Chapter 11 – Prank Time
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"So," I said, staring at Fred and George with astonishment. "you've got a map of Hogwarts which shows you where everyone is? And this parchment - talks to you?"

"Yep." Fred said proudly.

"All you have to say is-"

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!" Fred grinned, tapping the parchment with his wand. How very fitting ... Black lines began to spread out from his wand tip, and it formed a map. It was true. It showed every secret passageway of Hogwarts, and tiny labeled dots moved about the map.

Then words began to blossom at the top of the map, saying in great, curly green words:

'Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers

are proud to present


"Wow ..." I breathed. "Well, we ARE magical mischief-makers, aren't we? And look, there's Draco Malfoy ..." I had spotted his dot moving around near Gryffindor tower. What was he doing there?

The twins looked at me.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"Oh, nothing, Daisy, nothing at all!" They chorused, smirking.

I glared at them.

"All you have to say when you've finished with it is 'Mischief Managed!'" George said, tapping the map. At once it went blank.

"Otherwise anyone could read it." They said.

"But!" Fred said. "There's also a little something." 

"Yes!" George said. "It talks ..."

Fred tapped the map. "Are you okay today, Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs?"

"They seemed just a tad pissed at something the other day." George explained, sniggering, to me.

Then more curly green lettering blossomed on the parchment.

'Mr Moony would like to share that he is feeling quite well today, but advises Mr Weasley to ask himself the same question.'

I snorted. "Oh, burn!"

'Mr Prongs would like to register his astonishment that Mr Weasley can even say a proper sentence without people thinking that he is insane.'

"LOL!" I spluttered. 

'Mr Padfoot would like to say that being a Weasley must be very depressing, as nobody can possibly take you seriously with that hair of yours.'

At this point, I was rolling on the floor laughing.

'Mr Wormtail bids you a good day, and advises you to dye your hair, as it is very striking and much too distinguishable.'

"Now that was just NASTY!" George looked shocked, though Fred was grinning.

"Please ... stop ... imma ... wet ... myself ..." I whimpered, helplessly laughing on the floor, tears pouring down my cheeks.

We were in a secret passageway, the one behind the mirror on the fourth floor.

"Let's go find Terry, shall we? He's in our clan too, he needs to know about our precious Map." George said.

"Where exactly did you guys come across this map?" I asked as we walked towards Ravenclaw tower. I knew where it was, I had done a bit of exploring, and using Terry's tips, I had found the entrance: a door with an eagle-shaped knocker on it.

"Well, when George and I were first years, young, innocent, and carefree-" 

I snorted. Fred, George, innocent? Can't imagine it.

"We had dropped a Dungbomb in a corridor - this very one, to be precise." Fred stopped, looking around. "Ah, the old days. Anyway - it upset Filch for some reason -"

"-And he dragged us off to his office." George said.

"So he was threatening us with the usual - detentions, hanging us by our ankles from the ceiling -"

"When we couldn't help but notice a drawer marked 'Confiscated and Highly Dangerous'." 

I started to grin. Oh, no they didn't ...

"So George created a diversion by dropping another Dungbomb, I whipped open the drawer and grabbed - THIS."

"We don't reckon Filch ever found out how to work it. He probably suspected what it was, though, or he wouldn't have confiscated it."

"This little beauty's taught us more than all the teachers in the school." Fred smirked. "It's the secret of our success."

"Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs." George sighed. "We owe them so much. Noble men working tirelessly to help a new generation of law-breakers."

We reached the entrance to Ravenclaw tower. I grabbed the knocker and knocked once. The door said, in a clear, high woman's voice, "If it's information you seek, come and see me. If it's pairs of letters you need, I have consecutively three. Who am I?"

I gazed at Fred and George.

"Hmm ... what do you think, boys?" I asked, stroking my non-existent beard.

Fred tapped his chin. "I dunno." 

George just looked confused.

"Well, I think it's a bookkeeper." I said, turning back to the door.

"Nicely answered." The voice said, and the door swung open.

"Wow, Daisy!" George said.

"Why aren't you in Ravenclaw?" Fred asked, awed.

"'Cause I'm more brave than clever." I winked.

"Daisy? How'd you get in here?" Terry asked joyfully as I sauntered through the doorway.

He rose up from an armchair where he was sitting with Anthony, Michael, and Amy, and hugged me. The Ravenclaw common room looked exactly like he'd described it.

"I answered the riddle, of course." I sniggered. 

"Come on, quickly, before snobby Penelope comes." Terry muttered, shielding me from view from the common room, and we hurried out the door to Fred and George.

The twins showed him the map.

"So, let's get pranking, then!" I grinned. "But first, let's get Peeves."

Half an hour later, and the twins, Terry, Peeves, and I were running and swooping around the school, pelting students and teachers alike with Dungbombs! Nobody saw that it was us (well, no teachers, anyway) but I bet they suspected it was us!

I quite kindly avoided hitting my brother with them, but I hit Ron with them!

Then I saw Draco around the corner. I hesitated in my Dungbomb-throwing.

"Look, if you're going to hit me with them, go ahead." Draco said.

I lowered my Dungbombs.

He looked sad. So of course, I asked, "Are you alright?"

Then Draco came running at me. He flung his arms around me and just stood there, hugging me so tightly I nearly couldn't breath. I hesitantly put my arms around him. What was with that?

He looked down into my eyes. My green ones stared up into his grey-blue ones.

"Sorry, I just ..." He muttered. "Felix, he ... I gotta go. Sorry!" Then he sprinted off down the corridor, his cheeks pink.

But before he rounded the corridor, I swear I saw him glance back longingly at me.