In The Wake Of The Worldshift (Finale)
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The wall was broken and behind it, in shining light stood three men waiting. Two were clad in leather armor while the man in the middle wore a thick bearskin coat and red silk pants, his thin greying hair glowing in the light and his sunken wrinkled faced doused in shadow. It didn't take Tycon long to realize it was Keo Skyros himself standing before him. The two guards had their blades already drawn but one of them looked familiar. A young man with slicked-back short black hair and a small stubble growing on his handsomely gaunt face. He peered at the man trying to remember where he'd seen him and after a few moments it clicked. 


Keo frowned at the fact that his presence was seemingly unnoticed, Sinclair, however, let out a sinister grin. It was clear the young man recognized Tycon the instant he spoke, his icy blue eyes rested on Tycon's gaze unwaveringly. 

"The mercenary from Selenicar, now resorting to common thievery. Quite a surprise in all honesty," His voice seeped within him like poison. A sound of hollow emotion cloaked by a fake and smiling exterior. 

"You're supposed to be dead," Tycon said, trying to remain firm. 

He was met with an icy chuckle, "Oh, you mean the big man and his female companion? You should have seen his face when I shot her right in front of him. He never even saw me."

Tycon felt his stomach turn and a flame kindle in his heart. He remembered Balin when they met again in Meliora, his face of defeat, how they wept together at Evaline's loss and how it broke him. Then... His death. It was him, the man that stood before Tycon was behind it and he knew that he owed it to Balin to avenge her death. 

For him, for her. 

A gaze of ice was met with one of fire. Tycon clenched his fists white, the flame burning brighter and brighter with each moment that passed. 

"Have I struck a nerve?" Sinclair mocked, "If you were there, I would have killed you instead and maybe they could have lived happily together."

"Tycon, don't listen to him," Sylaina whispered. 

Her words fell silent on him. His inner turmoil boiled as the flame in his heart fell strong and his eyes burned with tears. 

Sinclair tapped Keo on the shoulder smiling, "Look, he's crying. How pathetic."

"I don't care," Keo replied, "I hired you so fucking kill the-"

Tycon flinched when Keo was suddenly impaled by Sinclair's steel blade, his lifeless body falling to the bloody floor with a thud. The second guard didn't get a chance to react before his head was cleaved off at the neck, his body falling next to Keo's. Sinclair looked to Tycon, his icy eyes wide and a long sinister smile was spread across his face. He tilted his head sideways and pointed his sword the three elves. 

"Lucky for you," He started, his smile not leaving his face, "I'm not here to kill you. I'm here for the same thing you are. So don't get in my way."

Tycon didn't immediately reply, he stood still, staring at the floor and trembling in rage. He felt Sylaina's hand grasp his arm but he shook it off. 

"No," Tycon growled, "You're not going anywhere."

"Calm down," Sylaina whispered, her breath on his ear brought chills on his skin.

"You'll die here," Tycon continued, drawing his sword and pointing it to Keo's body, "Rotting on the floor with the trash of this fucking city."

"Tycon, please calm down. Think! We can take him together." Sylaina pleaded.

"I won't let you hurt any of my friends again."

Tycon rushed at Sinclair, screaming until his throat began to burn. He swung his sword harder and faster than he ever had before, letting the rage that burned within his heart flow into his arms. Fighting like a rabid dog, carelessly and with every intent to kill. Sinclair blocked his strikes with ease, still smiling and mocking him with a laugh. Sylaina and Glahir quickly rushed in behind him, their weapons at the ready. 

 "You two stay out of this!" Tycon screamed as he blocked a blow from Sinclair. 

"You're an idiot if you think I'm staying out of this!" Sylaina shouted, joining at his side.

"Me too," Glahir said joining her. 

Sinclair didn't get a chance to speak before the three of them came at him in full force, swords flailing everywhere and the sound of clashing steel filling the silence. Tycon couldn't think, only feel. His motions seemed to happen on their own, his ability to assess and attack completely devoured by his will and a burning desire to kill. He had lost too many people to either death or circumstance. The men who saved and raised him, Balin and Ambre, he'd had enough. He refused to lose anyone else, not Ren, not Sylaina, not Fayne and not Glahir. No more.

