Vol. 2 SS 6 – A Joyous Event
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Religions have condemned murder and suicide, but, quite apart from human sacrifice, have permitted or commanded the cruelest persecutions of those of other faiths.

Fritz Bauer, Attorney General




"May Gaiuju's Exalted Gaze rest upon you, honored Elder Aiduin Pathyra."


"May the Blessings of Gaiuju fall upon you, Keeper of Life Ilsevel Uriren. Your step radiates joy. Do we have a Joyous Event to look forward to?"


"The Gift of Life brightens the blessed couple Allynna Famaris-Daenala and Khilseith Daenala. Our Revered Goddess Gaiuju loves her elves. Allynna Famaris-Daenala asks you to bless the Joyous Event through the Ritual of Compensation of our Hallowed Goddess."


"With the greatest pleasure, Keeper Ilsevel Uriren. I immediately choose the Gifts of Compensation for the ritual. Do we have time to prepare the Joyous Event appropriately in the Hall of the Goddess for the entire community? The transportation of the Basin of Life requires an hour and the filling another hour."


"There is still some time for you to complete the preparations. The community can definitely attend the Joyous Event in the Hall of the Goddess, Elder Aiduin Pathyra. In the meantime, I will bless the Forest of the Goddess and plant more trees together with Allynna Famaris-Daenala."


"A wonderful task. Our Holy Goddess Gaiuju loves us elves as if we were her own children. However, before you set out to serve the Goddess, the last priest of the fallen gods who enjoyed our hospitality relayed the words of our Goddess Gaiuju to the Exalted Priestly Council at his sacrifice. The balance of the world is disturbed and it is our Sacred Duty to intervene."


"Rest assured, honored Elder Aiduin Pathyra, I will immediately consult with the Exalted Priestly Council as soon as the Joyous Event has come to a happy conclusion. And one more thing, Elder Aiduin Pathyra."


"How can I fulfill the wishes of our Hallowed Goddess Gaiuju, Keeper of Life Ilsevel Uriren?"


"This time, make sure your daughter bleeds the right sacrifice for the gift of pure beauty and youth. If Gaiuju gives us a male elf the right infant must die. Not like last time where your daughter sacrificed the female infant to the goddess in the Ritual of Compensation instead of the male. His mother has reported to me that Gormon Farmoira is already showing typical female behavior. I'm afraid if we can't stop this, the balance of the community will be disturbed and we will have to send him to the Noble Gaiuju."

"Another point, honored Elder Aiduin Pathyra, for some time now it has become unusually difficult, if not impossible, to purchase the Gifts of Compensation. There are no more infants and no more female children at all. Start sending out the catchers. Any lavishing of Gifts is to be refrained from."

"I will admonish my daughter to keep her emotions in check. May the Blessings of Gaiuju fall upon you, Keeper of Life Ilsevel Uriren."


"May Gaiuju's Exalted Gaze rest upon you, honored Elder Aiduin Pathyra."