15. Friendly sparring between Father and Son and a discussion…
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I was not able to solve the mystery of why Mana Perception reached Grade A+. I was going to ask Silvia about it, but my sisters returned just before I could even open my mouth...


They were all covered in blood and guts. Ya's entire body was red instead of green... Her wooden club still had some wolf meat attached to it...


All of them were about to jump onto the bed and hug me but Silvia stopped them. She took all of them towards the bathroom to give all of them a bath.


Mi protested... She wanted me to take a bath with them...


Fortunately for me, my father arrived in that precise instant saying that he needed to have a talk with me. Mi had to yield... She and my sisters were then taken into the bathroom.


I, on the other hand, was taken to the training grounds near the castle.


The walls are made out of stone but the ground is normal dirt. There's some boxes with wooden training weapons in the corner...


My father had a blank expression on his face.


"Ru... Another boy was born." He said just as we arrived to the training grounds.


Oh! So I have a little brother now... That's great!


"Sigh... Ru. What you did today was incredibly selfish." My father said while frowning.




"It was brave, yes. But it was stupid and selfish." He said...




"What would have happened if you died? If your little brother had not been born today, our tribe would depend on me again to leave more offspring. But what would happen if I died before I could do something about that? The tribe would be doomed." My father words were cold...


I guess he's right... No, he's right... If it wasn't for Silvia, I would probably be meeting that bitch of a goddess again...


"Ru, we are a tribe. There's a reason why we don't hunt alone..."


"I'm sorry..." I apologized.


"Don't apologise to me. Apologise to your sisters and your mother. They were extremely worried, you know that?"


I nodded.


"Ru... I think it is time to explain to you why we were the only two male goblins in the tribe."


My father closed his eyes, as if trying to remember the events of that day.


"I had a friend named Mu. He was not very bright, but he was a good hunter. He knew how to recognize good opportunities when he saw them. One day, he told us about a human village outside the forest. He told us that some of the humans were going to be passing by the forest. They were apparently carrying an unbelivable amount of weapons and food."




"All of us were convinced by him and we decided to attack the humans. But... We didn't even manage to get to them. We were ambushed by 50 wolves on our way there... It was a massacre. Mu, Hu and Wu were the firsts to be devoured. They were good hunters and fighters, but they were quickly overwhelmed."


So that's how it happened...


"Do you know what the rest of us did? We simply escaped... I was told that I had to survive, no matter the cost. The rest of our tribesmates fought bravely towards the very end while I escaped..." My father looked frustrated...


"I wanted to fight besides them but... If I had done that, the tribe would have perished."


My father went to grab one of the wooden training weapons. He immediately threw it at me. It was a spear. I managed to catch it.


"Ru... Let's fight for a bit." My father said as he prepared his wooden club. His expression had completely changed.


"Yes." I prepared myself to fight my own father.


I took a stance and prepared my spear.


There was no need for us to exchange words now... The whole place was completely silent.


My father rushed towards me with his club.


He's fast...


As soon as he was in front of me, he raised his club and prepared to smash me with it... I jumped to the side, barely dodging his attack.


I thrusted my spear towards his chest but he simple moved backwards to dodge it... He then took a step forward and swung his club horizontally. I felt like his club was going to behead me...


I simply crouched to dodge the attack... My father saw this as an opportunity to try and kick my head. I managed to also dodge that attack by simply tilting my head to the side.


I used this chance to jump backwards and take a stance once again.


My father's expression was completely blank. I think I might have the same expression on my face.


This time, I took the initiative and rushed towards my father. I decided to use Mana Perception to read his movements...


I completely stopped running and stood still. All of my attacks would have been completely countered by him... Every single one of his counters would have ended in my defeat...


I need to wait for an opening...


My father, for some reason, just smiled at me... He then rushed towards me with his club...


He started to swing his club at me... The attacks of his weapon were wild and almost unpredictable... I only managed to dodge his attacks thanks to Mana Perception...


