Chapter 14 – Quidditch
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Terry's POV

"Hey." I greeted my friends as we all met on Saturday morning in the Ravenclaw common room.

"Hi." Michael Corner said.

"Hello." Anthony Goldstein groaned. I sniggered. He was NOT a morning person ...

"Hey!" Amy said brightly, bounding over. She, on the other hand, was a morning bird.

"Let's go down. Daisy and Harry need our support." She beamed.

It was the morning of the first Quidditch match of the season. It was Gryffindor against Slytherin. We were all for Gryffindor, of course.

We all trooped down to the Great Hall. Daisy was already there at the Gryffindor table, with her head in her hands. Harry was a delicate shade of green.

"Daisy, c'mon, you have to eat something." Hermione said.

"Yeah." I said, slinging an arm around Daisy's shoulders. "Seekers get fouled the most, so you need your strength to foul them back."

"Thanks a lot, Terry." She muttered.

I couldn't bear the idea of Daisy being fouled. She's so small and delicate looking, she'd probably get knocked off her broom if a big gust of wind came. I dread to think what would happen to her if one of them Slytherin brutes whacked a Bludger at her, or if they 'accidentally' hit her with one of their bats, or if she got knocked off her broom really high up in the air- 

Stop it, Terry. She's skilled. I'm sure she can handle herself.

The thing is, I'm worried about her. Gryffindors and Slytherins have massive conflict. 

And ... I think I have a crush on her. I mean, I feel really overprotective about her, it's weird. And I want to really hurt anyone who hurts her. She's always on my mind. I want to be with her all the time, just to hear her laugh, to see her smile. And I, when passing a broom closet with Daisy while wandering the corridors, I just have this really strong desire to drag her into it and snog her. So yeah. 

Anyway. Seamus was telling Harry about how he'd need his strength, Chasers get fouled a lot, too, Hermione was still trying to coax Daisy to eat, Ron was trying to persuade both of the twins to eat, and I was sitting here with my arm around Daisy. It just felt so RIGHT.

"It's time to go." Daisy said, standing up. I withdrew my arm, reluctantly. I saw Fred and George wink at me then look pointedly at Daisy as they entered the hall.

I flipped them off, my face burning. I'd told them about my crush on Daisy about a week ago.

"Daisy, you'll be brilliant." Fred said to Daisy. "You too, Harry."

"Yeah, don't worry about it too much, twins. You'll faint!" George added, and they grabbed some toast before following us outside, sniggering.

"Oh, great." Harry said sarcastically, putting an arm around Daisy as she turned pale from George's sentence.

"Hey you, Potter twins! We'll be running underneath you holding mattresses!" Felix Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson strode past, smirking. I'll kick their asses if they say anything else!

"Shut up!" I called after them as Daisy and Harry drew closer together, now looking even more pale, but determined. 

"Good luck!" I called to them, as both sets of twins headed towards the changing rooms. Daisy gave me a small, fleeting smile before entering the small Gryffindor building at the Quidditch pitch.

Hermione, Ron and I got seats. About half the school was already there, and the rest were filing in. 

"Fancy meeting you here." A drawling voice said from behind us.

Draco Malfoy.

He and his friend, Blaise Zabini, were sitting in the row behind us.

I rolled my eyes and faced forwards again.

"Going to ignore me? Well, alright then." He sneered, but thankfully didn't say anything else.

Daisy's POV

What was I thinking? What the hell was I thinking?! I can't fly, I can't play Quidditch, not in front of the entire school, I can't catch the Snitch, what the hell was I thinking?!

'Calm down, Daisy.' Harry sent me a message. 'It's going to be alright.'

'No it isn't!' I fretted. 

"Daisy, why so tense?" Fred said, noticing me shaking.

"You'll be fine!" George added.

I finished fastening my red and gold cloak, and sat down, still shaking slightly, on one of the benches.

The twins sat on either side of me and threw their arms around my shoulders.

"We're in it to win it, bud!" George said.

"We've seen you fly, we're sure to win!" Fred agreed.

"C'mon, Daisy." Harry said quietly. "We can do this."

There was silence for a few moments as they each tried to think of something else to cheer me up.

