62 – A Light In The Dark
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What opportunity did she mean? Will I even be able to find it?

Amara looked down at Teyrin through Farsight. Although she didn’t doubt Sophelia’s information, she doubted her own ability to find the opportunity she had mentioned.

After all, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. With no further direction on where to look, Amara had no choice but to hope that she could find whatever Sophelia was referring to by checking up on the important places or figures.

Which made her search begin with the hourglass placed at the top of the mountain. 

Oh, things have changed over the years. Looks like they’re planning on building something. They’ve even made stairs at certain places to make it easier to scale the mountain.

Don’t tell me they’re worshiping the hourglass? 

Although...I suppose religious people on Earth also show their reverence in similar ways. 

Amara let out a sigh and redirected her sight from the desolate mountain top. 

Next would be checking what the rulers and other prominent figures are up to.

It didn’t take long for Amara’s sight to arrive at the mansion that the city lord lived in. He sat in his illuminated office, listening to the reports of a group of officials with a tired expression. 

As she eavesdropped on the conversation, Amara understood that there was growing unrest within the city. 

Was this what Sophelia was referring to?

Really? I mean they say that chaos is an opportunity, but...somehow I don’t think she was suggesting I incite chaos. I don’t even know why people are unsatisfied.

Amara let out a sigh as she concluded that the city lord had nothing to do with Sophelia’s hint. Next is the church. 

If it’s not in this city...where do I look next? I’m not even sure where all the capitals are. 

After managing to find the church in the city darkened by night, Amara searched through the small labyrinth of corridors from room to room. After a while, she managed to find the person she was looking for - the pope.

And the pope wasn’t alone. Although she couldn’t put a finger on why, she felt that the party of three that the pope was meeting with felt out of place.

“The demons must have been easy to deal with in your world.” (Pope)

The elf shook her head, temporarily revealing her pointy ears. “Not at all. We-”

Amara suddenly realized why the trio sparked her intuition. 

Wait...it’s them! The elves! Aleesha and co!

They made it!

Amara recalled how she had first seen the elves’ attempt to leave their own world. Following their first attempt, Amara had checked up on their progress at regular intervals.

However, once they succeeded in teleporting, Amara had no way to track them. With little new information to be gained from checking up on the elven homeworld, she had little choice but to give up her stalking.

She had hoped that if they managed to succeed, she would eventually find out by eavesdropping on Teyrin’s and Whildernae’s leadership. But as time went on without further news, she eventually lost interest and forgot about them.

Amara’s thoughts ran rampant in excitement. This is great! This means there’ll be more cannon - ahem, reinforcements for the final battle! 

And they can already travel between worlds, even without me. But with their help, I might be able to get a suitable transportation system in-

Hold up, Amara. You need to contact them first!

Amara realized she was grinning as her eyes were focused on Aleesha. 

Select Mouthpiece!



Mouthpiece Selection Interface

Target has been chosen.

Notice! The process of being selected is strenuous on the mouthpiece. In order for a mortal to hold divine power, restructuring is required. Further restructuring is needed for every divine skill that is granted. 

Notice! The stronger the target is, the less prone its soul and physical vessel will be to restructuring. If the target lacks the required Vitality and Willpower at the time of selection, it will result in a sudden case of death. The comparative amount of Vitality and Willpower required increases with the target’s level.

Notice! The target will be able to wield divine skills of your choosing, at the level you currently possess said skills.

Selected Divine Skills to grant to the target :


This list is currently empty. Seems like you don’t want the target to enjoy the benefits of the position.


Select Mouthpiece?

Y / N



Reading the message on the screen that appeared, Amara was reminded of what Ezme had said that she should think about when selecting a mouthpiece.

So the higher the target’s level is, the lower their chance of survival. 

Amara stopped and glanced at the four people that were conversing in the conference room. 

I suppose it would be pretty bad if she ends up dead. The elves would probably be pretty pissed, even if it was by mistake.



The process of selecting a mouthpiece was cancelled.


Amara let out a sigh as she crossed her arms. I have no idea what their levels are, and I can't check it because I'm not allowed to appraise anyone in my domain. But considering their situation, they should all be pretty high level. 

So who do I choose? If I don’t choose Aleesha…

I can’t choose the archmage. His level is probably the highest, and therefore might have the least chance to survive. If he dies, it will also be difficult for them to travel between worlds...I don’t even know if there’s an archmage on Teyrin.

The pope is also a no-go. He should be decently high level, and if he dies it will create even more chaos. The elves might even get framed for killing him.

That leaves the warrior? 

Damn it. She’s the escort, so she should be high level too. And if she’s the typical muscle brain, she won’t have invested more into willpower than is required.