He will stop the invasion of Zeke and his followers even if it killed him and the first step was ending Sinclair and getting the gem. 

Glahir threw his sword upward, his strong broad arms produced enough strength to throw Sinclair's blade outward and Tycon quickly slammed his blade hard downward and into his arm, severing it. The sound of the blade clashing to the floor and the fleshy thump of the arm soon followed but Sinclair didn't react. He looked to his stump in amusement, as if the pain didn't hinder him in the slightest. He watched the blood squirt onto the stone brick floor. 

Tycon didn't waste any time and approached him, grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the floor beside his arm, pointing his blade at the man's throat.

"Stop," Sylaina cried, "Leave it."

Tycon snapped out of it, his eyes wide with shock. He stared into Sinclair's eyes and rage boiled up again.

"Why do you care," Tycon snapped, "You were happy enough to cut down anyone who got in our way."

"You said no killing and I'm following your rules, so follow your own."

"This is different."

"Let it go, we have a job to do," Glahir added, picking up Sinclair's blade.

Tycon looked back toward the two elves, they watched him intensely, waiting for him to come to a decision. He glanced back at Sinclair who was breathing heavily. Beneath the smile he could see that Sinclair was in pain, in his eyes he saw a hint of fear. 

"You've been having those dreams too, haven't you?" Sinclair asked between bated breaths. 


"I see it in your eyes. We all had them, Jinx, Grey and I."

The fire of rage within him vanished and he was in disbelief. Up until this moment, he thought he was the only one that saw her. The woman in white by the river bed. He needed answers, now.

"Then you know what's coming. What the gems are for," Tycon sighed, "Why this? All this death?"

"Unlike you," Sinclair coughed, "I'm not afraid to do the worst for the greater good of the world. Keo was a scumbag who stole from the poor and kissed the ass of the king... He got what he deserved."

"And what makes you any different?"

"The end goal. Grey murdered the Duchess because he knew she was going to give the gem to the enemy but it seems they got it anyway."

Tycon blinked quickly trying to make sense of what he was hearing, "You killed him. You killed my friend."

"He would have pursued me to the end of Sciolyn just for some fucking coin," He paused for a moment and cleared his throat, "I take pleasure in killing. Whether it's for the right or wrong reasons, I don't care. I'd be lying to you if I said I didn't enjoy watching that woman die."

"You would have taken the gem for yourself, for your own selfish ambitions. Don't lay there and pretend like you're some fucking hero. You're a liar and a shit one at that."

Sinclair chuckled and coughed, "Yeah, you're right. In the end, I still would have saved Sciolyn and every other continent in the world. I think I'd deserve the power bestowed upon me."

"Maybe, but what you'd use your power for beyond saving the world, to me, means you don't deserve it."

With that Tycon slammed the butt of his sword into his head, knocking him out. Falling limp like the bodies he left on the floor. 

"I'm surprised you didn't kill him," Sylaina commented, raising an eyebrow. 

"From what I heard, it sounded like you didn't want me to."

"No, I didn't, I'm glad you stuck to your word," She blushed, "And I'm proud."

"He's lost his right hand, I think he'll suffer enough without one in a world full of monsters. And if they don't kill him first, the next time I see him, I will."

"I guess that'll have to do," She said. 

"I've already set the thermite charges while you were having your little conversation," Glahir called, "Let's set them off."

They repeated the same process as they had when blowing the wall. The thermite burned bright and the three of them closed their eyes and waited. When the light behind his eyelids vanished and the vault door fell with a loud crack, Tycon opened his eyes to see a room full of chests of gold and an assortment of valuables scattered amongst it. The room was tiled with white marble and the walls double layered in steel. Paintings from the ages long passed hung on the walls, portraits of politicians and kings as well as landscapes and cities.

Tycon guessed they'd be worth a fortune but his attention was suddenly drawn to the back of the room. There was a faint green glow coming from behind stacks of gold and model ships. It had to be the gem, he could feel the warmth emitting from it and he was still nowhere near. Along with it came the dread, the painfully strong feeling of fear. Was it the gem itself or the fear of the power it held? 

