Chapter 3: Letter
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The next morning, I suddenly opened my eyes but my chest feels restricted. I frowned and tried to figure out what's wrong. Looking to the side, I saw the chair that Tier had been sitting on before I fell asleep. It looks as if he just left for a moment.

I rose from my bed and stretched but froze the next moment. That's when I realized that the magic particles, or mana as I call it, was so rich around me. In fact, I've never felt it so vividly before.

I should be happy that my wounds are healed but I'm not. In fact, that eerie feeling kept welling up, stronger than before.

I looked outside and saw streaks of light shining through the curtains. Standing up, I shifted it a little bit and peeked outside. Somehow, I felt that I shouldn't look outside.

My window overlooked the front garden all the way to the gates. I was surprised at the police car parked in front of the house. I can even see Aunt Veda talking animatedly with the policemen. My uneasiness steadily grew.

I exerted my mana to hear what they're saying but something's blocking me. I realized with a start that Tier put a restrictive shield in my room.

I ran to my door and opened it. The creaking sound it made was garish in the surrounding silence. I stood in the corridor, not knowing what to do.


The door to my room closed and my heartbeat stopped before galloping forwards. I carefully walked down the corridor, down the stairs, and out the door.

Oddly enough, I didn't see anyone. No servants. No maids. No Tier.

The last thought made me stop in my tracks. And pushed me towards the front doors. All of them looked in my direction.

Somehow, Aunt Veda was looking at me with an uncharacteristically sympathetic gaze. The police are looking at me with pity. And I found the missing servants buzzing with gossips stop and looked at me with complicated gazes.

Aunt Veda approached me with a grotesque smile: [Ruby, dear, you're up. Why don't you wash your face first while I talk to these nice gentlemen outside.]

I shuddered at her use of endearment but stubbornly remained where I was. I whispered: [Where's Tier?]

Aunt Veda stopped smiling and coughed in embarrassment. She changed her tone with a stern one and ordered me inside. [Ruby, inside, now.]

[Where's Tier?] I asked, louder this time.

Aunt Veda was about to talk when the policeman interrupted her. He walked towards me and calmly talked. [Ms. Haven, it appears that Mr. Tier is missing at the moment and we would like to take your statement on when and where you've last seen him.]

Somehow, the words coming out of his mouth sounded Greek to me. I shouted this time: [WHERE'S TIER?!!]

The other policeman approached and coaxed me after glaring at his companion. [I'm afraid my partner is a little insensitive. I know that this situation is shocking to you but Mr. Tier is missing at the moment. That's why we would like your cooperation so that we could determine where he is sooner.]

I didn't listen anymore. Tier is missing. This phrase kept repeating inside my head over and over again.

Black spots began appearing in my vision. I realized then that I wasn't breathing properly by the alarmed looks of everyone. But as they approached me, something was building up inside me. It was too much that I feel like I should let it out.

It was a moment before I realized that mana was building up inside me. With this build up, if I don't release it, I would blow up instead. But if I do release it, it's equivalent to an atomic bomb. When I realized it, it was already too late to disperse it.

Helpless, I was expecting the explosion when suddenly, the mana inside me was gone. I only felt an empty void. And as I fell back, I saw reddish hair and heterochromatic eyes staring expressionlessly at me.

I closed my eyes and welcomed the void. It was when I realized what was different. The link between me and Tier was cut. I can't find him anymore.


When I woke up, only one thought appeared in my mind.

Tier is gone. He's missing.

At that moment, I immediately run to his room. He's not there. Then I searched for him all over the mansion but it was in vain.

If he's nowhere to be found, then that means---no he must be still here. He won't leave me without saying anything. Believing that he'll be back, I waited.

A week has passed and still, no sign of Tier can be found.

Ruby: [That guy. When will he be back? I'll make sure to fire him myself if ever I saw him.]

His job has been taken care of by my Aunt Veda for now. I have no talent for business so it's pointless for me to do it. It's been a while since Tier had gone missing but everything was fine. The servants are well-trained and don't even need to be instructed on what to do. The business is self-sustaining and the managerial staff knows what to do. There's not even any takeover or bankruptcy.

It's as if, even if Tier wasn't there, I would be okay. I just have to do what I have been doing before.

That's when I realized that Tier knew he would be gone.

Then, I received a letter. The letter was from Tier. Relieved that he's still around, I opened the letter. The letter says:

Dear Ruby,

If you're receiving this letter, then that means I've been gone for a while now.

How are you? Are you eating well? I guess it's selfish of me to ask you those questions since I'm not there to take care of you anymore.

I wrote this letter because it's time for me to go. I know that you know what I mean. Since the time you summoned me, I was shocked that a kid like you could even do that. But I'm different from the thing you wanted to summon as far as I know.

But did you know why I didn't disappear that day?

That's because you gave me a name. For that, I am grateful and since then, I've been given a purpose. And that is to take care of you. But I guess this is my limit. I've stayed far longer than I should have. Even if I use this world's mana to sustain my physical body, this world would sooner or later reject me since it can't afford to have two of my kind in here.

I should also warn you that I'm not the only one of my kind in here. At first, he was weak. But gradually, I can feel him getting stronger. Now that I'm gone, he wouldn't hesitate to take my share of this world's mana. That's why you should be careful at showing your powers. But knowing you, I know that you would just ignore the danger. That's why I left the cards with you. Make sure to use them properly.

This is a farewell for both of us. For all the years that I spent together with you in this world, I am genuinely happy that I met you.

You're a strong person. That's why I know that in time, you will soon move on without me. So take care of yourself. Thank you and....goodbye.

Yours truly,


I sniffed, trying so hard to control my tears. [Goodbye my ass. Who told you that you can leave without my permission?]

I said that with a trembling voice as I cried, holding the letter that Tier wrote. Then I realized that I'm really no good without him. It really hurts, you idiot. I miss you already.

Needless to say, I cried my eyes out.

Months passed since Tier disappeared from this world. I tried summoning him again but nothing came up. I can't recall what I did when I summoned him to this world.

I still miss him but I need to keep moving on. But still, he's so selfish. He just sent me a letter instead of saying it to me, face to face. If he just told me, I would've given him my goodbyes too. Argh, I'm still angry at you Tier. I won't forgive you until I meet you.

Thinking that, I stopped.

Until when will I meet you? Argh, you idiot! Why did you have to leave?! I still won't forgive you!