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The dull throbbing drags me from my sleep. I yawn and try to wipe my eyes but I can't move either of my arms. I blink myself awake and look at the culprits pinning me down. Iris has, as usual, wrapped around me pressing my back into her chest, and my hand has ended up trapped between her hip and mine.

Maya on the other hand has slipped down trapping my arm between her breasts, she managed to get one of my thighs between hers before Iris wrapped us up, and has been using my breasts as a pillow. I frown at the top of her blond head, and almost like she sensed my gaze she twists her face against my skin.

Remind me ag-,” she interrupts my thought when she lets out a low hum, and smacks her lips around one of my nipples. I jolt and after a moment her soft lips come to a rest and she settles back down, “A good sleeper my ass.”

Aww, how can you say that?” “Shiva giggles, “It looks like she is having a very good sleep.”

That's not wh-” Maya sucks on my nipple this time, “S-she's awake isn't she?” As much as I want to accuse her of knowing what she is doing her steady, slow breathing tells me otherwise.

She could just be an amazing actor,” Shiva whispers. I grunt in response and I gently run my fingers across Maya's abdomen to try and wake her up. Her skin is soft, and she lacks the muscles that someone trained would possess, but it is rather nice to touch. Almost like the high quality fabrics from the desert but i think her skin is definitely better.

She stirs under my touch and her ears twitch when my fingers slip across her belly button. She groans into my breast and twists away from my hand, or at least she tries to but she doesn't release my arm so there isn't a way for her to escape my fingers so I continue to tease her belly.

Her grip tightens on my arm like she knows that it is the culprit and after a little bit more teasing she slowly looks around. She seems to be in a daze but has kept a hold of me so I lean in and whisper, “I need you to let me go.”

It takes a moment but she slowly nods her head and lets out a big yawn before she finally frees my arm and her legs rub against mine. “Stuck~” she drawls out with another yawn before resting her cheek back on my breast and I can only shake my head at her.

I reach over my shoulder and gently probe around Iris's face before I find her cheek and poke on it. She snorts unhappily and squeezes my ribs. “Wake up and release me,” I continue to poke at her cheek.

“No,” she hisses and tries to hide her face against my shoulder.

Oh how the tables have turned,” Shiva laughs.

“I need to go pee,” I make up an excuse to earn my freedom.

“Then go pee,” Iris sleepily tightens her hold on me.

“I can't go pee while I'm pinned between the two of you,” I sigh.

I stretch my neck and look around the room for any form of help, but Melodiana's bed is empty and perfectly made already and I find myself tutting at her.

“Go back to sleep,” she murmurs and plants a kiss on my neck.

“That doesn't solve the problem,” I complain and squeeze her hip. She jerks slightly and after a moment she groans something that I can't understand before she slowly unwinds herself.

I shift and gently drop Maya onto the bed once I am free and I twist and stretch before I pull my leg from between hers. I quickly retreat from the room and on the way out the door I pull a shirt on. I make my way to the kitchen and when I slip through the door I find Leyla standing in front of the counter.

The smell of coffee lingers in the air and as I look around she reaches out for her cup and looks over her shoulder as she takes a sip. “You're up,” she sounds surprised and I shrug at her, “Where's Iris?”

“Still in bed,” I shake my head and sit down on one of the stools. She makes a noise and goes back to chopping up what ever she was working on before I came in.

Leyla finishes making porridge before those two come out of the bedroom so I load a tray up with three bowls and make my way back to the room. When I step back inside Maya is sitting on the edge of my bed while holding a blanket to her chest and still looking dazed, and Iris is still sprawled out like she has no intention of getting up.

“Food's here,” I declare, place the tray onto the game table and start to set the bowls out. Maya slowly drags herself to her feet with a yawn before she staggers in my direction while dragging the blanket along. Iris Stretches out across my bed before she rolls over and makes her way over to the table.

They both rearrange the chairs so that they are on either side of me before they sit down and start to eat. “Did you sleep well?” Iris asks between bites and stretches her back again which pushes her bare breasts into the air.

“I slept fine,” I ignore the rough time they both gave me this morning.

“That's good,” Maya interjects, “Has your medicine been delivered yet?”

“I don't think so. Leyla didn't mention it, and it is still early anyway.” Maya yawns again in response.

“We should take a bath before it gets here then,” she takes another bite, “That way we wont risk it washing off after it is applied.”

“Alright,” I agree with her and Iris nods her consent as well.

I finish my bowl before either of them does so I stand up from the table and they both look at me before they start to eat faster. “There's no rush,” I shake my head at their antics, “I'll go get the water drawn.”

Neither of them seems to listen to what I say so I just make my way to the bathroom and start to fill the tub with hot water. I toss my shirt to the side while I monitor the tub, “How full do you think I should fill it?”

I doubt it will be so full that water will spill before the girls get here,” Shiva giggles. But she proves to be right when they both come into the room not even five minutes later.

I take a look at them and the tub that isn't even a third full yet, “How are we going to arrange this?”

“I'll get in first,” Iris speaks up the fastest, “and then you can sit in my lap and use my body as a cushion and Maya can sit across from you.”

“That works,” Maya surprisingly agrees quickly with a small giggle. Iris looks triumphant before she slides into the bath tub and offers her hand to me.

I don't say anything since the two of them aren't arguing with one another and I climb into the tub and turn around before sitting on Iris's lap. As I sink into the water Maya strips back out of her nightgown and steps over the tub in front of me. From my angle I can clearly see her groin and her hairless pussy is bared in front of me.

