Chapter 97 Aftermath
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2nd Tekulach of Desariel 1237

Lucy's POV

With the battle over, I immediately rush to Edolophini. Although I know that praying won't help, I still want to hope that no one I knew was injured or even killed... 

" Hey Amy, do you think... the families of those that we killed... will be sad?" I asked her, I know this is a stupid question, there is no way that you won't be sad when your dad or husband is sent out for war and got killed. But I still asked anyway.

" Yes. But if they didn't die, it will be us. What do you think our friends will feel when we die?" Amy asked back with another stupid question that we both knew the answer to. Ha...

" But there must be another way though right? I mean, I know that war never really ends back on Earth, but this is another world, surely there might be a way for it right?" I said. 

" It would be great if there would be something like that. But... sacrifices would probably have to be made. And in this case, it will definitely be the empire." Amy answered. I expected that.

" Then do you think the world would be at peace after that?" I asked, somehow our journey back to town has slowed down as we are having these theoretical questions.

" Do you think all four world wars stop the next one from happening? Well, technically the third one almost, but that peace is only because there is only one single superpower, and once that one superpower tumbles down from its position, it's all hands on deck again." Amy said. Yeah... history just repeats, the third world war happened exactly because the other parts of the world chased up their power in all phases, research, economy, and military. With the balance back, it will then attempt to break it again.

" Sometimes I do wonder, if the goal of a single species is to become better, then why are we killing each other in the smallest thing and possibly just kill our entire species as a whole?" I said.

" Who knows, plus, we aren't that different now arent we~ I mean, the world's peace is kinda just hinging on their belief in Astrea. No offense to Astrea but... this won't be a permanent solution," Amy said as she specifically apologize to the sky. Does she live in the sky? I mean, she could even be on another plane than this one, considering if you literally go to the top of the 'sky', you leave this world into space.

" Well, why are we even thinking this? Just leave this to the politicians to handle~ though that might mean Petrasha might have to think differently in the future though, she is also a politician now... kinda." Amy said, well, she is kinda right.

" Yeah, why think of this, we haven't even enjoyed the most the world can offer us yet! Plus, Petry won't be taking the King's place until at least 50 years later~~~ so we could still hang out as a team before that!" I said as we finally head to the gates.

At the view I saw, the calm effect I got from the small chill talk from before is all but gone.

What lies in front of me is a dozen bodies all covered in cloth, with more being carried to this place. But, at least one of the people who... I cared the most is still here... though not in a good condition...

" Old man! What happened!" I immediately rush to him. He is standing next to the guard post with his left arm sliced off and his right hand going missing. 

" Heh, this is no problem, plus, I am thinking of retiring too, and since you are here it might be the best time to-" 

" If you can joke in this position then I guess I should just leave and go back huh?" I said in a very angry voice... despite me arguing with him almost every day, in a sense, he is still my father in this world.

" Ha... I wanted to bet on my chances but alright... you see, 40 of them ganged up on me and when you also have to constantly maintain three earth walls, it kinda gets stressful to maintain it~" he said it as if it's normal...

" You, go to where Zeke is fighting and get back his severed arm and hand if possible," I ordered one of the guild staff to go and find it. I saw Bel reattached her own arm, so it should be possible to reattach this too right?

" Nah, it's alright, I was planning to retire anyways so this is the best reason I can have~ otherwise the elf king would just want me to continue this~," he said nonchalantly.

" Just shut up old man... let me handle this..." I walk back to the gate, now searching where Bel is, luckily... or unluckily, she is sitting at the enemy's temporary camp, which means that it's easy to spot due to its elevation but also hard to go due to the distance... 

I tried to wave at her to make her pay attention to me, normally she can see me even if I am double or even triple of this distance, but she isn't reacting.

I don't know why... but I felt that... I should go check her out, but judging by her, she would probably just say it's fine...

ᛋᛈᛁᚱᛁᛏᛋ ᛁᚾ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚨᛁᚱ, ᚨᛋᛋᛁᛋᛏ ᛗᛖ ᛁᚾ ᚠᛟᚱᛗᛁᚾᚷ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛈᛖᚱᚠᛖᚲᛏ ᛁᛗᚨᚷᛖ ᛟᚠ ᚨ ᛞᛁᛋᛏᚨᚾᚲᛖ ᚠᚨᚱ ᚨᚹᚨᛃ. ᚠᚨᚱ ᛋᛁᚷᚺᛏ.

