61 – The Path Ahead, Part III
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The last time Amara had seen Sophelia was right after she was beaten up by Alarice - an event that had left its scars.

The fact that Amara had been selected as champion against her will had always been a thorn in her mind. But she also knew that it hadn’t been personal, because in the grand scale of the war, her opinion and feelings simply didn’t matter. And over time, she had managed to partially accept the situation by spending time with Ezme - she was but another victim of the war. Something which she could become some day anyway, if the war was to reach Earth. In a way, she was given the opportunity to decide her own fate.

And if Amara was to place blame, then she would have to place it on both Ezme and Morpheus - the ones that had selected her and came up with the option of using a mortal. But after getting to know them, she knew that she couldn’t. 

As a result, Amara had turned her frustrations against the one behind it all. But with Ezme’s continued insistence on trying to paint God in a better light, she had doubted whether holding a grudge was the right thing to do. That although God and the majority of angels had distasteful personalities, they might be good people deep down.

But all that was changed by the actions of Alarice.

After the completely one-sided battle with Alarice, she finally realized how she was viewed by God and the angels. Knowing that she was utterly disposable, and could be killed off on a mere whim, had filled her with anger - and fear.

{“Sister Alarice wasn’t trying to kill you. If she did, you’d be dead.” (Ezme)}

...Was that supposed to make me feel better?

Even if Ezme insisted that Alarice wasn’t going to attack her again, it wouldn’t change the feeling Amara had in her gut. Even though Amara knew that the angels and God wouldn’t view her as someone deserving their respect, she had thought they would at least consider her an ally. But since Alarice had attacked her, for no other reason than to vent her anger, that last shred of trust disappeared. Now she knew that to survive, and not get trampled by Alarice or anyone else, she had to get stronger. 

For the following weeks, Amara had started fighting demons in a frenzy. Ezme had spent a lot of time with her as well. But despite their relationship becoming more intimate, a barrier had started forming between them.

Before long, Ezme started requesting more help from her with the reforms in her domain. At first Amara had argued that she needed to get stronger, as some of the requests seemed trivial even for her. 

However, the strain in their relationship eventually peaked.

{“Lately, you’ve been quiet. And sometimes...when you’re thinking, you have a scary expression.” (Ezme)}

Following the conversation they had, Amara understood that Ezme was worried about her. And she realized that she had started to let her thoughts and actions be clouded by her dark emotions. 

It had taken a while, but Amara eventually managed to partially let go of her anger. But she suspected that aside from Ezme and Morpheus, she could never trust the other angels enough to show them her back again. 

Even the trust in the calm angel that now sat in front of her, sipping on her tea, had been affected.

Amara glanced at Sophelia as she let the warmth from her cup pass into her hands. 

{“The champion is of more value to us intact.” (Sophelia)}

It could be that she said it simply to get Alarice off my back, but...I got the feeling that she believes what she said. 

Am I really just a tool to her?

“You seem to have a lot on your mind, champion.” Sophelia said gently as she placed her cup on the table, only for the tea pot to suddenly begin floating.

Amara smiled wryly as she watched the pot move and slowly tilt in the air when it began pouring new tea into Sophelia’s cup. “I don’t think that this is the first time you’re drinking tea.”

“It is not.” Sophelia replied with a serene smile as the pot finished refilling the cup and returned to the center of the table. “What made you assume such a thing, I wonder.” 

A sugar cube suddenly floated into the air from the bowl towards the fresh cup of tea. As the sugar sank into the tea, the small teaspoon next to the cup was the next item to move on its own, as it carefully was directed into the cup and started stirring silently.

...Show off.

Amara looked down at the cup in her hands, tapping it with a finger. Maybe I should just ask her? 

As she met Sophelia’s gentle gaze, she sighed and made up her mind. “Why are you helping me?”

“Come now, champion.” Sophelia’s lips rose in amusement as she picked up her cup. “You are well aware that I’m forbidden to provide you with any assistance.”

“You know what I mean.” Amara insisted. “At first I thought you did it just to because you’re nice.”

“And now?” Sophelia tilted her head curiously.

Amara looked down at the cup in her hands as she tried to put her feelings into words. “Because of what you said to Alarice last time, about me being more valuable intact...I think you might just think of me as a tool.” 

