Becoming the strongest in 3 steps
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Location: River.

Opponent: Underwear stealing sharks.

Truth to be told, Its a bad match. I don't know if I can come out of this alive. Nothing's worse than having your opponent choose the battlefield. My heart's beating fast, pumping blood so fast my temples were pulsating. Deepest corners of my souls was telling me to retreat from here, but, but I can't. I mustn't. For the honor of all vanilla lovers, in order to protect smiles...I will stand here, till I drop. The tornado was now near enough for me to hear the gushing waves. The river had begun to overflow, but I must dispel these thoughts. This technique, my doctor forbidden me from it. Be grateful, you shall be the first and the last to witness it. Diverting all my qi to one place, my arms, tightening my muscles and with a quick snap of my wrist, here it is, Cobra style, water edition. By making my hand take shape of a snake, I can copy the lethality of a snake. Unfortunately, this is a mere imitation, far from a perfect technique. I yet to figure out how to compensate for the hundreds of joint a snake has. Which is why this technique puts high strain on my wrists. Forgive me, doctor, But I'll have to break my pledge to you. I ran towards the tornado till it was right in front of me. Take this, sweep. The sharks tried to chomp my hand but I was too agile for that. I continued to sweep through. It may not seem much, but what I am doing is to nullify the tornado by sweeping in the opposite direction. But the tornado is strong. It is sucking me in. I am barely standing by clinging on to the grass by my toes. Suddenly, a shark seemed to have noticed me, for it swam straight across, ignoring the current to chew on my hand. I retreated it but the shark protruded its head outside and bit me. Eeeeoooouuuchhhhhhhhh. freaking hurts. Ouchouchouchouch. I shook my hand desperately but the shark kept on clinging. I beated it on the ground by it held. Whats with this mf. Nooo, my right hand. I can't perform cobra style now. The shark, on the other hand, seemed quite content and happy with its new chew toy. Oh no, the tornado passed by me. Its heading straight. I, I couldn't do anything. No.. I lost. But, but, I will not give up. I ran ahead of the tornado. Come at me. I may not have anything to win against you, but damn me god if I go down before I try. I closed my eyes, out of terror. I was about to die, yet again, this time in a fantasy world. Huhhhh, I wished I would had atleast met an elf. The blades of winds were in front of me, I could feel it, slashing my hair and shooting drops of water at my face at bullet speed. But the worst had yet to come. The next were slaps. The waves slaped at him hard, not letting him rest. The sharks no longer attacked but their bodies felt like iron whips. It is at times like these when I wished I was into BDSM. This continued for a while, ripping my clothes, my hair, my skin. Untill, I was at the CALM. The eye of the cyclone. The low pressure area where everything remains still. Hesitantly, I opened my eyes. The shark were swimming around me, all over, all around. There was one still in my arm. It was horrifying, still beautiful. A mixture of blue mixed with shadows, just allowing the golden light to bypass now and then. I see. How could've I given up now. I haven't even begun fighting. Come at me, however you want to. A shark jumped in from the top. I was prepared for it. A kick to its snout and..Ouuuuchhieeeee. It bit me. Stop stop. Time outtimeouttimeout. I, I wasn't wearing shoes. This is unfair, I wasn't prepared, ou-hey, stop attacking me at once. Form a line,ouch. You.. My body was now completely covered with sharks, same for my head and little member. The last shark spiraled for sometime, perhaps to plan its trajectory, before launchimg itself and recieving a headbutt from me. It fell down but splashed its way back to tornado. Now, time for you guys. I bit them, I bit them hard. They bit me harder and I, bit the hardest. Finally, my right hand was free at the expence of having to taste raw meat. It looked alright. Looks like the teeth didn't penetrated the skin. Alright, time for the next. I didn't use any of my body parts freed. I just bit all of them. I am not taking any vengence, Its just the most practical meathod. By the time I was finished, my jaw was close to unhinging. It felt so loose now. Fortunately the sharks no longer attacked me. Perhaps they consider me their leader. Oh, sorry, I must decline. I am on a journey to find the true meaning of life you see. But, I will give you my first and last orders. Go back to the sea. Slowly, the tornado began moving in the opposite direction. So they do know human language. Well, all well that ends wel-owww hey, wait, let me...ouch. I completely forgot about the slapping I have to experience now while getting out of tornado.