26 – Basic Magic Theory for Dummies
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Scouring through the different libraries and treasuries took a long time, but Amara’s search eventually turned up empty. Since Amara had nothing to go on regarding what the final evolution of enchanter classes could be, she decided to read the books on magic to see what she could find.

So magic requires casting a magic circle, which tells the mana what to do.  

‘...for only the language of the gods can change reality, and although we know not what the symbols mean, extensive research and testing when attempting to discover new spells have shown results that confirm the theory that certain symbols reoccur in spells with similarities between them. For instance, the magic circles for the spells Flame and Fireball contain the symbols Display Flashy Flames of Fire, which makes us conclude that the symbol has properties related…’

Amara looked at the symbols that stood out, realizing that it wasn’t part of the language of the words that came before and after. 

That’s...the angelic language?

Amara took out the book on basic spells, and flipped through the pages until she reached the first magic circle depicted in it. It was the magic circle for the Flame spell. Like words around the borders on logos on Earth, Amara read the words that went around in circles.


Once invoked and while channeled, distribute mana by the following: Ninety percent: force the matter at the focus point of the mental image to vibrate. Ten percent: display flashy flames of fire at the focus point of the mental image. If not supplied, draw an image of flashy flames of fire from the caster's subconscious preferences and double mana required to invoke. Mana required to invoke: 10. Minimum upkeep: 1 mana per second.

Amara closed the book and fell back on the bed, staring up at the canopy as she held her forehead.

Mortal magic is a damned sham.

Amara frowned as she thought. I suppose it’s a bonus that I can read even what the magic circles are saying. Then I know exactly what they are meant to do. It may even help me design - or discover - new spells.

Amara sat up and opened the first book on magical theory. 

‘...repeated attempts to cast magical spells without a class that grants the Magic Circle class skill has proven extremely difficult, with the mana required to cast spells often being too high to even invoke, even when full understanding of the processes involved are known…’

Amara stopped reading and frowned.

Really, what’s the deal with classes? Why couldn’t class skills like Magic Circle be learnt by everyone? Making it a requirement that you need specific classes for such basic abilities seems backwards.

Why does it feel like classes act more like limiters on the population, more than an individual’s boosts? Looks like I need to have a little talk with Fluffles. If that’s the case, then this is just deplorable. 

Amara sighed. 

Make A Call: Ezme.

[Amara? I know that you miss my brilliant presence, but I just left recently.] (Ezme)

Hearing Ezme’s sarcastic tone in her head made Amara smile wryly.

[Well I did tell you to call me often, but you haven’t done it yet. I miss you, Fluffles.] (Amara)

[Impudent mortal! Stop calling me that!] (Ezme)

[Maybe I’ll stop if you start calling.] (Amara)

[Tsk. I have priorities you know.] (Ezme)

[You know, I was thinking earlier how this big bed felt empty, and imagined that you-] (Amara)

[Okay! Okay! I’ll call!] (Ezme)

Amara grinned when she heard the panicked voice in her head.

[That’s a good Fluffles.] (Amara)

[Tsk. Insufferable mortal. Now what do you want, or did you call simply to extort me?] (Ezme)

Nawh. She’s pouting.

[I’m not pouting!!] Ezme howled in her mind.

Ah crap, I forgot all my thoughts get through easily while on call.

[Well, it wasn’t all just to tease you. I need to talk to you about the system.] (Amara)

[Hmpf! Alright, I’ll see what I can answer.] (Ezme)

[Why is it so hard to cast magic without Magic Circle, even if you have all the knowledge for it?] (Amara)

[Oh, you remember what I said about your basic Divine Skills? Magic Circle is like them - designed to work with the most efficiency.] Ezme chirped in response.   

[But why limit it to only magician classes? It could’ve been learnt as a general skill instead. Why did you make it so limiting? I mean, it’s more like mortals’ potential are being limited by that decision?] (Amara)

[Oh. That’s not me.] (Ezme)

Amara frowned. [What do you mean? I thought you said you designed it.] 

[Yes, the part that you can see. But the system is essentially just there to showcase and explain the rules that govern existence. It doesn’t change or influence them. Putting them into words to be understood.] (Ezme)

Amara’s frown deepened. [So classes, magic circles and all else technically existed already before you created the system?]

[That’s correct! Seems you aren’t hopeless. Good for you!] Ezme’s cheerful voice resounded in Amara’s mind.

Amara thought. [...Then who established the rules?]

[...Father and the other gods I suppose?] Ezme’s contemplative voice came.

...Of course. Amara bit the inside of her cheek.

[...You don’t see any problem with all this?] (Amara)

[Hey! You have no idea how useful the system was for mortals! Do you have any idea how much harder it was for them to even understand how magic worked before I suggested the implementation of the system!] Ezme’s exclaimed, clearly upset.

Yeah. I can imagine. 