Sophelia replied with faint amusement “That would be because you are.”

As the words sank in, Amara stared down into her cup while clenching her jaw as her mood plummeted. ...So that’s how it is.

“And so am I.” Sophelia’s gentle tone added.

Amara raised her face to meet the angel’s warm gaze. “What?”

Sophelia tilted her head with a smile. “On the grand stage that is creation, we are but the actors following the script written by the gods.”

Well, I already knew that. But… Amara frowned in confusion. “Doesn’t it bother you to call yourself a tool?”

Sophelia let out a pleasant sigh as she averted her distant eyes and replied thoughtfully. “Perhaps once, as you are bothered now. But since I had the power to make a difference, remaining idle while witnessing the atrocities that were being committed in this war bothered me more.”

Sophelia returned her eyes to meet her gaze as she added. “You will likely be faced with a similar choice some day.”

Amara’s frown deepened as she averted her gaze. Really?

I can’t say I care all that much about the mortals. Sure, it’s tragic that there’s a war going on, but I’m not exactly willing to put my life on the line for them. 

I guess if I saw someone in front of me and I had the power to save someone, I would. But I don’t think I’d go that much further out of my way to help strangers...I suppose she’s saying that will change once I get more powerful. 

If I were free, right now, with the powers I have...what would I do? Go back to Earth?

And say bye to Fluffles? Hell no. I’m not going back without Fluffles. 

And I suppose Ezme would still want me to help her with her domain...which I wouldn’t exactly be inclined to refuse helping her with. But that wouldn’t be because I’m helping them by my own initiative.

Amara shrugged as she glanced at the angel. “I wouldn’t know. I guess time will tell.”

Sophelia smiled faintly. “Indeed it will.”

Amara looked at Sophelia as she raised her question. “So why have you been helping me?”

Sophelia closed her eyes as the corners of her lips rose higher. “It would be because I wish for you to survive the day the armistice ends.”

Amara raised an eyebrow. “I can’t tell if you said that because you care about me, or because of some other reason.”

Sophelia opened her eyes and tilted her head. “Although any personal hopes and wishes must be ignored in the pursuit of final victory, they need not be mutually exclusive. ”

Amara frowned as she fell in thought. Duty first, huh.

But if she’s hoping for me to survive...then doesn’t what she said mean that she also needs me to survive? To obtain victory?

Is it so that they don’t lose my domain to the demons?

“...You need me?” Amara asked in confusion. “Most angels say that I’m here only for the armistice, and that I don’t need to survive. Wouldn’t you have chosen an angel as champion if my domain was that important?”

“Indeed..” Sophelia smiled kindly. “Your domain does not play a role in the pursuit of final victory. It is but another battlefield, a territory that can be sacrificed and regained at a later time. Even the souls in your domain are but a resource which can ultimately be obtained from elsewhere.”

Damn, that’s cold. Amara raised her eyebrow. ...This is because of the forbidden knowledge, then? Because I can use both mana and divine power?

After placing her cup on the table, Amara leaned back and crossed her arms as she looked at the angel across from her. “So you need me for after the armistice?”

“Indeed.” Sophelia’s smile was momentarily hidden as she raised her cup to her lips.

Amara twisted her lips. “What for? And why should I help?”

“You are aware of the event that resulted in the current strife that arose between mortals and angels.” Sophelia averted her gaze, letting out a soft sigh as her eyes grew distant. “But before that, mortals and angels relied on each other.”

Sophelia paused before she turned her eyes to meet Amara's gaze. “Many are not aware or have chosen to forget, but we were stronger when we fought side by side with mortals. To finally obtain victory, we must do so again.”

“You expect me to be able to change the angels’ view of mortals?” Amara snorted disdainfully. “I doubt that would be possible. Especially not when there are angels like Alarice.”

Sophelia blinked as her lips rose in amusement. “You don’t realize that you have already begun.”

Amara opened her mouth to retort before she furrowed her brow when she understood who she was referring to. “Ezme?”

“Indeed.” Sophelia tilted her head. “You have already built a deep bond of trust between yourselves, and you’re aiding her with governing her domain. Given time, other angels will begin to see the benefits of relying on mortals.”

Amara snorted. “I somehow doubt the angels would admit that they need the help of mortals.”

