Four: False Truce
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Despite my best attempts of bursting through the door, it didn't budge; hell, it didn't even dent. It is like it is meant for this. I look in the reflection of the steel-covered door, only an infuriated face looking back at me. There are red beaming eyes full of fury, like that of the sun, burning with hatred. Brown whisps of hair flew around, falling past my shoulders, each strand vicious and out of place, almost like it has been blown in the wind. I can only clench my fist and pound against the door again, letting the fire rise through my blood, but even that does nothing; I am stuck.

I eventually go to the farthest wall and lay my back against it, sliding down. My legs reach the ground, and I can only sit. Emotions flood through my head, and I stare at my clenched fists. My lip slips a little bit, and I can feel my eyes start to water. I just want to get out of here; I want to go home. But, I don't even know where home is; I don't even know if I have a home.

Alas, I let out a sob and bring my head into my hands, weeping into them. As time passes I cry, cry, and cry some more, letting any pent-up emotion out. I am just so confused, so lost. I want my memory back; I just want to know who I am.

My sobs echoed around the room, and I, after what seems like hours later, decide it is time to calm down. I sniffle a little bit and wipe the tears with my arm, surly my eyes are red from crying. I take in a shaky breath and rest my eyes for a brief second; I don't have time to cry, I need to figure out a plan out of here, and if I want to do so, then I have to be their friend first.

Only when I first calm down is there a knock on the door. My head lifts, and the door cracks open to reveal Zade; how can I ever forget him with those baby brown eyes?

"Are you calm yet two-twen---"

"Willow." My voice is a slight bit hoarse, but it is otherwise stern and calm.

"Willow, yes, my apologies. Now, how are you feeling? We have been unable to tell because you ---"

"Burned the camera to dust, indeed. I know what you were talking about now."

Zade seems a little bit ticked off that I cut him off twice, but he bites his tongue and nods. I can only tilt my head in thought; am I the only one? Certainly not, right? I let out a huff and cross my arms, leaning my weight on one foot.

"You knew, didn't you? And, yet, you waited until I was going to kill someone. You're pathetic, do you know that?"

"Willow, please, I am afraid I wasn't allowed to say anything."

"Bullshit!" My voice echoes around the room, and I walk past Zade, my head meeting the cool air of this maze. I turn back and look at Zade who seems to be in utter shock at my outburst. I am not afraid anymore; I know I could do a lot of things, things that, I think, normal people can't do. I don't know, how should I? Maybe everyone could do this, maybe I just needed to "awaken".

"Show me your arm," my mouth spoke before I have a chance to even comprehend my actions. It is like my body is moving slower than my mind. I dart over, and Zade seems hesitant when I grab his arm; my suspicions are correct. He, too, has a marking. Yet, I can't quite make out what it is; for there were swirls of all shapes and sizes, and it looks like waves or, perhaps, a whirlpool, maybe even a snowflake.

"How could I not notice this before?" I whisper to myself. I bring my hands to my sides and shake my head, looking at my vibrant marking as well. This has to be the key; this tattoo has to be the key to how I can control this burning sensation within me. For the flames that licked my fingertips only hours ago are apart of me, apart of this hatred and this fiery spirit deep within my bones, my soul.

"Do we all have these --- these things?"

"I'm not per---"

"Just tell me, Zade! They will punish me, not you, please. I will take your punishment, I just want answers already."

Zade stops and looks at me, his eyes pleading for me to stop. I take in a deep, hesitant breath and nod my head. He can't give me answers; he isn't allowed to. He is just stuck, and I can tell hidden within him that he wants out, but he might just be like me, playing some game. That or he is really working with them, just another lab rat.

"I'm sorry," my voice is hushed, and it seems to make Zade's ear twitch. I only now notice that he has little pierced ears on his lobes; this makes me ponder something. How long has he truly been here? Does it even matter?

"Can you come with me, Willow?" I just shrug my shoulders; I want to run away, but this place is nothing short of a maze. This is no way I can escape even if I want to try, I don't know where I am, and I don't know where to go. If I want to escape, I need information.

"Am I going back to a lab?" I ponder aloud as we start back through the endless halls. Each one looks the same besides the numbers on the walls. I peek through the windows on the door and see people staring at me; some of them appear lifeless, but some of them seem to be talking to themselves or to someone, the look in their eyes screams crazy, insane. The pupils widened, the giant smiles they have, is this psychosis? Will I be like that?

"Those are the ones that don't listen. They act out and are sent to isolation. I would highly recommend avoiding that; it isn't fun." He takes in a sharp breath, and I look at the way his body freezes slightly, his steps walk a little faster, attempting to get out of here as fast as possible.