Sylaina and Glahir quickly scurried to the gold with bags in hand and began pouring every coin they could within while Tycon slowly approached the glow at the back of the room. When he got there, the feeling was overwhelming. He was almost afraid to touch it. The gem sat on its own, resting carefully upon a marble pillar decorated in gold. So small a thing, seeming insignificant, nothing but a stone. Yet it was capable of erasing a city if it were so much as cracked, capable of blessing someone with magic if cut into the skin, something that many had died for. And there it sat like a simple decoration. 

He reached out to touch it, to feel it's warmth. His hand shook but stopped the moment he touched it. Feeling as if a warm pulse suddenly vibrated within him, he felt alive and awakened, like he was in a euphoric trance. These gems could either save or destroy the world and when he felt its power, he knew that they couldn't fall into the wrong hands. 

Not at all

"Tycon!" Sylaina shouted, "Let's go, we're out of time and our bags are full."

Tycon slipped the gem into the pouch on his belt and turned to follow them, leaving a barely robbed vault and bodies in their wake. He took one last glance at Sinclair who lay on the floor and for a moment, considered finishing him off. The rumbling of steps above stopped him from going through with it. 

Next time, I see you. I'll kill you.

Ren couldn't help but worry as he sat in the driver's seat of the carriage, waiting for the others to return. Fifteen minutes had passed and the dread was beginning to set in. He could hear the distant shouts of guards as they searched for what he could only assume was Fayne. The worry set in more when he watched several guards rush by toward the upper district - Keo's manor. That's when he heard it, the creak of the grate and the jingle of coins. They did it.

He hopped from the carriage and helped the three elves open the grate, glancing around to make sure they weren't being watched. They passed him the bags and he took them and tossed them into the back of the carriage then helped them climb out. 

"How did it go?" Ren asked.

Tycon was silent, looking as if he'd seen a ghost. He made a note to ask him about it when they returned. 

"About as well as you'd expect," Sylaina said climbing into the carriage. 

"That bad huh?"

Glahir nodded and stopped for a moment, "Where's Fayne?"

"I'm... Right here," Fayne said as he limped around the corner.

"Oh shit!" Sylaina exclaimed.

Tycon suddenly snapped out of it and rushed towards Fayne, catching him as he collapsed in his arms. Blood was dripping from his leg and he was grunting in pain.

"He's got a bolt in his leg, help me get him on!" Tycon said quickly.

Ren rushed to his side and the two men raised him into the back, Sylaina, and Glahir catching him and slowly lowering him down until he lay on his back. 

"Ren we have to go now," Tycon shouted as they both climbed into the front. 

 "I know, I know."

Ren slapped the reigns and with a squeak of the wheels, they were off. Ren knew the moment a guard noticed them speeding through the city that all attention would be on them. With all the guards rushing toward the manor he was confident that there wouldn't be any archers posted as they left the city and that gave him a little comfort. The success of this mission now laid on him, if he failed now they'd all be imprisoned or executed. The pressure was slightly overwhelming. At the very least he was glad his plan had worked, despite Fayne being wounded. 

"Make sure your masks are on!" Ren shouted to the back as he pulled his up over his lower face. 

The elves complied and now he was certain they'd be the number one suspect the moment the guards saw them. He worked the reigns, to his own surprise, rather well. Veering around each corner fluidly and fast but not fast enough to tip the carriage over. Sylaina and Glahir, despite the rough ride, began patching Fayne up. 

He saw the peasants of the city wake and peer out their makeshift shelters like shocked deer at the carnage of a rickety wagon moving through the streets. 

The moment we get back, this horse is getting well rewarded, that's for sure.

Tycon seemed unphased by the intensity of the situation. He sat by his side quietly, eyes gazing lifelessly ahead as if the whole world was just a blur and he was lost in a dream. Something happened in that vault, he was sure of it. Was it the gem? Or something else entirely? He knew he didn't have time for answers but he badly wanted to know what was going on with him. 

Fuck it.

"What happened in there?" Ren shouted over the clacking of the horse. 