"Think about Floppy and Pratinson's faces when we win." Fred said, looking at me with a small smirk on his face and nudging me. 

Against my will, my face spread into a grin.

"That's the spirit!" George and Harry said together, and looked at each other with surprise.

Oliver came in with Angelina Johnson and Katie, who were the other Chasers. 

He gave us all a pep talk, but I didn't really listen. I COULDN'T listen. I was too busy focusing on the cheers outside.

Unfortunately, we all had to go outside eventually. We meandered out at what seemed to me a much too fast pace onto the Qudditch pitch. A banner fluttered up ahead that said, 'Potters For President'. Hermione, Ron, Seamus, Neville, and Dean had made that. Suddenly, I felt a little braver.

Harry grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I squeezed back.

Madam Hooch said something or other, Oliver walked forwards, shook a Slytherin guy's (Flint?) hand, and we all mounted our brooms when Madam Hooch told us to. Well, I followed what everyone else was doing. I couldn't hear anything.

A whistle blew in the distance, and we all took off. Harry gave me a fleeting grin before taking off with the Quaffle.

I flew high, and kept out of the action. I wanna be in the action ... but Oliver said that the best way to not get fouled was to keep out of it, and I do not wanna end up in the hospital wing! 

But this isn't as bad as I had thought this morning. I scoured the pitch for the Snitch, but there was no sign of it. Yet.

A Slytherin knocked a Bludger towards me, and I rolled over so that I was upside down on my broom, and the Bludger soared over me, avoiding me by an inch.

George pelted after it. "Nice trick, Daisy!" He called to me as he whizzed past me.

And out of nowhere another Bludger came at me. I dodged it, but it came whizzing around again in an arc unexpectedly and crashed into my foot just as I rolled over again.

"Fuck!" I cursed.

Fred came shooting towards it. "You okay, Daze?" He yelled as he sent it towards Flint, who had the Quaffle.

"Yeah!" I called back. My foot felt like the bones in it were broken or something, though. It felt like it was on fire!

The Bludger hit Flint, causing him to drop the Quaffle and Harry to snatch it. He soared towards the goalposts - and then - he scored!

I did a triple loop-de-loop.

"And Harry Potter of Gryffindor scores! Ten points added to the Gryffindor total ..." Lee's commentary faded as I resumed my search for the Snitch.

Draco's POV

Daisy was flying around up there like she'd been flying all her life. She's so amazing!

Her black curly hair flew out behind her as she soared above the other players, the perfect image of a heroine ...

She's my heroine. Both in the sense of a hero, and of the drug.

Hagrid, the gamekeeper oaf that Daisy, unfortunately, likes, was sitting in the row in front of me. Not directly in front of me, thankfully, so I can see the game. Boot, Granger, and Weasley were also sitting in front of me.

But I've got to make an effort with them. For Daisy.

"Wait a moment ... was that the Snitch?" Lee Jordan said in his commentary.

Daisy and Higgs, the Slytherin Seeker, raced towards it, but Daisy was faster - I don't know if that makes me panic or feel happy - I think it's feel happy -

Then, suddenly, Marcus Flint smashed into Daisy, sending her veering off course.

"Foul!" The Gryffindors roared with rage. I roared with rage along with them. 

"Calm down, Draco. You're a Slytherin, not a Gryffindor, shouldn't you be laughing that Potter got hurt?" Blaise smirked.

"No." I snarled. "You shouldn't be laughing either." I added with venom.

Blaise stared at me for a moment. "Alright." He said finally.

Dean Thomas of Gryffindor was yelling, "Send him off, ref! Red card!" 

"This isn't football, Dean." Weasley told him. "You can't send people off in Quidditch - and what's a red card?" 

Jordan was obviously finding it difficult to not take sides.

"So - after that obvious and disgusting bit of cheating-"

"Jordan!" Growled Professor McGonagall.

"I mean, after that open and revolting foul-" 

"Jordan, I'm warning you-" 

"All right, all right! Flint nearly kills the Gryffindor Seeker which could happen to anyone, I'm sure, so a penalty to Gryffindor, taken by Potter, who puts it away, no trouble, and we continue play, Gryffindor still in possession." 

