Chapter 0193
“Okay, now that the introductions are done, let’s get down to the business at hand,” Fenix said. “8th sister do you have the information I’ve requested?”
“I do, but I don’t see anything that warrants all of our interests.”
“That is because you can only see through the eyes of a merchant. Not all profits are visible.” Arlan Ben Tivock indirectly reminded his sister that the situation isn’t as clear cut as she thinks it is. He wouldn’t be here otherwise.
“The people I asked you to inquire about isn’t really the issue right now. It’s the people who might be involved with them that are a cause for concern. It is also why I ask for your help.”
“Ohh, I’m all ears baby sister.” Dilien Amerton cooed, partially because she wants to see the adorable side of Fenix and partially because she was curious about what kind of person could intrigue her 7th brother. It may not seem like it considering Arlan Ben Tivock came her quite easily at Fenix’s request but the truth is very different.
Arlan Ben Tivock is a stubborn bastard who does what he wants to do. No one can move him when he sets his mind to it, not even their mother. So who can move the annoyingly reclusive stubborn bastard?
“Aria Se Jivock.”
“The reputed second most powerful Soul Liner of the Se clan?” Xue Yang asked. He made sure to be informed of the general movements of all the powerful people in the cultivation world. This includes all Soul Liner, no matter their age.
“Yes, that one. Aria Se Jivock had taken enough interest in the situation to manipulate the outcome directly.”
“Technically,” Tempest jumped in to explain, “she was there to conduct the entrance test for the Brilliant Yin Sect, but she used the token she said I won as a karma conduit and lead me to the brothel.”
“I don’t know what Aria Se Jivock’s intents are so I need 7th brother here to intervene if necessary.”
Arlan Ben Tivock stared at Tempest for a bit before he spoke, “I know what Aria Se Jivock’s is after. I can’t say it since I don’t want to create a karma line with her, but I can safely say she has no intention of harming you or your sisters.”
Arlan Ben Tivock won’t say Aria Se Jivock wants to create a karma line between her and the Heaven Defyer and is using Tempest here as a medium. He wants to create a karma line between him and the Heaven Defyer and is taking advantage of the opportunity his sister handed to him on a silver platter.
Heaven Defyers are a strange lot. Karma, coincidence, fate, heaven’s will and all that doesn’t work on them unless they allow it. Creating a karma line with them is nigh impossible unless there was a karma line between them before they became a Heaven Defyer. As to how they became a Heaven Defyer, that secret is highly guarded by Heaven. No amount of prying reveals it.
Soul Liners don’t reveal information about Heaven Defyers, ever.
Still, Arlan Ben Tivock benefitted from Aria Se Jivock’s actions. It wouldn’t hurt him to put in a good word for her.
Fenix looks skeptically at her usually vague brother. “Are you sure she wasn’t there to cause harm?”
“I’ve already checked into the matter.” Arlan Ben Tivock smiled mysteriously.
“Then what does she want?” Tempest asked. Aria Se Jivock was too weird for Tempest to ignore.
“Soul Liner secret.”
Tempest grunted but knew she wasn’t going to get any more information out of Arlan Ben Tivock. She let it go since he was on her side.
“Since you are here 7th brother, you might as well handle the issue with Verack De Nunick and his soul mate.” Fenix decided to toss more work towards her strange 7th brother.
“That is a tricky one. Star crossed lovers are like that.”
“Well yeah, but the coincidence is too much.” Tempest expressed her worries. “How often do you see two soul mates meeting each other at the same time?”
“With Soul Liners in the mix, as often as it benefits us.” Arlan Ben Tivock said, “but I’ll keep an eye Verack De Nunick for you.”
What Tempest hadn’t realized was all Soul Liners were keeping an eye out on Verack De Nunick. Arlan Ben Tivock’s promise to Tempest was something he was already doing. Arlan Ben Tivock was quite pleased to get a lot of goodwill for something he was already doing.
“Oh, oh, don’t forget Base Avon-Ying and his soulmate or life companion or whatever you call it.”
“He’s the other guy who found his soul mate under Aria Se Jivock’s watch,” Fenix explained Tempest’s comment. “That’s why I asked you to come here, 8th sister.”
“The Avon-Ying huh? This is an interesting problem you presented at my table 14th sister.”
Fenix grimace. “I know. Will you help?”
“Of course. Anything for my little sister.” Dilien Amerton happily agreed although Fenix knew her sister wasn’t helping her out of the goodness of her heart.
Dilien Amerton was already considering how to handle the Avon-Ying as they presented several lucrative proposals to the Amerton Conglomerate. Their ideas were intriguing and if it could be executed, then it becomes extremely profitable for both sides, yet at the same time, the risk associated with the proposal corresponds to the potential profits.
“And don’t forget about the Brilliant Yin Sect.” Ever so helpful Tempest added. “Aria Se Jivock used the Brilliant Yin Sect Disciple Token as bait for me.”
“I take that is where we come in?” Xue Yang asked.
“Yes. I’m not sure how to handle the Brilliant Yin Sect as they aren’t directly involved in the situation but their name was used.”
“I have connections with the Brilliant Yin Sect. I’ll handle them if necessary.” Xue Lian Hua offered her services to her youngest sister.
“Okay, thanks.”
“Now for the actual situation itself, 8th sister, do you know what is going on and the major players involved?”