25 Relations -Rhiannon
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'Ugh... I just hope he does a better job than his predecessors.' Merlin sighed the moment their portal shut behind them.

'What do you mean? Jordan's still alive and his children are there to aid him.' Morgan asked astonished.

'that's exactly what worries me... Ever since they let go of their clerical branch, their unity and power dwindled. So did the actual aptitude of their members. If not for Jordan and Mark they are two generations from becoming fancy parrots. Their decline is terrifying. They even lost their longevity, only living slightly longer than said shapeshifters. Even rebirth is questionable at this point. When Jordan was born, out of wedlock by the way, they didn't even have someone to teach him. Even thought him a weakling, an albino. They've forgotten their own history. How can the suppressed descendants of such a sorry excuse of a clan even think of teaching him? Not that I did any better with their father I suppose, another student of mine that is less than what I thought him to be. I really should not educate other clans... all are failures only our dragon-clan people tend to stay sane after my teachings....' the old wizard trailed of buried deep in memories.

'So you say the immortal phoenix is but a myth?' Rhiannon asked shocked. In her mind dragons had always been nigh immortal due to their slow ageing, but phoenixes were the very symbol of immortality and rebirth.

'Yes that's what I said. At least now it's true. They are but a shadow of their former glory. On par with us, that's what they were, til four-hundred years ago. They instigated the witch-hunt, being the inquisition themselves. At least their upper echelons. Tried to become the top-dog of the clans at that time. Canonized a simple knight called George after he killed one of the lesser dragons in a drunken brawl. Made him a hero... but becoming a saint meant for most dying in a bad way... they send the poor lad against one of our crazy ones. A powerful at that. He killed him and became the hero they made him, but died miserably in the aftermath. Don't misunderstand me I believe in god and in the bible. Even in the church. But some of the poor saints were played evilly by those they trusted. Most by people that were more politicians than priests. I always thought these deaths a shame, because if they had lived longer, they might have helped more people. Living not dead. It's history, though.' Merlin told his students

'Well the church stuff aside, you say the Teine-clan is on decline, since four-hundred years, isn't that awfully close to the sealing five-hundred years ago?' Rhiannon asked. She had never been very religious, so it didn't really matter to her.

'Yes it is. All clans decline since than. Though it is one of the best hidden secrets of the council. And it is also the reason for Merlin dabbling into all of these different science-projects.' Miriam said looking tired

'I'm not dabbling, I am revolutionizing science with every step I take.' Merlin grumbled.

'That's hubris, old man. You have the advantages of being both a druid and a dragon close to ascending and even though you are constantly trying the best ideas are stemming from your human proteges, though you are always quick to recognize them.' Miriam chided her uncle softly.

'I guess you are right. But still even the Sidhe did always use humans to breed and fill their ranks as they call it. There is monotony in immortality that slowly robs you of your spirit of innovation.' the silver dragon sighed and looked at his students 'That's what the young-generation is meant for. We the elders are meant to have your backs, though, so don't do anything I wouldn't do...'

'That doesn't mean anything coming from you, you crazy oaf... I remember feats I don't want to voice in front of those two...' Miriam laughed.

Next what they heard was the sound of the hangar-door slamming open. Mero ran in his eyes shooting furious glances. 'Here you are again.' he said clearly throwing a tantrum, which caused both Rhia and Morgan to role their eyes. Ever since Ethan got joining Mero's lessons their lessons had been totally separated. Esmeralda taking the younger prince and the newly changed knight under her wing.

Miriam thought it better to not further frustrate her youngest by not being able to cope with the rapidly advancing lessons that required the strength of royals, but separating actually did the opposite. He seemed to feel discarded and put the blame on poor Ethan, who could naturally not keep up with the younger prince at first. Being newly transformed and all.

Although Ethan was actually quite talented, as Esmeralda stressed at any possible opportunity, he was way behind the light-blue dragon that had served for years as Morgan's sparring-partner. Because the teacher's hadn't want the actual fighting-forces to be frustrated by being constantly beaten up by a younger and less experienced royal who couldn't quite control his strength properly.

