SS28 – Ezme – Turning Point
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Events during chapter 55, when Ezme has left after introducing Amara to a demon.


Ezme beat the air with her wings to gain more altitude. The sea of green below her was already a familiar sight, despite the fact that she knew that she hadn’t flown over this part of the forest yet.

Where could it be…

Ezme sighed as she tilted her wings to enter a bank. She knew she could have asked Amara for more information about where the monsters she had fought were, but then Amara would get suspicious. And if she got suspicious, she would investigate. 

And if she started investigating, then she would find out what had happened. Since she didn’t want Amara to blame herself, it was better for her to deal with the situation with less information. 

After all, Ezme was already blaming herself for her lack of foresight.

Stupid. Of course training goes both ways. Amara wouldn’t have been the only one who improved, but whoever she fought against would improve as well.

But that means that she will have to kill her opponents from now on. If it’s demons though...then it’s fine. 

Ezme smiled tiredly at the thought of the mortal that was waiting in the silver city. At least she doesn’t want to kill unless she has to...I just hope she can remain that way.  

With another hard beat of her wings, she climbed higher again. Now, where are you-

Ezme’s thoughts were interrupted by the faint stream of divine power that reached her, along with the familiar strict voice in her head.

[Ezme. What are you doing?] (Alarice)

Ezme gulped before she responded. [Sister Alarice! I’m in my domain right now.] 

[I can see that. I asked you what you are doing.] (Alarice)

Sister is watching. Ezme grew tense as she thought of how to best respond. [...I’m cleaning up a mess.]

[Meaning?] (Alarice)

Ezme sighed as she knew Alarice wouldn’t let her avoid explaining herself. [Some monsters have grown stronger as a result of Amara’s training. They are now a danger to the mortals, so I’m dealing with them.]

[Why?] (Alarice)

Ezme grew anxious as the curt and cold question confused her. [What do you mean, sister?]

[Why are you dealing with them?] (Alarice)

[...Because it happened due to my lack of foresight. And I don’t want to have mortals dying as a result of my mistake.] (Ezme)

[Mortals die all the time. Let the mortals deal with it themselves.] (Alarice)

[S-sister, I-] (Ezme)

[You’re an angel. Your duty lies elsewhere. You made a mistake, and it’s good that you recognize it. But it is enough to remember the mistake, you shouldn’t waste your time to clean up the mess.] (Alarice)

[But-] (Ezme)

[You can’t control everything. There’s a reason we draw a line and don’t interact with mortals. What’s next? You’re going to want to do more. Heal the injured. Cure the sick. There will be no end to what you want to do.] (Alarice)

[S-sister Alarice, I wouldn’t-] (Ezme)

[You say that now, but that is how it will go. Leave your mistake to the mortals. How many demons could you have killed during the time you’ve been messing around? And how many mortal lives could you have saved, as a result?] (Alarice)

Ezme suddenly felt like her wings became heavier, making her slow her pace as she replied. [You’re right, sister. I’m sorry.]

[Don’t be sorry. Be better.] Alarice paused before she continued. [You’ll be going on patrol soon. Wrap up any business you have and get some rest.]

[Yes, sister.] (Ezme)

[Though if you hadn’t wasted your efforts on pointless things, you could have already rested and gone back on duty.] (Alarice)

[...Yes, sister.] (Ezme)

[Your strength isn’t unlimited, Ezme. It’s well past time you learned how to prioritize.] (Alarice)

[...I will.] (Ezme)

Ezme let out a sigh as the connection ended. She banked and flew towards the nearby city.

I should let the lewd princess know that there is still going to be one monster left to look out for at least. 

Although Ezme felt troubled that she couldn’t deal with all the monsters, she knew that Alarice was right. She couldn’t deal with everything, so merely giving a warning should be enough to put the mortals on guard. They might even send a team of adventurers to deal with it for her. 

Then I’ll go back to Amara.

