Worrying will Ruin your skin.
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The gentle splash of the waves mixed with the faint screaming of children playing down the beach. The bench was warm and the breeze was light as it moved passed her and through the branches of the tree overhead. It was another sunny day yet she felt no joy under the sun. Days of no leads, days with not even a place to start. What happened? That was the question that Sara always asked herself.

How did Levi find out about her magic? What kept it from making him forget when he found out like it was supposed to? Her glamour was perfect, always has been yet for weeks it did nothing to him. And in that time she got more than a few strange looks because of him. People were suspicious that something wasn’t right, it might be fading now but they weren’t supposed to have it in the first place. Something was wrong.

His steps were light and steady as they always were. But she did not turn to face him, eyes trained ahead, lips forming a ferm line.

She was lovely in her pale, canary yellow sundress, it was a pity, she would have been prettier if only her expression lightened just a bit, he thought. She wore nothing but a grim face these last few months even if the problem with Levi worked out she just wouldn’t calm down.

“What’s the matter Sara?”

“Nothing, nothing is happening.”

“And what’s wrong with that.” And that was what made her turn.

“Because nothing is right.” She hissed, her face morphing unpleasantly. Lips stretched, teeth bared, sharpen, and eyes narrowed. Her pale self turned gray and skin unravelling as if made of weathered parchment. But he did not flinch at her wretched form merely watching her turn with his green eyes as a smile took his face.

“But nothing is wrong either.”


‘Her voice’s turning too, she’s really upset.’ He thought.

“You don’t get it, do you? My glamour is perfect yet he saw through it. That has never happened! One day it was working then the next he was seeing everything! And do you know how long it took to make him forget? To make him think it was all in his head? Do you? If it happened before that means it’ll happen again, and I can’t let that happen!”

“Even if he sees, he won’t tell.”

“But he’ll run, he’ll be scared. And people will see that and wonder why. Wonder what’s wrong with him, what’s wrong with me.”

“And they might find that you aren’t like them?”

“Yes.” The word was strangled, but her anger was fading from her voice as was her form. A pity really, it was rare nowadays, the chances to see her lose face, lose that careful mask she was given.

‘It’d be better if you’d just keep it off.’ He always thought that but knew better than to say it to her face. He smiled,

“You shouldn’t worry too much, it’ll give you wrinkles Sara. We’ll figure out what happened sooner or later so relax. Come on, I’ll take you back.”





Sorry for the long wait. Just graduated and finished preparing everything for post-secondary and in the works of starting a business with my BFF so I’ve been stupidly busy. Thank for those haven’t left ship because of my incompetence and welcome to those who decided to give this a chance.