That made Mero become accustomed to the stricter training-regime the royals were put through. Something that allowed them to shine, a threat to any possible enemy, a seldom used weapon. Whilst the knights were considered as valuable assets, that needed to be ready to fight any moment and actually got their proper breaks. To keep up their fighting-potential.

The younger prince was bored out of his mind as far as Rhiannon could see, since his training-regime was loosened up and he got time to think. For the first time in years he asked, no he demanded, to participate in Merlin's lessons. Something the old wizard strictly denied, saying he should join the lessons Esmeralda gave to all knights. They had the same content but were less demanding and didn't include that much politics as Merlin's, who taught war and peace strategies alike. Commanding and ruling. Supreme command that is.

'Why didn't you even told me you were off? I have been searching for you all day.'he asked accusingly. Rhiannon couldn't help but sigh inwardly. Even if she could understand his feelings to a certain degree, his childish behaviour wouldn't get him anywhere. Quite the opposite, actually.

'Well we had a sudden call of the council. A call all of us had to attend. But what's on your mind, dear?' Miriam asked patiently though one could see she was upset by her son's sudden change.

'I wanted to ask when you are going to announce my betrothal to Rhiannon.' he stated in confident manner that made both Rhiannon and Morgan choke in surprise. Unperturbed he furthered 'I do not know why you seem so surprised mother must have talked to you, Rhia, my darling. I brought you home, so it should be my honour and duty to take you under my wing, as a prince. And you, brother, you are betrothed to Claire, the Finley heiress, since childhood. You can't have all the girls, can you?'

'Did it even occur to you, that all of this might be a too sensitive topic to discuss in the hangar, you brat?' Merlin churned holding up a hand towards Miriam to stop, while opening a portal to his lair tossing Mero in waving at the rest to follow. They did. Miriam clearly as agitated as her uncle. Morgan unsure where to look and Rhiannon too dumbfounded to say a thing.

As the portal closed Merlin gestured at his chart-table. All of them sat down. Rhiannon as far as possible from both Morgan and Mero.

'First of all I have to apologize to Rhiannon.' Miriam said tiredly before continuing 'It is indeed an old council consensus that all new clan-members above a certain power-level are to be asked to marry into their new clan. Most of the time they do it without being asked. If not they are not forced or anything, don't fear. To be honest since I like you I quite hope you will find the liking to one of my sons, as any good mother would. I see you as a kind of daughter and having you as my daughter-in-law, would actually make me very happy, but as I said it is your choice. And what Mero just did was uncalled for.'

Rhiannon nodded 'No offence taken. I knew of the custom, since Merlin did teach me properly. But as I understand, Morgan is already betrothed to Claire Finley, his first knight. Why did you say any of your sons?' she asked.

Morgan, who had said nothing since his brother's outburst, cleared his throat and said 'That one is for me to explain. In the time you have lived here, no actually the first time I saw you on that street, I fell for you... I even talked about it to mom, to ask if it was possible to do what I am going to do now, though I was looking for a more romantic setting.' going down on one knee he nestled a ring out of his pocket and asked 'I know you abhor the glamour of being part of the royal family and it will only increase, when you are queen, my queen.... But even though I am selfish enough to ask.... Rhiannon Marrow, do you want to marry me?'

Rhiannon looked at the ring and at Morgans face that gleamed with hope. A thousand thoughts running through her head. But when she asked her heart, it was clear, her dragon-blood had long since decided and her human-side didn't object. Even her mind had reasonable reasons, such as lifespan etcetera to add on the decision already made.

So she said 'I do.' and smiled. The only thought that bugged her was how on earth to explain it to her parents. Morgan stood up and hugged her closely.

Merlin and Miriam cheered patting them on their shoulders. Congratulating.

