Chapter 12 – First Mission
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It was a beautiful night. The night where people were asleep while didn't care about a single thing that happened around them.

Amari Touya POV

"Touya-Sama, the preparation is ready"

I give him a nod and prepared myself.



'As the information said, he often goes to the bar to relieve his stress. And now, is the right time is what my master said but...'

5 Hours Earlier

The Headquarters, main base we discussed the plan about to rise to the top.

Recently, one of our subordinates asked my master, why don't we rise to the top of the mafia branch?, and when he gives her the reason, she suddenly accepts the suggestion, and now, we discussed the plan.

'What did he tell to make my master accept it that easily... I'm curious... tough, now it's not the right time for that. For now, let's just listen to my master's plan'

"Ehem, Listen, everyone, my plan to slowly rise to the top is, we need to slowly, eliminate all the council members. Tough, I can just destroy their building and everything is done but... Many reasons and I wouldn't do that. Also, it's not a proper way to rise to the top" my master said while giving off the underground boss vibe.

'Whaaaaa master is cool' I keep staring at my master while smiling.



"You're creepy..."

'Ahhhh that disgusted expression is also coooolll' 

"Anyway, now that I want to test you guys' loyalty, Tonight, attack one of the council members named, Hibiki, at the ***** district bar place"

'Assassination huh... I'm used to doing it solo but, I never doing it in a group'

My master gives us a faint smile and said "can y'all do it?" then titled her head.

"What are you talking about boss, of course, that job is easy for us mafia!"

"Hnn... I don't need a word. What I want is the result. Understand?"

"YESS BOSS!" We answered at the same time.

"The leader of tonight's attack is my right hand, Amari Touya. Listen to his orders, no question asked. Now go"


"Umm, before we started the plan boss, how can kill all the council members made us to the top between mafia?"

"Good question. What I'm planning to do first is, to make our name spread~ to the world. That's why, every time we killed one of their members, always spread this card" My master handle us a card that writes our group name, 

[Abyss Walker]

"Abyss... Walker..." We all said at the same time.

"Yes, when our name was spread to the world, then we'll move to the next step"

"That is?..." Bob asked while gulped 

"Fufu~ I'll tell when our first step is already achieved" my master smiled at us.

'Do master always this cute?'

*clap* "Anyway, that's the plan. Now go"

"YES, BOSS!" We all answered at the same time.

Current Time

I'm checking if everyone was prepared for tonight's battle...

'Tough, it's just a 1 sided battle... Our side is a mafia, while the other is a normal civilian with no weapon and else'

'I shouldn't think about something unnecessary. For now, I should focus on the mission my master gave to us'

I give them a nod then say "Everyone, tonight, we gonna do our first job as a mafia. Do not forget our objective. Don't be too focused on others while our main target run away"


'Ugh, I think I can't get used to this...'

"Let's go," I said and open the door of our van. One by one, we out of our van with a gun in our hand heading to the inside of the bar.

At first, I thought this is gonna be an easy mission but,



We quickly hide on the opposite wall. And when I realized what happened, one of our members has died.


"Chief, looks like the information was true"

'Information?!! IS THERE A TRAITOR IN OUR GROUP??!!'


'Looks like this mission is not gonna be an easy one...'

Rena POV

"Oh, I think it should be the time they were meeting. Fufu~ now let's~ see how far will you go... My cute slave~ fufu~*grin*"