Chapter 1: Magic
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ARC ONE: New World

Chapter 1: Magic

On a tree, a woman was dangling her feet while sitting on a branch. She had a luxurious black hair and sparkling black eyes, signifying her curious and unfettered nature. With a slim and flexible body, she lightly sat on one of the tree's wider branches, as if unaware of her precarious situation.

Her head tilted upwards as she blankly looked at the skies. She sighed as if lamenting the different problems in the world. A sweet voice, betraying her childish nature sounded out, fully in contrast with her depressing mood.

[Aah, I'm bored.....Isn't there something to do?]

And this is the beginning of her story.


Hello there. My name is Ruby. 20 years old. Single. Currently a university student. And I'm a -- hmm, what do you call it -- magician? Witch? Well, let's just say I am a human being that has special powers. I can also summon things, living or not, that is out of this world. You know, like a certain species that you can only see in books and movies.

But of course, there are limitations. I can only summon them to this world for a few minutes. After all, in this world called Earth, magic is limited. I'm not a powerplant you know. Also, in this world, they say magic doesn't exist. Well, not the kind that you see on TV. And by magic, I mean real magic but -- oh well -- the source of magic on Earth has a limited reserve so I can't do much about it.

But right now, this is more important.

I'm bored....bored bored bored.....................

Perking up, Ruby narrowed her eyes as an idea came to mind. A grin slowly forming on her lips.

Well, I guess I'll play a prank for a bit.

I saw some bystander with my telescope as I gazed into the distance. It's a special one of course. Imbued with some of my magic, it can see clearly over a long distance and can even see through walls if I want to. Among the bystanders is a couple of course. You could tell from the disgustingly public display of affection at midday. These guys have no shame. Making single people jealous.

Kinda annoyed, I enchanted some birds in the sky to drop poop on them. It was a bit difficult sending my magic so far away but it worked. Reaching deep inside me, I searched for that warm feeling. I exerted some willpower to push out a strand. Still connected to me, I made that strand of magic touch some of the birds above me and had them move towards the couple.

The scene afterward was so funny. The two that were all lovey-dovey wasn't so anymore when poop landed on the guy's head. The girl screamed when it dropped on her clothes and they were jumping and shouting like circus performers.

While laughing, I forgot that I was sitting on a branch...high up in a tree....when I want to do a belly roll. Then and there, I met my demise. Just kidding. Still...

Karma hits me fast eh. It hurts!!!!

There was a loud noise when I fell. Probably due to the fact that I was in a panic, I used an enormous amount of magic to slow me down. The air made a cushion around me and slammed downwards due to gravity and inertia. The compressed magic made a hole in the ground.

I instinctively covered my head and turned to the side to relieve my aching back. But considering that the tree is as tall as my house and I was sitting on the highest branch, with a sloping hill down....well, you can guess what happened.

I did manage to slow my fall but...I didn't manage to survive rolling down the hillside.

Of course, such a huge commotion would attract people. Specifically, a certain demon with an angelic smile who can sense the magic in the air. The air above me distorted. As if the air was paper, it split apart and revealed a handsome middle-aged man dressed in a black and white formal attire.

With black hair and black eyes, perfectly straight nose, and thin lips, he gave a very refined feeling. Coupled with his lean and lightly muscled body (I know since I accidentally saw it), he was simply perfect. Although he could also give out an extremely murderous aura, like what he's doing now.

Shrinking back, I tried to look away while uneasily chuckling.

He's smiling. Oh God, he's smiling like a demon. Wait, he IS a demon!

Despairing in my thoughts, the middle-aged man slowly crouched down over my unlady-like sprawled form on the ground. And slowly, ever so slowly, he reached towards my chin and lifted my face to look at him. I can almost hear the bones creaking in my neck at how forcefully he pinched my chin and willfully moved it, not to mention that it really hurts.

With tears in my eyes, I begged him: [It hurts...]

He smiled even more demonically and said in an extremely soft voice: [You shouldn't have resisted and just followed. Not to mention that your head was facing the other way. If I haven't noticed that you're breathing, I would have thought that you broke your neck.]

It's already broken! I wanted to shout out so badly but I contained it.

I tried to heal myself with magic before anyone noticed, but the loud noise attracted a certain demonic being. And once that certain demon is near, it seems that all mana in the surrounding is sucked into him. I can't even imagine what he's doing with all that mana since he hardly ever use magic.

Anyways, back to the point. With all the mana surrounding him, I can't use it to heal myself. I also can't use the reserves in my body since I splurged it in my air cushion.

Knowing that resistance is futile, I let my tears fall down and begged: [Tier, help me.] For some reason, this demon who has enormous mana is weak to two things, when I cry and when I call his name.

With these two sure-hit attacks, let's see if he can resist.

Tier softened his look and gently lifted me up. I made a fist-pump in my head. Success!!

He pinched me and walked up the hill towards the house. Somehow, even when he's carrying me uphill, I was very stable and didn't move much. But Tier....pinched me at the area where I hurt the most, my back. But I held it in and restrained my tears.

Don't think that I would forget this!!