Mero paled. Than he hissed at his brother ' I hate you... you always take what you want and all applaud you. The perfect knight, though you are a royal. Jovial, always amiable, the perfect gentleman. I always admired you, how you fought after Dad disappeared. But now you are too greedy, you take the only thing I ever wanted. You ensnared her made her love you...' he broke of a nigh insane gleam appeared in his eyes as he sprang and changed into his draconic form.

The light-blue claw was stopped by a black one. Morgan, who had also changed into his draconic form stood over his now-fiance his wings spread protecting her with his body, a clearly primeval stand. His now sharp fangs bared he glared at his brother. The light-blue dragon shuddered than turned knowing he stood no chance. Mero ran out of the room towards the gallery.

He looked down the crater and stopped. His wings sank down as he sank down on his knees crying.

'It cant really be about me.' Rhiannon thought, feeling bad for the younger dragon. Miriam who had finally shook of the shock of her sons attacking each other hurried over, embracing her younger son. Morgan put his arm around Rhiannon's shoulder stating his claim. Merlin stayed beside them eyeing Mero like a poisonous snake.

'Why would you do this, dear?' Miriam asked in a low voice, trying to comfort her younger son.

'No one sees me any more. I am not worthy to be seen. Like back than, when father disappeared. No body wants me... now you even send me away....' Mero mumbled.

Merlin hissed 'You immature crybaby. Shame on you. Just like your father acting all high and mighty than running away when realizing you bit off more than could ever chew. Your mother tried to help you, as always, so did your brother, but you don't even bother thinking about their feelings. Instead you turn on them. I just hope being notoriously jealous is your only sin. As a strategist I think of you as of a potential safety leak right now. Just now threatening to kill yourself in order to convince everyone to feel guilt. You ruin your brothers moment, you selfish idiot.'

Mero looked back at his former teacher and smiled in a disturbing manner. Giving up every false pretence of broken-heartedness he straightened his back and yelled 'Haven't you and your idiot seal been, I would be a royal, just like you. I will be as soon as the seal is broken. Your mother told me. You are the selfish one. The one so overly gifted you can't even fight without ascending, looking down on everyone else. Besides your precious students. I would have taken you to unforeseen heights, Rhiannon, remember I was the one, who instigated the incident. I made you, what you are now. Remember me! All of you. My friends know all of your little secrets. I told them everything, no one will ever again look down on me.'

Than he broke free from his dumbfounded mother and jumped into the air, turning into complete dragon-form. Ascending out of the crater towards the open sky disappearing rapidly. Leaving his shocked and completely unbelieving family behind.

'Someone's ensnared him. Has to be like this.' Miriam muttered wide eyed looking at the point where her son had disappeared.

' Thankfully we haven't let him in on much... we just have to scout the mountain for threats. If he has discovered the old smuggling route... we have to protect our backs...' Merlin said as if it had been a random clan-member, not his niece's son. 'We should announce your betrothal as fast as possible and I will accept Ethan as kin. Offering Claire to marry him.' he planed completely unperturbed by his families incredulous gazes. 'what?? You know I am right.'

'I guess that's true. Ethan's announcement should be tonight. We should let the Finleys in on our plans. I know Claire and Ethan like each other. Claire asked me whether it was okay if they dated.' Morgan said now completely focused on damage-control.

'So you are arranging that. Rhiannon and I are going to inform her family... and I will let you in on your future responsibilities. You will take over Mero's immediately, it's actually a good start to get the hold on such stuff.' Miriam said smiling, seemingly concentrating on the bright side of things.

Rhiannon gulped inwardly. She had been told that dragons became high-functional sociopaths over time. This display of simply brushing feelings away frightened her deeply, because she knew she was on her way becoming exactly like this. Mero had done what had seemed logical to him, betrayed his family and those who had been betrayed acted as if it was a minor nuisance.

Her dragon-side completely agreed with them, whilst her human-side asked itself where her euphoria of the betrothal had gone. This was her life now. Politics. Damage-control. Love. She was a royal, she would be queen and she was with the man she loved. A dragon, that had protected her with his body. Rhiannon looked at her betrothed and smiled. No matter what Mero had done, today was a day they would celebrate properly, later.