[I’m not talking about the system. I’m talking about the rules behind it.] (Amara)

[...Oh...I never really thought about it.] Ezme replied before her voice filled with concern. [And I don’t think you should either.] 

Amara snorted. [Because Tom doesn’t like people that disagree with him?]

[Well...I don’t know, but Father does what he can. Maybe he didn’t even have a say or couldn’t do anything about how the rules were established. In any case, it’s above our concern.] (Ezme)

[You know that any functioning organization can be brought to collapse because of incompetent leadership, right? It should be our concern.] Amara retorted. [It could be the very reason you’re losing the war.]

[A-Amara...I don’t really want to talk about this…] Ezme replied anxiously.

Amara sighed. [Fine. But you shouldn’t trust anyone blindly. Especially not an asshole like Tom or a bitch like Alarice.]

[Amara! That was really rude!] Ezme exclaimed anxiously.

[I’m serious though. You shouldn’t trust anyone to the extent you’ve put your faith in them. Everyone can be wrong. Even gods.] Amara protested. 

[I don’t know...] Ezme began hesitantly.

[You have to learn to think for yourself and trust your own judgement Ezme, not the judgement of others.] (Amara)

Silence ensued for a moment before Ezme responded. [Doesn’t that include yours?]

Amara sighed. [Yes. But that also means you shouldn’t discard my words simply on the notion of what others tell you, without thinking about it yourself.]

[...I’ll keep it in mind.] Ezme’s reply eventually came.

An awkward silence followed as neither knew how to continue the conversation.

Amara was the first to speak again. [Hey, when will you get back?]

[I’m not sure, but it will probably be a while.] (Ezme)

[Alright. Keep me posted, okay? And remember not to overexert yourself. When you return, I could maybe teach you how to cook something if I manage to get my hands on a stove and get it working by the time you get back.] Amara replied.

[Really?!] Ezme’s excited voice resounded in her head.

Amara smiled wryly. [Yes. But only if you call me often, alright?]

[Hmpf! Fine!] Ezme’s snorted reply came.


[I’m not adorable!!] Ezme exclaimed.

[Whoops. Sorry, of course not.] Amara laughed. [Take care out there, Fluffles.]

[Don’t call me that! Insufferable!!] Ezme shouted angrily in her mind.

Amara grinned as she closed the call. 

After rolling on the bed with a ridiculous smile on her face, Amara eventually came to a stop and thought. It seems like that gods really are assholes though, if they are behind the class system. Who knows, patch it and the mortals would be strong enough to fight off the demons on their own? 

Unless there’s some reason they won’t do that. Or maybe they even can’t? Who knows how powerful the gods really are. I suppose it comes down to if they created everything, or simply rose to power.

Ezme seems to think the first option. The other angels are most likely the same. And I have a feeling Tom won’t tell me anything if I asked.

Amara held out her hand and imagined the mana collecting into a ball in her palm. She could feel the mana rush through her body and arm before leaving her hand, but couldn’t see anything.



Mana Manipulation has reached level 6!



Mana Sight.

Upon activating the divine skill Amara could see a bright blue ball of light floating above her palm.

Amara frowned. What if the reason it’s so hard, is because the Mana Circle can’t be seen unless you use the class skill? Maybe the class skill simply makes it visible?

After drawing the mana back into her body, Amara returned to the books and began reading the theory behind Magic Circle.

‘...once an empty Magic Circle has been formed, one can begin forming their spell. This is done by forming the correct symbols with mana in the correct placements. Note that the order of the symbols are of utmost importance, as placing them in the wrong order can result in failure at best, or another spell with unforeseen effects be cast at worst…’

‘...Magic Circles of different shapes and sizes exist as well, which is how we classify the different tiers of spells, from the smaller being the most basic to larger ones being more advanced...’

‘...spell is finally invoked by calling the name of the spell, whether out loud or in the mind.’

Amara closed the book and grabbed the book with magic spells and looked at the magic circle for Flame she had seen before.

Let’s just give it a go. It's not like something bad would happen, right?

Mana Sight.

Amara began drawing her mana out of her body again into her hand. With the tome in the other to keep as reference, she guided her mana into the same shape as drawn in the book. 



Mana Sight has reached level 7!



Amara wasn’t sure how much mana it would require, so she used most of her mana to form the magic circle and kept only a small amount to spare for a couple seconds upkeep.



Mana Manipulation has reached level 7!



Once she was satisfied that the magic circle looked the same as on the page, she imagined bright golden flames appearing where the magic circle was.

“Flame.” (Amara)

The magic circle flashed brightly before vanishing, and a bright golden flame appeared in the air. After two seconds the flame began flickering, and the next second the flame vanished as Amara felt her mana was drained completely.




Magic Spells has been unlocked!


You have learnt the magic spell: Flame level 1!


Amara’s face broke into a satisfied smile as she slammed the book closed with her hand. 

I’m awesome.