Chapter 9: Souls
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As the man asked me this question in a cold indifferent tone, I answered him. [I'm Ruby. Who are you?]

The atmosphere instantly became heavy.

[This one doesn't have a name. Why are you here?]

Is he joking?! You summoned me here. [You guys brought me here, remember?]

??: Ah that... I think he did that. So it's you. I must bring you to him. Follow me.

[Wha-] Is he for real?

I'm still unsure if I should follow him. I mean, how is he so sure that I'll follow him...a vein popped in my forehead. Right...I don't know where to go. Blowing raspberries, I ran after him. Yes, ran. More than walking, isn't he almost running?

Ruby: Slow down, will you! *huff huff*

??: He doesn't like waiting.

So I continued running until we reached our destination. Still, I'm out of breath. I really need to exercise more. I'm already out of stamina just from that short jog.

??: This is the human you summoned.

I tried to catch my breath as I looked toward the person who brought me here. There, I saw a person leisurely sitting on the throne, his back reclined and his head perched on a palm as if he's the king of the world. There are even some people wearing the same black cloak kneeling in a parallel line beside a very luxurious red carpet. So suspicious! I suddenly thought of Illuminati. Isn't this a cult!

That person looked like a human in his 40s. The only difference is that I can see enormous horns on his head and fangs in his mouth. He was like the demons mentioned in books, complete with a dark aura coming out from him. Ah, he's just like Tier. Though to be honest, Tier is much more handsome and much more evil than this guy. Tier's demon form also looks much cooler than this guy.

Then I remembered Tier's letter. Another like me. Does he mean another demon like him?

Demon: Little girl, who are you?

Somehow, I'm a little intimidated. Maybe because I'm used to it? After all, Tier always released that demon king aura when I was a kid. 

Ruby: Ruby. Who the hell are you?

I calmly said, trying hard not to destroy my poker face and making a 'not intimidated' posture every teenager has practiced towards their parents.

The demon spoke his name. Greed. One of the 7 deadly sins? Well, that' cliche. Honestly, the name I gave Tier is sooo much cooler. Greed is just very...generic. Really, and so old-fashioned.

Greed: I see that your one of those born with magic. So I got your message. What do you want?

He said that with a smirk. He also leaned forward, as if looking forward to a clown's performance. And I did, spectacularly...

Ruby: I'm here to kick your lil' ass!

I stood firm while pointing at him. It was so childish and dumb. Right now I'm shaking in embarrassment and trying to find a hole in the ground. What did I do?! I suddenly blurted out those stupid hero lines! Oh, I should've stayed away from those protagonist junkies who have a hero complex. They just keep bothering me and kidnapping me to fight with them. I'm surprised Tier let me and now I'm picking up their habit!

Everyone became silent. No one spoke. I wish someone would say something to break this awkward silence.

Greed: Ku..hahaha!!

He just kept on laughing.

This my face became even redder. I was so ashamed that I wanted to scream. Ahh...I can see my courage fleeing away from the embarrassing me. It's a good thing he's the only one laughing...not! I feel like a pitiful comedian who can only make one person laugh in an entire room full of people. Laugh, you numbskulls! If your king is laughing, laugh with him. Now I feel even more embarrassed.  

Greed: Sorry, I can't help it. You humans really amuse me.

Ruby: W-why are you doing this.

I asked, looking him straight in the eye. I-I'm not changing the subject okay? I'm really not!

Greed: Why? Well, that's 'cause there is a place I want--no, need to go to and this is the only way to achieve it.

A place he needs to go? He can make a transportation magic circle. Even though it's a little crude, he's a demon so he'll be fine. So why would he...unless...

Greed: That's right.

As if reading my mind and praising me for my intelligence, he clapped his hands. He looked at me dead in the eye but I looked at his lips, hoping those words won't come out of his mouth.

Greed: Yes, a different world. 

My breath hitched. No one is more knowledgeable than me about the different worlds out there. After all, I AM a summoner. To open another realm--no, a door to another world, there are different methods. For mine, I designed a unique magic circle that lets me open a path towards my world. Meaning, I can call out to different world beings, but I can't go to their world. Another method is through—-souls. Why? Because mana is limited in this world.

As I read in Tier's library, souls have a unique and pure energy that can be converted to mana. It's essentially draining the life force of a living being and converting it to mana. It also has many different uses like enhancing elixirs or if consumed directly, it can act as the user's extra life, and many others. With the number of souls gathered in this place, it made my whole body shiver.

Of all the methods out there, you chose this?! So that's why...just to open a gate...he killed all life on Earth. I glared at him, my eyes slowly turning red. As if I'll let you...

Greed: If you're here to stop me, well, it's too late. It's already been done.

As if cold water was poured in my veins, I shuddered so violently that I'm surprised I could still stand. Does he mean...

Greed: Ahahaha, but I really enjoyed my stay here. At least the part where everyone is slaughtering each other. Now that is really amazing, you know. Hahaha!!

The demon laughed and laughed. This time, his followers rejoiced with him. What's wrong with these people? Can't they see they're part of his sacrifice? And then, my eyes met with the mysterious man. Unlike the crazy and worshipful gaze those fanatics had, he had a calm and almost lonely expression in his eyes. 

Greed: It still needs time to fully open. Oh, I just remembered that I need to do something...

Ignoring me! Flaring with irrational anger, I tried to use my magic but I suddenly lost my balance. Wondering why, I looked up to see Greed smirking.

Greed: Do you really think you can use your magic against me. Little girl, you're 1000 years too early for that!

Then I saw something sparkled around his neck. Squinting, I saw—a necklace shaped like a harpy. This demon is just using some cheap trick and he had the gall to insult me! I remembered that thing nulls and weakens any person within its range, except for the person using it. Do you really think you're invincible just because you have that?

Ugh, I can't...I blacked out and all I could hear is his annoying evil laugh.

In the throne room, Ruby laid unconscious on the ground. Greed stood up and walked toward her.

Greed: What an interesting creature.

He grabbed her hair and slowly caressed her face

Greed: Smells really good. Really, humans are a delicious delicacy!

His fangs slowly grew, ready to bite Ruby's neck.


Greed jerked his head back and glared at the quiet blue-eyed man. The knife grazed Greed's face, drawing blood. His cheek quickly healed but the quiet man still stared at Greed with cold and distant blue eyes.

Greed: What's the meaning of this?

The man stood silently. After receiving no answer, Greed smiled but his eyes radiated anger.

An enormous pressure came out of him, born out of rage. Even so, that man still looked at him coldly, as if he's an equal, not someone kneeling on the ground.

Greed: Nameless! Know your place!

Before his rage took control of him, he suddenly had an idea that made him smile.

Greed: Oh, it's almost a full moon already.

The man was startled, making Greed laugh.

Greed: I'll just give her to you for a snack. I'll let you reflect your actions. Be thankful I still showed you mercy. Throw them in the dungeon!

Waving his hands, the pressure came off and those cloaked figures dragged them out.

The room became silent and only darkness remained.

Greed: Soon. Almost there. I'll make every one of them regret.