I sigh and look past the cloud of white I created at the large building in front of me. “It is getting colder,” I sigh again.
“It is a good thing you have a lovely new cloak then isn't it?” Shiva laughs lightly, “Now weren't you supposed to be inside over ten minutes ago.”
“I really don't want to go,” I sigh yet again as I slowly drag my feat towards the sound of music and voices.
I reach out and twist the nob and a wave of heat rolls out of the hall as the door opens. I step in and quickly shut the door behind me. I ignore the accusing gazes that turn towards me and I take off my cloak, gloves, and scarf and hang them on a hook near the door.
“Weren't you supposed to have an escort?” Marion sounds a bit annoyed, I turn and stick my tongue out at her and she just sighs. I look around and notice that everyone else is already here.
Melodiana is wearing a standard Dargoth dress uniform, with gold and green coloring, that fits her a bit loosely. Markus is next to her wearing a similar uniform, his is just highlighted in browns and reds. Cecilia is wearing a long silver gown with light blue vines embroidered on it, and Andrew is standing nearby wearing a plain black dress suit.
Marion turns to someone standing nearby and whispers to them.
“You mean to tell me that you couldn't find a single person to dance with you with those looks?” Cecilia asks me while looking me up and down.
“Busy, or doesn't do well at dances,” I grumble.
“That's a shame,” she nods her head.
The song comes to an end and I can hear the amplified sound of a glass being rang. After a moment the hall quiets down and I hear the head of the council start to speak.
“Welcome, and thank you for joining us,” he starts, and Marion walks around us and starts to push us into a line, “Tonight we celebrate the soldiers of our city that keep us safe. And tonight we remember and honor the lives of those that gave theirs.”
The room outside is quiet and as he continues, and I feel a knot form in my stomach as I start looking for an escape, “Many brave men and women that have answered the call of valor did not return to their home and loved ones. As tragic as it may be we must remember that it is through their sacrifice that we remain safe. But we must also remember that they will always live on in our memory.”
“Their deeds etched into the history of our city,” He continues after a breath, “Their faces in the hearts of the ones who loved them. These are the means by which we can keep their honor and spirit alive. I would raise a toast to those that are no longer with us.”
There is a resounding 'Here here' from the hall, and after the commotion dies down he continues, “I would ask that you welcome our guests of honor.”
“No,” I say and immediately back away, “This was not agreed upon and I am most certainly not going out there in front of all of those people.”
“I believe it was agreed upon,” Marion nods her head, “At the meeting that almost everybody attended.”
There is a round of applause and Melodiana and Markus walk through the door out into the hall while I protest, and Cecilia and Andrew are close behind them.
Marion slips behind me and starts to push me forward but I dig my heels in and lean back on her at the same time. Unfortunately there isn't anything for my boots to catch on so she makes quick work of shoving me through the door.
I stumble but recover after a step or two, and grudgingly take my place in line next to the others. I turn and look out over the sea of faces applauding us and sigh to myself.
The noise continues for several minutes before it finally settles down, and I spot a large table full of food off to the side. Before I can move towards it or anyone can say anything a woman's voice shouts out above the crowd.
“A murderer lead our loved ones to their deaths.” The hall falls completely silent as everyone looks around for the source of the voice. I can see a small hole in the crowd forming, and I spot a small group of Kitsunes lead by a woman with brown hair.
“She is the one responsible for their deaths,” The woman shouts gain and points at me, I can't get a good look at her face from here, “She is a killer who brings nothing but death to those around her.”
“Now just calm down Mrs. Rainheart,” The head of the council speaks up.
“I will not calm down while you allow Ranarre Cin to stand in front of us like a hero,” She shouts and interrupts him.
The entire crowd turns towards me and I can feel several fearful gazes on me, and I notice several guards move towards the group and start to escort them out as she shouts at the top of her lungs the entire way.
The commotion does little to draw the attention of the crowd away from me as I can see the question on their faces asking, 'Is it true?'
“I do apologize for the interruption,” The head of the council speaks up clearly trying to soothe things over, “And I do hope that you will over look Mrs. Rainheart's display as she lost her son and her grief has clearly stricken her.”
“Now let us begin,” on his cue the music starts again and after a moment the crowd starts to mingle again and separates away from the center leaving room for people to dance, but I can still feel gazes being thrown my direction.
“I'm leaving,” I quietly say.
“Didn't you want to eat?” Melodiana asks sounding clearly concerned for me as she watches me.
I shake my head, “Being watched like this puts a bad taste in my mouth.”
Before anyone can protest further I quietly slip back through the door and quickly move over towards my cloak. I throw a quick glance around and don't spot Marion so I pull my things back on before I step back out into the night.
I look up and in the edge of the glow cast by the lanterns I can see snow falling.
“It is getting colder,” I sigh.
“Well I can think of somewhere with delicious food and a warm fire,” Shiva agrees gently.
I nod my head and walk into the alley and the darkness stretches out to greet me as if to welcome me home.
Yay! A double!
Rainhearts are a constant source of trouble, eh?