Chapter 10: Aldrian – The Night it All Began
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Avice couldn’t tell for how long she was in this place. She squinted. No matter where she looked it was all the same. There was nothing around her; nothing except the blindingly pure white coating everything as far as the eye could see. The first thing she had thought of when she arrived here was ‘Am I in Heaven?’. But she crushed that very thought as soon as it appeared. 

There isn’t a Heaven in the first place…

She sat here in this place, her heart strangely still and her emotions dulled. She couldn’t feel anything. She couldn’t taste or speak… All she could do was hear. And whatever she was hearing shook her to the core. It was as if every single person she’d met in her life was speaking to her at the same time. And every single one of them was telling her to die - to kill herself. “You aren’t good enough. You should just die.” She picked out her father’s voice amid the chaos. She bent over and tried shoving her hands to her ears. She didn’t want to hear any of it anymore. 

Even in death, I can hear this crap.

Why was it always her? She’d done nothing wrong in her life. Whenever she could, she’d do her best to keep her head up. She’d help out around the town, try to treat her bullies with respect, or properly do what her parents ordered her to. Yet it always resulted in the same thing. She’d always be turned away. She’d always be beaten down and berated because the people she was talking to didn’t like her. And no one would step in to help her. No one stepped in to save her.

She raised her arms and hands and tried digging them into her head. 

I'm so tired, she thought. 

But that was when she noticed it… She couldn’t feel her hands. Now that she’d thought of it, every time she tried to touch her body, she wouldn’t feel it. She brought her ‘hands’ down in front of her and she gasped. 

Nothing was there.

Her legs, her arms, her torso, her face - nothing. She tried swinging her arms, but nothing happened.

Her heart, if she even had one, nearly came to a stop.

So I’m really dead, she thought.

“Don’t worry,” a woman’s voice called out to her. Avice looked around. She wanted to respond, to ask where she was, but she couldn’t do it. Seemingly sensing Avice’s worries, the woman continued. “You’ll be fine after you rest for a moment,” she said. “I'm kind of breaking a promise, but you need this right now.”

Huh? Who is-?

"Aldrians aren't allowed to fail so easily. Time to teach these people a lesson."

As the last of her words touched Avice’s ears, the world around her crumbled. Breaking off in pieces like chipping away paint from a wall, the white cracked away little by little. Behind the white, the image of the village slowly came into focus. 

Dall knelt, bracing onto his sword for dear life. The pain in his back slowly encroached upon him, and now he could feel it spreading to everywhere else. But that pain meant nothing if he could be here in the presence of his people - to ensure that they could make it out alive. Lupin Greatsword had always drilled it into Dall’s head that the people were the most important individuals in the world. And he needed to do everything he needed to keep them safe.

Indeed. They were important. But so were the people that Dall cared for.

He hadn’t known Ava for long. He’s really only known her for one day. Usually, that wasn’t enough time for people to grow fond of one another, but he knew that there was something about her. People were generally upfront and very polite with him, but Ava, who didn’t know who he was, spoke to him casually. Plus, he had never met someone with so much mystery behind them. Where was she from? Why does she wear such strange clothing? Why is she so strong that she can resist the power of an Eldred Slave mark? Why was she so desperate to do what she wanted? 

He also figured that she was the one who saved his life. There was no way he’d be alive if she hadn’t been there to drag him out and keep him alive. Not to mention how Melody was by his side when he woke up.

Dall knew that he needed to repay that debt. 

He knew, yet he could do nothing as the bandits dragged her away down the road.

She kicked and screamed, tears flying around her. It broke his heart to just sit there and watch. Dall’s vision was getting blurry now. He could barely make out their figures as they got farther away. 

“What the hell's going on?! Get them to stop!” He heard Joe’s muffled voice. Any moment he knew he would pass out, and that would be the end. Wolves’ howls and bears’ roars lulled him into a trance. He closed his eyes. 

“Why is it always me?!” Ava yelled. “I don’t deserve this!”

A surge of energy crashed into him. It climbed up his spine, and he coughed up blood. Everything suddenly felt fine. He stood and touched his back. His eyes widened. “What the hell just…?” He recognized that pulsation. He turned his eyes to Ava.