Tycon suddenly snapped out of it, eyes searching his surroundings as they sped right by.


"What happened in there?" Ren repeated.

Tycon raised an eyebrow at him then quickly returned his gaze to the front, "I don't think now is really the time."

Whatever happened in there, he was glad that at the very least he had his sarcasm intact. 

"You get the gem?" Ren asked after a few moments and dodging guards. 

Tycon nodded, "Yeah, got it in my pouch."

He was glad to hear that, now they were one step closer to being able to end whatever Zeke had planned. They were approaching the gate, the final stretch of all that had been planned. Ren gripped the reigns tight and Tycon grabbed the seat. He could see the backs of the guards that stood posted at the gate, he hoped for his sake that they didn't have any crossbows or bows on hand.

They shot through the city gate and onto the road that led through the plains, passing the bewildered guards before they could react, they had done it. All of them cheered, even Fayne let out a weak roar. All they had left was the trip home and Ren sighed in relief, he was sure it would be a great one. 

The sun was beginning to rise when they returned to the town in the forest. Beams of light shone through the trees and the early morning fog hovered over the dirt. Tycon could smell the morning dew, the earthly scent that he loved. It was not much different to the smell before the rain. Ren pulled the carriage to a halt and they jumped quickly from it, laying Fayne on the dirt, now having a chance to treat his wound properly. The bolt still stuck out his leg, though the pain seemed to have passed for Fayne, he joked and chatted the whole way back. Sadly, he had no choice but to bring the pain back by removing the bolt. 

Tycon studied it carefully. He knew for a fact that a crossbow bolt was much shorter than a standard arrow. What it lacked in length was made up for in force. A bolt went in deeper and harder. If it pierced someone's chest, it could hit the heart with ease, luckily for Fayne, he took it in his calf. A thick muscle that more than likely stopped the bolt from hitting the bone but he wasn't about to assume it hadn't. They had no choice but to remove the bolt, for better or for worse. 

"How's it look?" Glahir asked as he squatted beside Tycon. 

"There's a good chance that he'll be fine. If not and the leg is broken, he may have a limp for the rest of his life."

Fayne's eyes grew wide and Tycon could see the overwhelming fear that suddenly crossed his face. 

"Tycon," Sylaina called, "Alietah is coming and she has someone with her."


She shrugged, "I don't know. An elf, he looks different."

An elf... Different. 

Tycon shot his glance back to Sylaina and behind her was his sister and an elf with slicked-back dark hair and lightly tanned skin. He had a smirk on his face as Alietah followed him. It didn't take long for Tycon to recognize him and a sudden sense of fear shot through him. 


He spread his arms wide and smiled, "Tycon, good to see you. How have you been?"

Tycon scowled, "Cut the shit, I know you're not here for pleasantries."

Zeke's smile disappeared in an instant and he began pacing, not shifting his gaze from Tycon and the others, "You're right, I'm not," He paused and raked his fingers through his hair, "I'm here for the gem, give it to me."

"You're more stupid than you look," Tycon laughed, "What makes you think I'm going to give you anything?"

Zeke didn't reply and Tycon heard several footsteps in the town above. Gazing up, he saw dozens of elves with their bows drawn, pointing not at Zeke, but to him. 

"What the fuck," Sylaina muttered. 

"Give it to me," Zeke repeated, "Or I'll have to kill you and all your friends."

He was confused, hurt and surprised. He gazed at his sister who had her eyes locked on the dirt below, even in betrayal she couldn't muster up the courage to look him in the eyes. After all these years when they finally found each other again, she turned his back on him. He wanted to cry, to give up and leave. He was at a moment of weakness, he could feel it in his bones. The shake of his legs and his sunken heart, he swallowed and glanced at his friends who were visibly afraid.

"Alietah, what the fuck is going on!" Tycon shouted.

"I serve my people, our people," She said, "He offered me a place of safety and a spot in a grand army. The chance to take back our home."

"At the cost of your integrity and loyalty to family, to your own fucking blood."

She was silent, it was clear that this was hard for her. That didn't matter to him, she betrayed his trust, betrayed her own kin for a narrowminded goal spawned in spite. Words couldn't express his distaste for somebody like that. He was sure to let her know exactly how he felt. 

