Story 5.5 Love
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"Shopping, Aquarium, Amusement Park, Beach. They are all public spots and we cannot go there freely so I planned something special for us to do today." Ming Yu and Yi Shen were riding on Mu Meifan's car with her assistant driving, taking them to the place she decided on.

"I already posted that we're out somewhere to have fun. Have you?"


"Where are we going?" Yi Shen asked. He really didn't like the idea of Mu Meifan tagging along to their 'date'. Soon as Ming Yu mentioned 'date', his spirits rose looking forward to Ming Yu's own plans yet not only did the plans didn't come from his lover, there was even a third party following them around.

After listening to the reason behind this 'date', Yi Shen willingly put the slight disappointment he felt to the side and resolved himself to go on a trip with Ming Yu again somewhere else with only the two of them.

An understanding husband was always the best. d( ᵔ▽ᵔd)

"Paintball. Since we're wearing gears and would be running around the field it's really advantageous for us. There won't be too many people crowding on us even if they do find out. In conclusion, we'll have fun, interact with a small mob and gather enough attention."



At this exact moment, Ming Yu thought that maybe he should've planned the date himself  afterall ...

He underestimated the extent of Mu Meifan's tough side.

Couldn't it be at least something less ... struggling. (¬_¬;)

"That sounds fun." The Gong with high stamina and enjoys sweating liked the idea.

"..." Ming Yu held his tongue.

He pulled on Yi Shen's clothes and expressed his unwillingness. His eyes drooped down and his mouth clenched with his teeth nibling his lower lip. Yi Shen already guessed that Ming Yu would act so since he knew that he hated anything straining other than their activities in bed.

He slyly grinned at him and patted his head comforting him. He wasn't giving his wifey the way out. Besides, the idea itself was fun. Trying out new things together was always something to look forward to.

[Admin: Well I am here looking forward to seeing you suffer. ╰(▔∀▔)╯]

Driving to the outer circle of the big city and through the woods, they finally arrived at their destination.

They quickly donned their protective gears and took a selfie together. Mu Meifan posted it gathering everyone's attention and so did the couple.

The moderator explained the rules of the game yet Ming Yu's thoughts were preoccupied with something else. 

So ... heavy ... hot ...

Ming Yu's hate level almost reached it's peak.

What the hell is this ... what am I doing ... why am I here ...

It's so hot. hot. I feel stuffy. heavy.... ugh ...

Unlike everyone else who felt comfortable in their gear even actively posing a cool pose and taking numerous pictures, Ming Yu was still as a statue standing under a roof, status: MELTING. 

He looked at Yi Shen who was right beside him to distract himself. All three of them were wearing helmets and all of their gears were rented yet despite almost wearing the same gear, Yi Shen stood out the most.

He couldn't shake off the image of Yi Shen without his helmet on. The way he looked wearing a dark green camouflage protective top under a black vest and a paintball gun in his arms ...

Ming Yu didn't dare miss the chance to take his photo. Yi Shen noticed this and took the phone to take a selfie together and shared it to their accounts. 

So hot ...

[Admin: Do you mean the weather or someone? (≖ ͜ʖ≖) ]

"..." (¬_¬;)

Mu Meifan who stood beside Yi Shen noticed Ming Yu staring at the man despite wearing masks. She never understood how a person could be infatuated to only one. She never felt her heart beat for someone else nor realized how one can be satisfied with just being around the one they love.

Because of this reason, she's paying extra attention to Ming Yu to solve this mystery. Lovers for her were puzzling.

[02:Host, one of the paparazzi who we leaked our location to should be arriving in 10 minutes.]

That's good. How many are coming?

[02: Only one.]


The fire won't go high ablaze without wood or gasoline so luring a member of the media would be good. The media itself was a competition so of course most weren't willing to share their gathered information. One was enough to write the headlines.

"Ever held a gun before?"

Yi Shen smiled at the question and Ming Yu shook his head since he never did.