Maybe I should look in the other rooms to find-

Noticing the sudden movement in the corner of her eye, Amara’s gaze fell on the figure that changed his posture in the corner. Although the man wasn’t exactly hiding, his presence became obscure as he was leaning against the wall between the series of bookshelves.

Well, hello.

Amara tilted her head as she took in the man’s appearance. 

A traveler? What’s he doing there? 

There’s no way the others don’t know he’s there...so how is he related?

Realizing that she had gotten off track, Amara frowned. Nevermind. Can I make use of him?

He looks like a commoner. He doesn’t seem like a combatant, so his level might not be that high. 

Or I could be wrong and he has a ridiculously high level in a non-combat class.

In any case...he doesn’t seem to hold a special relationship with the rest. So if he ends up dying...the impact should be smaller.

Damn, I sound just like Ezme now...but she was right. It’s better to choose someone who isn't important to the world's affairs.

Select Mouthpiece!

As the interface reappeared, Amara knit her brows. Now then...what skills?

The more skills I pick, the worse the chances are. 

But I also want to give some benefits...after all, he’ll have his life changed by me. Just like the angels changed mine.

...Damn, this sucks. 

Amara considered not making the man a mouthpiece for a moment, before coming to terms with the realization that she would have to choose someone eventually. And if there was a time to choose one in order to make contact, it’s now.

Amara quickly went through her list of abilities to make her choices. She had already made brief considerations in the past, but decided to confirm them once again.

Divine Regeneration in order to live a healthy life. 

Make A Call for his duties as a mouthpiece. 

I’d really like to give something more...like Maid Service. But if he dies as a result...better not risk it. Like Ezme said, don’t try to make him powerful.


Selected Divine Skills to grant to the target :


Divine Regeneration lvl 33

Make A Call


Select Mouthpiece?

Y / N


Here we go...fingers crossed. Please, just...don't die.


The moment Amara gave her affirmation, she felt her divine power burst out of her. Although she knew it would involve the use of divine power, she wasn’t quite prepared for it to take her by surprise as if she sat in a car that was suddenly braking. 

As her vision was still fixed in the conference room, she didn’t see what was happening to herself. Instead, she saw how a blinding pillar of light fell on the man she had chosen as her mouthpiece.

The stream of divine power continued to flow out of her for several seconds. Once it stopped, Amara heard the series of bells and watched the screen that appeared in her vision.


Select Mouthpiece has reached level 2!


Mouthpiece Status:


Name: Amin

Race: Human

Age: 25 (Teyrin)

Level: 31

Class: Assassin


the Bastard

Chosen Prophet of Amara


Divine Power:

10 143 / 10 143 (100%)



92/101 (92%)

+20 (20%)


Strength: 50

Agility: 54

Dexterity: 54

Vitality: 44

Stamina: 55

Willpower: 45

Divine Skills:


Divine Regeneration lvl 33

Make A Call 


Class Skills:


Backstab lvl 4

Silent Step lvl 9

Presence Detection lvl 8

Erase Presence lvl 8 


General Skills(˅):


He was an assassin?! 

Amara turned her eyes back to Amin in shock. Wow. I’d never have guessed.

If he’s an assassin...doesn’t that mean he’s assassinated someone? 

Although she had forgotten a lot about what was required for certain classes, she thought that was one of the things required to obtain Amin’s class.

...Oh well. None of my business. 

But jeez, his title sucks. I wonder what he did to get it...maybe this was a mistake. Or is it obtained through fame?

Thankfully he survived. Might not be doing much assassinating from now on, though.

“G-goddess…” (Aleesha)

As she heard the elf speak through Farsight, her mind was brought back to the conference room.

Right. Time to make contact. 

Amara took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Remember: strong, graceful, confident! 

Make A Call: Amin.

[Hello, Amin. I’m sure you all have questions.] Amara said calmly. As she waited for a response, she could hear the mumbling of the others in the conference room.

“Goddess? That was her? What did she do?” The pope asked his questions in rapid succession. “Does this mean that she is watching?”

Vandelor nodded seriously. “That would be a safe assumption...he was granted a title, as well as divine power.” 

Amara frowned as Amin had yet to move, and still stood on his knees with Aleesha watching anxiously next to him. [Amin. Hello? Can you hear me? You alright?] 

“I can hear you...that hurt.” Amin stood up carefully as he frowned. “What did you do to me?”

[I made you my mouthpiece.] Amara replied.

Amin was silent as his frown deepened. [Mouthpiece? ...Why me? I’m not even that devout...]

Amara was about to reply when she realized that Amin hadn’t actually intended to speak to her. Is this what Fluffles meant with leaking thoughts? 