"You disgust me," He said, "How fucking pathetic that you would bend your knee to this trash."

Zeke smiled, "There's no need for insults, Tycon. Give me the gem and I'll let you live."

"No point in living if I give this to you. Not a chance Zeke, you'll have to kill me."

 "Fine by m-"

Zeke let out a sudden breath as he spun to reveal a dagger planted in his back. Alietah stood trembling as she let go of the weapon and took a step back. She double-crossed him and attacked when his guard was down. Sylaina gasped and reached for her bow. The elves above shifted their bows to Zeke. The sudden turn of events gave him some reassurance as he drew his sword with a hiss.

"You bitch!" Zeke screamed and threw his arm, throwing Alietah back into a tree with an invisible force.


Tycon sprang into action. The elves fired at Zeke but he disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared close to Tycon. He swung his blade at him but Zeke spun around him and he felt himself being thrown back into the dirt. Tycon wasted no time getting to his feet and began rushing towards him again only to be met with the same force as before. Sylaina shot her arrow but he caught it, spun and threw a dagger at her, hitting her in the shoulder so quickly, it almost seemed like a flash. 

Tycon knew he didn't stand a chance, yet again. He hoped that somehow Zeke's wound could help him get the upper hand but it all seemed pointless. He disappeared each time the elves above fired, he was aware and watched every single one of them. Tycon was sure he had to know that he was outnumbered and it was only a matter of time before they eventually got him. Was he toying with them? By the look of his face, that wasn't the case. He was enraged and in a bout of fury. He could only imagine what he was capable of. 

When the elves above prepared to fire yet again, Zeke opened his palm towards them then clenched his fist and suddenly they were all frozen in place. Tycon was bewildered at just how powerful Zeke was. It was almost enough for him to accept defeat but he refused. There was no way he would let Zeke get the gem from him, he wouldn't lose it again, not when he was so close. 

Glahir ran over to Sylaina to check on her, she squirmed and groaned in pain, the dagger was planted deep in her shoulder. He hoped she was okay, he didn't have time to worry though as Zeke suddenly appeared before him, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him high in the air, staring up at him with eyes of fire. 

"I don't have time to kill you all, you're coming with me," He hissed. 

Zeke drew a cross in the open air and a bright blue light appeared by his side. Zeke's grip was suddenly lost on him when he heard Ren scream. He didn't get a chance to see what happened, only the sight of the two being thrown within the portal and in an instant, the forest was overcome with an empty silence. 

"Ren!" Tycon cried, "No... Damn it." 

He's gone. 

Tycon watched the space where both Zeke and Ren had been moments before in horror. He was gone, the two disappearing together. There wasn't a chance Ren could take him alone. What if he was already dead? No, he wouldn't believe it, not a chance. He glanced over at Glahir and Sylaina. Glahir had already removed the dagger and he began tearing at his clothes, making a makeshift bandage to at least stop the blood momentarily. Fayne was still on his back, the bolt still sticking from his leg and seemingly oblivious to what had just happened, that, or he was simply in shock.

 He quickly ran over to Alietah who was lying by the tree, shaken and in tears. 

"I'm sorry," She cried, "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, you did the right thing. I'm proud of you." Tycon replied, comforting her. 

She let out a weak smile and threw herself into his arms, sobbing hard and uncontrollably. He held her tight and let her tears soak the arms of his coat. He was glad that she was fine and he was glad that she hadn't turned his back on him. They sat there together for a while in each other's arms. It was over, he had a gem but at what cost. He had to find a way to rescue Ren, whether he was dead or alive, he needed to find him. 

"So what's next?" Alietah asked. 

They sat alone on a bench that overlooked the forest. Both their eyes locked on its beauty, letting the calm sound of the rustling leaves drown out their fears. The pure fresh smell of the air reminded Tycon just how much he took it for granted, especially after Halcyon.

"I need to find a way to rescue Ren."

"He could be anywhere, not even in this world. How do you intend on finding him?"