Mu Meifan got the chills when he saw him smile but shook it off.

"First game is 'Elimination'." she gave Ming Yu a concerned look. He came off weaker than Yi Shen but in the end so she was wondering how this would turn out. They were guys with good builds so she concluded her thoughts that they can handle it. She played the sport whenever she had the chance so she considered herself as a quite seasoned player.

"We're 10 people on both sides. Don't be stupid and shoot your own teammates, that's embarrassing." 

"Stay close to me." Yi Shen wasn't planning to keep Ming Yu out of his sight.


The rules were simple. Aim, Shoot and Hit. It doesn't matter where you get hit but as long as you did then you are out.

The battle area was limited and for a small team like theirs, they occupied the smallest area. Mu Meifan's assistant walked up the tower together with the moderator to keep an eye on the field. Of course photos were taken since they might be useful later on.


[Admin: yeah?]

It's time to prove your usefulness ...

[Admin: What do you mean by that?! (ಠAಠ)? ]

Be my eyes.

[Admin: You mean the lookout?]

The game started and they all ran for cover.

I'm not moving from this spot.

Declaring this he rested his butt on the ground in a fetal position while hugging the paintball gun in his arms intent on waiting.

[Admin: (ಠ_ಠ)?]

Tell me if someone's close and when to shoot. Thank you.

[Admin:Ah! ( O д O )!] 

Admin never thought Ming Yu would take advantage of him for the sake of doing less.

The field was quite open with 2-5 meter walls placed randomly to use as cover. The tall wooden trees also served to hinder the bullets from hitting their pursued targets making it more reasonable to gather distance and shoot.

Yi Shen was hiding behind a nearby tree waiting for their pursuers to come closer and get a nice range. Patience was needed to get a good shot and the experienced Yi Shen with a gun on his hand was looking forward to shooting the moving targets down.

He had his gun ready, directed at the possible hiding spots yet when he glanced at Ming Yu, he lost his composure and snorted, holding in a laugh.

Ming Yu looked like an abandoned boy in the forest.

Where was Mu Meifan?

Volleys of gunshots rang through out the middle field and Mu Meifan's voice shouting out instructions could be heard. Maybe it was due to the aggressiveness in her voice but the majority of their group started listening to her.

She was ready for war, even her victory laughs rang out whenever she shot somebody down.

It's a good thing the woman didn't have a real gun in her hand.

Minutes passed and Admin detected someone sneakily walk around the field as most of the players were battling at the center. Yi Shen was at his right and this intruder was approaching through the left.

[Admin: Author! To the left! LEFT! Ready your aim! XD]

[Admin: Lie down with your stomach on the ground! Ah!]

Ming Yu behaved and followed. He directed his gun exactly to where the guy was about to appear while waiting for Admin to give the signal.

[Admin: Come out and i'll make a mess out of you hehehehe~]

A second after that, a black shadow passed and Ming Yu opened fire. The enemy didn't expect someone to notice him so soon and was surprised as Ming Yu was quite far away from him. Was his footsteps that loud?! Was his ears that good?!

He raised his hands up and walked into the outer zone indicating that he was hit. 

[Admin: YESSSS!!! (((o(*°▽°*)o)))]


Ming Yu was about to back up when the blinking blue screen wrote out another 'LEFT!'. He waited for the system's prompt and shot the person down after 3 shots.

[Admin: AH YEAH~!!!ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ]

[Admin: (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ ]

[Admin: \(≧▽≦)/]

Spam. Spam. Spam.


The Ming Yu who did a wonderful job was being spammed with victory emojis so he closed his eyes not daring to open them and be blinded by the flashing lights. 

[Admin: i feel like i'm playing those 'games' and you're my damn noob character. (*°▽°*)]

[Admin: Let's do this again?!]

[Admin: This is kinda fun.]

[Admin: Ah! There's two coming to the right! Let's go! Let's go! Take AIM! YEET!]

