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This is the second fic I do about MHA applying the rule 63 (gender bender), In this case, local bird boy, Tokoyami.

This story will focus more than anything on the interactions and romance between the characters (Maybe I'll include action scenes later, but that is yet to be decided). It happens chronologically after 1-A students move into the dorms, shortly after the class where they developed their super moves.

I have to highlight because Tokoyami's background is practically inexistent. I will use some headcanons of mine to make Tokoyami's character more complex. So if something that I mention in the story doesn't fit with something mentioned recently about Tokoyami in the manga, please let me know and I'll see if I can correct it.

And of course, I give my most sincere thanks to RedFlowerInk and Alexa4077, who helped me beta-reading to correct all my orthography and redaction mistakes.

I have a discord server. The link is:


It all started one night.

A nightmare, a cold sweat, too many thoughts and worries to be able to go back to sleep, and on top of all that, a dry throat...

It was this way that Midoriya Izuku found himself out of his bed that early in the morning.

After washing his face in the sink, feeling considerably thirsty, Izuku trudged over to the small refrigerator in his room and opened it, planning to take one of the cans of soda that he had saved.

Power Cola, his favorite.

But bad luck. They weren't where he had left them.

"E-Eh?" Izuku searched in every corner, supposing that perhaps he had moved them and couldn't remember, but it was useless, the cans really weren't there anymore.

Izuku closed the refrigerator door and sighed. The picture of one of his roommates entering his room to take his refreshments without even asking floated into his mind, but the idea was ludicrous. Izuku would expect that from his former childhood friend, Bakugou Katsuki -partly because Katsuki had already done something like that before-, but not from the others.

He frowned -which made him look more adorable than anything else- deciding to eventually get to the truth of the matter. Now he had something more important to do.


Izuku felt like a horror movie character.

Walking at an incredibly low speed and trembling -whether it was due to the cold or to the fear he felt, he wasn't sure- Izuku used his phone flashlight to light his way through the hall, being careful about every small and minimally suspicious shadow he came across, feeling as if some ugly creature from hell was going to come out of the dark to attack him.

Although considering it was two in the morning and he was wandering the ground floor of the dorms, he shouldn't really be surprised if one of his teachers were to suddenly appear out of nowhere to catch him red-handed…

But even that would be worth it if he managed to fulfill his mission first.

Maybe his actions would seem immature and irresponsible to others, but Izuku knew himself enough to understand that he wouldn't be able to sleep for hours until he had finally dealt with this.

Or maybe his imagination was just overly exaggerated...

But that didn't matter anymore, because he could finally see it. Izuku's eyes lit up with excitement and his nervousness disappeared, what he had been looking for so desperately was finally standing in front of him: A vending machine!

Izuku took out a bill from his wallet and, after verifying that it was in perfect condition, inserted it into the machine.

In a huge show of luck, the machine accepted the bill at his first attempt and when he chose the drink he wanted, the machine dropped it in the act. A totally ecstatic Izuku grabbed the can, opened it and took a sip.

It was then that he felt an icy wind running down his back and causing him to feel a very unpleasant chill.

Alarmed, Izuku shone his flashlight in all directions, fearing that someone had approached him, but it didn't seem to be the case.

That wind wasn't normal. Yeah, these days the nighttime temperature was quite low actually, but Izuku was indoors and all windows were normally closed at night. Also, only the rooms had air conditioning, not the corridors.

So where did that cold breeze come from?

Once again Izuku felt cold and frowned. If this was just what he was starting to suspect, then he couldn't leave it at that.

Finishing his drink in an instant and discarding the can in the bin, Izuku began to move. Not to his room but following the icy wind to its origin.

Izuku didn't take too long to find it; it was one of the windows located on the opposite side of the ground floor. From a distance it seemed perfectly closed, but once you got close enough it became obvious that this wasn't the case; the latch wasn't on and the window was slightly open, just barely enough to get your fingers in the small space and open it with relative ease if that were your desire.

Izuku was paralyzed by this discovery and started to imagine all the possible scenarios:

Maybe someone had just left the window open. Although that seemed impossible; Iida and Momo had a habit of making at least two rounds around the dorms before going to sleep to ensure that all doors and windows were closed. And the teachers did just the same... So why wasn't the window closed this time…?

Or it could be that maybe some villainous intruder had managed to enter the dorms without anyone noticing for some evil unknown reason. If that was the case and they had already gone away, it would explain the windows left open. After all, it was impossible to close any of the windows from outside…

Or maybe they were still inside… Yeah… With the window just open this way, how could Izuku be truly sure that there weren't one or more intruders already inside, just hidden and waiting somewhere in the dorms…?

Or the last option that Izuku had to consider: That maybe one of his classmates was out there.

Izuku clenched his fists and breathed deeply, trying to relax and give up his feelings of doubt and fear, deciding he needed to make sure… And once ready Izuku leapt out of the window.

Once outside, he made sure to leave the window just like it was before, then started to look for signs of someone loitering around the building perimeter.

It only took looking up to discover something.

At the edge of the roof of the right wing of the dorms, a figure could be observed immobile. However, to Izuku's irritation, the natural darkness of the night as well as the clouds in the sky made it impossible for him to know who exactly this person was.

Izuku had to discover their identity, because if it was really an intruder after all...

Memories of the USJ fiasco flashed in Izuku's mind and he gulped slightly, frightened.

Looking around he managed to notice a considerably tall tree on one side of the building. It was obvious that the person in the roof had used it to climb up, considering the wear and tear the tree had suffered on its trunk and branches.

Without wasting more time, Izuku spread his legs and hunched slightly, tensing all his muscles and letting One for All bioenergy circulate throughout his body. Then, in a single blink, he threw himself against the tree.

Instead of really trying to climb it, Izuku simply used the tremendous momentum of his Full Cowl to run vertically up the trunk to its top. Then, he focused a slight percentage of One for All on his legs and jumped, landing on the right wing roof, just a few meters from the mysterious figure.

Unfortunately, because of the kinetic energy Izuku had accumulated, he ended up skidding on the roof, making enough noise to throw overboard any attempt to catch the apparent intruder by surprise.

Even so, Izuku immediately put himself in combat position and fixed his eyes on any attempt at movement from the person in front of him.

However, the mysterious person barely seemed to react to him, staying seated on the roof's edge with their back to Izuku, only turning their head a little to be able to observe Izuku with their big, slightly intimidating, red eyes.

It was then that the clouds in the sky all faded, allowing the moon to illuminate the person, who only a moment ago was hidden in the shadows, revealing a feminine and slender figure covered by a cloak just as dark as the feathers (or was it hair?) that covered her head. The only features on her black haired (black-feathered?) face that stood out were her red eyes and her yellow beak.

All unmistakable features of the jet-black heroine, Tsukuyomi.

Class 1-A student, Tokoyami Fumika.