I resumed watching Daisy. She was now flying one-handed, one hand clutching her broom, the other holding her foot. She must have hurt it when that Bludger smacked into it, and now it was hurting worse because Flint crashed into her. Oh, I'm going to kill him ...

Then, I saw her broom start to jerk. What on earth was she doing?

Then it started to jerk even more, and zig-zag around the pitch. Wait ... that can't be her doing that, she's not stupid! Anyway, why would she do that, for heaven's sake?! Someone's jinxing the broom! 

I looked around at the Slytherin team members. Who could be doing it ...

Then the entire crowd gasped. Daisy's broom had given a very big and sudden jerk, and Daisy swung off it, holding on by only one hand!

Harry Potter stopped playing, and immediately soared over to help her back onto her broom. But her broom jerked away from him. He tried again, but this time to pull her onto his broom behind him, but she suddenly jerked upwards again.

Fred and George Weasley tried to help, trying to pull her onto the back of their brooms, but every time her broom jerked upwards.

No! You idiots! She's just going to jerk up further into the air if you keep on trying to save her! Leave it, and ... oh, I dunno, I expect that I would be doing the same thing if I were up there ...

The three of them settled for circling around underneath her, ready to catch her if she fell.

What if she fell? What if the broom gave another sudden jerk, she was thrown off, and they couldn't catch her?! This can't be happening! 

I felt myself start to panic about Daisy.

Blaise poked me, smirking again. "What's up, Draco? You actually look pale. And you're all sweaty and you're shaking."

I ignored him.

"Surely you're not worried for the girl?" He said with an amused expression. "She's a Gryffindor, she deserves to die."

I swung round in my seat and punched him in the face. He jerked back, clutching his now bleeding nose. "What the hell, Draco?!"

Then I heard a whisper of, "Leave it to me."

Then Granger left. Where was she going?

It was all happening so quickly. Then, the broom gave one last jerk - 

And suddenly, Daisy was falling, falling through the air ...

Fred Weasley caught her, and in one swift movement, she was on the back of his broom, her arms around his waist.

I felt myself sit back shakily in my seat. I was so scared! I think I have a crush on her. I just want to be with her everywhere, making her laugh, making her smile. I can't bear to see her suffer or hurt, it actually makes me feel PAIN. I want to hurt everyone who hurts her, I want to snog her everyday, but if she likes, and wants to be with someone else, I wouldn't care. I just want her to be happy. 

I'm in love with Daisy Lily Potter.

Daisy's POV

Phew! I thought I was going to die there!

I was sitting on the back of Fred's broom behind him, my arms around his waist. 

"You alright?" Fred turned his head slightly, grinning at me, but I was surprised to see that his face was paper white.

Then I saw that George and Harry were the same.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"There goes your broom." Fred said to me.

My broom was falling through the air above us. Then, just as it was about to pass us, I took a leap.

There were horrified gasps ringing through the stadium as I fell through the air. But they turned to admiring whoops as I landed vertically on my broom, twirled on it, then righted it so that it was horizontal again.

My broom was back to normal. Yay!

"Neville, you can look!" I heard Ron shout in the crowd below. I didn't realise I was so close to the stands ... eh, whatever.

Neville appeared to be sobbing into Hagrid's coat.

Then I saw it - the familiar glint of gold - and suddenly I was speeding towards the ground, but I was going faster than I anticipated - and I landed on the pitch on all fours - my foot was on fire - and I spat something into my hand - the Snitch!

"I got the Snitch!" I yelled, waving it around - and the game ended in complete confusion.

Harry, Fred, and George landed near me. Ron, Hermione, Terry, and Draco were running over to me from the stands.

"Nice one, Daisy!" They were all yelling, except for Draco.

"We've got to get you to the hospital wing." He told me. He didn't look sad that his team lost ... in fact, he looked sort of ... happy?

I stood up, tried to put weight on my foot, felt myself turn pale, then crumpled back to the ground again.

"Okay, you obviously can't walk there." Fred said, and he swooped me up into his arms bridal style.

"Fred!" I squealed, and, laughing, we all set off for the castle.