4.3 The Stubborn Lang Yuan
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Indeed, it was quite a sight.

The emperor is carrying an unknown youth on his arms with a small kid clinging on one of his (YXQ) legs. Emperor Yu XueQin is still maintaining his stoic and straight look while caging the struggling Lang Yuan on his arms. Lang Yuan is wriggling, trying to pry the strong arms holding his body, yelling nonsensical shit trying to hit the man.

JiDan prepared for the second demotion. The small child is clinging on the emperor's leg as if trying to stop the man from walking by weighing him down. But the emperor only bid ignorance as his stance continued, as if the two struggling people did not matter. He didn't stagger and remained straight, looking dignified like a man bringing the trophy back home.

Lang Yuan is too preoccupied he didn't notice the place they are going. Since the emperor wanted the wedding to happen on the High-Rise peak then it would be expected that all of the guests from the Higher Realm would be staying on the sect. The disciples watched the emperor while carrying a familiar figure on his arms. One of the senior disciples gaped when he recognized the youth.

"Isn't that..." The disciple called the person beside him. "It was him! Remember that filthy brat we found? It was him."

"Huh? Why is the emperor carrying him?"

All the servants and whoever is present would bow down to the ground when they saw the emperor approaching. They would quickly avoid his way in fear that they might offend the emperor. The servants from the emperor's parade greeted their master, cupping their hands while bowing down.

"The room is ready, your majesty," one of them said.

The emperor nodded and went straightforward. Lang Yuan eventually stopped struggling when his energy depleted from uselessly trying to escape. He scanned his surroundings and noticed some familiar looking clothes. Before he could recognize what it was, a large door opened before them and the emperor went in quickly. The servants closed the door after their entrance.

"Huh? What is this-"

Lang Yuan was thrown to the bed.

Like a ball, the poor Lang Yuan rolled to the white soft sheets of the bed after bouncing and sunk in when he stopped. The bed is humungous that Lang Yuan's figure could only do nothing but to be engulfed on the soft sheets. Yu XueQin knows that the bed is made for his size with the most comfortable rate so he wasn't scared that Lang Yuan would get hurt. JiDan's eyes widened as he hurriedly let go from his father's leg and ran towards the thrown mother.

"And where do you think you are going?" The emperor quickly picked the baby up and carried it on his arms. JiDan resisted, pushing him away while reaching out to Lang Yuan.

"Behave." The emperor commanded. JiDan stopped struggling and looked up. He saw the eyes of his father. Something cold made him shiver feeling fear for the first time. JiDan lowered his head and rested calmly to his father's bosom.

JiDan: O-okay... I'll b-behave father...

Yu XueQin: Mnn.

Lang Yuan recovered from the sudden shock and sat up. But the bed is too soft that only a part of his body can be seen. He saw the stranger carrying his JiDan while whispering some incoherent words. His eyes flared up and rushed towards the end of the bed to take JiDan away from the man.

"What are you doing to him? Give him back," Lang Yuan demanded as he crawled towards Yu XueQin. The emperor flashed him a feisty glare making Lang Yuan stiff. Amused, Yu XueQin smirked.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt him. He is my son and I am his father. Nobody can severe such ties that will make me hurt my kin," Yu XueQin said. He lowered his body and let JiDan down the bed. The baby timidly crawled towards Lang Yuan's arms and curled on his chest while clutching tight unto his clothes.

"JiDan?" Lang Yuan hugged the baby. "What did you do to him?"

"What I did to him is not important. What you should be worried is about yourself."

"About myself? What do you mean-... are you here to kill me?"

"Kill you?" The emperor chuckled. "That would be a waste of talent. After all, you are the mother of my son."

Lang Yuan blinked.

"Mother?" Lang Yuan spoke.

Yu XueQin suddenly lied down on the side of Lang Yuan. The bed dipped from the weight as Lang Yuan was pulled down by the force. He landed to the side of the emperor, his face almost kissing the other. He remembered the deep kiss this stranger gave to him earlier. His face quickly hued red.

"Cute," the emperor said.

"N-no!" Lang Yuan struggled to rise up but the weight of the child clinging on his chest and the painstakingly huge bed only made him lose balance and fell down back to the chest of Yu XueQin. The emperor's hand quickly hooked him on place, squeezing JiDan in the middle of them. 

Lang Yuan tried to escape from the hold. This only made the emperor more excited as he leaned closer to the youth. Lang Yuan can tell how dangerous the situation. The good-looking face of the emperor made his heart thump louder and faster only making his face red from the supply of blood. The emperor inched closer as if initiating a kiss. Lang Yuan closed his eyes as if doing so would lessen the sensation of the deed.

Yu XueQin studied the feature of the youth. With its eyes closed, he first noticed the long eyelashes that would flutter whenever the youth blinks. The frown on his brows is also good, arched in a way that only made Lang Yuan look childish. Looking down, those shivering red lips that he tasted earlier left a sweet lingering feeling. The emperor wanted to taste it again, however, he still have things to settle so he controlled himself.

"Are you really that desperate to think that I would kiss you?" The emperor said.

"Huh?" Lang Yuan sneaked a peak in one eye to see the stranger smirking.

"Am I handsome?"

"Handsome, my ass!"

Yu XueQin unhooked his hold letting Lang Yuan roll over to the opposite side of the bed. He propped his elbow and let his chin rest on his arm while watching Lang Yuan. The youth landed properly holding JiDan on his chest.

"On the serious side, I'm not that mad to just simply kill you for nothing," Yu XueQin said, dropping the serious act. "You are his mother. It would be bad of me to try separating you two."