"So this is how you fought against those wolves... I see..." My father said while still smiling.


He kept attacking me relentlessly... During one of his attacks, I managed to notice one small gap. As soon as I noticed that small gap, I attacked him with my spear.


I managed to hit his stomach... My father simply stopped attacking and looked at me in amazement.


"That was a good attack, Ru."


I just smiled at him as a reply. He simply raised his club again.


"That's one point for you. Let's see how many points you can get before getting tired." He smiled at me.


"Looks like we will be here for a while then." I answered as I took some distance and prepared my stance.


Hopefully, someone will stop us... If that doesn't happen we will be still here fighting until our stamina runs out... Either way, I won't lose to my father!

-----Silvia's POV-----

The first steps of Lady Arrat's plan have been fulfilled.


(Did you really need to boost his Mana Perception towards Grade A+?) I asked Lady Arrat via telepathy.


(Of course! That was an essential part of my master plan!) She replied...


She made me tell Ru to go and level up on his own... He managed to do it while also obtaining the Job and Title of Hero...


Hmm? How did he obtained that? It is quite simply actually. Since he saved those three people (two of them died, unfortunately) Lady Arrat recognized his bravery and heroism and gave her the Job and Title. She also gave him her blessing.


"Too cold!"


"Sorry, Da!" I apologized.


I am also currently busy giving Ru's sisters a bath... They were really pissed when they saw how injured Ru was. They immediately decided to exterminate all of the wolves in this forest. Apparently, they were close to succeeding... The rest of the wolves in the forest are currently scattered and in hiding thanks to the ferocious and scary group of goblin sisters.


Most of them are still pissed... The only ones who are not really mad are Da, Xi and Wa.


"Okay, all done! Next please!"


"Thank you, Silvia!" Da smiled at me before going to dry herself with a towel.


Da is so sweet and cute! She's a really thoughtful girl! She has long blonde hair like Ru and her eyes are blue. She's 82 cm tall. I think she's the ninth oldest of Ru's siblings.


"My turn!" Xi immediately jumped into the bathtub.


"Here we go then!"


Xi simply cannot stay quiet. She's a very active girl. She's gets embarrassed easily when she's complimented. Her eyes are yellow coloured and her hair is purple coloured. Her hair is on the shorter side. She's the seventh oldest.


(Then? What about those people? Were they also part of your plan?) I continued my telepatic conversation with Lady Arrat.


(Yes! Though the deaths of those two were unavoidable even if I intervened directly, unfortunately. They must be reincarnating by now, so don't worry about them.)


(That made Ru a bit sad, you know? I understand that it couldn't be avoided, but can you refrain from doing something like that in the future?) I asked her.


(Silvia... You are a Hero as well, you know what it means to have that Job.)




I couldn't refute Lady Arrat... Back in the day, I watched plenty of people die. And as much as it pains me, Ru must get used to that. This world is not kind. Although there's plenty of good people out there, there's also a lot of evil and malice.


(I'm sorry... It was a stupid request.)


(I know that you're worried about him, and that's prety cute! Hehehe!) Lady Arrat giggled.


"The water is too hot Silvia!" Xi yelled...


"I'm sorry!"


I instantly adjusted the temperature of the water...


(Looks like someone is embarrassed!) The cheeky goddess said in my mind.


(It is not because of you though... I just imagined Ru calling me beautiful... It makes my heart beat really fast, you know?) I said to the goddess.


"Too hot! Too hot! Too hot! Silvia stop!" Xi screamed.


"Sorry!" I apologized again before adjusting the temperature.


(Geez... You're still as clumsy as always huh?)


(Shut up! You're getting me distracted!)


(Then? When do you plan to tell your dear hubby about yourself? It is not fair that you know everything about him but he doesn't know much about you.)


(I'm preparing myself, okay!?)


(Why are you so scared to tell him that you cannot aim your spells at all?) She said with a teasing tone...


