Chapter 1 – Reincarnation
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Hello, this is my first ever created web novel. Hope you enjoy this!


3rd POV


The void.

Is the only way to describe this moment.

In that void, a girl with dark crimson hair, with deep blue ocean eyes can be seen floating through the void while mumbling,


"Curse... you all..."


A few Moments Earlier


In the immortal land, there lives an immortal who was the perfection of beauty.

And that immortal name is Rena.

Rena has dark crimson hair with many ornaments sticking to her hair to make her beauty more irresistible.

Her deep blue ocean eye with no sign of light on it makes a cold gaze.

Hence she was known as "Icy Beauty".

She is 153cm tall, which was below than average woman in the immortal world.

Whenever she walks, no man wouldn't throw his gaze at her.

Even the emperor of the immortal world can't help but praise her beauty.

But that's, only the public's view of her.


Few people knew that Rena is a monster hiding in the little girl's flesh.

She was evil and cunning.

All of her plans already made many cultivators fooled to their own demise.

She climbs up through immortality and becomes the strongest Immortal in the land.

All of this, is because of her "Demon path of cultivation" which makes her lose many emotions.

She loves nothing except herself and her own power.

But that's not enough.

She still craving for more power.

Her power thirst was also due to her "Demon path of cultivation" which she wouldn't stop seeking more power until she dies.


The evil girl was living on a floating island with beautiful scenery.

On that floating island, many houses were built, and many people lived there.

But those people only knew the evil girl from the public view.

While doesn't know her true self.


"P-please do have mercy, your maje-"




A man tried to beg for mercy.

But his head was already cut off before he managed to do so.

In front of the dying man, a little girl can be seen gazing at the rolling head with a cold gaze.

She then spoke,


"This room is dirty, clean it"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


Even though she just take someone's life, no emotion shows.

Without wasting any more time, she walks away from the room.


"There's blood on your cheek your majesty". An elder suddenly appears on her side.

"Hnh. Continue"

"The next meeting is gonna start in few hours. We hope for your presence on the meeting your majesty"

"Alright, tell the servant to prepare the sweet on my table"

"As you wish, your majesty" the elder slowly nodded and suddenly vanishes like he was never been there before.

She keeps walking through the hallway while suddenly an earthquake comes.

*tremble* *tremble*

"Hmm? What hap-"

*slam* Suddenly two guards came from the door. "YOUR MAJESTY, WE'RE UN-" *slash* 

"You're too loud..." with a cold gaze, she starts to look at the other guard.

A head can be seen rolling to the other guard. And the guard starts trembling with fear.


"Y-YES, your majesty. The island is under attack!"

"Hmm? Which insect dare to mess with me?"

"I have no clue, your majesty!"

"I see... you can go now and join the others."

The guard's emotion turns 180°. With a happy face, he answered "YES YOUR MAJESTY" and he started to run to the door.

She sighed then say "why everyone is soo.. loud. My ear... is hurt..." with a low voice. 

"I've shown them the consequences they will get if they messing with my island but..." she started to think about her way of doing things.

"Except..." she suddenly stops walking.

Then continue while say "I wish it's just my imagination"

She closes her eyes and put her both hand inside her sleeve then continue her way to the door. When she reached the outside, she titled her head and suddenly a thunder comes with insane speed to her side where the head was on 1 second ago.

The thunder started to explode and leave nothing but ashes on her back

"So it's not my imagination huh..." she then opened her eyes and saw a floating old man with glowing white eyes, a long beard, long white hair, and one-piece cloth that barely close his chest.

Rena's face getting paled "Thor...."

Thor smirked "So you know me, that will make it easier"

"If I may ask, what are one of the gods doing on the immortal world? moreover, the strongest thunder god at that..."

"HAHAHA, I'm here to end your life! PREPARE YOURSELF!" Thor throws another lightning bolt with incredible speed and erases the distance in a mere second.

Rena dodge the incoming attack and start flying "why.... why the gods want to end my life... can you tell me why?" Rena releases her killing intent.

"Humph, fine. You gonna die here anyway. 1 or 2 secrets is fine to be shared with the soon dead person after all"

"Somehow I wasn't happy by hearing that..."

"Happy? Hahaha! The emotionless monster like you can feel happy? Don't make me laugh. The reason why we want you dead is, that you... the future you, will bring us... no, will bring this world a disaster! We cannot let someone as powerful as you live more longer. That's, what we the gods decide..."

Rena still keeps her cold gaze and continues "But I think I haven't done anything enough to endanger this world, am I? So there's no ne-"

"Did you forgot I said the (future) you gonna endanger us all... not the (present) you. We the gods know what will happen in the future..."

Rena still keeping her cold gaze then sighed "looks like there's no other way except for me to kill you and survive".