“What leaking thoughts?” Amin retorted.

“Is the goddess speaking with you?” The pope asked nervously.

Amin raised an eyebrow as he saw that the rest were watching him like hawks. “You can’t hear her?”

As the others shook their heads, Amara took the initiative to explain. [I’m only allowed to speak with a mouthpiece. So I’ll have to rely on your help to talk with them.]

“Oh.” Amin said thoughtfully. [...I wonder if it can be reversed?]

Amara felt a tinge of regret as she replied quietly. [Sorry. As far as I know it’s irreversible.]

Amin frowned. “Are you reading my mind?” 

[Whoops.] Amara smiled wryly as she attempted to brush it off with an innocent tone. [Sorry. I thought you were asking me.] 

Amin snorted. “I’ll take that as a yes, then.” 

[...It’s part of our telepathic connection.] Amara admitted. [We mortals aren’t that good at it, so our thoughts can sometimes be overheard by the other party while the connection is open.]

Actually, aren't there mortal races that communicate telepathically? Like the wyverns or saplings? It could be that it's just us humans that aren’t good at-

“Hold on! Wyverns can communicate? And what do you mean with ‘us humans’?” Amin asked in surprise.

The other four were watching him with a different degrees of shock, excitement, wariness and awe as he appeared to be speaking to himself. Aleesha suddenly interjected hesitantly. “What is she saying?” 

As Amin was about to reply, Amara spoke. [Right, answers. They - maybe you as well - want some explanations, right? I’m here to give them. However, if you need some time to process first, I can call you later.]

[...Time to process?] Amin frowned before shaking his head. “I’m fine.”

[You sure?] Amara raised an eyebrow. [I’d expected you to be more concerned about what it means to suddenly become a mouthpiece and would have some questions related to that.]

“While I do have concerns on that, those concerns are personal. Such things can wait until we have answers.” Amin replied. [The queen would definitely want me to get the answers first.]

Huh. Amara tilted her head curiously as she looked at him. Queen? What queen might he be referring to?

[Crap! She heard that…damned - crap. Don't think!] (Amin)

The corner of Amara’s lips rose. [So you’re a spy?]

[Don’t answer her. No, don’t even think about it. Think about something else, like...no, don’t think about her either...the table is really well-made, must have cost-] (Amin)

[Amin.] Amara’s lips rose higher in amusement. [Even if I find out, I won’t tell anyone. In fact, I can’t tell. As my mouthpiece, you’re the only mortal I can speak to. Get it?]

“...I see.” Amin finally seemed to relax. 

[Besides, I don’t really care that much about what shady crap your governments do. I just hope to get - and give - some help in the fight against the demons.] Amara turned her eyes to the group that looked to be dying of curiosity. [Well then. I hope you can help me to transmit my words.]






After briefly introducing herself through Amin, Amara held a slow monologue to explain the deeper details about the armistice. The fact that she had to pause to let Amin recite her words made the process slow and confusing, which forced her to repeat herself a few times. 

It didn’t take long for them to get interrupted however, as priests came to find the pope in order to report the strange phenomenon that had occurred. 

Since the pope was already aware, he merely stated that they were now in contact with Amara and were not to be interrupted. 

After a while they were interrupted once again nonetheless, as the city lord received the news and joined them. He even had the foresight to bring along a scribe to write down what was being said.

Although they had missed a lot, they were apprehensive that Amara would be dissatisfied about an interruption, and therefore didn’t suggest going through what had already been said one more time. But once she reminded them that she was a mortal like them and wasn’t in a rush, the pope and the elves went through what had been said prior to the city lord’s arrival.

In the meantime, Amin had a silent conversation with Amara while watching the scribe scribble at an incredible pace. [So...you were a human.]

[Yep. Technically, I still am.] (Amara)

[Which kingdom are you from?] (Amin)

Amara smiled wryly. [I’m not from Teyrin, just like Aleesha. My homeworld is called Earth.]

Amin raised an eyebrow in amusement. [Earth? Really? It’s considered a proper name?]

Amara shrugged. [Who knows how the name came about. Want to know the best part about it, though?]

[Yes?] (Amin)

[It’s mostly covered with water. Like, at least seventy percent.] Amara said with an amused grin.

[...Naming it Earth makes no sense.] Amin replied.

Amara smiled wryly. [I know. But the name came about long before the world was fully mapped.]

[That would explain it.] Amin nodded in understanding. [But if it were up to me, I'd still rename it.]

[It has been given a few different names with time. Terra is a pretty popular one in sci-fi novels.] (Amara)

[What is sigh-five?] (Amin)

[Sorry, science fiction. It’s a genre.] Amara explained.