This wasn't what Ming Yu had in planned ...

Thinking of ways to avoid confrontation, he stood up and walked up to Yi Shen's spot. He took his helmet out unable to endure the stuffiness any longer and breathed out a pleasant sigh. 

"I'm not playing ..." He wasn't having fun sweating.

[Admin: RIGHT! RIGHT! RIGHT! They're about to move! XD]

"The right ... they're coming from the right." He would rather let him shoot as he leads him.

Yi Shen shifted to the left to give Ming Yu more cover. He waited for them to show up and just when they appeared, he shot out. He shot the smaller man on the head yet the bigger man was skilled and the paint miss.

Yi Shen swiftly aimed to regain his advantage but so did he. The two shot out almost at the same time with Yi Shen hitting him first by the neck. The other's paint trajectory was about to hit him in the shoulder when Ming Yu suddenly peaked to look, startled, Yi Shen hurriedly dropped his gun and shielded Ming Yu.

The paintball hit the back of the helmet's edge leaving some blue paint being splashed on Ming Yu's face.


[Admin: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You little smurf!!! (。→∀←。)!!!]

His lover broke free to look at his face  but the concern turned into laughter. The liquid was trailing down to Ming Yu's lip and he was about to habitually lick it when Yi Shen hurriedly pinched him to stop the act.

"Ah!" Ming Yu yelped and rubbed his poor arm. He traced the paint on his cheeks with his fingers before using it to stain on Yi Shen's face yet this revenge only made Yi Shen laugh and silently received this punishment. 

Finishing the stroke to a lovely blue mustache, the two raised their hand together and walked out the field.

The entire scene was taken not only by Mu Meifan's assistant but the paparazzi who arrived 6  minutes earlier.

The players that were hit were now cooling off satisfied by the rush of adrenaline they felt in the first game. Some were drinking cold water and some taking their gears off to get comfortable. 

When the NianShen couple appeared without their masks on, those who noticed squealed and that one deafening sound caught the attention of everyone else.

They were about to go and wash their faces yet the people's excitement weren't letting them leave.

The middle aged woman grabbed the first thing that she could which was her customized gun and a marker to ask for a signature. She was He Yu Nian's fan and couldn't be happier to see him and surprisingly, they were actually from the same team!

Ming Yu felt weird signing on a gun but still did it. When the crowd realized who was together with them, they followed suit and asked He Yu Nian for a signature. Most who asked of it were female players on the field. He either awkwardly signed on their gun, helmet or shirt. The players came here for a gun fight so they pretty much had nothing else to ask a sign on.

Yi Shen wasn't idle and some female fans asked for a photo with the couple together.

The round ended when the moderator spoke through the megaphone. Mu Meifan noticed the small commotion so she took off her helmet. This time, the male players had someone they were more than willing to crowd on, take pictures with and ask for signs.

They all were blessed with this once in a lifetime chance~

Despite the crowd's excitement on meeting these celebrities in person, they came here to play so they somehow calmed down when the second game was close to starting. 

Not only due to this, Mu Meifan also asked their cooperation to possibly upload their pictures when they were done having fun afraid that it'll lure more people and distract them from the game.

Most players here were passed their teens and understood their reasoning even asking the younger players to be considerate. They obliged and took chances on taking more candid pictures or happily chatting with each other.

The couple was finally able to wash their face and went to the lobby to rest.

"Are you in for the next game?" Mu Meifan asked as she was looking forward to it.


"No." Ming Yu didn't wish to participate so he wasn't going to either.

Mu Meifan hummed and drank her water not asking for the reason why.

Yi Shen's phone rang and he walked away to answer it leaving Ming Yu and Mu Meifan together.

She was scrolling through the pictures that her assistant took and couldn't help but stare deeply at the couples pictures rather than herself. Their intimacy was something that seemed to be out of a Drama or the script yet difference is, they were all done naturally.

