013 – Lilith’s Hair
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Thor soared through the skies on his gold-gilded chariot drawn by two fierce goats. Lilith followed close behind on Gyllir, playing through her mind the wildest of scenarios as to why the God of Thunder might need her assistance. Regardless, if he was busy with her, he wasn’t out looking for Loki, which gave Lilith slight comfort.

As they passed the Vestfold mountain ranges, balls of snow flew up at them from below. Gyllir dodged and snorted. She held on tight, wondering what the heck was going on. Thor raised his hammer and bellowed to the heavens, sending a bolt of lightning down onto the snowy caps. Where it struck, a sizzling black crater formed. Whatever was down there couldn’t have survived that.

The skies dimmed. Mountains smoothed into plains, and soon a fortress of magnificent proportions appeared. The structure looked as if it were plucked right out of Disneyland and repainted to give it a more powerful and masculine exterior. A brilliant beacon of the night, Bilskirnir illuminated the land with a splendor worthy of its master. Thor hailed to the goats, and the chariot whooshed downwards in a rapid descent.

Lilith felt butterflies. If she wanted to turn back, now was the chance. She steeled her nerves and followed the God of Thunder down to his residence. Gyllir landed outside the gates, where two kids waited for them.

“Greetings, Lady Valkyrie,” said the girl, brimming with joy. “I’m Roskva.”

“And I’m Thjalfi,” added the boy, equally cheery. “We’re twins.”

Lilith smiled at the siblings. They looked identical, yet different somehow, and their presence put her more at ease.

Thor patted the goats on the back, and the chariot vanished into thin air. “Great energy, Tanngrisnir. Wonderful stride, Tanngnjostr.” He gave the reins to his two servants. “Feed them well. They deserve it. And Gyllir as well.”

“You can count on us, Lord Thor!” the kids said in unison.

Gyllir let out a soft neigh, and Lilith allowed him to go with them and the goats.

Thor escorted her through the gates, down a well-manicured lawn, and into his home. Inside, a gigantic hall with walls and ceilings layered with war murals, many of which featured the God of Thunder in a variety of action poses. Only the granite floor and cement pillars were spared of this brazen display of pride.

“Sif, I’m home!” he shouted with such force it shook the foundation of the building.

“Simmer down, Thor Odinson,” a woman’s voice flowed through one of the hallways. “The children are sleeping.”

“The Valkyrie is here.”

Thor and Lilith stood awkwardly in silence and waited. Moments later, Sif appeared in a wavy red nightgown. The golden-haired goddess fixed her sparkling eyes on Lilith and glided closer, her mouth agape with awe and wonder. Lilith’s face warmed from the intensity of the woman’s gaze.

Sif snapped to Thor with a scour. “You reek of sweat, dear Husband. Go take a hot bath and cleanse yourself.”

“Wait for me in the bedroom,” he teased, then strutted off.

Lilith resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

I did not need to hear that.

Sif smiled and grabbed her hand. “Come. We have much to talk about.”

We do?

The goddess led her down a hallway that branched off into a web of corridors. Like a hotel, the floor was carpeted, and the rooms were all numbered. A burning question surfaced to the front of Lilith’s mind: Who else lived here?

“Do not believe the rumours,” Sif said, as if reading her mind. “Thor does not have hundreds of mistresses. I would never allow it. The rooms are mostly for his toys and the occasional guests.”

Lilith almost burst laughing, but held it in. They weren’t friends indulging in gossip; this was more a business trip than a casual meeting. On that note, she decided to finally speak. “Thor mentioned a favour?”

“At my behest,” Sif confirmed. “It’s a rather embarrassing problem.”

…That only I can help with?

She pulled her into a suite fit for a king and queen. The furnishings were regal and luxurious, from the chandelier hanging from the high ceilings to the canopy bed with silk curtains against the far wall.

Sif turned to face Lilith, eyes still full of wonder. “You have such beautiful hair, Valkyrie.”

Lilith didn’t know how to respond; it wasn’t like she had anything to do with it. Before she could react, the goddess lifted a hand and ran her fingers through Lilith’s hair. Caught off guard, she took a step back.

Um, what’s going on here?

Sif withdrew her hand and offered a smile. “Please forgive me, Valkyrie. It’s not what you think.”

Lilith set aside her ridiculous thoughts and focused on the matter at hand. “Why did you ask me to come?”

The goddess strode over to the vanity table where a mirror stood, accompanied by makeup products and a diverse collection of jewelry. She stared at her reflection and heaved a sigh. “May I bore you with a story?”

Regaining her composure, Lilith said softly, “Well, I’m already here.”


“Many years ago, I would walk down to the stream everyday to wash my hair in Yggdrasil’s mineral-rich waters. It took ages to dry. As such, the sun was my friend. I would lie in the fields and let its rays work their magic. But on one occasion, I fell asleep. That was when the mischievous Loki came and sheered off my hair—every last strand.”

At the mention of the God of Mischief, Lilith’s blood boiled.

“I wept for weeks—months even, hiding myself in Bilskirnir, too ashamed to show my face before the other gods. Thor wanted to kill Loki, but Odin would not allow it. Loki did eventually redeem himself. He traveled to the realm of the dwarves and had them craft a magic headpiece, which when worn, transformed into long, golden tresses, the same tresses you see on me now.”

Gold like wheat, the goddess’s hair was breathtaking.

“The magic is waning.” Sif ran her fingers through it and pulled with just the slightest of force. Clumps of hair fell to the floor. “I will soon be bald as a potato again.”

