Book 1: Act I Scene 52 Turning table
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Scene 52


Turning table


In the guild called Empty World, one could see unusual scenery. That scenery was seeing Hellbeasts and Mages Under the same white concrete roof, of the guild in It was truly against the rule, if either cross the Blue Line try to invade or attack one another out of revenge or any other reasons. It always had to be discussed reasonably between by representative of Hellios and Erlias. However, weirdly, members in the Empty World were rather amused by their act and gave them chance to fight back. Hence, Hellbeasts and Mage were in the same lobby to settle down what they had promised.


However, the rule was already broken by Hellbeasts. Kiiri tried to take human as a hostage to take advantage of the situation. This human, on the other hand, fortunately was manipulated by Verex's technique to make a counter. This comeback didn't last long though. Kyondame joined in to making Shikihime and Verex harder to deal with. With crescent mark on her cheek, she screamed most painful as possible. She couldn't stop screaming after seeing her cheek constantly bleeding. The fifty second scene will take over where the last scene had left off.


This time Kyondame in the front and Kiiri was behind leaving Shikihime nowhere to escape. She was freaking out, but Verex wasn't he made her to observe the surrounding to think of a way to get out of this crisis and to defeat them. It was true that front and back were blocked by them, but there still were left and right. Even though their attack will likely to be heading left or right, but he had no time to think. So he decided to take a dangerous risk at the end.


"What the hell are we gonna do?! There are two enemies now! There is no way we are going to win. Let's call for a help!"


'Calm down, human, there is only one thing and one thing only.'


Shikihime made a puzzled face wandering what he was referring. Before she could ask anything, her body was moved on its own yet again. Her body was starting to tilt right side ti avoid the full frontal attack, but as expected, Kyondame saw through her move. She tried to slash her with blade arm. In Verex in control of her body, Shikihime dodged by few centimeter away from the blade. And on the right side of her side, there was Kiiri trying to stab her with lightning charged dagger. Verex made Shikihime to duck down to get away from the frightening attack. Then he made her kick Kiiri right under the chin. This impact made her to fly in the air for a second. With this opportunity,

Shikihime was able to jump right ahead approaching her face to face. She then gripped the dagger tight to take a swing. Dagger did made a contact with Kiiri, but it only grazed her neck leaving a small cut line. She was bleeding, but the damage was too small to make a fuss about it.


"Heh? You are quite good."


Kiiri disappeared from the sight making an entrance on the other side tried to stab her again. Shikihime was caught off guard by all these impossible situations, but Verex got it under control. He pulled her back making her to fight back. Verex took the role of pupeteer as two foes tried to attack her. Just like that Shikihime took few steps back to dodge the dagger snd took a turn to avoid the blade arm. As she was turning to the other side, she pointed the dagger at Kyondame as though she was the next target. She didn't initiate the attack yet. Instead, she just tossed the dagger and catching it over and over warming up.


Kyondame saw this opportunity to change the fighting style a bit. This time, she altered her arm into big bulky arm. Green vessels were shown within the skin With a fist was as big as a bull, she planned to crush her with one blow. However, she jumped right up to stand as she threw her dagger up in the air. Although Kyondame could predict the upcoming move, but she was surprised at what she was doing.


'Hey, can you deliver the message for me?'


Shikihime finally got to hear Verex's voice yet again. She nodded as he whispered through inside voices.


"Hmm, he said that, umm, what was it again?"


She pondered and locked in a thought for a second. It was rather awkward view since she was thinking with a battle stance. She couldn't use hands and gestures to support her if she was actually thinking or not. Few seconds later, she heard the inside voice from Verex again.


"Ah! You, you! he says that it is true that you could see my upcoming movements, but seeing you couldn't do brutal damage to me, he knows that you didn't fully open the second gate. And niether did the girl with the mask. You girls can only see brief of what I am going to do next."


Shikihime's voice was trembling with fear.


"Che, he is one of the legend alright."


Kiiri mumbles as she finally removed her mask. Her true name was Khoinjin Leinchou, Hair that were gathered and pushed all together by mask was unleashed exposing her long majestic hair that ran down to her shoulders. Her eyes were bright yellow, color of the sun. Shikihime was shocked that pretty girl like her could do these violent things. Not one moment to lose, she stretched out her arm backward grabbing the dagger and other bending in front making her elbow pointing at her. She mumbled as she was about to make a dramatic attack.


Zein Myuou: Keitesu Hiyuutsuien (Harmonious Weapon: Glittering Firefly)*


Leinchou was now glittering with lightning. In a second, out of the glitter, lightning that were molded in size of a baseball came out of the lightning that was surrounding her like an armor. When five balls of lightning came out, They went behind her back moving in circular motion. Shikihime panicked as she saw yellow balls moving behind her.


"What the hell is that? Are they bombs?"


Verex did not answer her question because he too did not know what they were. In every Zein Myuou, there is uniqueness to it. Unless it had been seen before, it was almost to comprehend how it worked or what it was capable of.


With that said Shikihime and Verex stood before a girl who had five round lightning moving around thinking wandering what it could do.


'Good grief, this is a problem. Now Not only physical move, but I have to watch out for Zein Myuou.'


It was true that he was waiting for Leinchou to take initiation so that he could study her new technique, but she disappeared from the sight leaving only the dust. Verex looked around, but he could not trace her since he could only see what Shikihime was seeing. Before he could move furthermore, she appeared right in front of Shikihime facing eye to eye. When their eyes met, in each round shaped lightning discharged to zap whatever was in front of her. Five lightning balls discharged all at once to zap her, She was nimble enough to dodge three lines of lightning that approached her, but other two, she couldn't perfectly dodge them, they grazed one of her legs making her trip.


As for Leinchou, she couldn't afford to lose this opportunity. Not a single second to waste, she swung the dagger. This time Verex made sure he would make Shikihime to cross her arms to lessen the damage, However, plan did not go as he planned. Right when her dagger touched Shikihime, she disappeared and appeared behind her waiting to land a first clean strike. She gripped her lightning coated dagger and finally stabbed her in the back.




She did not pull back the dagger out of Shikihime's back, instead she put more strength into her grip to push it more. Dagger went all in her back to stomack. Good amount of blood gushed out as she finally pulled her dagger out. This wasn't all, when she took out the fagger out electricity that was accumulated in the dagger was now transferred into Shikihime's body giving her shock wave.




When her painful scream got out, she collapsed into her own blood as she was electrified for a few seconds. And Kyondame and Leinchou just stared down at Shikihime and finally let out a sigh expressing how they were tired out.