"How does one know, if you fell in love?" Mu Meifan kept wondering. She was older than Ming Yu yet she was never attached to anyone so after watching the two, this question kept circling around her head.

Ming Yu's interest was piqued by this question and this even made him smile. 

"Sometimes it's clear other times it isn't. You just feel it? There really isn't a fixed answer."

"How did you and Yi Shen ..." Ming Yu didn't need to guess what she wished to ask.

He looked at his fingers and fiddled with his ring finger. There was nothing on it yet but it didn't hinder the warmth he felt when reminiscing about it. By now it would've been the  5th ring he'll be wearing through out this lifetime.

"For me, there was a good reason why I shouldn't be with Shen." His identity as the Author was the shadow that plagued him, never forgetting the fact that he'd written this.

"And I realized I loved him when I didn't care about it anymore." Despite knowing that this world was the world of his novels, this didn't stop the desire for love that went deeper in each lifetime.

"A good reason to not be together huh? That's interesting."

"I won't tell you."

"Stingy." Mu Meifan clicked her tongue but respected his privacy.

The sunlight passed through the clouds and shined on them. She observed Ming Yu's gesture of playing with his fingers, figuring out why he was doing it. She looked up and noticed the slight shadow on Ming Yu's face. Their talk probably brought out something he wished to forget.

Looking closer, He Yu Nian was really a looker. He wasn't the seductive kind but the kind that looks comfortable? When he smiled just now, it was like warmth was radiating out and you simply wish you could see it everyday. He doesn't talk much yet it was that fact that also made him feel comforting.

"You should smile more, it's nice." she blurted out.

"I'll try." At this, he also smiled.

Yi Shen was watching from afar and didn't like the constant stare that Mu Meifan was giving Ming Yu.

He sighed as it was the only thing he could do. It wasn't Ming Yu's fault that people would find him attractive as he himself fell willingly into this honey trap.

But he has no intentions sharing. Sharing? what is that even?

He bought cold drinks from the stand and went back to his seat. Yi Shen politely offered Mu Meifan a cup but that was it. Ming Yu raised his arm to drink yet frowned as the heavy weight of his gear was so annoying.

Yi Shen helped him unfastened the heavy protective vest and the ones on his leg. This care didn't escape the onlookers eyes which made them flush in embarrassment and jealous inside.

Those married pulled their husband to the ground acting as if they themselves were feeling uncomfortable. Their families laughed at this.

"I'm here!" A figure waving his hand to them and it was easy to recognize who it was.

"Dieter." It really was no stranger. The reason he came here was because Yi Shen contacted him this morning. When Yi Shen found out that the date was a people of three, he thought of bringing someone 'lively' to spice up their time. Real reason was to use him as a wall between the woman and Ming Yu.

"Hurry and get ready, the round is about to start."

"Already?! haven't even chatted yet-"

"10 minutes!" The moderator reminded them.

Dieter rush in to the shop and geared up. He himself had done this sport as a past time in Germany so he was no stranger to the rules and even have a few preferred gun to rent whenever he's game.

Dieter dragged Mu Meifan by the arm hurrying up to the team entrance and this made him happy, now spending the time alone with Ming Yu.

He just didn't like the flies, bees or butterflies that flew around him.

"What do you think of Mu Meifan?" Yi Shen asked lightheartedly. Him and Ming Yu were like pickled cucumbers, their love to each other was seasoned and strong. A future without the other, for them imagining was already harsh.

"A daughter." He really wasn't joking.

"Reminds you of Fu Xi?" Their only daughter in their 3rd lifetime.


"But doesn't she resemble Xin more?"

"She does a bit." Her fiery side in particular although with Xin, It would be whenever he's around Yu Hong.

"Do you miss them?"

"A lot." In their 4th life, neither of them bought up the idea of adopting children. It didn't sit well that they were tied to a murder and it didn't let Ming Yu's good conscience to raise a kid while knowing so.

