Letter 4 – 10/15/1977
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Dear J,

Yes, we’re allowed to watch television here. This is a school, not a prison. I knew as soon as the episode started that you would love it. You always did have a love for those types of stories, with love and those who just want to be happy in a mean world. Speaking of stories you love, the drive-in just ten minutes from school is doing  Universal Monster screenings all through October. Do you remember when the drive-in over in Pendleton had the Bride of Frankenstein and Dracula’s Daughter double feature two Halloweens ago? I’m sure you must, I hadn’t seen you that excited in years. I think you spent two whole paychecks on seeing those movies almost every night. I certainly didn’t understand your desire to watch any movie that much, especially a monster movie, but I have no desire to see a movie again while I can still remember the plot. However, that’s beside the point. You should come and visit this weekend. We can head to the drive-in, catch a movie, and I can show you around the town. 

I really do hope you can manage to come here. There are so many people I want to introduce to you and so much I want to show you in town. I know you’ll love it just as much as I do. If you can manage to convince your Ma to okay it, we have a spare bed in the dorm you can stay the night in. If you’re not comfortable sharing a room with me or your Ma says no, it’s okay. I just want you to know that the option is there. If you can spend the night up here, I can even introduce you to the group. We meet at eleven p.m. on Saturdays, which is why I can only introduce you if you stay the night. That’s the only way to keep everyone safe, unfortunately. I’ve mentioned you before, all good things I promise, and they would all love to meet you.

I know that this might come off as too much, but I just really think that you meeting the group would do everyone a lot of good. Most of them are from big cities and have no clue what life is like without sidewalks everywhere. You could really help me open their eyes to the life of most people. Also, I think you may be interested in meeting Sarah, one of the group regulars, on a more frequent basis. I know you swore off dating after the homecoming incident, which I remind you it was not your fault that she reacted that way, but I think you two would really be great together. I’m not trying to set you up, I swear. She just reminds me of you and I know you’d hit it off. If you just want to keep her as a friend, I’ll be happy. You need to talk to someone besides me J.

I still talk to Mike, well we write to each other, and he’s worried about you. I’m worried about you too. He hasn’t seen you at the UDF or Kroger in weeks. Are you having another episode like last summer? I remember how bad that was J and how hard it was to pull you out of it. If you say you’re not, I’ll take your word for it. If you are, I’ll be on the first bus back. You know I will be. I want to help you J, but I can’t if you don’t tell me what’s happening. 

With love and concern,