I can't just expose my second most embarrassing secret to him... My most embarrassing? I REFUSE TO TALK ABOUT IT!


Sigh... The truth is that I can't really aim any kind of offensive spell. Defensive and utility spells, I can aim them just fine but... I can't hit any enemy with a single offensive spell...


My solution to that is to simply blow everything up. After all, if you can't hit your enemy with a single spell, just destroy the area around you with multiple spells and you will eventually hit your enemy.


(And that's the reason why you didn't have companions back then.)


That was the downside of destroying everything in my path... It also affected my allies. I didn't kill anyone on my side, but the ones who made a group with me were not amused...


(Silvia, I think it is time that you start raising your level and regaining your skills. We will need you in the future, so get strong m'okay?) Lady Arrat said in an easygoing tone.


(I guess, you're right... I will be going out with Ru to raise my level as well.)


(Good girl!) Lady Arrat said cheerfully.


Sigh... She always treats me like I still was a teenager... I am an adult! I am four thousand four hundred years old!


"Alright Xi, all done. You look pretty cute!" I patted the head of Xi.


She instantly gave me a hug... My clothes were already a bit wet since I have been bathing this mischievous bunch, so it is not really a problem.


"Thanks Silvia."


Xi ran away in order to dry herself with a towel.


A quiet goblin girl sat on the bathtub. It was Wa.




"Okay, let's get you all clean and pretty, shall we?"


Wa just nodded.


Before you ask... Wa is not a mute. She simply doesn't like to talk much. She's really pretty and feminine. She's also a bit clingy. Her hair is completely white and it reaches her shoulders. Her eyes are red coloured. She's 75 cm tall. She's the sixth oldest.


(Then? What do we do about that human girl? You never explained anything about her.) I asked


(Now that you mention it... Wait a minute please.)




"Yes Wa?"


"Is Ru okay?"


"Yup! He's completely healthy and even stronger than before!" I said that in order to not worry Wa.


Well, I'm not lying though.


"Good." Wa answered with a satisfied expression.


(Okay, I checked the destiny of that girl and you don't really need to worry about her. Her life will be pretty normal after this. Unless...)


Oh no...


(Unless what?) I asked.


(Unless Ru wants to take her as a lover. She will be pretty useful if that happens though.)


Ah. It was that huh...


(I'm not too worried about that. Remember that most people don't see goblins as romantic partners?)


(Have you consider that she witnessed how he saved her from being eaten by wolves? That would win the heart of any maiden, regardless of race.) Arrat said with a happy tone.


(Hahaha! There's just no way that would happen! That's simply too cliche! You're reading too much romance novels, Lady Arrat!) I said while laughing.


(Didn't you like those kinds of things as well, Silvia?) Lady Arrat said with a teasing tone.




(Wanna bet that Ru takes that girl as his lover?) She said with an easygoing tone.


(No! Why the fuck would I make a bet with you!? You would win instantly...)


Who in their sane mind would make a bet with the literal Goddess of Destiny? That's just stupid...


"Alright,Wa. We're done."


Wa stood up and hugged me...


"Thanks." She answered before happily walking away to dry herself.


(Then? What would you think if Ru actually got that girl as his lover?) Lady Arrat asked again.


(You're being really insistent about it... It is almost as if it was set into stone...) I questioned her.


(Have I become too predictable?) She before laughing awkwardly.


(Sigh... I mean, I am already sharing Ru with his 10 sisters, so it is not like another person would make a difference, you know? As long as he loves me, I'm fine with that.)


Well, even if he gets even more lovers, I will make sure that he is always looking at me!


(That's the spirit! Oh... Silvia, we'll talk later. Electra is feeling depressed and needs my help. Bye!)


Well, since apparently Ru is getting a new lover, I should get to know her first. She needs the approval of the first wife. Ah... It will be like a marriage interview. That sounds fun actually!