I wonder why for a second, but the thought slips through me as we continue down a few more hallways. Eventually, we come to another set of double doors; there is a little spot for a key card, and Zade takes some sort of key card out and swipes it. The door 'clinks' open, and I see a group of people of all different sizes, races, and ages. Most wear a suit, male and female. There is that one white-coated person from beforehand, the one with the thick-rimmed glasses. Her saddened smile still haunts my mind with those glass-covered eyes.

"Two-twenty-seven, how are you feeling?" One of the suited members asks, and I look at her. Her mocha brown skin a stark contrast to her bright, hazel eyes. Her head is shaved, and she, too, wears an earpiece. They all wear those damned earpieces.

"Fine," my voice wavers with the first letter, but I make sure to take a deep breath and clear my throat," fine, thank you."

The lady seems pleased with my answer, and I take the time between the brief silence to count out the number of people in the room. I see there are four people in suits and then the one person in the lab coat.

"Well, take a seat, we just want to have a small chat with you."

Not creepy at all; no, I am not going to get in trouble, right? Zade leads me over to a chair in the middle of the room, and I glance around. There are loads of small screens that showrooms of all sorts, not to mention the green haven. Not to mention, they have what looks like cabinets with foods and snacks. It is painted mainly black and fancy lights dangle from the ceiling. It is truly ... magical. Yet, at the same time, it is daunting.

My bosom hits the chair, and I am spun around to face the four, looming presences. A man speaks, his hair gray as stormy skies and eyes are brown as chocolate.

"I would like to welcome you to the central base. We are the four commanders in training. I am commander James Sulivan."

The lady with the mocha skin peeps up," I am commander Danielle Jones."

A new man speaks his hair a flaming ginger and eyes a baby blue. He looks like the most frightening, with his stature towering and full of strength," Commander Nolan Turner."

The last person that speaks is a petite lady of Asian descent. Her eyes are brown as the night's blade and her hair," I am commander Akari Ito."

"The reason you are here is that you have awakened," the daunting man's voice breaks through the uncomfortable silencer, and I shift in my chair. His eyebrows shift together, but it looks normal on him," we are here to help you get your abilities under control. Since you are of fire descent you will be with commander Danielle. First, let me introduce you to the central."

"Are you the ones that took away my memory?"

"Excuse you?" I mentally cringe at his response and notice the way he grinds his teeth. I mutter a quick apology and keep my head down low; he is flat-out scary.

"As I was saying, this is the central. We are a collective group in charge of keeping the order of our sector. You are apart of a small group of people who have a special ability, and you will be trained in a way to help protect our sector against others."

"May I ask why we fight with others? If I understand, there are plenty of sectors, why not work together?"

"People have different beliefs, and ours don't align with some of the others."

"I see." My voice is quiet, and I have to repeat it a couple of times to believe it myself. This is an information overload, but isn't this what I wanted? They are giving me what I asked for, so shouldn't I be grateful? Why is this so --- baffling?

"From today on, you will be focused in combat training regarding your ability and hand to hand. You will fight with people in your sector and others."

"May I ask how many more are there? I have seen that some are... deceased. How does that happen if they have this gift?"

"That is information that is confidential, two-twenty-seven." I nod my head and take in a shallow breath, looking at the tidied-up suits that they all wore. They were black with a white undershirt, red tires wrapped around their necks.

"So you can't tell me how many there are?"

"Nine. There is nine total." Nine people; I ponder if that is sane or isolated. Living or dying. Drugged or free.

It isn't a question I dare ask, for this is too much information for me to handle already. I have so many questions, so many damned questions. I don't trust these people, and I certainly don't trust this "central".

"Now, you are likely tired. We also don't appreciate the destruction of the camera ---"

"But it is understandable," the Danielle person interjects. She gives a small smile and steps forward to speak, commander Nolan taking a step back. "Just don't do it again. Now, let's get you some food; I am sure you are drained after that outburst."

I let out a small snicker but quickly mask it. My stomach, on cue, rumbles loudly and my face heats up with embarrassment. Danielle seems to let out a laugh before returning back to a relaxed face; she walks over to me, and I automatically recoil backward with hesitation. She seems a tad bit taken aback, but she still leaves her hand out. I only now notice that tattoo that lines her arm; it, too, has the same marking as mine.

With a cautious move, I place my hand in hers and she lifts me up. Zade gives me a nod and I mouth a "thank you". Despite the immediate comfort I have with this Danielle person, she still gives me an awkward feeling within my stomach. I have to brush it aside, especially if I need to make it out of here alive.