Aze’s irregular Case 0: Introduction to Irregulars
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*system starting...*

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*Hell OS connected*

*RecordView connecting*

*System automatic censure program failed*

* Urgent update required for Satjava*

*Connection established*

"How do you know if it working?" , I asked my boss, Demora.

"You can see it working on this monitors", Demora pointed as I see lines of what I'm seeing or doing is being converted into first-person view, just like a story. And now I just realize what I'm thinking is also being typed into words.

"So is there any privacy for me while using RecordView?"

"Of course not! Well not for now anyway. It until we see that we can trust you to handle the censoring of certain topic those shitheads at **** would use against us to make us more worse off then we are."

"Well we kinda did messed up a lot in the past. Like that incident"

" Things have changed since then. We got better at deniability and cover ups. Well are you ready to know about how things work in Irregular Hall or do you need a minute to question your choice? "

"I somewhat know from previous people who worked there it harder than regular torturing that I'm used to", I spoke nonchalantly as I then immediately commented on Demora appearance. "Why did you shapeshifted into an office woman?"

" Well I was using a person fear of working and their intense fear of breast.. and you would not believe how far they lost their mind when I gave them a set of breast like mine. "

 "I never had someone with similar fear like those?"

 " Oh, that was an irregular who said they are a proud Neet and an excellent wizard and something about 30 years and virgin. ", Demora spoke with a smile, probably reliving that moment in her mind.

" Umm what a Neet? ", I questioned.

" Oh sorry, due to fairness for all, I am not allowed to disclose technique, advice, or answering your questions for working in the Irregular Hall is supposed to be a test that must be passed with no help from the previous employees who worked on said hall. While we at it let me began by reading the required paper " Demora spoke as she shuffled thru insanely large piles of paper both on her desk and on the floor with sizes ranging from as big as her desk to being close to as tall as a grown adult.

She then continues speaking in a forced preppy tone, " 'Greeting fellow Hellers, this a message from me, the head of Hell about the fantastical adventures of your you will be having while working on Irregular Hall. That is if they don't become insane or we choose them to be a scapegoat, scrap this sentence when speaking to new sacrifices '. Oops, sorry about that. I forgot I wasn't supposed to say that last sentence. Well anyway, where was I again? Oh yeah, um 'As you already know that Irregular Hall has some...let say unstable individuals who require special torture, to say the least. That is why all rooms in Irregular hall would have all the thing regular rooms have and a few more things. One of the new additions is the Help functions, which will tell your supervisor that you need help in a certain area. The last and other new function is Decision. Decision is a system in which you decide if they are good enough to be wiped, send to our problem garbage dump Earth, or altering facts so it lands on Heaven to be at fault. And this concludes your introduction to Irregular Hall.' Well, do you have any questions? "

"Many. Why is Earth where we put our problem souls to, or even better yet why is their problem souls, to begin with anyway? ", I spoke curiously and I always thought we just keep them here in storage or something like that.

"Well problem souls are.. well too tainted for our cleansing methods to work, so we send them down to live and hope and pray that they either get cleaned a little or get too damaged to stay in Hell so that Heaven can clean it instead. As for Earth, well if you had the higher clearance you would be able to tell why just at a glance with them polluting, violence, and utter torture that they call a civilization that they fucked themselves up big time. With a racist person as a leader and group with crazy belief have access to high casualty weapons, it surprising that they lasted this longed. When are you ready you can start by walking through that door", Demora pointed to the door to her right.

Demora note: Aze is sane as of now, and now have to number his reports due to losing the printed version order of pages.

Edited on 6/1/19