Chapter 6: “Don’t Worry About It”
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Avice and Dall exited the building, her newly purchased accessories already equipped, and the bow strapped around her back. Veral scoffed while stuffing a loaf of bread in his mouth.

“A longbow? Can you actually use that?”

“With enough training, yes.” Avice said firmly. Veral was taken aback, but nodded.

“Just be careful where you use that thing. You could get into a lot of trouble up in the North.”

“What does he mean?” Avice turned to Dall.

“Don’t worry about it for now.” Avice’s eyes widened at his words. She tilted her head, her face void of expression. She felt her heart racing faster, and the tips of her fingers getting cold. Blood rose to her head. What...? Her right arm began to twitch, but she held it tight to her side. “Let’s just say it’s a ‘noble’s weapon’ up there.”

“Understood.” She said bluntly, fixing herself.

Before they began walking again, Avice forced the two men to walk in front of her.

When they exited the tight hallway, the lights she saw on the first day here appeared once again. And despite her inner desire not to, a smile spread across her lips. She raised her fingers to touch them, but this time a lot more than one gathered. “Wow!” She exclaimed her eyes lighting up. She could feel her heart jumping in her chest, “They’re so cute! Are you sure you can’t see them?”

“No. Sorry Ava.”

“Losin’ your head so soon?  Guess it could keep you alive once we’re in there.” Veral sighed and rapidly tapped his foot. “Speaking of, I think it’s time we head off to the carriage, yeah? Sun’s riiiiight about there. If we leave now, we can reach the outer walls by sundown.”

“Should we stop by one of the towns for the night once we get there?” Dall inquired.

Veral shook his head. “No, no. A lot of time’s being wasted here. We need to cover as much ground as we can.”

“So the Demon Woods, then?”


Avice stopped them and said, “What do you mean Demon Woods…?”

“Don’t worry too much about i-”

“Don’t say that again!” Avice’s eyes flashed and she glared at the two of them. They stepped back, arms raised slowly. Some passersby gathered around, curious about what was happening. “Don’t you ever say those words to me.” Her voice rose higher than she wanted it to be, “I’ll worry about whatever I want, Dall.” She inched closer to him. “I don’t want you telling me whether I need to worry or not. If you really want me showing respect to you and your dad, show some to me, too. I don’t want to hear that pretentious voice of yours telling me not to worry. I want you to tell me what’s going on when I ask. If you would.” She snarled.

Dall’s eyes darted in panic and he was about to apologize when Veral stepped in front of him and stood face to face with Avice,

“I haven’t been around you for long, maybe literally only two hours, but you’ve got this talent for pissing me off. You’re talking to Dall Greatsword. Prince of this land. And you’ve got the fucking guts to talk shit straight to his face? Pathetic.” Veral growled and kept the pressure on her. “I see where Uncle Lupin’s coming from here, Dall. Not even the slightest hint of respect in her voice.” He reached for his blade when Dall snapped at his arm and held it down. Veral looked at Dall, who shook his head slowly. He took his hand off the hilt and said, “Honestly, just leave. It’s more detrimental to have you with us than you staying here or whatever. Let’s go Dall.” Dall stood shocked for a moment, gazing at Avice worriedly but was grabbed by Veral to move.

Avice stood stockstill, her palms sweaty and hands curled into fists. “No one tells me to leave.” She growled. Her body grew hot and she tapped her foot furiously. “I won’t do it then. Fuck this.” She stormed off towards the other direction - towards the fountain. “I need to get out of this place,” she said. “Wherever this place is.” She looked around her, noticing that there were more people outside today than she saw before.  Couples walked around hand in hand, and her eyes caught onto a single male. Kale… She thought to herself. A tear fell dripped down her cheek. “W-what?” She anxiously batted and rubbed her eyes. Then, various bulbs and orbs of light emerged from the fountain.

‘What’s going on?’

‘Ah! Is she crying? Is the nice lady crying?’

‘Someone go get Greenies!  Maybe Bluies too!’

‘Aaaah, stop! Redies stop! You’re surrounding her too much!’

‘But she feels angry, guys! Pops always said to help out nice people!’

Child-like voices filled her ears as she glanced around to see an abundance of lights surrounding her. Their colors mixed and matched, their radiance flickering in and out and their movements so exaggerated… What’s…?

‘Ah, she’s looking! Nice lady, are you okay?’

‘I helped her.’

‘No I did!’

‘No, me!’

Avice’s head spun and spun, and she finally collapsed, falling over.

“That was too much Veral.” Dall grumbled, ripping his arm away from Veral’s grasp.

“No it wasn’t.” Veral turned back to him and growled. “I’m not gonna let someone like that be around me or you.” He walked up to him and jabbed his finger in Dall’s chest. “Don’t forget that you’re practically Royalty here, Dall. You’re the one she should be respecting.”

"Then why aren't you showing me any?"

"How long have I known you?" Veral asked.  Dall paused for a moment, but Veral continued, "Exactly.  I show it in my own way, Dall.  I have the right.  Unlike her."

“But she has a poi-”

“No she doesn’t. What she said is a bunch of bullshit.”

“She’s just a little weird, Veral, nothing much. Despite that, I know she’s a good person.”

Veral raised an eyebrow. “Yeah? How do you know?”

“She’s not an Eldred,” Dall said firmly.

“‘She’s not an Eldred’...” Veral sighed. “Look, I get that they’re pieces of shit. Thugs and bastards the lot of them. But you’ve gotta stop using them as a base for judging people.”

“Why do that when I know that’s the truth?”

“That’s the truth huh?”

A hooded man stood before them, so uncomfortably close that they feel his breath. Dall and Veral backed away, Veral’s hands placed firmly the daggers sitting at his waist and Dall reaching for his own weapon. Veral blinked rapidly, his heart racing unbelievably quickly. When did he…?!

“Eldreds are pretty bad, huh?” The man said. “You really think that’s the truth huh?” He removed his hood, revealing a very young face - Blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and an unbearably large grin. “Why don’t we show the world that that’s wrong then.” He raised his hands up, yelling loudly, “Let’s get this party started, Gaea! Tremor!”

The ground beneath them erupted and shifted and shook violently.

“The Revolution’s begun!”