Rena claps her both hands in front of her chest then a black circle coming out from behind her and her eyes changed. From deep ocean blue eyes changing into glowing dragon's golden eyes with red line come out from her eyes into her skin. Two horns coming out from her head and black wings coming out from her back. Rena let out a small breath that was covered in blue fire. Then she placed her left hand on her back while her right hand covered her face. She let out her biggest grin she ever had then glared at him like she glared at an insect.

"I... the strongest immortal... WILL FIGHT YOU UNTIL HER DEATH!" she suddenly vanished and appear behind him. Rena thrust her hand to grab his soul. Thor smiled then say "Fool..."

Thor dodges her attack in an instant then punches her to the face while electricity seems to flow from his punch.

He followed with another punch but got blocked by her wing.

She opened her wings then suddenly a black sword appeared from her hand and trying to slash him.

Thor saw that and prepared his lightning sword then blocked her attack.

They exchange slash after slash with insane speed.

The tree, grass, stone got slashed everytime they exchange slash.

Thor blocked her attack then suddenly got a kick on his stomach. 

The grip on his sword got weaker. Rena saw this and kicked his hand.

Finally, his sword was already gone from his hand. Rena didn't miss the chance and slash him with her sword. Thor only managed to avoid a few of her attacks because of how fast her attack was and got a few cut wounds on his body.

Thor vanished and appear far away from her.

Thor chuckled "As I expected. You are dangerous. That's why... (We) decide to eliminate you"

Suddenly gate after gate starts to spawn behind Thor's back and reveal an old man with a white cloth. Many of them.

Rena's brows getting sharped "So you decide to gank on me besides fighting one by one huh... can you tell me... where's the pride on that. WHERES YOU GODS ' PRIDE ON THAT!" 

Some random god started to speak "If it's for the better future, we will do anything to gain that future".

"Bulshit!, Haaaaaa!!" Rena begins her charge to the gods.... and so the gods.




The fight has last for 4 hours. Rena has lost her life many times but her legendary tools saved her life everytime. And the legendary tools now have reached their limit.

The fight was not fair, Rena was alone. Even though her power can rival one of the strongest gods, it's no use if you face many of them at once.

And so, Rena was laying on the ground coughing blood and covered her clothes with her blood. There are no casualties landed on the gods. Because of how powerful they were if on a team.

"So this is how I die huh, you gods are cowards. Ganging on a little girl with no power. Really, a bunch of cowards". Her wings were ripped, her horns were snapped, blood coming from her right eye. No more legendary tools, no more power left to lift her tiny hands.

One of the gods starts his speak "As the Thor said earlier, the future you was dangerous. So we decide to end your life before you become unkillable"

Rena only answer him with a cold gaze

Big thunder suddenly appears on Thor's right hand. Big enough to rival his mighty height.

"Rest in peace you demon" when Thor is about to release his thunder, one of the gods screams at him "WAIT!"

He was the god of reincarnation. He somehow feels a similar feeling from the soon-dead little girl. And asked Thor to wait while finding out what the soon-dead little girl was hiding.

Rena let out her small grin "too... late... you.. mo..ron. HAHAHA! *cough* *cough*".

A magic circle appeared on her back while the gods getting paled.

"God of reincarnation! What's that! Answer!" Some god starts screaming in panic.


"Hahahaha! *cough* do you think I will end like this? NO! *cough* I... will reborn, and will plan my revenge while hiding in the darkness and slowly and slowly gain more powers and BECOME MORE POWERFUL TO KILL YOU ALL*cough* *cough* *cough*AHAHAHAHA!".

Panic has started on the gods' side "Can you do something about that? God of reincarnation. That's your specialty if I wasn't wrong!".

"Yes, Art of reincarnation is my specialty. But she has activated the Reincarnation, I can no longer do something about it. Except..." The god of Reincarnation paused.

"Except what?!"

"Use the Authorities that have given to me and change its location of Reincarnation". 

"Then use it quickly!"

"I think you all forgot what will happen if one of us uses our authorities on either mortal or immortal world.."

"So what! Do u prefer the heaven got destroyed? or save it while it can?!"

"Keough!" the god of Reincarnation start confused about what decision he should take.

"Don't worry, we will take responsibility with you, so do it quickly!"

"Argh, you really a pain in the ass aren't you, demon!" The god of Reincarnation starting to chant.

"Oi... what... are you-"

The god of Reincarnation's eyes glowed "I, The God of Reincarnation, Adon, will use his Authorities and Punish this Immortal that stands before my eyes!" 

The magic circle's color changed



Soon, the big explosion follows after that.




Everything has gone. Neither Rena nor the Magic circle. Like there was nothing there before.


And thus, Rena has Reincarnated to the Earth...