"What do you mean by mother?" Lang Yuan said. "I am a man. I am his father."

"You do not understand. I am the father," the emperor insisted.

"What is it that I didn't understand? Why would you be the father? Did you not say that you're the one who laid the egg? I never know a rooster laying eggs," Lang Yuan pointed out.

"That's why I am saying that you didn't understand it at all," Yu XueQin shifted his position sitting in a squat to come face to face with Lang Yuan. "A mother is the one who gives nourishment to the off-spring. I only brought the egg. You gave life to it."

Lang Yuan only showed a confused look. "I give nourishment to the egg? How so?"

"You're feeding him with your blood, right?"

Lang Yuan nodded.

"You might not be aware but your blood is the cause of his early birth. The nourishment that you gave him is more than what I can give. It takes an egg for a long time before it can hatch. You made it within weeks. It only means that you are the mother. And..."

His eyes shifted to the child.

"And I bet he preferred treating you as his mother," Yu XueQin said.

Lang Yuan looked down on JiDan. He wanted to retort, of course, JiDan will think that I am his mother because I am the first person he saw' but he just let it off on his mind. JiDan calmed down and looked up when he noticed Lang Yuan watching him. Two pairs of crimson eyes stared at each other. JiDan smiled as Lang Yuan did.

Yu XueQin watched them. He narrowed his eyes.

Those eyes... those eyes is not from this country... not from this world... not from any of the realms...

Where are you from?

Lang Yuan noticed Yu XueQin watching him and frowned.

"What? You look at the baby and you smile. But when you look at me you frown. Am I really that different from our son?" The emperor said.

"What's with OUR son? He is my son, mine only."

"He is also from me. My blood flows half of his body."

"But still! What I said earlier is true. You abandoned him. I took him. He is mine."

The emperor heaved a sigh.

"Of course, of course, a mother would always claim the child. We will deal with that later. But first, we should talk about the wedding."

"Huh? What wedding?" Lang Yuan asked.

"What wedding? Our wedding," Yu XueQin spread his arms. "There's nobody inside this room aside from us, right?"

From the outside, a person with an elegant white robe walked in together with his servants. He has a refreshing face, smiling with two deep dimples on each cheeks. Anyone who meets him would feel delighted as if happiness is a contagious feeling. The servants from the emperor's parade could not help but to cheerfully welcome the said guest.

"Master Zhong Song, welcome," the servants bowed down.

"Thank you," Zhong Song smiled. "Where's the emperor? I heard that the empress has arrived. I want to see my brother's wife."

"The emperor and the lady is on his room," the servants replied.

"Ah... oh," Zhong Song nodded naughtily thinking that it's still bright outside and they are already doing something indecent. "Okay, just tell the emperor that I will wait on-"


Zhong Song and the servants were disturbed when somebody yelled from somewhere. A figure of a youth with a baby jumped out from the scene running towards them. They all watched as Lang Yuan ran pass them, Zhong Song lifting a finger wanting to ask what is happening. The image of the youth vanished the moment he got out from the hall.

"Who..." Zhong Song pointed the way the youth ran. "Who is that?"

"Master Zhong, that person is..."

Lang Yuan decided to run as fast as he can if he still wanted to protect his chastity. Marriage? What the hell is that stranger talking about? He is a man for goodness sake! Who wanted to become his wife, huh? It doesn't mean that he's good looking it is enough for him to fall. Marry your family ba!

But isn't Lang Yuan already a family?

Lang Yuan found a gate. He looked behind him and saw the hall where he came from. A group of servants emerged from the door that will obviously chase him down. He hastened his steps and started running when a hard object blocked his way. He protected JiDan with his hand but his nose didn't end well. Blood trickled down from his broken nose.


Lang Yuan could no longer trust his luck. Earlier he found himself in the hands of that rich bastard stranger (reminder: Lang Yuan is not from this world. He didn't know that the stranger that has been following him is the Dragon emperor hahaha). And now he found himself facing the very person who caused him his demise.

Of course, Minister Jiang XeXun recognized Lang Yuan. He long remembered the face of the person who made him face such fate. He looks at Lang Yuan with narrowed eyes then to the giggling child on his arms. JiDan stared at the minister with wide eyes, the second person he saw who is as beautiful like his mother.


"Ah, isnt it the minister? Thank you for catching the empress…" Yu XueQin quickly pulled Lang Yuan on his embrace. Lang Yuan could almost have JiDan fall.

"What are you doing-"

"Your Majesty!"

Minister Jiang XeXun and all of the servants bowed before the emperor, rendering Lang Yuan to silence. What are they doing? Why are they bowing… bowing to us? Wait… bowing to…

Lang Yuan slowly turned his head up. The smirking face of Yu XueQin came in view. Now that he thought of it, the stranger who suddenly asked him for marriage is wearing some rich-like robes with gold leaf. Seeing how the people respect this man…

[The wedding of the world emperor…]

[The bride is from the other country…]

[Wedding of the world emperor…]

[The world emperor…]



He could only do nothing than to pray his cursed fate.


The author has something to say...

Yu XueQin: Read this...

Lang Yuan: *reads the sign*

*The sign says I Love You XueQin*

Lang Yuan: Ko... Koi? Koi fish?

Yu XueQin: *facepalms*

JiDan: *rolling on the floor laughing*

Lang Yuan: I'm sorry I'm dyslexic *but can actually read it properly*

Yu XueQin: *grabs Lang Yuan to roll on the bed again*

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