“It is true that angels are prideful.” Sophelia said thoughtfully as she looked into the distance. “However, we are driven by duty first and foremost. If the efforts of mortals rise to the point that our deteriorated relationship with them is the only thing holding us back from claiming victory, then our viewpoint will be forced to be amended.” 

Amara clenched her fists under her arms. “...Isn’t it unfair to treat all mortals the same because of what a few did in the past to begin with?”

“Perhaps it is. But the betrayal of those few mortals changed the course of the war - the end result being our fallen brethren. Given what they managed to accomplish, it is no surprise that those that remember will eye mortals with suspicion.” Sophelia smiled faintly as she met Amara’s gaze. “In your homeworld, do not the descendants need to adhere to certain punishments - treaties - because of the actions of their ancestors?”

...I suppose that’s true. Amara sighed and tilted her head before she realized something that was bothering her. None of this is related to forbidden knowledge.

“What else is it that you need me for?” Amara asked.

Sophelia tilted her head with a smile as she replied calmly. “To bring the war to an end.”

“That’s not very specific.” Amara snorted. “And you still haven’t said why I should help.”

Sophelia smiled and looked into the distance before she replied. “Like I said, I’m aware of your potential. With time, you will know it as well...but in short, I believe you could help tip the scales in our favour.” Sophelia blinked before meeting Amara’s suspicious gaze. “As for why you should, I believe you should consider what stance the angels will want to take if you don’t align with us.”

Amara’s mood plummeted by the implication and growled as she replied. “I thought the angels just wanted me to stay out of their sight.”

“For now, that is the case.” Sophelia gave her a sympathetic smile. “But that is because they assume you will fail. If we instead assume that you survive, then that means you have the power to defeat demon lords - and therefore, angels as well. Do you really believe the angels will leave you alone then?” 

Amara averted her eyes as her anger rose. Damn it.

“After all, I think that even if you align with us, you too can think of some angels that would rather see you eliminated.” (Sophelia)


Rising up as her anger boiled over, Amara’s body heated up when her divine power activated. 



Divine Kick has reached level 20!



Although Amara hadn’t intended to send the flipping table towards Sophelia, her lack of focus in her outburst meant the table was now on a collision course with the angel. A part of her felt mildly satisfied, while another felt regretful as she watched in surprise at the imminent impact.

Contrary to her expectations however, at the last moment Sophelia’s giant wing moved many times faster than she ever could. 

Hearing the crash of the breaking of wood as the table broke even further upon impacting with the wall, Amara glared at the angel that - aside from the wing that was folding - sat unaffected in the sofa, calmly drinking tea as if nothing had happened.

Amara’s lack of control made her anger rise and fall in waves, Sophelia placed down her cup on its saucer as her gentle voice broke the silence. “Champion. Anger can make you lose more than yourself.”

As Sophelia met her glare with a warm gaze, Amara averted her gaze.

Damn it. She’s right. 

I’d probably regret it if Sophelia gets upset over something I did in a fit of anger and stops helping me.

Amara let out a sigh to calm herself and sat back down. “Sorry. It’s just….it’s just unfair.” 

“It is. But sadly, there is little that can be done.” Sophelia smiled sympathetically. “You seek freedom, but you will not obtain it as long as this war rages on...or until you obtain enough strength to break free.”

Amara raised an eyebrow. “Are you suggesting I rebel?”

“Not at all. After all, if you did I would need to destroy you.” Sophelia replied with a gentle gaze before lifting her teacup to her lips. “I’m merely laying out your options.”

Amara snorted and crossed her arms dramatically, unsurprised by the response. “And here I thought that maybe we were friends.”

“I would say that we are.” Sophelia replied with faint amusement.

Amara sighed and glanced at the angel seriously. “But duty comes first?”

Sophelia’s eyes grew distant as she averted her gaze with a faint smile. “Final victory comes first. Always.”

Amara snorted and fell into thought. Damn Tom and all the angels. A few of them aside.

All this crap makes me really tempted to sabotage them.

Of course I can’t do that without screwing over Ezme too in the process…damn it. I don’t disagree with Sophelia’s goal of ending the war, but the way they are going about it just makes me angry.