Ezme sighed as she thought of the woman waiting for her. Amara has seemed frustrated lately. And she’s complaining about Alarice more often.

But...Alarice is my closest sister. I owe her so much that I’ll never be able to repay her. Besides, even if she didn’t tell me to, I'd still go on missions voluntarily. Even if I want to spend time with Amara, I’m not going to leave other mortals at the mercy of the demons.



Events after chapter 56, after Alarice came to fetch Ezme. 


{“You’re not Alarice, and you never will be.” (Amara)}

I know that, dummy.

Dummy, dummy, dummy!

Ezme sighed as she flew high over the ground. Patrolling the defensive line in Biradol’s domain had been one of her duties during the years since it was established. 

Of course, the demons had already started showing up on several of the worlds that made up the defensive line. But in some, they were only starting to show up, or had yet to show up.

And the earlier they were detected, the easier they could be repelled. 

It was an important, but also quite boring task. But it had the benefit of giving her time to think. 

Amara’s words had hurt her. At first, Ezme had felt sad - betrayed, even. But once her emotions settled and she started thinking about their last interaction, there was something about what Amara had said that she couldn’t shake off.

I know that I’m not Alarice. I won’t ever be like her. And…

I don’t want to be like her. But you didn’t have to be so mean!

The time Ezme had spent flying on patrol had been enough to come to that realization. 

There was a time that I wanted to be like Alarice...when did that change?

Ezme remembered her first meeting with Alarice. She had been guided down the corridors of the silver city by Sophelia, when they met Alarice. And at the mere sight of Alarice, she had taken an interest.

Of course, she had thought that Alarice was intimidating. She was like a sword - cold and hard. But unlike a sword, Alarice seemed to possess a strength that made her impossible to bend. And with the confidence that she emitted to match her strength, it had been enough to make Ezme’s knees buckle when Alarice stared into her eyes. But there had been a moment when their eyes first met that she had seen deep emotions flash in Alarice’s eyes. Emotions that were buried deep by the time she spoke, but the moment had been enough to know that Alarice cared about her. Someone she was meeting for the first time.

{“Your name.” (Alarice)}

{“Y-yes?!” (Ezme)}

{“I’m asking what your name is.” (Alarice)}

A smile spread on Ezme’s face at the faint memory of when she first was addressed by the cold voice. In hindsight, Ezme knew that by that time Alarice had already taken an interest in her. 

The number of names that Alarice had spoken over the years of being mentored could probably be counted on her fingers. And Alarice had asked for her name. She hadn’t known it at the time, but instead found out later how significant of an event it was. Just like how shocking it was that Alarice had decided to take her on as her student moments later.

Ezme sighed as she was going through her memories of her mentor. I certainly wanted to be like her then. And I partially still want to. She’s strong, confident...wise. As awe inspiring as she is...who wouldn’t? She’s everything I’m not.

It’s just...

“Hello, sister.” (Sophelia)

“UAH!” Ezme flinched and barrel rolled out of instinct before she realized who had sneaked up on her. She sighed as she flapped her wings to regain altitude and returned next to the seraph. “Sorry, sister. You startled me.”

“There is no need to apologize.” Sophelia said with a faint smile before she blinked and turned her eyes to the horizon. Ezme admired how even her sister's golden hair seemed to be fluttering gracefully in the wind before she turned her eyes to the horizon as well. 

Why is she here?

“You seem troubled, sister.” Sophelia said in a gentle tone.

Ezme glanced at her with widened eyes. 

Did she come to see me because of that? Why? How did she even know? 

While she was feeling confused, Sophelia turned her gaze to her with a gentle smile. “I visited the champion. She seemed to be...agonizing. And worried about you.”


Ezme tried to imagine a worried Amara. It wasn’t hard, as she had seen her look at her with concern before. Nearly every time she had come back to see her recently, in fact.

...Of course she'd be worried.

