Book 1: Act I Scene 40 Start of a chaos
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Scene 40

Start of a chaos

Away from all the Mages and back up Hellbeasts, seven Hellbeasts headed forward to go to Erlias. They were jumping on branches to branches. This way, they could avoid obstacles as such as hundreds of trees blocking in their ways and sophisticated narrowed views under the trees. Up in the branches, blue sun was shining upon them making forest glittered more and more to make astounding view. Every time, their feet touched the thick sticks that were attached to the main body of the trees. They were able to move quick branches to branches because of their auras. In order to explain details, description on the aura needs to be explained. Auras were invisible energy running outside of their bodies making their bodies harder and stronger. Thereby it could cause harmful physical damage when they surround their auras around them to attack. Auras could be expanded looking like invisible sphere. They could be enlarged by the user and sizes differed from their magical power source as known as mana. With this they could track auras. Furthermore, combining two effects, they could make auras heavy damaging without touching one another. However, going thorough description, since they were considered as role of making boundaries, they could also make them light. So this was how they were able to stand on fragile and thin objects.


As passing woods by woods and blue glowing leaves grazed their faces, Kyondame asked breaking the silence in the air.


"Hey! So what's the deal with this? Are you going to punish us? Is that why you were there to save our asses?


With obscene attitude, she raised her voice more. But this time, Jeah opened her mouth carrying injured man on her shoulder. Her voice wasn't as crude as Kyondame's, but gentle and quiet. It was scary gentle though.


"Do you really think that we didn't know your devious plan? We already know you are mischievous and wants to do what you want. I guess it runs through your family blood line. So, I told my Master I would stay behind with my group to spy you."


"How did you know that I...."


Before she could finish her sentence, she interfered.


"Randame was my friend, that's why. I always adored her every time when she claimed she was Conqueror of the Darkness, but can't do anything."


This angered Kyondame just because she was comparing her to Randame. Before she could speak, Jeah added another.


"Yeah, yeah, I know you hate Randame. But I didn't suspect you because of the family blood line. When I see Randame's eyes, I see pure innocence, tranquility, but when I see your eyes, I see vengeance and destruction. That was the reason."


From that on, Kyondame stopped asking questions.


After jumping onto branches after branches for hours, they reached the point where they could see the peak of a small village. But some of them couldn't keep up the speed because they were too tired.


"We are almost there, keep up the pace. In several minutes, we'll reach our destination."


They had no second to lose, but as they were getting closer to their destination, heavy pressure, unusual atmosphere filled the air. This unusual sensation in the air meant only one thing. It was fight. There were A Ranks and S Ranks Hellbeasts first step out of the Blue line and on the other side, there were Mages blocking their way.


Scenery was chaos, whole bunch of Hellbeasts and Mages casting their magic in a groups and some were in hand to hand combat. Somewhere in the swarm of Hellbeasts and Mages, Velloke was spotted fighting hand to hand combat with another male Mage. when he was about to land a final kick to knock Mage out, he sensed the auras of Hellbeasts who were heading this way. Of course, other Mages sensed them too.


"I guess they somehow passed through Skye. This should be interesting, Skye is not the type of the girl who would lose to someone like them."


The female voice was heard in swarm of chaos. She had a high pitch matured voice. And as she saw Velloke seeing taking out another Mage, she instantly appeared before him to land a kick.

Her name was Macen Kale, Master of the Ledden Guild. She had unique color of purple long hair that went down to her shoulder that stood out in the swarm of Mages and Hellbeasts. She wore blood red blouse and white long pants. There was also katana sealed within a brown leather wrapped around to look like a sheathe. It was hanging on the left side of her pants indicating that she didn't use her weapon yet. Her physique was little bit different than other female Mage so far. She was quite bulky. She had muscular arms and legs that allowed her to move efficiently and faster.


With quick reflex, Velloke blocked her strong kick with one hand, but seconds later, he felt more huge force added to her kick making him use to hands to block her kick.


"Che, what power, That was some kick, eh?"


Velloke complimented Kale as her leg was pushing him back gradually. Her kick was so strong, he couldn't push her legs out. This could obviously tell she had the upper-hand.