She sets her basket of things off to the side and breaks my line of sight by slowly lowering herself so that she is straddling my thighs. She gently puts her weight on me while also resting on her knees and she giggles as she settles in. Iris clicks her tongue but doesn't say anything.

Instead I take a moment to look at Maya's body more. Even though she keeps them partially covered with her hand and arm I can tell her breasts a nicely shaped and middling in size. My gaze moves up and since she is looking slightly down and to the side it shows off her slender neck.

“I'll wash your back,” Iris interrupts my examination and after a second I give her a nod and sit up straight which brings me closer to Maya.

She coughs and goes a bit redder and looks down at my breasts brushing against her arm, “T-then I'll help wash your front?”

She sounds uncertain and I feel my desire to tease her rise, “Was that a request?”


Iris shifts under me and after a moment she starts to rub my back underneath my tails. “Are you going to do it with one hand?” I look down at the hand still hiding her own breasts.

“It's- uhm-” she stammers and stops after a moment but won't meet my gaze and she burns even redder.

“You've already slept naked with us,” Iris sighs at her over my shoulder, “What's there to be worried about?”

“My- they look odd,” she bursts out after a moment and clamps down tighter on her own chest.

“How so?” I gently rub her thigh to let her know that we wont judge her. She bites her lower lip and after a small internal struggle she pulls her arm down and reveals her areola. They are a bit large and are puffy, and her nipples are hidden but don't look strange.

Iris rests her chin on my shoulder and looks down but she doesn't say anything either. Maya begins to squirm under our gaze and her hand splashes water as she hides her chest again, “See, they're strange!”

Did our silence embarrass her?” I ask and feel guilty for not saying anything but I'm not sure how they are strange, “But they look normal.” She shakes her head at me and glances away.

“You are going to have to tell us how they are strange,” Iris tries to gently coax her, “Because I agree. They look normal, healthy, and I can't see whats wrong with them.”

“T-they,” she struggles to say what the problem is so I rest my hand on her shoulder and give her a small squeeze, “My nipples are strange!”

Her voice echos and after a second I reach out and pull her arm back down. She barely resists me and once I uncover her I reach out and stroke at at her chest to see if I can't coax her nipples out. She squeaks under my touch and her spine goes rigid.

I squeeze the tip of her breasts a bit to reveal her nipples but the quick glance I get reveals a normal nipple before she pulls away and hides her chest again. “Is it because they are hidden in your breasts?” I finally ask and after a moment she nods her head, “That's fairly normal. I think about half of my coven are the same way.”

She looks shocked at that and I feel Iris nod her head on my shoulder. “That's completely normal since inverted nipples often run in a family,” she explains while going back to getting my back wet, “And, while they might be a bit rare outside of situations like that, they are perfectly normal.”

“They are?” Maya doesn't seem entirely convinced but she seems to calm down.

“There are varying degrees of how strong the inversion is,” Iris continues to reassure her, “but with how easy Lily was able to reveal yours means you probably have a fairly light case. The only real concern for women that are born with them is if it is a severe case they may have trouble breastfeeding a child.”

Maya looks down at her own chest and pulls her arm slightly out of the way to look again and after a moment she clears her throat, looks away, and in a quiet voice she mumbles, “I-I thought they were strange because I've never seen another woman with them.”

I refrain from teasing her about them further and instead I reach up and pat her head. Her cheeks that had started to cool down turn bright red again and I giggle and lean in, “Didn't you want to wash my front.” I figure it will do better to distract her from her embarrassment.

She wordlessly smacks the water between us to splash it at me and I can't contain my laughter, which causes her to splash more water at me. At the same time I rub a couple of tails that are still mostly dry around Iris to reward her for helping reassure Maya.

The rest of our bath proceeds uneventfully and once we are all finally dry and dressed we go to the sitting room. Melodiana and Leyla are already here and when we walk into the room they both turn and look at us.

“Your medicine and recipe were delivered while you were washing,” Melodiana points a a small glass jar on the table.

I step over and pick the jar up and examine the ointment in it. It looks like a thick white cream and when I give it a swirl it doesn't move at all. Iris picks up the list while I am examining the jar and she starts to read it.

I open the jar and a slightly floral scent escapes the cream. I actually can't identify any other scent in it which means it is probably fairly weak.

That's what you want from it,” Shiva offers her opinion on it, “If the herbs are too strong they can worsen your headaches. Just by the scent and color I can tell it has been expertly mixed.”

That's reassuring,” I nod my head and sit down with the jar in my hand. Since she knew what the initial problem, even if she didn't tell me, it probably means she has encountered the medicine before. “How much of this do I use?” I turn and ask Iris.

She looks up from the paper and gives me an apologetic smile, “Not much but you probably aren't going to like it.”

“Uh-” I groan and I can already guess what she means by that.

She takes the jar from my hand and Maya takes my empty hand in an attempt to reassure me. Iris dips her fingers into the cream and pulls a small amount about the size of a coin out and looks at me, “This is all you need for either horn, but it has to be rubbed in fully or it won't be effective.”

“How frequently?” I grit my teeth and prepare myself.

“Miss Steele recommended in the morning and about an hour before you go to bed,” Iris leans in and looks at the top of my head like she is measuring it, “She also wrote that after a few applications it should get less painful. I'll try to be gentle.”

I take a breath, nod my head, and she leans in and places her fingers near where Marion pressed yesterday. I hiss at the pain the is immediately brought on by her touch and Maya squeezes my hand while I try to bear with it as Iris starts to rub the spot in a small circular manner.

After what couldn't have been more than five minutes that felt like a lot more than that she pulls away and I blink away the spots that I can see. “One more time on the other side,” She whispers gently and I nod my head and let her apply it again.