She was on the ground on all fours, tears pouring down her face. No one held her down. “Ava get up!” Dall screamed with all his might. 

A blinding light exploded around him, and a sharp, piercing ringing filled his ears.

When the light disappeared, everything seemed the same. The surviving bandits further down the road cowered and hid behind a couple of buildings. Joe Darius, along with Bantor and his grizzled companion remained on the road. The Despairities still surrounded Ava, keeping their fangs and claws ready to kill. And as for Ava herself? 

She stood there in the center. Everyone had their eyes on her, and for good reason. 

The air around her was so powerful and intense that it made even him falter for a moment. The pressure oozing from her was terrifying. But the worst, most incomprehensible change that no one could understand flowed behind her.

Her white hair.


She turned to him. Her once brown eyes now shimmered a brilliant violet. “Dall…” she whispered. Her voice was still the same, silky smooth voice. But her face, her expression, was something else. Her expression crunched, and she bit her lip.

Now that she wasn’t facing them, the Despairities decided that this would be the perfect moment to strike. Each of them, with drool dripping and flying away, pounced on her, prepared to feast on her bones.

But before they could touch her, her hair shined brightly and she said with a powerful voice, “Do not touch me!” A blast of wind shot out of her. Dall got down on his knee again and dug his sword into the dirt.

That voice... That wasn’t her. 

The Despairities flew away from her, their bodies blasting away across the town.

Ava returned her attention to the Despairities. “Death to Alder’s enemies.” She raised her arm. “Ifrit’s power aid me.” A red circle flashed beneath her. Dall’s heart drummed in his ears. The circle beneath her rotated and rotated until it began to spin. It spun faster, and as it did so, hundreds of little red dots appeared around it. “Decimate my foes. Evaporate them. Turn them into the ashes as a gift for His Flames!” 

With those words, she raised her hand to the sky. 

An orange spark flickered wildly in her palm and then exploded into a tremendous blast of fire.

A towering wall of flames erupted before her. Fire roared and swirled inside, clambering over other flames to reach for the sky. The heat was so powerful that Dall's skin was burning, despite him being so far away. She flicked her wrist, and the wall forcefully moved down the street. 

It engulfed everything that stood before it.

Or… nearly everything. Every building, and even the ground, was melted into nothing as the wall passed them. But most, if not all, of the Despairities survived her devastating attack. 

She faltered and stared down at her hands. “So this is what happens when you don't practice, eh?” she quivered.

Dall struggled to get up. 

That was magic… 

His feet froze solid. Terror overwhelmed his heart. Cold sweat drenched his skin. And he knew he wasn’t the only one. No one said a word as Ava stood there, glaring at her hands.

“What the hell?!” Joe Darius said. “What’s going on? This wasn’t part of the deal!”

“She’s… she’s an Aldrian…” Garnell muttered. 

“It can't be." Dall gaped.

“They don’t exist. It’s just a story!” Joe yelled, getting closer to everyone else. Bantor and his guard were right behind him.

“A Fairy Tale, now?” Ava mumbled. “Is that what the races of this era deem us? A mere fable?” She raised her head, then dropped down to a knee. “I don’t have the energy to use any more magic,” she said. “What happened to me while I was asleep?”

Joe shivered. He grit his teeth and shouted to his allies behind him. “We need to get the hell out of here. Come on, let’s-” 

Before he could finish his sentence, a yellow streak of light appeared in front of the Despairities. The streak spun around, amber sparks flying off of its edges as it slowly became a circle. Its center disappeared, tearing a hole in space. A man adorned in steel armor stepped outside of the circle.

“So it was true,” the man said. He looked at Ava and he nodded. “Come, soldiers.” He stepped to the side. A few seconds passed, and soon enough another person stepped through the hole. Then another. And then another.

A dozen of fully armored men stood ready, their sleek and long blades shining in front of their chests. 

Dall’s heart dropped. He knew it to be true. Of course, he did. But it didn’t make the events unfolding before him any less insane. 

The emblem of a rose with a dagger as its stem was etched into each of the soldiers’ chest plates - the Mark of the Eldreds. 

