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Isaac walked forward, his body standing tall amidst the dead bodies strewn around. Some and missing limbs and a few had a hole punched through their skull.

Blood dripped from his exoskeleton, making quite the gruesome sight. An unknown abomination covered in blood.

'I should've sampled a bit more of them.' Isaac wasn't opposed to eating the bodies since they died anyway, and because he 'fed', he could feel his wounds sealing themselves.

'So I have a way to heal, but it doesn't seem too powerful. At best it can patch me up, but if I suffer fatal damage, I'd die.'

Isaac looked around and saw a few heat signatures on the ground playing dead, so he ignored them now that they had no will to fight.


Fred shivered, a hand over his mouth to keep him from crying out! The monster slowly moved through the village, as if searching for something.

Christina hugged Fred close to her while having a hand around his mouth, trying to mask their noise.

If they knew that the creature could still sense them, their faces would have been quite ugly.

After a few minutes, the creature didn't find what it was looking for as it scratched the ground with it's sharp claws.

The creature stood on all fours and then leapt into the air, clearing the fence and vanishing into the night.

Christina felt as if a planet had been lifted off her chest, and Fred broke out crying silently.

The two siblings climbed to their feet, covered in blood. Looking at the people they once knew lying stiff and cold on the ground, they both threw up.

"Fred! We have to go!" Christina pulled her brother's arm, dragging him along as she rushed down the path towards the road.

The silent night, lit up by the moon made her very hair stand on end. She couldn't help but imagine the creature hiding in the shadows, waiting for her to let her guard down.

She didn't know when Richard had vanished, but she knew that he was probably the only survivor aside from them. To think that hours prior, she was talking and having fun with the deceased.

"Dead... They're all dead. Sister! They're dead!" Fred cried out, his tender voice echoing in the night. Christina pulled him into a tight hug.

"Sister will find a strong adventurer to kill that beast! Sister promises to get revenge for them okay? But come now, we need to move before something else finds us."

While the plains weren't known for having many monsters, Christina had heard that monsters had a tendency to show up where one least expected.

She and Fred stumbled a few times on their journey to a nearby town, as villages wouldn't be able to help them at all, instead they might just damn the village to die too.

'I promise you all, I won't let that monster die easily!' Christina promised herself with conviction, her eyes burning with sorrow and fury.