Tycon thought for a moment, returning them to the dreams he had been having, "The isles in the south. That's where I'll go from here," He sighed, "It's a long shot but I have a feeling I may be able to find some answers there. What about you?"

She shifted her gaze to the floor, her expression somber, "I don't know. If Zeke returns he'll likely burn this place to the ground and killing everyone here."

"Go to Winter's Peak," Tycon suggested, "They could use the manpower and I'm sure the Quee-, Ambre, will welcome you with open arms. Provided you help rebuild the city."

"What makes you think she'll welcome us?"

"Tell her I sent you, I'll write a letter for you to pass on in case she has any doubts."

Alietah thought for a moment then let out a defeated sigh, "I guess we really don't have a choice."

"You have the gold for the journey, carts, food, and water. You'll be safe there, I promise."

She smiled and pulled him into an embrace, "I'll begin preparations immediately. Stay for one more night, besides," They pulled away and she pointed somewhere beyond his line of sight, "Someone else wants to talk to you."

He followed the direction she was pointing to see Sylaina leaning on a wall, tapping her foot and gazing away from them. Trying to appear as if she were simply passing the time, though, Tycon could see right through it, it was clear as day that she wanted to talk to him. 

"We'll speak again before you set off, for now, I have preparations to make."

He waited a few moments until her steps faded away and got up and approached Sylaina, who pretended not to notice him. 

"So you were right," She started, "If I hadn't just witnessed magic before my very eyes, I wouldn't have ever believed it."

Tycon grinned, "I told you so."

"Oh shut it. Did I hear correctly, we're moving to Winter's Peak?"

Tycon nodded affirmatively.

"And where are you headed?" She asked.

"Southbound, to the isles."

She didn't reply immediately, seemingly deep in thought.

"I'm coming with you," She said finally.

"No, you're not." 

"Yes, I am, whether you like it or not. And besides," She threw her hand up, grasping a large bag of coins, smiled devilishly and shook it, the contents jiggling inside, "We'll have my cut, you're not going anywhere broke as a peasant."

"I don't really have a choice do I."

"Nope," She paused and blushed, "On a serious note, I know Ren's disappearance is weighing on you, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. You can't do it alone, not after what I saw, I'm sure of it. 

She was right, but he had lost two friends now. Trouble seemed to follow him like a hungry stray dog and he didn't want anything to happen to Sylaina. He cared about her, he wasn't too proud to admit that.

"Also I'm sorry about the other night, the whole kissing thing. And I'm sorry for acting like a brat, I don't know what came over me. Embarrassment perhaps?" 

Tycon reached out and stroked her cheek, she flinched and blushed at his touch, "It's fine, I forgive you. I just want you to know what you're getting yourself into. What I'm doing is dangerous."

"I know what I'm getting into, Tycon. I saw it first hand."

"Good, we'll set off in the morning. For now, though, you should rest. That wound needs as much treatment as you can get before we leave. It's a rough trip from here."

"I know, I'll head back home in a moment. I just need a minute to watch the forest, to think."

"Of course," Tycon bowed, "I'll see you soon."

The day passed quietly, the aftermath of a sudden awakening of what was really going on. All in the town remained on edge, even when packing their belongings. Tycon checked on Fayne and was glad to hear that the bolt hadn't hit the bone and that he'd be fine. He made a note to let Ren know the moment he found him. Glahir watched Fayne carefully, making sure nothing went wrong and that too much blood wasn't lost. What they had done in a sense was a victory, his first one at that but Ren was gone, to who knows where and Tycon was set and determined on finding him and he knew all too well that it would coincide with the gems in one way or another. 

Tycon slipped the gem from his pouch and ogled it in the sunlight. Feeling its warmth seep down his fingers, within the gem was something he hadn't noticed before, small white glowing circles that intertwined with one another, moving in a continuous pattern. Vibrating the gem with pulses of warmth that spread throughout his entire body. Were the monsters really within? Magic too perhaps? There was something odd about it that he couldn't place. He always had questions, always. 

He arrived outside the place they had used for lodging and took one last look at the forest as the sun began to set. 

I'm coming Ren, no matter how long it takes, I swear I will find you.