[I see.] (Amin)

Their mental conversation fell silent as they listened to the pope explaining the rules of the armistice.

[...Things might become chaotic once they find out Amara is a mortal. Many will likely think that it would have been better to have a proper goddess to protect us-] (Amin)

[Well, the fact I’m here should make it clear that none of them wanted to stick their neck out to protect you.] Amara replied dryly, sarcasm evident in her tone.

[Stop reading my mind!] Amin retorted as he ground his teeth.

[Sorry, but it’s not like I’m trying. I’m just overhearing your thinking - just like you can hear the rest of them talk without addressing you.] Amara shrugged.

Amin sighed. [Isn’t there a way to stop it?] 

[It stops once the telepathic connection cuts when we end the call.] Amara explained.

[...Would that make us unable to speak again?] Amin asked hesitantly.

Amara grinned. [Nawh, would you miss me?]  

Amin’s mouth twitched. [I’m not saying that. Just asking.] 

[Ah, my heart! I’m wounded!] Amara replied with a giggle. [But no, we can still contact each other. One of the skills I gave you is called Make A Call, which will let you call me. Just think of me and say ‘Make A Call: Amara’, and-]




You can not have a telepathic conversation with yourself without first losing your sanity. Although, perhaps you’ve stepped in the right direction.


As her lips twitched while reading the message, she suddenly heard Amin burst into laughter.

Everyone in the room turned their eyes to him, while Amin waved his hand to tell them to ignore him. 

[You saw that, huh?] Amara asked in amusement.

[Yeah. That’s pretty funny.] (Amin)

Amara shrugged. [We got Fluffles to thank for that.]

[Fluffles?] Amin asked curiously. [Is that one of the gods?] 

Amara smiled wryly. [Yes.]

[Another...strange name.] (Amin)

Amara raised an eyebrow as the corner of her lips rose higher when she heard the tone in his voice. [Are you mocking the nickname I gave her?]

[Nickname?] Amin asked in surprise. [Wow. I seriously doubt the naming skills of the people of Earth now. You must have been pretty lucky.]

[Hey! Fluffles suits her perfectly!] Amara retorted.

[Sure, if you say so...] (Amin)

[You don’t believe me, do you?] (Amara)

Amin coughed discreetly. [...Just don’t call the goddess that to her face, or she might kill you.]

[Already done, and I’m still alive and kicking.] Amara grinned. 

Amin’s eyes widened in surprise. [She tolerates it? How? Are you close with her?]

[We were pretty close when we rolled in bed last night.] Amara shrugged with a grin.

A sudden, intense fit of coughing interrupted the conversation as Amin choked on his own saliva. While the others were staring at him in confusion and curiosity, he exclaimed in his mind with a blushed face. [What?!]

[What do you mean what?] Amara grinned.

[I...well...aren’t you both women?] Amin asked in surprise.

Amara smiled wryly. [So?]

[Well...no, nothing. I just didn’t expect it.] Amin admitted before he fell into momentary silence. [So...what’s Fluffles’ real name?]

[Her name is Ezme.] Amara replied. 

Amin frowned. [...I’ve never heard of a goddess by that name. Who is she?] 

Amara let out a faint sigh as she thought of the pastel haired angel. [The cutest of all the angels. As for what she’d be known for...the system was her idea. You know, the whole blue-interface-screen-and-status thing.]

[She made it?] Amin asked in surprise.

Amara shrugged. [Well, I don't know the full story. But she’s pretty much the reason everyone now has it.] 

[I see.] Amin fell into thought before he asked. [How did you get together with a goddess? I thought they prefered to not have close relationships with mortals.]

[They don’t.] Amara snorted. [Fluffles is a rare exception. Almost everyone else is just a pain in the ass to even talk to.] 

Amin raised an eyebrow. [Then how did you meet?]

[Ah, right.] Amara smiled wryly before she replied. [She killed me.]

The mental conversation suddenly became dead silent before Amara giggled at Amin’s perplexed expression. 

[She killed you?] (Amin)

[Yes.] (Amara)

[And yet you allowed her to seduce you?] Amin asked in shock.

[Well, you’re not exactly wrong.] Amara smiled wryly before she continued. [But I think I seduced her first.]

Amin was silent for a while before he shook his head. [There’s something wrong with you.]

Amara smiled wryly. [Is that any way to speak to your goddess?]

Amin snorted. [What are you going to do? Deliver divine retribution? You said it yourself, according to the rules you can't do anything to me.]

Amara's lips grew higher as she thought of a few ways she could annoy him. Ah, Amin. We’re going to have so much fun.

I will show you the power of the dark side...of YouTube.