw something huge swinging under there too as he stomped down, distorting his kilt as he moved. 

Another two goblins approached him and he spun past the fist goblin and delivered a spinning back kick to the second goblin's head, causing its head to fly off its body, but the force threw its body as well, slamming into the mountain the cave was part of. 

In mid spin, he grabbed the first goblin with his hand, crushing it's skull in his grip and throwing it like a baseball, its whole body becoming a projectile, slamming into several goblins coming out of the cave. 

"T...this...Are you sure he's an E ranker?" Ariana asked

"He came in to register only yesterday. He said he's 14 years old!" Nabil said, his mouth still wide open. 

"14? Interesting" Ariana said and walked after Bonar. 

"Do we follow?" Thomas asked

"We wait till these guys finish off all the goblins outside and follow them in. My job is to protect you the healer, as without you, there may be casualties. Ariana can take care of herself" Nabil answered. 

Bonar was smashing one goblin after another easily, ignoring everyone else and looked like he was taking a stroll into the cave. 

Ariana followed from behind, walking calmly as her sword flashed and killed any goblin that approached her, intrigued by this weird teen. 

The cave was deep, but as Ariana followed, she had already lost sight of Bonar, as if he accelerated from a slow walk to a sudden run. 

But she could follow the trail of green blood and dead bodies that were smashed beyond recognition. 

It was as if they were crushed by a giant and the sheer amount of brutality was astounding. 

"He...does know he has to collect their right ears for a reward right?" she thought out loud.