Vol.1 SS 3 – Gods And The Dawning
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If you look into an abyss for a long time, the abyss will also look into you.
Friedrich Nietzsche



In an unspecified pantheon just around the corner.


A conversation among gods


<You did WHAT?>

<Well, she was just there. You know how much effort and hassle it is to send someone somewhere else once they're with us. So I thought, what the heck?>


Somewhere else.

Why am I suddenly so cold?



In the same non-descript pantheon just around the corner. Just a bit later.


Another conversation among gods


{You did WHAT?}


<So, well, she was just there.>


{And you just sent her along with your "heroes"? HahahahaHAHAHA! Just like that?}


{THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I haven't laughed like that in ages. You know what, when she's done with you guys, I'll pick her up. Have a great time! HahaaaahaahhahahaaaaAAAAAA}


<You'll pick her up when she's done with us? What do you mean?>


{Hahaahaaaa, exactly that. A little advice, between you and me, don't make her mad at you! Oh, I'm going to have so much fun}.


{Let me see. Here, Laura, something you might enjoy on the way.}


Again somewhere else.

{Loptr has blessed you}.

What the wet rag ...?

Ehhh ... thank you? I think?