Ezme sighed. “If she’s worried, she could just ask me.”

Sophelia hummed gently with a smile on her face as she turned her eyes back to the horizon. “She knows you were hurt by what she said, and she fears that if she were to contact you she would make it even worse. She thinks it’s best to…’give you some space’, as she called it.”  

Ezme thought for a moment before she nodded in understanding. “I see.”

They flew in silence while Ezme thought about whether to ask Sophelia for advice, and if she did, what to ask. 

“I don’t know what exactly the champion told you. But one thing is certain...she did it because she cares about you.” Sophelia said mildly.

I know that. Ezme frowned. “But the way she said it…”

“Sometimes, we need people to tell us harsh truths.” Sophelia made a pleasant sigh that was drowned by the wind before she looked at Ezme. “And I thought you were used to it, as Alarice tends to be quite harsh.”

Ezme averted her gaze as she sank into thought. That’s true. Alarice has always been harsh. But it’s because she wants me to learn. 

Then why did it feel so different when Amara was harsh to me?

...It’s because I care about her differently, right? And because she’s normally not harsh with me. She’s only harsh with me when it comes to Alarice. 

It’s because…

Ezme drew a deep breath as she felt she suddenly understood.

Alarice is my mentor, and she’s always been teaching me how to do things. But...her teachings sometimes go against who I am. Like how Alarice has always told me not to care about matter how many times she scolds me for it, I can’t help it. Even if it’s a waste of effort…

She did teach me that I can’t save everyone. But I don't think that's a reason to stop trying.

While Amara on the other hand...she understands me. She has accepted me, as I am. 

That’s why it hurt. Because there was just one thing she couldn’t accept about I hide who I am. Like how I’ve always hid how I care about mortals and what I do to help them, because my siblings all seem to despise them...not that I really seem to manage to fool anyone...

“You look like you’ve found a new truth.” Sophelia said with a smile that seemed to hold a faint amusement.

Ezme hesitated before she voiced her question. “Sister Sophelia...we talked about it before, and from what I don’t despise mortals, do you?”

Sophelia blinked slowly before she met her gaze. “I do not.”

Ezme felt relieved at getting a straight answer, rather than the riddles she had been given previously. 

If Sophelia, our Firstborn, doesn’t dislike mortals...then I can’t be wrong either. I’m just different. 

Maybe...Amara is right. I’m not like Alarice. And...Sophelia agrees with her?

{“It’s time you stepped out of Alarice’s shadow, and walked your own path.” (Amara)}

...My own path. 

What would that be?

Ezme glanced at Sophelia, who seemed to be watching her; waiting for the next question.

Ezme licked her lips before she spoke. “Sister Sophelia...what is my path? What should I be doing?”

The seraph’s smile grew slightly before she slowly blinked with her eyes. “Only you can decide that. If I told you, the path would no longer be yours.”

Ezme lowered her gaze as she suddenly felt anxious - even afraid. She’s right. But...what should I do?

“Your path begins by staying true to yourself.” Sophelia added calmly. “Whether that means you should do anything differently from what Alarice has taught you, depends on if you believe that you should.” 

I see. Ezme nodded, feeling a little bit less anxious. Maybe that means I don’t need to do things much differently from how I already am. I just...shouldn’t hide or lie about what I do. I still want to fight demons to protect the realms, like Alarice taught me. But I also don’t want to completely leave the mortals to fend for themselves. I want to help them more. 

Mortals are pretty weak, but...with Amara to help me, they could become strong. Strong enough to one day stand on their own against the demons, even without our help.

Then we can finally end this war, once and for all. And free the demons from whatever curse the Devourer has placed on them.

“Have you made up your mind?” Sophelia asked, bringing her attention back to the present. 

Ezme hesitated before she nodded.. “I...I think so. I’ll walk my own path from now on.”

