Vol. 2 VSS 7 – The Admiralty
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I find war preferable to politics. At least in war, you know your enemy.
Jonathan Randall
Actually, the more "planning and scheming" enemies were planned for a later date, but I think it won't hurt if I allow you a teasing little preview.




Somewhere south, in an office, in a kingdom closer to the equator than some would like.




"Good morning, Admiral von Schneider. The rain has started falling early again today. Splendid, my old boy."


"Hah! Klaus von Ritten. You old snoop. What brings the king's top snitch into my humble office?"


"But Heinz, you don't have to be so honest early in the morning, I'm not old after all with my 50 years. If then I have matured, like good wine."


"As if you could recognize good wine, Klaus. It's not even lunchtime yet, but try this wine. Freshly captured from a Pfaffen merchant ship."


"And I see your navy has also captured the matching glasses. Pour me a drink, Heinz, such a catch is something to celebrate. It's not so often that we capture goods from Mitoran."


"How do you know this cargo is from Mitoran?"


"Oh Heinz, they don't call me snoop and snitch behind my back for nothing. And at the moment, everything that comes from Mitoran is at the top of my always-too-high pile of paper and work."


"Hah! True enough, our work for the kingdom never diminishes. Since we intercepted that cargo, I gave orders to my captains to collect more Pfaffen."


"So you've noticed something going on too, Heinz? It's true. Something is going on. However, it's only peripherally about Mitoran. The rumors of a hero's summoning were true, King Edward did indeed reach into the bag of tricks. And he blew it, my dear good Heinz. King Edward has never had a lucky hand."


"And why does that concern me, old friend?"


"Because I've been snooping, Heinz. King Edward screwed up and suddenly we have another player. Or rather, a female co-player. Queen Laura of the Meritocracy of German Nation. King Edward had a princess summoned and then his palace guards almost raped her. She was not amused, according to my reports. However, she then bought an apparently worthless piece of land from the dwarves - a piece of land that was, however, in a very interesting location. The good Princess Laura then quickly made herself queen."


"That all sounds very exciting, Klaus, you old philanderer, but why does this concern me?"


"Queen Laura is the source of all these extremely valuable goods. And the king wants to become the source himself."


"Why doesn't he just marry this Laura? It's not like he doesn't already have three wives, one more or less? What difference does it make?"


"Oh, you're such a tease, Heinz. This was our first idea and not a bad one I think. The only catch is, the good queen is inclined to the fair sex and already married."


"What about one of his daughters? Our king has enough to choose from. Princess Liliane, I would think."


"That ... is currently an idea I hadn't thought of. You are a genius! And here I was thinking you could just sail around on the sea and fire cannons. Brilliant. Splendid, splendid old boy. I will immediately submit your suggestion to the king. Go ahead and find a ship, no better several ships to escort our princess to her betrothal."


"Haha, you're going for it, Klaus. Good, good, I already have a flotilla of four ships in mind. I suppose you want to send a few people along too - stick your nose into matters that are none of your business? Maybe a few more people to see if the defenses can be improved in a few places? Purely for safety, of course."


"Splendid, my old friend. I knew I could count on you. I have already someone in place. You remember my brother?"

"Erich? The pipsqueak? Haha. Yes, he also tried to get into my Anna's pants. Meanwhile, she has to chase her admirers away with a broom or her mother gets sarcastic."

"The old days. How are Martha and the rest of the family? I still haven't quite forgiven you for snatching her from under my nose. Just dropping to your knees in public and asking her to marry you was a real rotten trick, you old weasel.

"Hohoho, don't be a sore loser, Klaus. Martha always had a soft spot for my broad shoulders. Your clever head couldn't keep up. But thanks for asking, I'll give her your regards. My wife is doing well according to this humid climate, but she is just not adapted enough. In two weeks we are leaving again for the cooler mountains where the high society is having a blast. I already cringe at all the balls and the cost of new boots. Anna, as I said, can hardly save herself from admirers since she graduated from school. Martha has secretly let me know that three of the dashing beaus are on the short list. My son is about to take his first command on a ship. The prospects of combining the promotion with a wedding are not bad. Barbara von Staller is already in feverish talks with various dressmakers I have heard. I can't complain, Klaus, life is good to me. And as for yourself, is there at least one woman in the meantime who can soften even your stony heart enough to let you be lured into the prison called marriage?"

"Oh, Heinz, you know me - I am too flighty. No, I'm afraid the gorgeous but experienced young ladies of discreet society are the only ones who can put up with my impertinence. And for some time it has also seemed that the creatures of the night take much more pleasure in their task. I´ve noticed they behaving much more enthusiastic after Madame Miraise inherited the discreet society. Frankly, Monsieur Marl was an awful man. The change in management is quite pleasant. Les mademoiselles now even take time for their admirers to conversate. Maybe you give them a chance too?"

"I don't know about such things, philanderer. Martha would unman me in public."

"Do you think I would have a chance with her then?"

"Never, old friend. Never!"


The chapter needs a bit more editing cause I screwed up. Cross your fingers, maybe I can post the rest today, too.