...Maybe I should just kidnap Fluffles? She wouldn’t like that much...and I have no idea if I even could. I know far too little about what the angels and Tom are capable of.

Amara let out a sigh and scratched her head as she glanced at the angel that silently drank from her cup.

Well, at least I feel like I understand Sophelia a little better. 

Like all angels, she’s driven by her duty to protect mortals...but she’s also different from the rest. Despite that she’s clearly the most powerful angel, she’s still trying to treat me as if we were equals.

Though, I can’t tell to what degree she cares about me. I wouldn’t expect it to be that much since we barely know each other, but given that she’s telling me all this...it seems to be at least a little?

She’s even warning me about what will happen once the armistice is over. She probably wouldn’t bother to tell me that she’ll be forced to kill me if I don’t join the angels, if she only saw me as a tool to end the war. 

...She did call herself a tool as well. Maybe she’s simply giving me a heads up of what to expect? Telling me to find my own reason for letting go of my grudges?

If some of the angels would want to get rid of me even if I join them...I suppose that’s why Sophelia wants me to change their view of mortals?

Even if she’s only coming to see me and saying all this just to get me to help her end the war...she’s still taking my personal feelings into consideration. 

Like when she offered to talk to Ezme and suggested how I should apologize to her. It should have been completely unnecessary for her to do that.

...All in all, Sophelia is pretty decent. I shouldn’t have doubted her too much just because she said something that sounded heartless. 

If only more angels were like her.

Amara let out a sigh as she broke the silence. “Sorry, you didn’t come to listen to me mope. Why did you come?”

Sophelia smiled gently as she placed her tea cup on the sofa's armrest in the lack of a table to place it on. “I came because you have been negligent for too long.”

Amara raised an eyebrow. “About what?”

“Your domain.” Sophelia replied calmly.  “You haven’t even selected a mouthpiece yet.” 

Amara let out a sigh. “I know. But helping Ezme with-”

“Champion.” Sophelia interrupted her with a firm, warm tone. “I’m aware that a lot of your time has been spent on helping my sister with her domain, as well as increasing your power. However, they are not excuses to neglect your own domain.”

...She’s right. Amara twisted her lips as she averted her eyes. Most of my motivation to contact the mortals on Teyrin in the beginning was in order to explain what’s going on. But they already know the basics, so if they have the motivation to prepare, they should have already started some preparations. 

So what I can bring to the table would be things like knowledge - of which the most important is the scientific method - and Earthen technology. But that too will take a long time to explain. Especially when aside from speaking with the mouthpiece, I can have no further involvement in my domain before the end of the armistice.

In the end though, Sophelia is right. I need to start developing my own domain sooner or later, and the sooner I begin the more it will be able to develop.

Amara let out a sigh.“You’re right. I’ll start allocating some time in my calendar for the development of my domain, beginning with selecting a suitable mouthpiece.” 

Sophelia blinked slowly and tilted her head. “And when do you intend to start looking?”

Amara raised an eyebrow. “I have two days off before Ezme comes back. If I just go through my plans for first contact toda, I suppose I could look for a suitable mouthpiece tomorrow.”

Isn’t she being persistent?

“I see.” Sophelia averted her gaze when she fell into thought with a distant look in her eyes. After a pause her lips rose into a mysterious smile. “We can greatly improve our successes by making use of opportunities that arise. However, that depends on us not letting the opportunities themselves pass us by.”

Sophelia met Amara’s confused gaze before she rose from her seat. “I thank you for the tea, champion.”

Amara watched the angel until the wings disappeared behind the alcove as she fell into thought.

She’s saying there’s an opportunity in my domain?



Amara will eventually start to experiment and customize her own firearms.

This is the second poll in order to narrow down Amara's selection(s) further. Results of this and the previous poll may have an influence on Amara's choices. This poll is related to the aesthetic size / type of her weaponry, which will be combined with the results of the first poll.

Assumption: Poll only considers traditional, modern firearms with physical projectiles.

What size / type should Amara's firearm be?
  • Pistol(s) Votes: 5 11.1%
  • SMG(s) Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Rifle Votes: 19 42.2%
  • Shotgun Votes: 11 24.4%
  • Shut up, I'm not compensating for anything! Votes: 6 13.3%
Total voters: 45 · This poll was closed on Sep 3, 2021 03:43 PM.