Sophelia smiled and closed her eyes. Once she opened them she met Ezme’s gaze. “Shine brightly, sister Ezme. Let your light shine to all the corners of creation.”

Ezme watched how Sophelia banked to put some distance between them, before with a single beat with her wings took off into the distance. Within a few moments Sophelia was already gone from her view, and Ezme felt the faint disruption in the flow of air that had been left in Sophelia’s wake.

Thank you, sister Sophelia.

Ezme smiled as she let out a sigh. Somehow, knowing that not only Amara, but also the most respected among her siblings seemed to believe in her, filled her with confidence.



There don’t seem to be any more. 

Ezme put away her halberd into her inventory. The group of demons she found was the first one sighted on the world she was currently on, and thus this world would likely soon become a battleground. 

I’ll have to report this to Alarice. And...yes. I’ll report it to the mortals as well. 

Should I bring one of the corpses with me? That way they’ll know what to look out for.

Ezme considered as she took in the sight of the bodies that littered the lakeside. After picking one that was the most intact, she chucked it into her inventory as well. Once she was done, she cleaned herself up from the bloodstains that littered her armor. 

Stepping on the soft moss that gave way under her feet, she stopped by the lake and looked at her reflection on the calm surface.

Doesn’t seem like I missed anythi-

Ezme froze as she looked at the locks of hair she was holding in the reflection. 

{“Is that why you use her appearance?” (Amara)}

Ezme frowned, and soon frowned deeper once she saw her expression in the reflection. The face she saw was once a source of pride, but she hadn't put any thought in what she looked like for a long time.

It’s true that I changed my appearance to look more like Alarice. Because I wanted to find some way to be more like her while I was so weak. 

But I’ll always be weaker than Alarice.

Ezme sighed and kneeled as she took a closer look at her appearance. Many of her siblings had praised it when she first had changed her look.

No...they didn’t. At least not my older siblings. They just said that now I look like Alarice, and that we matched.

She continued to look at her reflection in the lake for a while.

Had someone said the same words as Amara back then, I'd probably been upset. But...I don't really need to look like Alarice anymore. I'm myself after all.

Should I change it?

But I don’t remember exactly how I used to look…

Ezme frowned and crossed her arms as she started considering. But she soon realized that she had already made up her mind, and was simply looking for reasons.

Amara will likely think that I changed my appearance because of her. Maybe that’s what she wants me to do.

Maybe what she said has something to do with it, but…right now, it’s because I want to. 

Ezme sighed as she rubbed her hands together while looking at her appearance, thinking about what she should be changing. Let’s do this.



Yes. This is me. 

Not some other me, but the real me. 

Ezme turned her head to look at her reflection in different angles. Overall, she felt very satisfied with her new appearance. It felt like her expressions properly conveyed what she was feeling when she made different faces. Although the modifications weren’t immense, her previous face had been more like Alarice’s; it had been more expressionless, even when conveying emotions. 

But even if she felt that it was right, she was concerned that her face was a little lacking in beauty compared to how it was. After all, Alarice was as close to a cold beauty as one could be, and Ezme had imitated her quite well.

I wonder if Amara will be disappointed-

“Ezme.” (Alarice)

Ezme shot up in surprise and turned to the strict voice that said her name. “S-sister Alarice!”

Alarice raised an eyebrow as she looked at her. “You changed yourself.”

Ezme nodded. “Y-yes.”

What will she say?

Alarice looked over her appearance before she gave a curt nod. “Good.”

Ezme’s eyes widened in surprise. “I-is it okay?”

Alarice gave her a cold glance. “You don’t need my permission to change your appearance.”

Ah. Ezme shook her head. “I-I didn’t mean it like that.”

Her sister appraised her before she sighed. “It suits you better like this. It’s”

She approves! Ezme smiled brightly. “Thank you, sister Alarice.”

"Besides, it's a sign that you're growing into your own."  Alarice snorted before she looked around before her eyes fell on the corpses further away. “I thought you might have run into some problems as you hadn’t finished your patrol yet. Turns out that they have arrived here as well.”

