Book 1: Act I Scene 30 Malangqoi Hana
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Scene 30

Malangqoi Hana

Far from the guild named Empty World, there was one of the forest where all kind of dangerous beasts and monsters lived in there. They fight each other, eat each other, or mostly eating off each others to live up to their survival. Somewhere in the forest, where bunch of monsters fight to death, one girl was spotted in the same spot. The girl's name was Malangqoi Hana. She had sky blue short cut, half part of the front hair covering one of her eyes. Her eyes were yellow as if yellow topazes were embedded into her eyes. Her yellow glowing eyes were observing the monsters ahead of her. She was very short having height of 140cm. She had white peach lips making the charm point of her face. She wore somewhat similar to Human World's middle school gym uniform. With full view, she looked innocent, calm, and somewhat mature. Odd thing about her was just that she wasn't smiling nor frowning. It was as though she had no expression. The thirtieth scene will cover one of the members in Empty World, girl named Malangqoi Hannah.

"Monster specie type, Deintsurm, attack with with their horn, extremely powerful, but lack the speed."

Hana stepped into the boundary within where monsters were at. She stepped in so quietly, they didn't notice her for a few moments. Every step, the strong wind pressed against the ground. The strong wind gave a strong force around her foes. When this wind force touched the monsters, monsters lost heir balance.. They stood by just one foot try not to fall down. This was enough to get attention from them.

"Subject one approaching, next, following subject will attack. probably with the horns. And maybe fangs with the following act....."

One of the Deintsurms approached by dashing in close distance. It swung around his horn to make a first strike. It was happening like what Hannah had just said.
She didn't move an inch. she put her hand in front of her pointing at the monstrous sized beast. Out of her palm, the strong wind burst out knocking up the beast. And as it was falling, she dashed into it putting her hand right through its bare stomach. The great amount of blood popped out in its body making her white shirt covered in blue blood.

"Seems like the beasts have blue blood instead of red and purple."

Another Deintsurm was trying to attack with its horns, but she didn't care. She took out test tube out of her gym short pocket, She scooped the blood to fill the tube with blue blood.

"Mission completed."

Next scenery was brutal. Invisible wind strangled the rest of the beasts. Wind pressures were so strong the wind cut all the parts where the beasts were strangled in. When Hana stepped out of the boundary, it had made complete blood bath behind her.
She put the cap in the tube so it won't spill and put back into her pocket. She then paused for a second to how to get out of the forest.

"Location, middle of the Crocxet Forest, North west 45km far, small village can be found, South west indicates more rare monsters such as Guagnopuk, double the size of Deintsurm, Have fangs along with body with spikes body with hard skins. North east 65km more will be destination to get mission prize."

After all the murmuring, she disappeared with the wind.

Big gray blocks embedded in the ground to make the road and the ground marked with jig jag patterns telling it was design done by an interior. Each blocks of stones were scratched and some were dyed in black because of Mages' foot steps minding their business. Left and right, there were full of Mages who opened up their shops selling their merchandises, goods, supplies, and etc that were needed to live in Erlias. Voices of Mages were heard from here and there. Laughter and yelling, pep talk and casual conversation filled the whole village. This village name is Correvix. Some of the Mages come here to buy fruits, vegetables, and meats. Mostly knowned for selling fresh food.
In the middle of the road, Hana arrived. As for Human, this could be surprising for surroundings, but not in Erlias, not only Hana, couple of Mages were seen appeared out of thin air. Far from the road, she could see couple of huge houses. According to Mages, only riches live in. Hana observed top to bottom from far away.

"Destination, not far ahead, deliver the blue blood then get 1 hundred thousand Lemias."

Just like Human World call it Yen, in Erlias, they called it Lemia. Instead of round object, they were diamond shaped with little hole at the end so they could be collected in a string or a chain to hold them together.
While walking close to the destination, most of the Mages noticed Hana and tried to greet her, but she ignored them all. Then voices were heard from behind. The voices were whispers.

"Hey, I heard she was the strongest Wind user in Erlias."

"Really? I thought Master of the Empty World was. Is she stronger than him?"

"shhh, she might hear us."

"Oh, ohh, I heard that she is strong because she has no emotion."

"Is that true? How does emotion got to do with fighting good?"

"Because, even though she was hurt or injured, she will still move and also no strings attached with anyone, she will do whatever to accomplish her goal."

The multiple voices were heard by Hana, but didn't get offended nor turn back to see who was talking behind her back.
When she reached her destination, there lied a big fancy house with luxuriated decoration around the house. And in front of the house, there was big tall metal fences surrounding the whole house. Before she could push the doorbell, a man with butler's clothing dyed with black and white came out of the front door. His look was typical. White short hair along with a little facial hair. He was not too short or not too tall. Wearing butler's outfit holding a clear handkerchief. he approached to where she was.
He opened the gate side way to greet her.

"Hello, young lady, our Master collects rare kinds of blood and I assume you are here after seeing the request post?"


Hana took out the test tube filled with blue blood. Butler's eyes opened widely as he took the test tube away from her to check it out.

"How extraordinary! Never saw blue blood before."

He took out five metal strings filled with diamond shaped metal and handed to Hana.

"As expected from Empty World's member. Our Master will be requesting soon so I hope we meet again, young lady."

Hana nodded and disappeared from the sight.