After using the spell, I can see directly where she is in a closer view... and Bell... she is...

Is that anger? But no... it's not really that, I can see tears forming, so sadness? But anger and sadness together... resentment or regret. I am no psychologist, but it is kinda easy to piece it together, she is angry and upset at herself. For whatever reasons...

Just what were you thinking about...

Belgrynd's POV

The battle is won, with minimal casualties from Lucy's hometown side. But there is death, strangely enough...

I don't really care.

It is because of one thing and one thing only.

They aren't my friends, they aren't my allies. A friend of my friend doesn't make me automatically his or her friend. While the enemy of an enemy might be an ally, after that common enemy is dealt with, they could just turn into enemies right away. There is absolutely no reason for me to mingle with them.

And with this, I stand still on a hill where the enemy's base camp is at.

While I do want to go ahead and yell at both Lucy and Amy, I know it would be very insensitive to do that right now. While for Christine... she's busy doing her own things. She will also need another special yelling later too. 

This however made me worry about one more thing as I watch Lucy and Amy head to her hometown together... with their hands together... While the first few years of me coming here, I have been busy spending all my time just to survive, even after reaching here, what I did never really change, it is just that my scope of survival doesn't just include my own, but the rest of the gang too. Yet I know of something.

In the end, the rest of them will die earlier than me. Originally we all are supposed to spawn a few years apart so that we can use those years to adapt to the world and balance our lifespans. But now, with me being the last and literally jumping tier to almost the last tier, unless, I don't get the last tier and help the others to get to the same tier that I have to avoid, it is almost definite that they will die earlier than me. 

And that is if we all will die naturally to age. In this world, too many things can kill you, ignoring unlucky situations like accidentally falling down and hitting your head on the stairs kind of scenario, the presence of these anti-mana weapons is the big one, then unlike me, the others do not have natural scales, which means they are more likely than me to just die when they got stabbed in the heart.

Not to mention, although the current belief of everyone in this continent leads to a rather peaceful situation, with the advancement that Petrasha is pushing right now, it will be sooner or later, that these peaceful continents start to prepare for war, for it is the greed in every being. They would always want more of what they don't have. Whether it is something as simple as attention, something physical as money, or even something as vague as territory. With the advancement of technology, we will have to get the resources for it. Copper, iron, coal; then gold, nickel, silver; then lead, uranium, titanium, and other rare metals. Including the magical version such as Mythril, and orichalcum, all these are bound to attract wars.

While I can stop skirmishes from happening in a local area, I will never be able to stop something on a bigger scale. 

I could use the authority as a dragon as a protector, but what use would it be when I am not known at all? Plus...

I somehow felt insulted when I ever attempt to class myself the same as the two idiots I found before... I just hope they are outliers...

But looking at the situation now... it somehow... makes me feel alone... I might have reunited with my friends, but... I don't feel the same...

It is like I am just coming here with the same name as the old me.

Looking back, it kinda makes sense, I have been working alone, rather than making a dream home together, I have to make my home according to myself, then let the others adjust. I have been hunting alone, my fear of letting them be hurt, made me just go alone and kill all of the bases. 

But that is not that bad...

At least... when we are bound to be separated again... it won't hurt that much... would it...

Now... it pains me... it pains me to even have such a thought.

But it is a thought, that I will have to face, whether it is within one century, or one millennium, one by one, just like last time, they will die before me, and there is nothing I can do to avoid that...

It is like an eternal loop. A loop of depression...

I don't even know why am I feeling this now. I should be glad, that none of them are hurt, yet... seeing them sad when they parted with their friends, kinda reminded me of the same of that day...

The day where I am finally left alone, in a day where all six of us promised to be together in that place, getting the best thing in our life...

In the end of that life, I was alone.

And I can see that in this life too... I will be alone in the end...

Surprise surprise!!! Double chapters!

Dont ask me why I felt like writing like this, it might seem forced, but I do want this feeling to come out at this moment.