The man walked in front of his troops gracefully and stood at attention. “I have received confirmation of the subject. Please inform the Higher Ups of this news.” One soldier behind him saluted and dashed back through the hole. He turned back and looked to Joe Darius. He stepped forward, and the soldiers swiftly marched to the sides, creating a pathway for him. “You have done well, Joe. The Masters are pleased with what you’ve done.”

“Y-You…” Joe cowered. “Why the hell are you here, Solace?!”

Dall’s throat went dry. Solace… Captain Solace?! 

“You’ve done your duty. I am merely here to secure everything else,” he said as he put his hands to his sides. He snapped his fingers, and a couple of his soldiers marched in front of him. They boldly made their way past the Despairities and approached the cowering bandits.

One of them hiding behind a corner smiled up at them, believing that they had just been saved. Then, a sword pierced his stomach and he collapsed to the ground, blood pooling around his lifeless body. 

The other soldier did the same, skewering two Bandits to a wall. 


“You are now relinquished of your position from the Alliance. You may rest now,” Solace said, his gaze unwavering.

The bandits screamed and shrieked in terror as two mere soldiers slaughtered them one by one. Joe stood there, no words escaping his lips. His teeth chattered and he stepped backward. He tried thinking of every single possibility that could keep as many of his bandits alive. But every second that passed resulted in another bandit killed. The soldiers, having finished cleaning their blades from their onslaught, began approaching Joe. That was when he decided. “We’re leaving, you two.” 

“Do you really think you can escape, Joe?” Solace asked.

“No, I don’t think I can. I will,” Joe said with a weakened smile. “Do it, Fide!” he said to the man to his left. 

“Spirits of Aural, we give our bodies to the wind!” The grizzled man spoke quickly, and in a burst of yellow light, the three of them were gone. 

Solace clicked his tongue. “Inform the Masters that they escaped.” He turned around and faced the townspeople. “Now then, I’m afraid all of you must perish as well. None of you are allowed to live. Kill them all, men.”

The soldiers mechanically raised their swords and marched towards the townspeople. Dall stood, drawing his weapon, and walked towards them. “I’m not letting you have your way, Eldred scum,” he said.

Before the two sides clashed, however, Ava raised her hands and another wall of fire appeared, separating them, the Eldreds on one side and her and the people on the other. Dall turned to her and she said, “My girl sleeping now desires to keep you safe. I don’t know why, but I must abide. Hurry and release them. This wall will collapse in seconds, so make the most out of it.”

“T-Thank you,” he responded. 

He dashed backward and immediately approached Garnell and cut his chains. Garnell stood and thanked Dall before turning his attention to Ava. “An Aldrian in the flesh…” he whispered.

Dall made quick work of everyone else’s shackles as Garnell basked in the heat of a living myth. Then he shook his head.

“The Empire needs to know about this… this insurrection. And even more so about this Aldrian,” Garnell said quickly as Dall stood next to him. “We need to inform General Lupin and everyone else abou-”

“Have you had your fun, yet?” Solace said casually as he walked through the wall.

Ava grimaced at his nonchalant attitude. He faced her and unsheathed his sword. When it was completely released, it sparked and was instantly coated in a brilliant red flame.

“Your fire is too weak. I guess even the blessings of the gods have faded for you over the centuries.” He lifted his blade and approached her. “I’m afraid I’ll have to incapacitate you for now.”

He swung his blade to cut her down. 

She grit her teeth. At this point, her energy was completely sapped.

I failed once already, he thought. I won't let them touch her again. I won't fail.

He quickly unsheathed his sword and sprinted toward the two. As his blade came crashing down, Dall stood before her and intercepted his blow. “Don’t touch her,” Dall growled. He threw Solace back and brandished his blade. “Don’t touch any of these people.” Dall glared at Solace.

However, he just stood there. He even had the gall to sheathe his weapon. What’s this man thinking? Dall thought. Then, a flash blinded him. Fearing a surprise attack, he braced himself and got closer to Ava, but nothing came.

He anxiously opened his eyes and realized that they had been cornered - trapped in a wall of fire with Solace. "What do you want from this town, Solace?!"

"You stand next to her," he spoke slowly. "The Eldreds have been planning this for years. It was quite a surprise to hear from one of our advance parties that they encountered a girl that had broken our Despairities' chains."

"You dare wage war against my Father and the Emperor?"