Ah. Did I take that long? Ezme nodded. “Y-yes. Sorry, I was going to tell you when-”

“It’s fine. They won’t be here in numbers that soon anyway.” Alarice spread her wings. “As we’ve confirmed the arrival of their scouts on this world, you can end your patrol. We’ll talk later.”

“Actually…” Ezme hesitated with a gulp as Alarice turned to her with a strict gaze.

“What is it?” Alarice asked curtly. 

Ezme resolved herself before she spoke. “I’m going to visit the mortals here, to inform them of the demons’ arrival. And I’ll give them one of the corpses to study.”

The flat line of Alarice’s lips seemed to be firmer. “I’ve told you, it’s pointless. It will make little difference.”

Ezme nodded as she inclined her head. “Y-yes, but…”

“I said, it’s pointless. There is no need.” Alarice said coldly. 

Ezme clenched her fists and bit her lip. It’s not pointless.

“Since you’re aware, you should instead-” (Alarice)

“No.” Ezme interrupted as she looked up. “I’m going to visit the mortals.”

Alarice’s face darkened as she stared at her silently with an icy glare. When she spoke, it was barely more than a whisper. “Come again.”

Ezme felt like her back broke out in cold sweat. Her jaw trembled slightly as she repeated herself. “I-I-I’m g-go-going to vi-visit the mo-m-mortals.” 

Time seemed to stand still until a gust of wind rustled the trees that surrounded the lake. As her anxiety grew, Ezme was forced to break off eye contact and stared at the ground as she continued. “I-I want to walk my own path.” 

After a while she heard how Alarice snorted before she spoke coldly. “I may have said that you were growing into your own. But you’re not ready.”

Ezme clenched her fists. Maybe she's right. But...

Amara and Sophelia believe in me.

She raised her head and saw that Alarice had already turned to leave. 

No. I’ll walk my own path from now on.

“You’re wrong.” Ezme declared loudly. “I’m ready.”

Alarice came to a stop. She slowly turned her head and met Ezme’s gaze with her blue, intensely glowing eyes. The piercing glare made her want to avert her eyes as she felt her whole body tremble.

{“If you ever need to intimidate someone, glare at them and increase the flow of divine power that is channeled to your eyes. It’s far more effective than any words on the vast majority of mortals. It takes little effort and saves a lot of time from useless talking. It doesn’t work on those filled with conviction of course, but on them, no amount of words would be enough either. Only a show of force.” (Alarice)}

Perhaps she’s forgotten that she taught me how to do that. Or maybe she doesn’t realize she’s doing it.

Ezme drew a shaking breath as she clenched her fists tighter. “Sister Alarice. I’m going to walk my own path from now on.”

After speaking, time seemed to come to a halt again. But this time, she endured Alarice’s glare, as it somehow seemed easier. 

Now that I think about it...hasn’t Amara endured it as well when Alarice has stared at her like that?

She really is amazing. And...she was able to do it because she cares about me. 

Ezme felt like her eyes suddenly were moist, but not because she was afraid of Alarice. She was able to relax her clenched fists, as she kept their eye contact.

Suddenly, Alarice closed her eyes and spoke flatly. “I see.”

Ezme blinked in surprise and let out a relieved sigh. It was easier than expected to convince her.

I don’t know why I was fretting-

“The mortal put you up to this, didn’t it?” Alarice suddenly continued coldly.

Ezme felt a chill run along her spine. “What? No, I-”

“Seems that I’ve been complacent.” Alarice sighed before she opened her eyes and looked at her. Ezme saw how Alarice's gaze wasn’t just cold. 

Her eyes were filled with wrath.

“S-sister...” Ezme shuddered as Alarice raised her palm towards her, and she felt how the rushing divine power turned into a flash flood inside the sister that had raised her.