"What do you want us to do?" The decision wasn't all for him to decide for the best thing to hold onto in life is each other. He pulled Ming Yu into a back hug and snuggled close.

Ming Yu sunk into his embrace in contemplation unsure of what to do himself. 

"Don't rush it, we have time."


Making future decisions was never easy.


After having fun, they went out to eat dinner together. 

Dieter was as expected, ate like he never ate for days an vigorously filled his stomach yet a difference would be him sneakily stealing glances at Mu Meifan who also didn't let this meal pass at ate happily.

They do not know what Dieter had witnessed in the battlefield yet the glimmer in his eyes couldn't be mistaken.

Dieter seemed to be interested to the female gangsta.

No, he called her 'General'. A female General.

A dinner well eaten, they each went back to their respected homes. Dieter wanted to crash their place but Yi Shen didn't allow it, heartlessly calling a cab and threw him in letting the driver send him to his hotel address.

While Yi Shen was in the shower, Ming Yu took a paper and pen writing down the list of things he wished to do.

Filming, Marriage, Acting?, Adoptio-

"..." his hand paused as he hesitated to finish writing it.

Ming Yu was lying down on his stomach on top of their bed and Yi Shen sat beside him. He took the pen away and fiddled with it, letting it roll between his thumb and index finger.

"After filming, would you want to go to Germany with me?" He wasn't planning to break his promise with Dieter yet he was unwilling to be separated with Ming Yu for months. Yet he still asked since Ming Yu was showing real interests in acting.

"I'll go. I can take a break."Ming Yu understood that Yi Shen was being considerate for him. He abandoned what he was doing and wrapped his arms around his neck, Yi Shen towered over him and was smiling.

"I've been wanting to talk about this." Ming Yu said.

"What is it?"

"Guo Li Jun, Feng Tingxiao, Yutian, Xu Wan Zhe, Yi Shen. If you could imagine yourself as one person, what will your name be?"

"..." Yi Shen didn't expect for this subject to be brought up now.

"Have you thought about it?"

"No. Then why don't you name me?" Yi Shen rested on his side with an arm lifting his head. He looked down at Ming Yu while tenderly rubbing his face with his hand.

"No. I want you to choose it." If Ming yu was to name him, it would be a tad less meaningful. He wanted his lover to be someone 'original' in a sense. Not a name that he had thought of but name that his husband chose for himself.


"Can't think of anything?"

"I'm not sure if you'll like it."

"What is it?"


"To cherish or valued?"

"Mmn. Aren't I your big treasure? You need to cherish me." he chuckled at his own tiny tease.

Ming Yu wasn't laughing and this made him puzzled. Ming Yu neared him and kissed him tenderly on the lips, gentle and sweet. When the kiss broke off he was startled to see tears at the corner of Ming Yu's eyes.

"Does me having a name for myself moves you so?"

Ming Yu hugged him tight with a smile inhaling the wooden scent that he really liked.

"You feel whole to me now." It was hard to explain.

"What do you even mean by that?"

"It means I love you a lot more now."

"Was there a point that you loved me less?"

"Was there? i don't remember ..."

"Stop teasing me."

Ming Yu grinned and grabbed the notebook he was writing on.

Under the list of things he wished to do he wrote 'XIHAN' and showed it to him.

Yi Shen ... no, Xihan raised a brow and sneaked a hand inside Ming Yu's robe probing his sides which made Ming Yu shiver.

"Did I get it right? You want me?"

"Xihan ..." Ming Yu seductively whispered into his ear.

Xihan couldn't endure this blatant seduction and pulled on Ming Yu's robe.

"I'll make sure you'll scream my name out the entire night so we'll get used to it."

Ming Yu didn't disappoint.

Their love for each other entered a threshold that many never did.

Their feelings seemed to take over them like a storm, with no signs of calming down as they both felt the loud thumping of their hearts that seemed to call out for the other pair.

For the two, their love could be phrased as-

'It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight'

If I know what love is, it is because of you