"Ehh~ Amazing, you are still able to withstand my kick. Then how about this?"


Right when she finished talking her whole leg along with foot was coated with scorching fire. When Velloke realized her leg was on fire, she tried to push her back frowning his face, but it was no good. However, he still smiled as if he got another plan of his own.
He raised one of his foot a little bit and tapped the ground. When his foot touched the ground, magic circle that was dyed in color of gray surrounded her. Inside the magical circle metal was summoned and was long enough to hit under her chin. And while she was off balanced, he cast another spell.


Jakkyean!* (Interception)


In that very moment another magic circle was summoned. This time multiple metal bars appeared out of the ground at the same time injuring her leaving severe damage. This was not all. All the metals came up bent down to trap her inside.


"Tse, you sure are getting my nerves."


She finally grabbed the handle of the sword and took it out of the sheathe as she spat out blood out of her mouth. When the blade of the sword was out of the sheathe, she swung around in a flash to slice leaving marks in every metals.


Hyuuro Daissen! (Melt a bit)*


Fire appeared on the marked she made on the metals earlier. Every metals that caught on fire started to turned hot red because of the strong heat coming from the fire. It took time, but eventually, metals surrounding her melt right away. When she was welcomed by the blue sun light that was blocked by the metals, She looked up to see Velloke's eyes.


"You sure are brave. confronting me. I will make you tremble before me."


She expanded her aura the triple size of its original size making her boundary. All the Hellbeasts within her boundary were able to sense the huge pressure in the air. Some were forced to collapse onto the ground and some were just holding in barely. With monstrous sphere around her, she walked toward Velloke. When she was shortening the distance, ground in her boundary started to crack making pebbles levitating in the air. Fortunately, He was able to withstand the pressure.


"This level, you should be Master of the guild. And I am assuming you are able to open all the five gates?"


"That is not the question for me to answer. but it is for you to figure out."


Strong wind blew suddenly making Kale disappear.


"Sheesh, what a pain, she wasn't even going serious? Well, I should be serious now."


He observed the area to sense her presence. She was definitely here, but he couldn't quite pin it down because she was moving too fast. As he waited for the right time, he took out something that looked somewhat like a capsule bottle. He turned the capsule cap to loosen the tight sealed cap and instead of throwing on the ground he pulled the cap out. When cap was out of the bottle something long came along with it. It was a pole. Pole was longer and bigger than the capsule bottle. It was coated with silver hard substance. This object was actually a weapon. It was malleable. The weapon was named Tagot. This pole could stretch and shorten its original size at owner's will. It is made from all kind of substances and hard objects that could be only found in the Hellios and Erlias.


When he was about to fight, he sensed couple of small presences nearby. He knew it was them. Of course Kale noticed this too, so she stopped and changed her direction to go where the presences were coming from. And speaking of the devil, she spotted Ao, Kiiri, Jubien, Ai, Kyondame, Hugh, and finally Jeah.

But right when she was about to move, hands came out of the ground dragging down up to her thigh immobilizing her.


"So you decided to show up under ground, I thought you were hiding like a chicken, Jekkel Hossei."


Hossei stretched out his arm to point at Hellbeasts far behind telling him to guide them as he stretched his other part of his body getting ready to fight.


"Yare, yare, those pipsqueaks acted without thinking. You go on ahead. I'll handle this nice masculine lady."


"Hah! You think I can't get out of this situation? You know you'll regret this."


After seeing Velloke leave in the sight, he asked as Kale came out of the locked situation by burning the whole ground that was stopping her from moving. Then she cut them into pieces. She stepped onto little pieces of pebbles and rocks to land in a safe ground.


"So I am assuming you know all five gates of Focal zone?"


It was the same line Velloke had used.


Hossei replied with a smile on his face.


"Hell I do."


When they were done talking, two huge auras collided together to destroy everything in path.  Hellbeasts and Mages within the area changed the location leaving the boundary. 

 After the huge impact, there were only two of them. Kale raised as she flourished her sword to get rid of the dust and dirt.


"Now, now, shall we get start it already?"