"Silvia, we are going to look for Ru. Are you coming?" Mi asked me. She seemed to have calmed down.


"I have a few things to do. Have fun!" I smiled at Mi.


Mi just nodded before leaving.


Let's meet this new girl and see what she has to say!


"That's another point for me!"


"Dammit! We are 23 to 24 points old man!"


My old man was winning the duel. But it is still far from over!


I dashed towards my father and thrusted my spear towards his chest. He immediately blocked using his club, deviating my spear from its target. He swung his club towards me... I jumped back and swiftly dodged his attack.


He started swinging his club wildly. I swiftly dodged every single one of his attacks.


"You have gotten faster, Ru."


"Or maybe you're getting slower old man." I said with a teasing tone.


"Hahaha! That might be the case!" My father laughed loudly as he swung his club.


You see... Shortly after I gained the first point against my father, as I was dodging his attacks, I obtained a skill called "Footwork."


The skill not only helps me to dodge, but to move more effectively while holding my weapon. It has helped me to keep up with my father during this duel. My opinion? It is an incredible skill! I'm so happy to have it!


"Got you!" I said as the tip of my spear touched the leg of my father just as he raised his club.


"Ugh... 24 to 24." My father smiled bitterly.


"Let's start again! I will win this old man!" I smiled while being very proud of myself.


"Ha! You think I would let you win! I would like to see you try!" He smiled with confidence.


Just as we were getting ready to attack each other, several presences appeared behind me... I was suddenly grabbed and my freedom was stolen.


"Papa, we will be taking Ru to our room. He needs to rest and heal." Mi said with a flat tone.


"Well, it was fun while it lasted! Have fun Ru." My father smiled at me.


I was now being dragged towards the castle...


"Ru, let's have some fun!" Xi whispered in my ear.


"Older Sister! We just said that Ru needs to heal!" Da said with excitement.


"Ru... You need to rest. I'll hug you while you sleep." Wa said with a bit of embarrasment.


I could no longer see the figure of my father... Or the training grounds...


"Ru! How could you be so irresponsible and make your little sisters worry!" Ra was a bit angry at me.


"Ru... That was bad..." I could feel a bit of anger and relief on Ta's voice.


"Sorry..." I apologized to them.


I could see the doors of the castle... I was still being dragged.


"Ru, we killed all of the wolves!" Ya smiled from ear to ear. She was the one dragging me.


Oi... Don't ruin the ecosystem of the forest!


"We will be dining wolf meat! It is sooo tasty! You will like it, Ru!" Gi was excited about our dinner. She was holding my right hand...


"Ru! I saw some rocks near the cave where we found those wolves! I mean, it doesn't look like normal rocks! We need to go and see them tomorrow!" Na was also excited, but for different reasons...


"How about we tell Silvia to make a stew with the meat? It will be so tasty with some potatoes!" La was also thinking about dinner...


It didn't take long for us to get to our room inside the castle... When we got close to the bed, Ya grabbed me and then threw me onto the bed...


"Ru... Please never do something like that again." Mi said with an angry expression.


"I'm sorry for worrying you..."


My sisters were satisfied with my simple apology... I then saw Ta and Ra closing and locking the door...


Uh oh...


"Let's spend some quality time together, Ru." Mi grinned from ear to ear.


Ya just licked her lips. Da and Xi were breathing roughly. Wa and La started undressing themselves. My hands and feet were restrained by Na and Gi. Ta and Ra approached the bed and then started whispering some embarrassing things on my ears...


"Let's mate, Ru." Mi said as she took off her clothes.


Oh boy...


Heya! Here is the chapter for today! I would like to invite all of you to my discord for this novel. https://discord.gg/uH6APbzrFR Feel free to join and talk with other readers or with me. I will notify all of you when I release new chapters. Also, the next few chapters will be focused on MC's sisters. A user commented that they all feel like a single character. So I want to focus on them for a bit. I will be adding and updating their info in the glossary section. Thank you very much for reading!