A woman’s hair was her glory. Lilith understood her predicament all too well. “You are beautiful with or without your hair.” They were the same words she said to her mother, and they were true.

The goddess scoffed. “I suppose. The other gods will respect me less, though. And Thor would have nothing to brag about. Never mind that. You, Valkyrie, will be my saviour. That’s why I have invited you here.”

Lilith piqued with curiosity. “What can I do?”

“Your hair…” She made to touch it again but resisted. “It contains the magical properties of silk moss, a plant that only grows in the darkest depths of Nidavellir. If you would…donate a few locks to me, I could use them to rejuvenate my own.”

“Of course,” Lilith said without hesitation.

The goddess looked as if she could fly. “You really would do this for me?”

Lilith nodded. Truth be told, she was getting sick of her long hair. Between the maintenance and it being blown around while riding Gyllir, she would gladly part ways with most of it. It was all the reason to help someone in need. “Do I just cut it off?”

Sif quickly retrieved a pair of scissors from the table drawer and placed them in Lilith’s hands.

Lilith approached the mirror, nervous but decisive. She twisted the hair and formed a knot just below the ears. Without pause, she began to cut. Excitement spurred her on. Would this be seen as rebellious to the Allfather who supposedly created her to perfection? She couldn’t wait to see their reactions.

“From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Valkyrie.” The goddess stepped in to take the ashen hair upon the final cut. She opened a box on the table and placed the locks inside. “This will keep my hair long and vibrant for at least a millennium.”

A millennium? It was surely an exaggeration, but Lilith was glad she could help. “I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off me.”

Sif held Lilith’s hands in hers. “Consider us friends.”

They locked eyes for an inordinate amount of time, the goddess’s touch sending waves of emotions through Lilith’s body. An inexplicable bond had formed, but neither she nor Sif dared to flinch. Wild thoughts swept through her mind, but she focused on the one that was most sensible.

“I should go.” Lilith turned away and made to leave.

“Wait.” There was some rummaging, and then Sif grabbed her hand once more. “Take this.”

Lilith looked down at the silver ring with an amethyst gem. “Thank you.”

“Should you require anything—a favour—do not hesitate to visit.”

Maybe she knows about Earth and the portal?

The selfish side of Lilith begged her to ask, but the prudent side forbade her from dragging the goddess into her own problems. There was also the risk of Sif exposing her. But she wouldn’t have to disclose her plans to the goddess. This was the chance to learn more.

What do I do?

“Sif!” a roar came from the hallways, effectively making the decision for Lilith. “Are you done with the Valkyrie?”

And that was her cue. Lilith said a hasty farewell to the goddess and left.

Outside, she called for Gyllir, and as he came, Roskva and Thjalfi appeared from a door at the side of the castle. They ran over, waving.

“Lady Valkyrie, don’t leave!” the little girl said.

“Yes?” Lilith hoped Thor or Sif didn’t want something else.

The boy arrived, panting. “We have an urgent message.”

She grinned at the two adorable kids. “Take it easy. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Lord Loki asked for you,” Roskva told her.

Lilith felt every muscle in her body freeze. “…Loki?”

“Yes,” Thjalfi confirmed. “He really wants to see you.”

She suddenly felt short of breath, her body trembling while her mind reeled.

What is he doing here?

“Please come with us, Valkyrie.”

Lilith reluctantly followed the kids through the door and back into the castle. They led her down long, winding corridors, turning left and right and right and left. Her mind spun mad trying to make sense of the situation. The next thing she knew, she was descending a stone staircase into a dark and dank room. Each step stoked the burning emotions swirling inside her. Fear. Uncertainty. Anger. Loki had better be prepared for her wrath.

“He’s over there,” one of the kids said, pointing at the darkness.

They then left her alone to face the monster.

“Loki?” Lilith tiptoed forward, preparing to flee should anything lunge out at her.

Chains rattled. The cement floor sounded with footsteps not her own. Then, two yellow orbs flickered in the void. She froze.

“Valkyrie,” a gentle voice called to her. “How nice of you to visit.”

Upon seeing the God of Mischief bound in chains, she exhaled in relief, only to immediately realize its implication. “Thor got you…” Which meant that Elsa’s soul could already be in Odin’s hands.

Loki scoffed. “That brute got lucky. But you will help me.”

“And why would I do that?” her voice cracked with shakiness.

“So much anger in those words. I assume that means your memories are intact.”

“No thanks to you.”

“Oh, Lilith.” Loki spared a moment to chuckle. “I am the only one you will thank once this is all over.”

“You’re crazy.”

“They have Elsa, you know.”

“What?” Lilith felt light-headed, and she stumbled over to a wall.

What do I do? Run? Hide?

“I give it until tomorrow morning before Freyja tears your soul apart.”

It’s over…It’s really over.

“But if you set me free, I can save you.”

“Shut up!”

“I can take you back to Earth. Wouldn’t you like to see Kristof and Erik again?”

How does he know about Kristof and Erik? It’s impossible. Don’t believe him! He must’ve read your memories somehow. Don’t believe him! He’s lying. He can’t help you. It’s over. Don’t believe him!

“Let me help, Lilith.”


“They’re waiting for you.”

“No, they’re not!”

“Look into my eyes and see the life that awaits you back on Earth.”

“Stop it!”

Lilith gasped for air as tears trickled down her face uncontrollably. Loki kept silent, letting his conniving words stew in her mind. He knew what she wanted. He knew her weakness. He knew she had no choice. The fate of her soul had already been decided. There was nothing to lose.

“Look into my eyes, Lilith…”

She looked.

And what Lilith saw lifted her soul to a state of euphoria, if only for a fleeting moment…