"Simple," Solace responded. "What can you inferior beings do compared to my masters?"

Dall leaped forward and slashed at Solace. Parrying the attack with ease, Solace knocked Dall backward and scoffed. 

"The Empire has lost focus. Humanity has lost focus. The people of the city-states within the Territories have lost faith. The people of your degenerate Father have turned their backs on our ideals. The Emperor himself wishes for peace."

"There's nothing wrong with peace," Dall said.

"Peace dulls the mind," Solace said firmly. "Humans used to be battle-hardened warriors. Our Eldred founders were nothing more than another part of humanity's forces. We used to be mighty. But clearly, over the years, we've lost our touch."

"War is meaningless," Dall chided.

"War is innovation and progress," Solace responded. "Even the measly war you dub with the epithet "Six-Month" proved to be significant in our plans, despite how little bloodshed you soldiers incurred upon the Beasts."

"That war destroyed lives and homes," Dall said. "I don't even remember you there on the front lines with our Hero."

"True. That was due to the fact that I was busy with something more. Something that will change this continent forever," Solace said. "And it all begins with the woman standing next to you."

Dall glanced at her weakened face. Her eyes seemed empty, and she looked like she'd fall over any moment. "You're not touching her."

Solace grinned. Then, that grin turned into a laugh. "Of course I will, Greatsword," he said. "It's honestly a mighty surprise to see the decision you made. I see, I see, so this is how your father raised you." Dall's face fell. "You had quite an upbringing, didn't you? How bold of your father to emulate the Eldred's way of life. Women over the people, after all! Wise choice, young man."

Dall's heart pounded in his chest. "What are you saying?" he asked forcefully.

Solace returned Dall's hostility with a simple smile. "I mean this."

Then, the burning wall behind him dissipated. A single word caught his ear. “H-Help!” someone yelled.

Then it clicked.

"Wise choice," Solace's voice rang.

His stomach sank.

His heart jumped in his throat.

His heart wanted to burst out of his chest.

More and more screams called out for him.

He turned his eyes to the carnage unfolding before him.

The head of Garnell, Captain of the Fora Garrison, rolled. Blood danced in the air. With brutal, emotionless swings, the Eldred soldiers cut down all people standing before them. 

Dall's eyes widened. He took a step forward to run toward them when Solace slammed his foot against his back. "You're not going anywhere."

Julian, the child he'd watched grow and mature, lied in a bloody pool with a sword piercing his chest. 

One soldier stood there with an Orb and commanded balls of fire to burn running civilians.

Simon too had fallen to their blade. Maria the barkeep and her friend Jan, the elderly couple he'd say hi to whenever he visited, a group of younger soldiers, merchants, vendors, men, women, children. 

Death after death Dall thrashed around, crying as his people died. "Stop!" he yelled. "Let them go! Stop this!" 

This is your fault, a sinister voice whispered in his heart. The girl's fault, too. They are dead.

“The decision to save this girl is quite baffling to me, Young Greatsword,” Solace said. 

It was to Dall as well. The sight of Ava nearly being killed triggered his body to move without him even thinking. His desire to pay back his life to her overruled everything in his mind. He completely ignored the soldiers. He ignored the fact that there was a possibility that she could’ve survived on her own. 

Solace lifted his foot as the carnage had settled, and the painful, fear-filled voices of the people stopped.

“I thank you for making this job easier, Greatsword,” Solace said, his shadow looming over Dall. Solace kicked him in the stomach. “I assure you that your death will be painless.”

The screams and cries of his people filled his ears. Dall’s heart broke and tears poured from his eyes. “What… what have I… done…?” He gasped for air. 

“Protected me. And for that I’m grateful,” Ava said as she put her hand on his back. Suddenly, his spine chilled and an unbearable pain broke out. He panted and hyperventilated, absolutely clueless to what was happening. Ava removed her hand, and the pain stopped. “Despairities!” she yelled as loudly as she could. The Despairities who had just been standing idly by growled and leaped towards her in an instant. “Spirits of Aural! Carry us away!”

In a spiral of wind, Ava and Dall were gone, the putrid stench of blood and terrified screams following them.

That night, the night that Fora was burnt to the ground, was the event that began everything.